Saints Row Wiki
Saints Row Wiki
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This article is about purchasable upgrades in Saints Row: The Third. For unlockable rewards, see Unlockables in Saints Row: The Third.

Upgrades are a feature in Saints Row: The Third.


Upgrades replace many unlockables from previous games, although there are still many mission unlockables in Saints Row: The Third which cannot be purchased. Each Upgrade requires a minimum Respect level before it can be purchased with Cash.

Unlockables are listed in the Upgrades menu after being unlocked. This page lists only Upgrades which can be purchased.

The Upgrades menu is unlocked in the Cellphone after completing "We're Going to Need Guns".

Name Level Cost Description


AbilitiesUi reward abil bloody mess Skill - Bloody Mess (disabled)
(Bloody Mess)
21250 Everyone you kill becomes a bloody mess
AbilitiesUi reward collectible Collectible Finder
(Collectible Finder)
20 49500 Collectible items are highlighted in the world
AbilitiesUi reward faster homie revive Revive - Speed
(Faster Homey Revive 1)
05 4250 Revive followers 10% faster
AbilitiesUi reward faster homie revive Revive - Speed 2
(Faster Homey Revive 2)
13 11250 Revive followers 20% faster
AbilitiesUi reward faster homie revive Revive - Speed 3
(Faster Homey Revive 3)
21 17250 Revive followers 30% faster
AbilitiesUi reward money drop Skill - Scavenger (+DLC)
(Money Drop Multiplier)
04 3250 Twice as much cash is dropped by people
AbilitiesUi reward pickpocket Skill - Pickpocket
04 3750 Bump people to steal their money
(only works if you have no notoriety)
AbilitiesUi reward sprint Sprint - Increase
(Sprint 1)
02 5500 Sprint 25% longer
AbilitiesUi reward sprint Sprint - Increase 2
(Sprint 2)
07 18000 Sprint 50% longer
AbilitiesUi reward sprint Sprint - Increase 3
(Sprint 3)
15 42000 Sprint 75% longer
AbilitiesUi reward sprint Sprint - Increase 4
(Sprint 4)
29 59500 Sprint 100% longer
AbilitiesUi reward sprint Sprint - Increase 5
(Unlimited Sprint)
38 69500 Unlimited Sprint, forever, no stopping
AbilitiesUi reward weapon dual smg Dual Wield - Smgs
(Dual Wield SMGs)
21 54500 Dual Wield SMGS
AbilitiesUi reward weapon dual wield Dual Wield - Pistols
(Dual Wield Pistols)
03 8500 Dual Wield Pistols
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Deckers
(Notoriety Deckers 1)
08 8000 Your Deckers Notoriety will decay at a slightly faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Deckers 2
(Notoriety Deckers 2)
12 12000 Your Deckers Notoriety will decay at a faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Deckers 3
(Notoriety Deckers 3)
16 15000 Your Deckers Notoriety will decay at a much faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Luchadores
(Notoriety Luchadores 1)
14 13000 Your Luchadore Notoriety will decay at a slightly faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Luchadores 2
(Notoriety Luchadores 2)
18 16000 Your Luchadore Notoriety will decay at a faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Luchadores 3
(Notoriety Luchadores 3)
22 18000 Your Luchadore Notoriety will decay at a much faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Morningstar
(Notoriety Mstar 1)
02 2000 Your Morningstar Notoriety will decay at a slightly faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Morningstar 2
(Notoriety Mstar 2)
06 6000 Your Morningstar Notoriety will decay at a faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety - Morningstar 3
(Notoriety Mstar 3)
10 10000 Your Morningstar Notoriety will decay at a much faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto police Notoriety - Police
(Notoriety Cops 1)
15 14000 Your Police Notoriety will decay at a slightly faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto police Notoriety - Police 2
(Notoriety Cops 2)
25 20000 Your Police Notoriety will decay at a faster rate
AbilitiesUi reward wipe noto police Notoriety - Police 3
(Notoriety Cops 3)
35 23000 Your Police Notoriety will decay at a much faster rate


HealthUi reward health regen Health - Regen
(Health Regen 1)
03 4500 Health regenerates slightly faster
HealthUi reward health regen Health - Regen 2
(Health Regen 2)
09 18000 Health regenerates faster
HealthUi reward health regen Health - Regen 3
(Health Regen 3)
18 32500 Health regenerates much faster
HealthUi reward health regen Health - Regen 4
(Health Regen 4)
29 42500 Health regenerates extremely fast
HealthUi reward health upgrade Health - Upgrade
(Player Health 1)
06 5500 Player health is increased by 25%
HealthUi reward health upgrade Health - Upgrade 2
(Player Health 2)
14 12500 Player health is increased by 50%
HealthUi reward health upgrade Health - Upgrade 3
(Player Health 3)
24 18500 Player health is increased by 75%
HealthUi reward health upgrade Health - Upgrade 4
(Player Health 4)
36 22750 Player health is increased by 100%


DamageUi reward abil damage bullet Damage - Bullet
(Damage Bullet 1)
02 1500 5% reduction in damage taken from bullets
DamageUi reward abil damage bullet Damage - Bullet 2
(Damage Bullet 2)
09 8000 10% reduction in damage taken from bullets
DamageUi reward abil damage bullet Damage - Bullet 3
(Damage Bullet 3)
17 14750 20% reduction in damage taken from bullets
DamageUi reward abil damage bullet Damage - Bullet 4
(Damage Bullet 4)
48 75500 You will not take any damage from bullets
DamageUi reward abil damage fall Damage - Fall
(Damage Fall 1)
19 16000 10% reduction in damage taken from Falls
DamageUi reward abil damage fall Damage - Fall 2
(Damage Fall 2)
31 19000 30% reduction in damage taken from Falls
DamageUi reward abil damage fall Damage - Fall 3
(Damage Fall 3)
40 24000 50% reduction in damage taken from Falls
DamageUi reward abil damage fall Damage - Fall 4
(Damage Fall 4)
49 76000 You will not take ANY damage from Falling
DamageUi reward abil damage fire Damage - Fire
(Damage Fire 1)
08 7500 10% reduction in damage taken from Fire
DamageUi reward abil damage fire Damage - Fire 2
(Damage Fire 2)
16 14000 30% reduction in damage taken from Fire
DamageUi reward abil damage fire Damage - Fire 3
(Damage Fire 3)
27 17250 50% reduction in damage taken from Fire
DamageUi reward abil damage fire Damage - Fire 4
(Damage Fire 4)
46 74500 You will not take ANY damage from Fire
DamageUi reward abil damage melee Melee - Power
(Damage Melee 1)
? 4500 15% increase in the melee damage you deal
DamageUi reward abil damage melee Melee - Power 2
(Damage Melee 2)
? 11750 30% increase in the melee damage you deal
DamageUi reward abil damage melee Melee - Power 3
(Damage Melee 3)
? 17750 50% increase in the melee damage you deal
DamageUi reward abil ragdoll Damage - Explosive
(Damage Explosive 1)
12 10500 5% reduction in damage taken from Explosives
DamageUi reward abil ragdoll Damage - Explosive 2
(Damage Explosive 2)
21 17000 10% reduction in damage taken from Explosives
DamageUi reward abil ragdoll Damage - Explosive 3
(Damage Explosive 3)
33 22000 20% reduction in damage taken from Explosives
DamageUi reward abil ragdoll Damage - Explosive 4
(Damage Explosive 4)
47 75000 You will be immune to explosive damage
DamageUi reward abil ragdoll Explosions - No Ragdoll
(Damage Explosive No Ragdoll)
31 45000 You will never be ragdolled when hit by explosions
DamageUi reward abil vehicle damage Damage - Vehicle
(Damage Vehicle 1)
03 2500 10% reduction in damage when hit by a vehicle.
DamageUi reward abil vehicle damage Damage - Vehicle 2
(Damage Vehicle 2)
10 9000 30% reduction in damage when hit by a vehicle.
DamageUi reward abil vehicle damage Damage - Vehicle 3
(Damage Vehicle 3)
18 15500 50% reduction in damage when hit by a vehicle.
DamageUi reward abil vehicle damage Damage - Vehicle 4
(Damage Vehicle 4)
50 76500 You will not take ANY damage when hit by a vehicle.
DamageUi reward muscles Melee - Muscles
(Muscles 1)
05 4500 Melee-ing enemies throws them slightly further
Melee 1.3, Boost 6, Throw y 7, Throw z 12
DamageUi reward muscles Melee - Muscles 2
(Muscles 2)
13 11750 Melee-ing enemies throws them further
Melee 1.6, Boost 10, Throw y 8, Throw z 14
DamageUi reward muscles Melee - Muscles 3
(Muscles 3)
22 17750 Melee-ing enemies throws them much further
Melee 1.9, Boost 14, Throw y 9, Throw z 16


WeaponsUi reward locked Weapon - Chainsaw
(Crowd 1 whole)
? 10000 Equip the Chainsaw at your Crib Weapon Cache.
WeaponsUi reward weap instant pistol Instant Reload - Pistols
(No Reloads Pistol)
42 49500 Instantly reload your pistols
WeaponsUi reward weap instant rifle Faster Reloads 1
(Faster Reload 1)
09 8500 You reload all weapons faster
+ 25%
WeaponsUi reward weap instant rifle Faster Reloads 2
(Faster Reload 2)
18 14500 You reload all weapons faster
+ 50%
WeaponsUi reward weap instant rifle Faster Reloads 3
(Faster Reload 3)
27 20000 You reload all weapons faster
+ 75%
WeaponsUi reward weap instant rifle Instant Reload - Rifles
(No Reloads Rifle)
45 51500 Instantly reload your rifles
WeaponsUi reward weap instant shotgun Instant Reload - Shotguns
(No Reloads Shotgun)
44 50500 Instantly reload your shotguns
WeaponsUi reward weap instant smg Instant Reload - Smgs
(No Reloads SMG)
43 50500 Instantly reload your SMGS
WeaponsUi reward weap unlim explosive Ammo - Explosive 4
(Unlimited Ammo Explosives)
50 77000 Unlimited explosive ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap unlim grenade Ammo - Grenades 4
(Unlimited Ammo Grenades)
50 77500 Unlimited grenade ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap unlim pistol Ammo - Pistol 4
(Unlimited Ammo Pistol)
50 78000 Unlimited pistol ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap unlim rifle Ammo - Rifle 4
(Unlimited Ammo Rifle)
50 78500 Unlimited rifle ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap unlim shotgun Ammo - Shotgun 4
(Unlimited Ammo Shotgun)
50 79000 Unlimited shotgun ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap unlim smg Ammo - Smg 4
(Unlimited Ammo SMG)
50 79500 Unlimited SMG ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap unlim special Ammo - Special 4
(Unlimited Ammo Special)
50 80000 Unlimited special ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade explo Ammo - Explosive
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Explo 1)
07 6500 Carry 25% more explosive ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade explo Ammo - Explosive 2
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Explo 2)
11 10500 Carry 50% more explosive ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade explo Ammo - Explosive 3
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Explo 3)
17 14500 Carry 75% more explosive ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade grenade Ammo - Grenades
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Grenades 1)
03 2750 Carry 25% more grenades
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade grenade Ammo - Grenades 2
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Grenades 2)
08 7000 Carry 50% more grenades
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade grenade Ammo - Grenades 3
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Grenades 3)
12 10750 Carry 100% more grenades
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade pistol Ammo - Pistol
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Pistol 1)
02 1750 Carry 25% more pistol ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade pistol Ammo - Pistol 2
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Pistol 2)
06 5000 Carry 50% more pistol ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade pistol Ammo - Pistol 3
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Pistol 3)
10 9250 Carry 75% more pistol ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade rifle Ammo - Rifle
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Rifle 1)
05 4000 Carry 25% more rifle ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade rifle Ammo - Rifle 2
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Rifle 2)
09 8500 Carry 50% more rifle ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade rifle Ammo - Rifle 3
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Rifle 3)
14 12250 Carry 75% more rifle ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade shotgun Ammo - Shotgun
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Shotgun 1)
04 3000 Carry 25% more shotgun ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade shotgun Ammo - Shotgun 2
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Shotgun 2)
08 7250 Carry 50% more shotgun ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade shotgun Ammo - Shotgun 3
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Shotgun 3)
12 11000 Carry 75% more shotgun ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade smg Ammo - Smg
(Upgrade Ammo Pool SMG 1)
03 2000 Carry 25% more SMG ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade smg Ammo - Smg 2
(Upgrade Ammo Pool SMG 2)
06 5250 Carry 50% more SMG ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade smg Ammo - Smg 3
(Upgrade Ammo Pool SMG 3)
10 9500 Carry 75% more SMG ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade special Ammo - Special
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Special 1)
09 9000 Carry 25% more special ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade special Ammo - Special 2
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Special 2)
13 12000 Carry 50% more special ammo
WeaponsUi reward weap upgrade special Ammo - Special 3
(Upgrade Ammo Pool Special 3)
19 16500 Carry 75% more special ammo


VehiclesUi reward tank level1 Vehicle - Tank
(Garage Tank)
19500 Retrieve the Tank at your crib garage.
Challenger (Average)
VehiclesUi reward nitrous Skill - Nitrous
26 56500 Every vehicle you drive has nitrous


HomiesUi reward dbno Gang - Revive Timer
(DBNO Extra Time 1)
11 9750 All followers take 10 seconds longer to bleed out
HomiesUi reward dbno Gang - Revive Timer 2
(DBNO Extra Time 2)
19 15750 All followers take 20 seconds longer to bleed out
HomiesUi reward dbno Gang - Revive Timer 3
(DBNO Extra Time 3)
32 21750 All followers take 30 seconds longer to bleed out
HomiesUi reward gang weapon load Gang - Weapons - Rifles
(Gang Weapons Rifle)
37 23000 Upgrade your gang members to carry Rifles
HomiesUi reward gang weapon load Gang - Weapons - Shotguns
(Gang Weapons Shotgun)
17 14250 Upgrade your gang members to carry Shotguns
HomiesUi reward gang weapon load Gang - Weapons - Smgs
(Gang Weapons SMG)
08 7750 Upgrade your gang members to carry SMGS
HomiesUi reward health upgrade homie Gang - Health Increase
(Homie Health 1)
17 14500 All followers get a 10% health increase
HomiesUi reward health upgrade homie Gang - Health Increase 2
(Homie Health 2)
28 20500 All followers get a 20% health increase
HomiesUi reward health upgrade homie Gang - Health Increase 3
(Homie Health 3)
41 24250 All followers get a 30% health increase
HomiesUi reward health upgrade homie Homie - Health Increase 1
(Special Homie Health 1)
07 5500 Homies get a small health boost
HomiesUi reward health upgrade homie Homie - Health Increase 2
(Special Homie Health 2)
16 14250 Homies get a medium health boost
HomiesUi reward health upgrade homie Homie - Health Increase 3
(Special Homie Health 3)
25 19000 Homies get a large health boost
HomiesUi reward homie heli Homie - Heli
(Homie Heli)
24 18750 Heli Homie can be found in your Cell Phone "PHONE" menu. He will deliver a helicopter to you in combat.
HomiesUi reward homie saints backup Homie - Saints Backup
(Homie Saints Backup)
07 7000 Saints arrive to help in combat
HomiesUi reward homie slot upgrade Gang - Followers 2
06 12000 Recruit Two Saint followers. Press Recruit to recruit nearby Saints.
HomiesUi reward homie slot upgrade Gang - Followers 3
16 28000 Recruit Three Saint followers. Press Recruit to recruit nearby Saints.
HomiesUi reward homie tank Homie - Tank
(Homie Tank)
26 19500 Tank Homie can be found in your Cell Phone "PHONE" menu. He will deliver a tank to you in combat.
HomiesUi reward homie vehicle Homie - Vehicle Delivery
(Vehicle delivery)
02 1000 Have your vehicles delivered directly to you
HomiesUi reward homie vtol Homie - VTOL
(Homie VTOL)
39 23500 VTOL Homie can be found in your Cell Phone "PHONE" menu. He will deliver a VTOL to you in combat.
HomiesUi reward homie weapon Homie - Weapons (disabled)
Weapon Homie
(Homie Weapon)
13500 Weapons Homie can be found in your Cell Phone "PHONE" menu. He will come ready for battle with a full arsenal of weapons.
HomiesUi reward locked Homie - Repair (disabled)
(Homie Repair)
21250 Repair Homie can be found in your Cell Phone "PHONE" menu. He will repair your current vehicle.
HomiesUi reward wipe noto gangs Notoriety Wipe - Gang
(Wipe Notoriety Homie Gang)
11 10250 When called, wipes out all Gang notoriety
HomiesUi reward wipe noto police Notoriety Wipe - Police
(Wipe Notoriety Homie Police)
20 16500 When called, wipes Police notoriety


DiscountsUi reward auto complete City Takeover (+DLC)
(Auto Complete City Takeover District 2)
28 40500 Completes all City Takeover gameplay for an entire Hood automatically
DiscountsUi reward cash bonus Bonus - Cash Boost (+DLC)
(Cash Bonus 1)
? 11500 Increase all Cash received by 5%
DiscountsUi reward cash bonus Bonus - Cash Boost 2 (+DLC)
(Cash Bonus 2)
22 17500 Increase all Cash received by 10%
DiscountsUi reward cash bonus Bonus - Cash Boost 3 (+DLC)
(Cash Bonus 3)
34 22250 Increase all Cash received by 15%
DiscountsUi reward disc cash respect Swap - Cash For Respect
(Cash for Respect 1)
05 8000 Pay cash for 4,000 respect
DiscountsUi reward disc cash respect Swap - Cash For Respect 2
(Cash for Respect 2)
14 24000 Pay cash for 8,000 respect
DiscountsUi reward disc cash respect Swap - Cash For Respect 3
(Cash for Respect 3)
23 36000 Pay cash for 12,000 respect
DiscountsUi reward locked Clothing Store Discount
(Crowd 2 whole)
? 10000 Receive a 15% discount at Clothing Stores
DiscountsUi reward network hacking Bonus - Hourly City Income (+DLC)
(Weekly Payment 1)
04 3500 Hourly City Income of $500
DiscountsUi reward network hacking Bonus - Hourly City Income 2 (+DLC)
(Weekly Payment 2)
11 10000 Hourly City Income of $1,000
DiscountsUi reward network hacking Bonus - Hourly City Income 3 (+DLC)
(Weekly Payment 3)
20 17000 Hourly City Income of $1,500
DiscountsUi reward respect bonus Bonus - Respect (+DLC)
(Respect Bonus Purchase1)
07 6000 5% bonus to ALL Respect earned
DiscountsUi reward respect bonus Bonus - Respect 2 (+DLC)
(Respect Bonus Purchase2)
15 13000 10% bonus to ALL Respect earned
DiscountsUi reward respect bonus Bonus - Respect 3 (+DLC)
(Respect Bonus Purchase3)
30 21250 15% bonus to ALL Respect earned


CustomizationUi reward generic custom Item - Police Clothing (disabled)
(Clothing Police)
21000 Police clothing items are now available for purchase
Clothes: bra 1 (CM BRA F Pink01)
CustomizationUi reward generic custom Item - Police Items (disabled)
(Customization Items Police)
21000 Police customization items
CustomizationUi reward generic custom Item - Stag Items (disabled)
(Customization Items STAG)
25250 STAG customization items
CustomizationUi reward generic custom Item - Steelport Guard Clothing (disabled)
(Clothing NG)
24750 Steelport Guard clothing items are now available for purchase
Clothes: bra 1 (CM BRA F Pink01)
CustomizationUi reward generic custom Item - Steelport Guard Items (disabled)
(Customization Items NG)
24750 Steelport Guard customization items
CustomizationUi reward generic custom Outfit - Stag Armor (disabled)
(Clothing STAG)
25250 STAG Armor is now available to wear
Clothes: bra 1 (CM BRA F Pink01)
CustomizationUi reward generic custom Unl Compliments Ng (disabled)
(Compliments NG)
24750 The Experience, Stunned, Wild Stallion
CustomizationUi reward generic custom Unl Compliments Police (disabled)
(Compliments Police)
21000 It's Not Unusual, The Amigo, The Scroob
CustomizationUi reward generic custom Unl Compliments Stag (disabled)
(Compliments STAG)
25250 Tell 'Em, House Party, Giddee Up
CustomizationUi reward locked Clothing Store Discount (disabled)
(Diversion Combat)
10000 Receive a 15% discount at clothing stores


This menu does not contain any purchasable items, and only lists Cribs which have been unlocked.


This menu does not contain any purchasable items, and only lists Activities which have been unlocked.


  • Upgrades were first revealed in the 8 minute of glorious gameplay trailer.[Reference needed]
  • By purchasing all the "Damage" upgrades, Playa becomes essentially invulnerable. The only remaining sources of vulnerability are melee attacks, bailing out of an exploding vehicle, being crushed by a tank while still in a vehicle, and being electrocuted.
  • Buying an upgrade for the first time unlocks the Achievement/Trophy "A Better Person".


Damage Upgrades menu in Saints Row The Third

Damage Upgrades menu in Saints Row: The Third

Ui reward pickpocket level1

Unused alternate pickpocket unlock image

Ui reward sprint level1

Unused alternate sprint unlock image
