Saints Row Wiki

ZinTek Force Shield is a Temporary Weapon in Saints Row IV.


The ZinTek Force Shield acts the same as the Riot Shield in Saints Row: The Third. The Zin are the only ones to use the ZinTek Force Shield, and drop it upon death. The shield will block super-takedowns from occurring. The Inflato-Ray will bypass the shield, and it can be disintegrated with the Disintegrator. Additionally, using telekinesis on a Zin with the shield will take the shield, not the Zin.


  • The shield is in the shape of the Zin's logo.
  • ZinTek may be a reference to the similarly sounding "SinTEK", from the Sin Series.


Zin with ZinTek Force Shield

A Zin Soldier holding a ZinTek Force Shield

Zin Tech Shield disintegrated

The Force Shield will be destroyed if shot by the Disintegrator

ZinTek Force Shield texture

ZinTek Force Shield texture
