"The Saints Flow" is a mission in Saints Row IV.
- Pierce needs help. BAD.
- — Quest description
The mission begins with a cutscene in the Broken Shillelagh with CID questioning Playa why they want to save Pierce after all the times they are ridiculing him. Playa says he only does it for good fun. CID taunts him for saying that, but agrees nonetheless and gives him the cypher and a can of Saints Flow and then enters the portal. Playa finds Pierce facing his simulation nightmare, in which he is constantly being attacked by Saints Flow mascots. In the old Saints HQ Crib, Pierce instructs Playa to arm themselves with various guns throughout the crib, until coming face to face with Paul, a godlike Saints Flow Mascot. After briefly firing rockets at Paul, he smacks Playa and Pierce away from the crib and on to a nearby rooftop. Pierce finds a helicopter on the helipad and tries to get it working while Playa fights more Mascots and Paul, who throws various pieces of furniture at them. After knocking Paul over with rockets, Pierce picks up Playa in the now functional helicopter, and shortly afterwards are instructed by Kinzie to lure Paul near Magorac Island. Playa enters the statue's base, only to find that he has gained control of the Statue itself.
After a Godzilla-themed boss fight, Playa opens Paul's lid and throws him into the remains of the statue, impaling him. Afterwards, Pierce is relieved and thanks Playa for helping, and exclaims how he can't wait to get back to Earth, only to find out that Earth has been destroyed. Pierce is then unlocked as a Homie.
- Cash:
- Respect: 2000
- Mission: A Game of Clones[1]
- Mission: Welcome Back[2]
- Crewmate: Pierce
- Homie: Pierce
- Saints HQ makes an appearance in this mission, but has some minor changes.
- Items from previous Saints Row games are on display, such as the Dual Katana Swords and Killbane's Mask.
- Pierce uses his SRTT look in this mission, as he does when called up as a Homie before becoming a Super Homie.
- Weapon upgrades are disabled for this mission.
- When joining a Co-op game having already completed this mission and Brotherhood, but the host hasn't, Pierce wears his Super Homie outfit in the final cutscene.
- This also happens using the unlockitall cheat in both Solo and Co-op.
- During the cutscene when Playa and Pierce are smacked off the Saints HQ, the RPG uses the Weapon Customization skin.
- The mission is an homage to the Ghostbusters series, which features an evil giant mascot and a good mobilised statue in separate films.
- I've been researching your friend Pierce, are you sure you wish to retrieve him?
- — CID [Reference needed]
- Phone Call: "Been working on that and I think I have the right cypher created..."Playa - Female 1: "So, Kinzie, any clue on where Pierce is?"
Playa - Female 2: "Do we know where Pierce is yet?"
Playa - Female 3: "Well, I suppose it's Pierce's turn."
Playa - Male 1: "Kinzie, where's Pierce?"
Playa - Male 2: "Kinzie, any leads on Pierce?"
Playa - Male 3: "Kinzie, we have a lead on Pierce?"
Nolan North: "Kinzie, where's Pierce?"Phone Call: "Oh nothing, CID's just asking for new programs for delivering this to you."Playa - Female 1: "And the problem is?"
Playa - Female 2: "But there is a problem?"
Playa - Female 3: "What am I picking up in your voice there, sweetie?"
Playa - Male 1: "So what's the problem?"
Playa - Male 2: "Aaaaaand?"
Playa - Male 3: "So what's the issue then?"
Nolan North: "So what's the problem?"Phone Call: "You haven't heard what the programs are... Ew."Playa - Female 1: "If we have the programs, Kinzie, what's the big deal?"
Playa - Female 2: "*sigh* Fine. Give him whatever."
Playa - Female 3: "Okay. So...give it to him."
Playa - Male 1: "Well give it to him and let's get Pierce."
Playa - Male 2: "All right. Give the dude what he wants."
Playa - Male 3: "They're just programs, Kinzie. Make the deal."
Nolan North: "Well give them to him and let's get Pierce."
- — "Mission Start Phonecall"
- CID: "I've been researching your friend Pierce, are you sure you wish to retrieve him?"
Playa: "What kind of question is that?"
CID: "An honest one. Historically you spend nearly half your time ridiculing him."
Playa: "Yeah, but it's all in good fun."
CID: "Making a man who risks his life for you and what you stand for the butt of your comedy routine is "all in good fun"?"
Playa: "Yes?"
CID: "You're a terrible person."
Playa: "Can you give me the goddamn cypher?"
Playa: "I'm saving his life, ya know..."
CID: "You don't have to convince me, just yourself. Drink up."
Playa: "We're talking about this later?"
- — The Saints Flow opening cutscene
- Pierce: "That's just kind of fucked up."
Playa: "You ready to get out of here?"
Pierce: "Yeah, can't wait to get back to Earth."
Playa: "Right, forgot to to tell you, Earth got blown up."
Pierce: "WHAT?!"
- — The Saints Flow closing cutscene
- Playa - Female 1: "If this ladle shot fire, it'd do everything!"
Playa - Female 2: "I wish real ladles were this useful."
Playa - Female 3: "This ladle is a lot more useful than it looks."
Playa - Male 1: "Man, this ladle does everything!"
Playa - Male 2: "Okay, this is more fun than it ought to be."
Playa - Male 3: "Man, this ladle does everything!"
Nolan North: "Man, this ladle does everything!"- — "1st Block Eye Beams"
- Playa - Female 1: "Try to melt my statue will you..."
Playa - Female 2: "I swear I'll SCOOP those fucking eyes out!"
Playa - Female 3: "Oh, I'm gonna bash you good for that!"
Playa - Male 1: "Nobody tries melting MY statue!"
Playa - Male 2: "DO NOT fuck with my statue!"
Playa - Male 3: "Don't you dare melt my statue, Paul!"
Nolan North: "Nobody tries melting MY statue!"- — "1st Hit With Eye Beams"
- Pierce: "Look out!"Playa - Female 1: "Aw shit..."
Playa - Female 2: "What is it...?"
Playa - Female 3: "Uh-oh..."
Playa - Male 1: "What the...?"
Playa - Male 2: "What's it...?"
Playa - Male 3: "Aw, no..."
Nolan North: "What the...?"
- — "1st Stomp Coming"
- Pierce: "Load up over there."Pierce: "You don't want to know. But we'll need more guns."Playa - Female 1: "What the hell was that noise, Pierce?"
Playa - Female 2: "What was that noise, Pierce?"
Playa - Female 3: "You mind telling me what that noise was?"
Playa - Male 1: "Um, what the hell was that noise I heard?"
Playa - Male 2: "You mind explaining that noise I heard?"
Playa - Male 3: "Pierce. What was that noise?"
Nolan North: "Um, what the hell was that noise I heard?"Pierce: "There should be more by the bar. Let's go."Playa - Female 1: "What the fuck's going on, Pierce?"
Playa - Female 2: "What exactly are we dealing with here?"
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce, what's happening?"
Playa - Male 1: "Pierce, buddy, what's going on?"
Playa - Male 2: "Pierce, what's going on, man?"
Playa - Male 3: "Pierce, you're holding out on me."
Nolan North: "Pierce, buddy, what's going on?"Playa - Female 1: "Pierce, don't you hold on me."
Playa - Female 2: "Don't you hold out on me, Pierce."
Playa - Female 3: "I want some fucking answers Pierce."
Playa - Male 1: "What did you do, Pierce?"
Playa - Male 2: "Pierce. What the fuck is going here."
Playa - Male 3: "Look, if I'm gonna die here, I'd like to know why."
Nolan North: "What did you do, Pierce?"- — "1st Weapon Area"
- Good, more guns.
- — Pierce, "2nd Weapon Area"
- Pierce: "What the fuck is this shit? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?"
Kinzie: "Glad you like it."
- — "As Joe Comes To Life"
- Playa - Female 1: "Any way we can call in an air strike?"
Playa - Female 2: "Seriously? Not even a dent?"
Playa - Female 3: "Oh, come on!"
Playa - Male 1: "Geez, how tough is this thing?"
Playa - Male 2: "Shit. This thing's tough..."
Playa - Male 3: "Is there a weak spot anywhere?"
Nolan North: "How tough is this thing?"Playa - Female 1: "WILL YOU BLOW UP ALREADY."
Playa - Female 2: "How tough is damn can?"
Playa - Female 3: "How many hits is this gonna take?!"
Playa - Male 1: "Just... blow up already!"
Playa - Male 2: "This is ridiculous!"
Playa - Male 3: "Maybe if we shook it up first...?"
Nolan North: "Just... blow up already!"Playa - Female 1: "Die, dammit!"
Playa - Female 2: "This thing is really pissing me off..."
Playa - Female 3: "Aw bless it..."
Playa - Male 1: "Damn it..."
Playa - Male 2: "Come on..."
Playa - Male 3: "For fuck's sake..."
Nolan North: "Damn it..."- — "Can Damage"
- Playa: "FUCK YOU PAUL!"Playa - Female 1: "Hehehe. Gotcha."
Playa - Female 2: "Direct hit!"
Playa - Female 3: "Bingo!"
Playa - Male 1: "Gotcha!"
Playa - Male 2: "Ha! I got him!"
Playa - Male 3: "Yeah! Take it!"
Nolan North: "Gotcha!"
- — "Can Good Hit"
- Playa - Female 1: "Get away from me, cans!"
Playa - Female 2: "How many of these things are there?"
Playa - Female 3: "Oh, come on--!"
Playa - Male 1: "Get the fuck away from me!"
Playa - Male 2: "Leave me the fuck alone!"
Playa - Male 3: "Stay back, you vile beverages!"
Nolan North: "Get the fuck away from me!"- — "Cans First Arrive"
- Playa - Female 1: "Here I thought I couldn't hate Saints Flow enough."
Playa - Female 2: "Ugh. I have never regretted an endorsement deal more."
Playa - Female 3: "That seals it. I'm sticking with sweet tea."
Playa - Male 1: "OH, I am never drinking a Saints Flow again..."
Playa - Male 2: "I am never touching Saints Flow again."
Playa - Male 3: "Always hated Saints Flow anyway...."
Nolan North: "I'm never drinking a Saints Flow again..."Playa - Female 1: "I guess Pierce is taking the scenic route..."
Playa - Female 2: "Sure would be nice if Pierce would hurry up with that helicopter."
Playa - Female 3: "C'mon, Pierce, we don't have all night."
Playa - Male 1: "Where the hell is Pierce with that helicopter?"
Playa - Male 2: "Pierce! Where's that fucking helicopter?"
Playa - Male 3: "Where is Pierce with that damn helicopter?"
Nolan North: "Where the hell is Pierce with that helicopter?"- — "Cans Return"
- Pierce: "Bring his purple ass down!"
Pierce: "Haha! How'd you like that, Paul?"
Pierce: "Hit him again, boss!"
- — "Encouraging Paul Attack"
- Playa - Female 1: "I didn't realize these endorsements had fucked up Pierce."
Playa - Female 2: "Eesh. Pierce has some really issues."
Playa - Female 3: "Oh, Pierce. I had no idea you were so messed up."
Playa - Male 1: "Pierce has really got a fucked up mind."
Playa - Male 2: "Gotta remember to never EVER get Pierce analyzed."
Playa - Male 3: "I had no idea Pierce had issues like this."
Nolan North: "Pierce has really got a fucked up mind."- — "Fight Paul From Roof"
- Playa - Female 1: "Did this building just shake?"
Playa - Female 2: "Fuck me. What was that?"
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce. What was that?"
Playa - Male 1: "That can't be good..."
Playa - Male 2: "What was that?"
Playa - Male 3: "Something wrong with the floor?"
Nolan North: "That can't be good..."- — "First Stumble"
- Pierce: "Oh shit. Come on, we need more guns."Pierce: "And there's a reason for it. Now MOVE!"Playa - Female 1: "Did you take my line?"
Playa - Female 2: "Now you are thinking like me."
Playa - Female 3: "Now you are thinking like me."
Playa - Male 1: "Hey wait, you took my line."
Playa - Male 2: "Hey. You just took my line."
Playa - Male 3: "Did you just steal my line?"
Nolan North: "Wait, you took my line."
- — "Head to 1st Weapons"
- Pierce: "Well the money helps. And who said I was afraid of it? This is like when something you love is trying to kill you, and you just can't stop it."Playa - Female 1: "If you have a crippling fear of Saints Flow, how were ever able to be its spokesman?"
Playa - Female 2: "I don't get you, Pierce. If you fear Saints Flow, why put yourself in all its advertisements?"
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce I gotta ask: If Saints Row is your worst fear, why build it into a national brand?"
Playa - Male 1: "If you're so afraid of this stuff, why were you the face of the Saints?"
Playa - Male 2: "Hey, if Saints Flow scares you, why'd you front for it all these years?"
Playa - Male 3: "Mate, if you're so scared of this stuff, why spend your days marketing it?"
Nolan North: "If you're so afraid of this stuff, why were you the face of the Saints?"Pierce: "Exactly!"Playa - Female 1: "Like cabinet meetings."
Playa - Female 2: "Like cigarettes."
Playa - Female 3: "Like grandy's moonshine."
Playa - Male 1: "Eh, like dating."
Playa - Male 2: "Like my pet tiger."
Playa - Male 3: "Like pub food."
Nolan North: "Like dating."
- — "Heli Convo"
- Pierce: "Get in, Paul's not gonna stay down..."Pierce: "Kinzie does? Mind filling me in?"Playa - Female 1: "All good. Kinzie has a plan."
Playa - Female 2: "Yes, but Kinzie says she has a plan."
Playa - Female 3: "No worries. Kinzie says she has a plan."
Playa - Male 1: "Yeah, yeah. Figured. Kinzie's got a plan though."
Playa - Male 2: "Kinzie has a plan to put him down."
Playa - Male 3: "Too right. But Kinzie has an idea."
Nolan North: "Figured. Kinzie's got a plan though."Pierce: "What for?"Playa - Female 1: "Can you fly us to the big statue?"
Playa - Female 2: "You know the big statue in the bay? Get us there."
Playa - Female 3: "Get us to the big statue."
Playa - Male 1: "She says we have to get to the statue."
Playa - Male 2: "Just get us to the statue."
Playa - Male 3: "Just fly us to that big iron guy in the bay."
Nolan North: "She says we have to get to the statue."Pierce: "To FOLLOW? She better have something big planned then..."Playa - Female 1: "Man, I don't even ask anymore. All I know is we have to get Paul to follow."
Playa - Female 2: "All I know for certain is that we need to get Paul to follow."
Playa - Female 3: "Kinzie didn't say. Just get Paul to follow."
Playa - Male 1: "Do you really think she told me? All I know is we have to get Paul to follow."
Playa - Male 2: "She didn't exactly say. All I know is we have to get Paul to follow."
Playa - Male 3: "You now how Kinzie loves her mysteries. Just make sure you get Paul to follow."
Nolan North: "Do you really think she told me? All I know is we have to get Paul to follow."
- — "Heli Pickup"
- Playa - Female 1: "Well, Joe. Let's see what you can do."
Playa - Female 2: "All right. Let's see what this statue can do."
Playa - Female 3: "Okay, let's see what ol' iron-britches can do."
Playa - Male 1: "All right, let's see what ol' what's-his-name can do."
Playa - Male 2: "Come on, Pierce, let's see how Joe Margarita throws a punch."
Playa - Male 3: "All right, Joe. Let's go pop us a cold one."
Nolan North: "All right, let's see what ol' what's-his-name can do."- — "Joe"
- Kinzie: "I think I know how you can beat Paul."Kinzie: "I've been trying to figure out how to make you large enough to fight that thing."Playa - Female 1: "About time you showed up, Kinzie!"
Playa - Female 2: "Kinzie! Thank goodness. Where have you been?"
Playa - Female 3: "Where have you been, Kinzie?"
Playa - Male 1: "Kinzie, where the fuck have you been? And how do you know its name?"
Playa - Male 2: "Kinzie, where have you been? And how do you know this thing's name?"
Playa - Male 3: "You picked a helluva time to drop out on me, Kinzie."
Nolan North: "Kinzie, where the fuck have you been? And how do you know its name?"Kinzie: "Just get to the island with the big statue on it, okay? And get Paul's attention so he follows you."Playa - Female 1: "The hell you talking about?"
Playa - Female 2: "Excuse me?"
Playa - Female 3: "Come again?"
Playa - Male 1: "What... ?"
Playa - Male 2: "Say what?"
Playa - Male 3: "Did I hear that right?"
Nolan North: "What... ?"
- — "Kinzie's Plan"
- Pierce: "Yeah. There's a helicopter up here I'm gonna climb to. Think you'll be okay on your own?"Playa - Female 1: "Pierce, tell me you're okay."
Playa - Female 2: "Pierce, are you okay?"
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce, you still with us?"
Playa - Male 1: "Pierce, you ok up there?"
Playa - Male 2: "Pierce, you good?"
Playa - Male 3: "Pierce! You all right?"
Nolan North: "Pierce, you ok up there?"Playa - Female 1: "Get that helo and pick me up!"
Playa - Female 2: "I'm fine. Just don't take as lomng with the chopper as you took with the RPGs!"
Playa - Female 3: "Fetch that thing and come pick me up!"
Playa - Male 1: "Get that thing and come pick me up, I'll be fine."
Playa - Male 2: "Get in that thing and come pick up then!"
Playa - Male 3: "Bring the chopper around. I'll get in."
Nolan North: "Get that thing and come pick me up, I'll be fine."- — "Landed On Roof"
- Playa - Female 1: "Why do these things always have eye beams..."
Playa - Female 2: "Of course. Why wouldn't it have eye beams."
Playa - Female 3: "EYE BEAMS?!"
Playa - Male 1: "Eye beams? Seriously?!"
Playa - Male 2: "Fucking eye beams? What the hell!"
Playa - Male 3: "Eye beams. Just fucking perfect."
Nolan North: "Eye beams? Seriously?!"- — "Laser"
- Playa - Female 1: "Of all the hells I imagined for Pierce, none of them involved energy drinks."
Playa - Female 2: "Okay, why is Pierce fighting an energy drink?"
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce... what the fuck is wrong with you?"
Playa - Male 1: "Saints Flow? What the fuck is going on here?"
Playa - Male 2: "Saints Flow? Are you fucking serious?"
Playa - Male 3: "Oddly enough, this make sense to me."
Nolan North: "Saints Flow? What the fuck is going on here?"- — "Mission Start"
- Pierce: "Well hey, there's always the RPGs out on the pool deck."Playa - Female 1: "Pierce, I think we're need something bigger than guns."
Playa - Female 2: "Tell me you have something bigger than guns here, Pierce."
Playa - Female 3: "We're gonna need something a little bigger than a rifle."
Playa - Male 1: "Uh Pierce, we're gonna need something bigger than this."
Playa - Male 2: "I hope you have something bigger than guns here."
Playa - Male 3: "We better find some pretty damn big guns."
Nolan North: "Uh Pierce, we're gonna need something bigger than this."Pierce: "Cause I didn't want them blowin' up the crib, okay?"Playa - Female 1: "Why are you just now telling me this?"
Playa - Female 2: "Why did you not LEAD with that?"
Playa - Female 3: "Why didn't you say so in the first place?"
Playa - Male 1: "Why the hell didn't you lead with that?"
Playa - Male 2: "And you're just telling me that now?!"
Playa - Male 3: "We've had RPGs this whole time? Why didn't you say so?!"
Nolan North: "Why the hell didn't you lead with that?"
- — "Need RPG"
- Playa: "Don't worry Paul, I'll pour one out for you."
Pierce: "Oh, that's right, pop that top!"
- — "Open Paul Up"
- Shit, look out!
- — Pierce, "Paul Hit Coming"
- Yeah, that's a good look for him.
- — Pierce, "Paul Impaled"
- As the face of the Saints, Pierce Washington was always comfortable in the public's eye. Some may think he's gone soft because of this, but he's always been loyal to the crew no matter what had to get done.
- — Playa, "Pierce Flashback"
- Pierce: "Dammit, get away from me!"Playa - Female 1: "Keep fighting! I'm here!"
Playa - Female 2: "Here I come, Pierce!"
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce, hold on!"
Playa - Male 1: "Pierce, hang on, I'm coming!"
Playa - Male 2: "Pierce! I'm here!"
Playa - Male 3: "Hang on, I'm here!"
Nolan North: "Pierce, hang on, I'm coming!"- — "Pierce Under Attack"
- Kinzie: "Don't forget about the block button."Kinzie: "I labeled if for you."Playa - Female 1: "What block button?"
Playa - Female 2: "A block button? Where?"
Playa - Female 3: "Where's the block button?"
Playa - Male 1: "I have a block button?"
Playa - Male 2: "There's a block button?"
Playa - Male 3: "Block button? What?"
Nolan North: "I have a block button?"Playa - Female 1: "Oh. That should have been obvious."
Playa - Female 2: "I seldom pay attention to such things."
Playa - Female 3: "Oh. Well that was nice of you."
Playa - Male 1: "Psh, I don't pay attention to these things."
Playa - Male 2: "I don't really sweat the details."
Playa - Male 3: "Mighty kind of ya, Kinzie."
Nolan North: "I don't pay attention to these things."- — "Point Out Block"
- Pierce: "Boss, am I glad to see you!"Pierce: "Bad? Our own IP is attacking us and you're making jokes? These things are trying to KILL ME!"Playa - Female 1: "See, what's weird is that I thought Saints Flow didn't go bad..."
Playa - Female 2: "Hold on, THIS is your greatest fear? Marketing gone bad?"
Playa - Female 3: "Hold on, THIS is your greatest fear? Marketing gone bad?"
Playa - Male 1: "Hold on, THIS is your greatest fear? Marketing gone bad?"
Playa - Male 2: "Hold on, THIS is your greatest fear? Marketing gone bad?"
Playa - Male 3: "Hold on, THIS is your greatest fear? Marketing gone bad?"
Nolan North: "Hold on, THIS is your greatest fear? Marketing gone bad?"Pierce: "Okay, let me just stop and ask them if they're just trying to serve me a cold, refreshing drink."Playa - Female 1: "Maybe they just think you're thirsty."
Playa - Female 2: "Perhaps they are trying to quench your thirst?"
Playa - Female 3: "Or provide you with a tasty beverage?"
Playa - Male 1: "Or pour you a drink, ever think of that?"
Playa - Male 2: "Or cool you off, ever think of that?"
Playa - Male 3: "Or quench your thirst, ever think of that?"
Nolan North: "Or pour you a drink, ever think of that?"
- — "Reach Pierce"
- Playa - Female 1: "I gotta find more rockets..."
Playa - Female 2: "Dammit, I need rockets."
Playa - Female 3: "Sure could use some more rockets."
Playa - Male 1: "Rockets. I need more rockets..."
Playa - Male 2: "Gonna need more rockets..."
Playa - Male 3: "Fuck. I need some rockets."
Nolan North: "Rockets. I need more rockets..."- — "Rockets Nearby"
- There's more ammo in the crate over there.
- — Pierce, "RPG Ammo"
- Playa: "Pierce, there's a giant fucking HAND out there!"
Pierce: "Oh I know."
- — "Sees Hand Upstairs"
- Pierce: "Look out, here comes Paul!"Pierce: "Hey man, does it matter? Shoot them rockets at him already!"Playa - Female 1: "There a reason you named it Paul?"
Playa - Female 2: "Why on Earth did you name it Paul?"
Playa - Female 3: "Paul?"
Playa - Male 1: "Paul? You named it Paul?!"
Playa - Male 2: "Paul? Seriously? That's it name?"
Playa - Male 3: "How do you know its name?"
Nolan North: "Paul? You named it Paul?!"
- — "Sees Paul"
- Playa - Female 1: "Open wide, Paul!"
Playa - Female 2: "Time to end this, Paul."
Playa - Female 3: "Say good night, Paul!"
Playa - Male 1: "Open wide."
Playa - Male 2: "Open up, Paul!"
Playa - Male 3: "You're going down, Paul!"
Nolan North: "Open wide."- — "Start Paul Fight"
- Kinzie: "Okay, get inside the statue of Joe Magarac."
Playa: "Now the STATUE has a name?"
Pierce: "Seriously? You didn't know that?"Playa - Female 1: "I would if people actually told me shit."
Playa - Female 2: "I prefer not to name inaminate objects."
Playa - Female 3: "Of course I did! I just...forgot."
Playa - Male 1: "Nobody tells me anything!"
Playa - Male 2: "Nobody tells me shit!"
Playa - Male 3: "Magarac? What is that? Scottish?"
Nolan North: "Nobody tells me anything!"- — "Statue Arrival"
- Pierce: "Careful, he's gonna laser eye you again!"
Playa: "Laser eye?"
Pierce: "Fuck, you know what I mean."
- — "Stomp 1st Succeeds"
- Playa - Female 1: "Don't lose it now, Joe..."
Playa - Female 2: "Joe! Hang on, Joe!"
Playa - Female 3: "We've come too far to fall now, Joe."
Playa - Male 1: "Whoa, come on, hang in there, Joe."
Playa - Male 2: "Come on now..."
Playa - Male 3: "Steady, Joe, steady..."
Nolan North: "Whoa, hang in there, Joe."- — "Stomp Reaction"
- Playa - Female 1: "Watch your ass, Paul. I'm coming for ya!"
Playa - Female 2: "Let's see how your eye beams do against a ladle, Paul."
Playa - Female 3: "You ready to dance, Paul?"
Playa - Male 1: "How 'bout a little ladle action."
Playa - Male 2: "Hey, Paul! Have you met Joe?"
Playa - Male 3: "Fancy a game of kick the can?"
Nolan North: "How 'bout a little ladle action."Playa - Female 1: "What's the matter, Paul? Huh?"
Playa - Female 2: "Aw, no fun when it's somebody your size, eh, Paul?"
Playa - Female 3: "I could hit you all day!"
Playa - Male 1: "Oh you don't like that, do you?"
Playa - Male 2: "You don't like that, huh?"
Playa - Male 3: "Oh, you don't like that, do you now?"
Nolan North: "Oh you don't like that, do you?"- — "Titan Fight"
- Pierce: "So do I get to drive that thing next?"Playa - Female 1: "I don't think so, Pierce."
Playa - Female 2: "No, Pierce. No."
Playa - Female 3: "As IF--!"
Playa - Male 1: "Keep dreaming."
Playa - Male 2: "Dream on."
Playa - Male 3: "Sod off."
Nolan North: "Keep dreaming."- — "Titan Fight Drive Convo"
- Pierce: "That's right, Joe, kick his aluminum ass!"
Pierce: "Come on, beat him down!"
Pierce: "Someone's getting recycled here."
- — "Titan Fight Encourage"
- Playa - Female 1: "Let's make a monument."
Playa - Female 2: "I think this city needs a new monument."
Playa - Female 3: "Time to change this city's skyline."
Playa - Male 1: "Time to make a monument."
Playa - Male 2: "Time to make some art."
Playa - Male 3: "This town needs a new monument."
Nolan North: "Time to make a monument."- — "Titan Fight End"
- Shit, watch the eye beams! Block!
- — Pierce, "Titan Fight Eye Beams"

Here Comes Paul

Attack Mega-Can

Paul preparing to attack

Paul preparing to attack

Paul slamming his hand down

Paul firing lasers at Playa

Paul firing lasers at Playa

Playa on the roof across from Paul

Fire rockets

Kill Cans

He's down

But not out

Paul trying to catch Playa and Pierce

Paul trying to catch Playa and Pierce

Enter the statue

Statue Fight before swing

Statue Fight after swing

Paul incapacitated

Opening up Paul

Paul losing fluid

Paul impaled on the island structure

The Aftermath

Statue front

The mission completion screen

The Saints Flow cache

Pierce as a Super Saint (done through the Co-op)

Mission completion screen with Pierce as a Super Homie (done through the Co-op)

Paul - giant mascot - sfdestroyer - character model in Saints Row IV

Paul - mega can - character model in Saints Row IV

Joe statue without Ladle weapon - character model in Saints Row IV
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Note: Requires The Case of Mr. X or King Me
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Note: Requires The Case of Mr. X, King Me and A Game of Clones