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Saints Row Wiki

Tammy Tolliver is a character in Genkibowl VII DLC for Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV.

Congratulations! As leader of the Saints, you've been selected as this year's contestant for Genkibowl 7! Please meet us as soon as you can and good luck to you!
— Tammy Tolliver to Playa in the opening phone call of Genkibowl VII[3]


Tammy is a co-host who appears in the Saints Row: The Third DLC Genkibowl VII. She is unlocked as a Homie after completing all Activities in Genkibowl VII.

In Saints Row IV she appears in a training simulation created by Asha Odekar where Tammy acts as a VIP that Playa has to escort. However the training program is interrupted by Professor Genki who blows up the car that Tammy is in.[4]


  • In many respects Tammy is similar to Jane Valderamma: they are both reporters who work for Channel 6, have interviewed Playa, and drive an Anchor.
  • She actually shows her colors for the 3rd Street Saints: her undershirt is purple.
  • Tammy's character model in GenkiBowl VII is named "Tami".


Tammy Tolliver Closing Ceremony

Tammy Tolliver after interviewing Playa during the Genkibowl VII closing ceremony in Saints Row: The Third

Tammy Tolliver unlock

Tammy Tolliver unlocked after completing all Activities in Genkibowl VII in Saints Row: The Third

Tammy close up


Tami - Tammy Tolliver - character model in Saints Row The Third

Tami - Tammy Tolliver - character model in Saints Row: The Third

Tammy Tolliver - character model in Saints Row IV

Tammy Tolliver - character model in Saints Row IV

Tammy Tolliver in Saints Row IV

Tammy Tolliver during "Asha's VIP" in Saints Row IV

