Saints Row Wiki


It is not possible to start a Mission during a Pushback.

  • "HELP_TEXT_PUSHBACK": "Once you have taken over a neighborhood, there is a chance that its previous owners will try to retake it. This is called a Pushback. When Pushbacks occur you receive a text message informing you which neighborhood is under attack, and the neighborhood will flash on your Map. Kill all of the opposing gang lieutenents to win back the neighborhood."
  • "TUT_PUSHBACK_1": "During a pushback, an enemy gang is trying to reclaim their neighborhood."
  • "TUT_PUSHBACK_2": "The contested neighborhood will be flashing on the city map."
  • "TUT_PUSHBACK_3": "In order to retake the contested area you must enter the neighborhood and kill the enemy lieutenants that are indicated on your mini map."
  • "TUT_PUSHBACK_4": "Until you do, you will earn no money for controlling that neighborhood and you will encounter enemy gang members more frequently in that area."
  • "HUD_CANCEL_PUSHBACK": "Press %ls again to exit Pushback Defense" (Is this possible? Answer: Nope.)

-452 23:40, August 16, 2011 (UTC)


Something odd just happened in my game. I completed a Pushback, and unlocked Followers 3. At first I thought that because the neighborhood was "reclaimed", that I was "re-unlocking" it; but I reloaded my game and definitely didn't have it before doing the Pushback. I have 22 hoods unlocked, both before and after completing it, so the 23rd Mission is supposed to unlock Followers 3, but doing a Pushback at that time instead is unlocking the reward.
So, this same glitch should be able to be used to unlock other rewards:

  • Doing a pushback after 6, 20 and 29 hoods should unlock Gang Customization cars
  • Doing a pushback after 4 and 15 Hoods should unlock Bodyguards and Ninjas Gang Customization Styles
  • Doing a pushback after 11 Hoods should unlock Followers 2

I'm going to confirm these before adding anything to the article. -452 04:16, May 17, 2013 (UTC)

Confirmed: 6, 4, 15. -452
Okay, since that's 4 confirmed, I think we can assume that it always works. -452 15:18, May 17, 2013 (UTC)
Will an unlock happen if you complete a co-op partners push back, like if you own 4 hoods then go on a co-op players save and complete a pushback will you unlock body guards?King of Kingpins (talk) 13:39, 8 January 2022 (UTC)
Great question. I suggest you try it, and update the article with your findings. ~ 452 (talk) 14:31, 8 January 2022 (UTC)
I can't confirm however since I completed a pushback on a co-op player's save and the number of pushbacks completed didn't increase I doubt it would.King of Kingpins (talk) 13:57, 16 January 2022 (UTC)


It's not actually classed as anything, and it's not a mission or an activity, but it's not really a diversion either.
It's most like a diversion, but there are no "diversions" in Saints Row, so it's technically incorrect to refer to it in that way. It's also like a diversion in that getting smoked doesn't show a fail message.
In Saints Row 2, it's still an anonymous mini-game only referenced when it happens and in the Statistics. Even worse, there's no xtbl or lua files for Pushback, apparently it's all controlled in the exe.
Unlike just about everything else in the game, it's not possible exit a pushback by pressing down twice - which is doubly strange, because there is an unused line referencing exiting "Pushback Defense". I think it's likely that the reason it is impossible to exit is because it's not really anything.
-452 (talk) 16:03, November 15, 2013 (UTC)

There is pushback_general.xtbl in "common.vpp_pc", although I haven't found any references to Pushback's type... I'll keep searching.
TheMoonLightman (talk) 01:53, July 5, 2014 (UTC)
That's odd, I don't know how I missed that then. I see it now, and I've seen it before.
Here it is for everyone else:
Saints Row

MIN_HOOD_CONTESTED_DELAY_MINS            120                  minimum time for normal pushback event
MAX_HOOD_CONTESTED_DELAY_MINS            150                  maximum time for normal pushback event
MIN_ACCELLERATED_CONTESTED_DELAY_MINS      60                  minimum time for accellerated pushback event
MAX_ACCELLERATED_CONTESTED_DELAY_MINS      60                  maximum time for accellerated pushback event
PUSHBACK_START_DELAY_SECS            30                  time after activity/mission/etc delay before pushback can be started
DELAY_BETWEEN_PUSHBACKS_MINS            30                  when a pushback has been started, no more will be initiated for this time
SPAWN_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC            0.5                  interval between checks to spawn or despawn control point defenders
ENEMY_EFFECT_NAME                  icon_red            name of world effect to be placed on critical enemies
ENEMY_MINIMAP_ICON_NAME                  map_act_kill            name of minimap icon for critial enemies
PHONE_CALL_CONVERSATION                  Pushback Phone Call      Default conversation foley name
PHONE_CALL_RING                        SYS_CELL_RING            Default cell phone ring
CONTROL_POINT_DIST_TO_SPAWN_METERS      70                  distance between the player and control point that the defenders will be spawned
CONTROL_POINT_DIST_TO_DESPAWN_METERS      150                  distance between the player and control point that the defenders will be despawned
PUSHBACK_PED_DENSITY                  .5                  percent of normal peds to spawn
PUSHBACK_CAR_DENSITY                  .5                  percent of normal cars to spawn

Saints Row 2

      <Contested_Delay_Min>            2.0
      <Contested_Delay_Max>            2.5
      <Pushback_Start_Delay>            30
      <Contested_Hood_Notoriety>      1
      <Pedestrian_Density>            0.15
      <CP_Spawn_Distance>            75
      <Player_Leave_Distance>            50
      <Player_Leave_Delay>            30
      <Lieutenants_Min>            1
      <Lieutenants_Max>            3
      <Soldiers_Min>                  1
      <Soldiers_Max>                  3
      <Pushback_Success_Cash>            1000
      <Pushback_Success_Props>      500
      <Skirmish_Interval>            120
      <Saints_Min>                  1
      <Saints_Max>                  2

But I checked again, no Lua files containing the name "pushback". -452 (talk) 02:05, July 5, 2014 (UTC)

Pushbacks after arc completion[]

I had a save half-way through the Vice Kings arc with 1 Pushback active, so I played through to the end. After killing Tanya, there were 2 Pushbacks continuing to flash. I left my game idle for a while, and now there is a 3rd Pushback. I assume at this point that it is because there were already 2 Pushbacks, but it is equally possible that Pushbacks can just continue until all gang arcs are completed. Additional testing is obviously needed. -452 23:44, June 2, 2019 (UTC)

I loaded a different save, and I have had my game idling for hours with no Pushbacks active but 1 mission remaining, and no Pushbacks have started. I suspect that no Pushbacks when there is only 1 mission remaining, if there is not already a Pushback - but that's a pretty vague condition, and kinda hard to prove. I'm going to leave it idle for another 6 hours before trying something else. 452 17:31, June 3, 2019 (UTC)
I'm going to guess that my "1 mission remaining" was Semi-Charmed Life - and at that time, there were no hoods under empty control, which explains why no Pushbacks started for me. ~ 452 (talk) 05:38, 12 December 2021 (UTC)
In Saints Row 2 if you complete a final mission early like showdown on a co op partner save before completing Imperial Square Pagodas is it possible to get a pushback in neighborhoods like Little Shanghai or are those neighborhoods impossible to get a pushback in like Elysian Fields and Rebadeaux?King of Kingpins (talk) 14:34, 16 January 2022 (UTC)


It is possible that Pushbacks only occur in hoods bordered by rival gangs. But this needs to be confirmed in-game before it is added to the article. -452 16:50, November 17, 2019 (UTC)

After waiting 15+ hours for the Huntersfield pushback to occur after completing Poseidon Alley Docks and Wardill Airport Hangars I think this can be confirmed as true. King of Kingpins (talk) 11:53, 5 December 2021 (UTC)
A single data point cannot be used to confirm something.
I have now edited my pushback file to reduce the delays between Pushbacks to 1 minute, as well as setting various specific hoods to be controlled by enemies and repeatedly found that Pushbacks can only spread to hoods which are adjacent to hoods controlled by the original gang which controlled them, including controlled by Pushback, and that Pushbacks cannot start when you are within a hood, but can start as soon as you leave one.
A single enemy controlled hood can spread to all adjacent hoods, Pushbacks cannot spread over the river bridges, so if Misty Lane is the final Rollerz-controlled hood, a Pushback can start in Tidal Spring, but cannot jump across the river to Ultor Dome.
A single exception to the adjacent spreading is Harrowgate, which is adjacent to Copperton, but I could not get a pushback to start there.
The neighborhoods.xtbl file defines both "bordering hoods", and "PushbackSpawnGroups". Tidal Spring is not defined a bordering Ultor Dome, and Harrowgate does not have PushbackSpawnGroups defined.
I'll be editing that file to add both of those, and retesting.
~ 452 (talk) 05:38, 12 December 2021 (UTC)
Confirmed both. After defining Tidal Spring as bordering Ultor Dome, a pushback started there. After defining a PushbackSpawnGroup for Harrowgate, a pushback started there. ~ 452 (talk) 23:30, 12 December 2021 (UTC)
Are you sure about pushbacks stating in neighborhoods bordering one contested by a pushback as I have had Wardrill Airport Contested and a pushback in huntersfield is still yet to start?King of Kingpins (talk) 13:29, 8 January 2022 (UTC)
I generally don't make statements unless I'm sure of them. I've already indicated that I have performed multiple tests. ~ 452 (talk) 14:31, 8 January 2022 (UTC)
I'll do another test in a bit but I can't get a pushback to start in huntersfield though I should mention that I'm in Saints Row 2.King of Kingpins (talk) 14:37, 8 January 2022 (UTC)
If you are just planning on loading the same save you've been using the entire time, then you are not doing "another test", you are doing "the same test".
When I say that I've performed multiple tests, I mean that I set all hoods as Saints controlled, then picked 1 Hood in each gang area to set as that gang, then after that test, picked 3 completely different hoods for each gang.
~ 452 (talk) 14:56, 8 January 2022 (UTC)
After playing for an hour on a co-op partners save with there save having completed only the prologue and Jailbait I think it can be confirmed pushbacks won't start in huntersfield. Is the border to the airport cause this or is there some other reason?King of Kingpins (talk) 16:19, 8 January 2022 (UTC)
Huntersfield is under attack

~ 452 (talk) 20:47, 8 January 2022 (UTC)
What console are you on as I have been on the Xbox one and couldn't get a pushback in huntersfield to trigger and am still waiting for sloughton? (I have fox drive and wardill airport under attack but will try keeping my Xbox 360 on while I go out today)King of Kingpins (talk) 11:07, 9 January 2022 (UTC)
I wasn't able to afk wait the game but it's possible console could possibly have an impact or cause owned hoods neighboring an owned hood under attack to not let a pushback startKing of Kingpins (talk) 23:00, 9 January 2022 (UTC)
After idling for several hours in Saints Row 2 I'm pretty confident pushbacks don't spread as I have had Wardill Airport and Fox Drive under attack and pushbacks haven't started in Sloughton or Huntersfield.King of Kingpins (talk) 14:05, 16 January 2022 (UTC)