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The Faction FM 99.8[1] AKA The Faction FM99.8[2] is a Radio Station in Saints Row.


The Faction FM 99.8 predominately plays Alternative Rock, Britpop, Pop Rock and Indie Rock from the 2000s.


Kat Corbett[2] is the DJ for The Faction.



  • A Station ID clip for The Faction contains a few seconds of Down in It by Nine Inch Nails, despite this song not being included in the game.[7]
  • Kat Corbett is a real radio DJ who works for KROQ-FM in Los Angeles.[8]
  • During one of the phonecalls before "I Need A Co-Pilot" by Tempercalm, Kat Corbett and the caller mention Sean Connery, Craig Ferguson, Shrek and Mike Myers.
  • According to one of Kat Corbett's intros to the Stereophonics song (Two minutes of pure Welsh ear candy now), it should be the song "Girl" since it is two minutes long, but it was later replaced or added by mistake with "Lolita".



The Faction FM 99

The Faction FM 99.8 name

Mastodon - Blood And Thunder

Mastodon - Blood And Thunder


  1. Image: "The Faction FM 99.8" in-game.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Credits: Saints Row credits
  3. Image: Scratch That - Girl by Stereophonics
  4. Note: This track is "Lolita", from the same album as "Girl".
  5. Note: Not available at Scratch That in the normal game, but available in Title Update #1
  6. Image: Mastodon - Blood And Thunder
  7. Audio: Down in It in a Station ID
  8. KROQ: Kat Corbett
