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Super Powers are a gameplay feature in Saints Row IV.[1]

SRIV Powers menu


All you need now is a cape! Leap tall buildings, outrun sports cars, set your enemies on fire and fling them throughout the city - all with the power of your mind! By exploiting errant code in the simulation, you will learn to break its rules, giving you powers like you've only imagined.
— Description from the Saints Row website.[1]

By altering their code within The Simulation, Playa is capable of bending the simulation to their will and acquire powerful superhuman abilities that allow them to easily traverse the simulation as well as fend off enemy Zin Troops, the police, or even the likes of Professor Genki

Clusters are collectibles which are used to purchase improved Super Power abilities.[2]

The first powers acquired are Super Sprint and Super Jump (both passive abilities), which are first purchased during the mission Bending the Rules.


Power Elements Description


Mind Control
The blast superpower unleashes a concussive force that can be modified with a variety of elemental options.[1]


Life Steal
Pick up your foes and toss them around with the power of your mind![1]


Send seismic waves through the ground and your enemies flying back with the force of an earthquake.[1]


Add power to your every movement and set fire to everything in your way![1]
Super Sprint

Super Sprint

Run rings around your foes and close any distance with superspeed.[1]
Super Jump

Super Jump

Launch yourself into the air and soar above the city like a graceful, sociopathic bird.[1]
Death From Above

Death From Above

Jump into the sky, target your enemy, and slam down right in their face.[1]
Force Field

Force Field

That's right. Force field.[1]


Name Clusters Description


BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Area 10 Increases Blast's area of effect range.
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Area 2 20 Greatly increases Blast's area of effect range.
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Area 3 30 Maximizes Blast's area of effect range. Blast entire intersections!
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Duration 10 Targets remain affected by Blast longer.
150% Blast_duration
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Explosive Deaths 30 BLAST_FREEZE: Targets explode when shattered, damaging everything around them.
BLAST_FIRE: Targets explode when they die, spreading the fire to anyone nearby.
BLAST_GLITCH: Targets explode when they die, glitching nearby enemies.
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Recharge 10 Blast Energy recharges faster.
80% Blast_recharge_time
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Recharge 2 20 Blast Energy recharges even faster.
65% Blast_recharge_time
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Recharge 3 30 Blast Energy recharges very quickly.
55% Blast_recharge_time


TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Hold Cost 15 TK_FORCE: No energy is consumed while holding an object with Telekinesis.
TK_LIGHTNING: Only half as much energy is consumed while holding an object with Telekinesis.
TK_LIFE_STEAL: Only half as much energy is consumed while holding an object with Telekinesis.
No TK_hold_cost
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Recharge 10 Telekinesis Energy recharges faster.
80% Telekinesis_recharge
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Recharge 2 20 Telekinesis Energy recharges even faster.
65% Telekinesis_recharge
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Recharge 3 30 Telekinesis Energy recharges very quickly.
55% Telekinesis_recharge
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Special Vehicles 30 Telekinesis can pick up tanks and aircraft!
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Throw Cost 15 Telekinesis uses less energy when throwing objects.
67% TK_throw_cost, 50% Telekinesis_pickup_power
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Throw Distance 10 Increases how far objects can be thrown with Telekinesis.
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Throw Distance 2 20 Greatly increases how far objects can be thrown with Telekinesis.
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Throw Distance 3 30 Maximizes how far objects can be thrown with Telekinesis.


StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Area 15 Stomp affects a wider area.
125% Stomp_angle
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Damage 15 STOMP_ROCK: Increases the damage done to targets sent flying.
STOMP_GRAVITY: Damage taken by one target is spread to all targets in stasis.
STOMP_SHRINK: Shrunken targets take even more damage.
150% Stomp_damage, 200% Shrink_damage_scalar
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Distance 10 Increases range and stun time of Stomp.
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Distance 2 20 Greatly increases range and stun time of Stomp.
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Distance 3 30 Maximizes the range and stun time of Stomp. Smash entire city blocks!
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Duration 15 STOMP_ROCK: Increases how far targets are sent flying.
STOMP_GRAVITY: Increases how long targets remain affected by stasis.
STOMP_SHRINK: Increases how long targets remain shrunken.
150% Shrink and Gravity duration, 200% Rock ragdoll force, 1000% Rock vehicle force
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Recharge 10 Stomp Energy recharges faster.
80% stomp_recharge
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Recharge 2 20 Stomp Energy recharges even faster.
65% stomp_recharge
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Recharge 3 30 Stomp Energy recharges very quickly.
55% stomp_recharge


BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Area 15 Increases the size of the area that Buff affects.
133% Buff_Radius
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Duration 15 Increases how long Buff remains active.
Buff_duration x1.5
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Recharge 10 Buff Energy recharges faster.
80% Buff_recharge
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Recharge 2 20 Buff Energy recharges even faster.
65% Buff_recharge
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Recharge 3 30 Buff Energy recharges very quickly.
55% Buff recharge
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Speed Demon 15 Increases walking speed while Buff is active.
200% Buff_walk_speed
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Team Player 15 BUFF_FIRE: Nearby homies become immune to fire while the buff is active.
BLAST_FREEZE: Nearby homies have a chance of firing freeze bullets.
BUFF_LIGHTNING: Nearby homies have a chance of firing lightning bullets.

Super Sprint[]

SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Reduced Damage 15 Take less damage when Super Sprinting.
90% super sprint damage reduction
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Speed 10 Increased speed while Super Sprinting.
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Speed 2 20 Even greater speed while Super Sprinting.
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Speed 3 30 Maximum speed while Super Sprinting. You're practically faster than a speeding bullet!
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Tornado 15 Super Sprinting now creates a Tornado effect that knocks over objects in player's wake!
SprintSRIV unlock reward sprint Sprint - Wall Running 15 Jump onto the side of a building and use Sprint to sprint up the wall!
A must-have for any super powered Saint.

Super Jump[]

JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Glide - Efficiency 10 Gliding uses less Stamina.
75% reduced mana use for Jump
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Glide - Efficiency 2 20 Gliding uses far less Stamina.
50% Jump mana use
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Glide - Efficiency 3 30 Gliding no longer uses Stamina.
Unlimited Jump mana
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Jump - Air Dash 10 Gain a boost of speed in midair by pressing Sprint.
1 air_dash
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Jump - Air Dash 2 20 Dash twice per Super Jump.
2 air_dash
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Jump - Air Dash 3 30 Dash three times per Super Jump.
3 air_dash
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Jump - Glide 15 Take to the sky and glide across the city!
Use Sprint after an Air Dash to Glide.
(Requires Air Dash)
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Jump - Height 10 Increased height on charged Super Jumps.
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Jump - Height 2 20 An even greater height on charged Super Jumps.
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Jump - Height 3 30 Maximum height on charged Super Jumps. You can leap tall buildings in a single bound!
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Ninja Reflexes - Health 15 Restore health when you use your Ninja Reflexes.
10% Air_Recovery_Health
Death From Abov

Death From Above[]

DFASRIV unlock reward super up dfa Death From Above - Nuke 50 You can now devastate entire sections of the city with Nuke!
Use Death From Above from a high altitude to create the nuclear blast!
10% Nuke_distance

Force Shield[]

ShieldSRIV unlock reward super up shield Shield - Damage 15 Dash Shield applies extra damage on contact.
$300 Shield Damage
ShieldSRIV unlock reward suppress grenade Suppression - Power Recovery 10 Recover your powers a bit faster after being hit by a Power Suppression Grenade.
85% Superpower_disable_time
ShieldSRIV unlock reward suppress grenade Suppression - Power Recovery 2 20 Recover your powers faster after being hit by a Power Suppression Grenade.
71% Superpower_disable_time
ShieldSRIV unlock reward suppress grenade Suppression - Power Recovery 3 30 Recover your powers much faster after being hit by a Power Suppression Grenade.
57% Superpower_disable_time


BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Damage 2 Disabled
Targets take much more damage when frozen.
250% Blast_damage, Glitch max targets = 4
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Power Recovery Disabled
Recover your powers a bit faster after using Nuke
85% Energy blast Hadouken power disable
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Power Recovery 2 Disabled
Recover your powers faster after using Nuke
71% Energy blast Hadouken power disable
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Power Recovery 3 Disabled
Recover your powers much faster after using Nuke
57% Energy blast Hadouken power disable
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up buff Telekinesis - Recharge 3 Disabled
Telekinesis Energy recharges very quickly.
Unlimited telekinesis mana
DFASRIV unlock reward super up dfa Death From Above - Aiming Disabled
Death From Above can now be aimed by holding Attack.
DFASRIV unlock reward super up dfa Death From Above - Aircraft Disabled
Death From Above can target aircraft.
DFASRIV unlock reward super up dfa Death From Above - Area Disabled
Increases the size of the explosion caused by Death From Above.
DFASRIV unlock reward super up dfa Death From Above - Damage Disabled
Increases the damage done to targets affected by Death From Above.
DFASRIV unlock reward super up dfa Death From Above - Range Disabled
Increases attack range on Death From Above.
+100% dfa_range
DFASRIV unlock reward super up dfa Death From Above - Range 2 Disabled
Greatly increases attack range on Death From Above.
+100% dfa_range
ShieldSRIV unlock reward super up shield Shield - Electrified Disabled
Enemies contacting the shield are stunned/electrified.
ShieldSRIV unlock reward super up shield Shield - Health Recharge Disabled
Hits to the Shield recharge your Health.
ShieldSRIV unlock reward super up shield Sprint - Shield Disabled
Dash Shield remains up while Super Sprinting.
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Efficiency Disabled
Super Sprinting uses less Stamina.
75% sprint mana use
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Efficiency 2 Disabled
Super Sprinting uses far less Stamina.
50% sprint mana use
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Efficiency 3 Disabled
Super Sprinting no longer uses Energy.
Unlimited sprint mana
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Human Damage Disabled
Stomp does more damage to humans.
150% stomp_human_damage_min
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Vehicle Damage Disabled
Stomp does extreme damage to vehicles.
150% stomp_vehicle_damage
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Jump - Faster Charge Disabled
Super Jumps charge much faster.
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Faster Recovery Disabled
Nuke recovers 25% faster
125% Energy Blast hadouken_recharge
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Faster Recovery 2 Disabled
Nuke recovers 50% faster
150% Energy Blast hadouken_recharge
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Faster Recovery 3 Disabled
Nuke recovers 100% faster
200% Energy Blast hadouken_recharge
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Recharge Disabled
Nuke uses only 75% Energy
75% Energy Blast hadouken mana use
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Recharge 2 Disabled
Nuke uses only 50% Energy
50% Energy Blast hadouken mana use
DFASRIV unlock reward super up blast Nuke - Recharge 3 Disabled
Nuke no longer uses Energy
Unlimited Energy Blast hadouken mana
ShieldSRIV unlock reward super up shield Shield - Power Recharge Disabled
Hits to the Shield recharge other Powers.
ShieldSRIV unlock reward super up shield Shield - Recharge Disabled
Shield uses only 75% Stamina.
75% shield mana use
ShieldSRIV unlock reward super up shield Shield - Recharge 2 Disabled
Shield uses only 50% Stamina.
50% shield mana use
ShieldSRIV unlock reward super up shield Shield - Recharge 3 Disabled
Shield no longer uses Stamina.
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Sprint - Shove Disabled
Super Sprinting through objects knocks them over but you can't be knocked over!
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Distance Disabled
Increases range and stun time of Stomp.
stomp: 75 degrees, 25% radius_bonus, 100% stun_duration
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Distance 2 Disabled
Greatly increases range and stun time of Stomp.
stomp: 90 degrees, 50% radius_bonus, 200% stun_duration
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Distance 3 Disabled
Maximizes the range and stun time of Stomp. Smash entire city blocks!
stomp: 90 degrees, 100% radius_bonus, 300% stun_duration, extra_vehicle_destruction
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Fire Disabled
Humans thrown with Telekinesis are set on fire.
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Vehicle Damage Disabled
Telekinesis does extreme damage to vehicles!
600% telekinesis_car_damage
PowersSRIV unlock reward Warden Warden - Finisher Disabled
Finishing off Wardens is now slightly easier.
PowersSRIV unlock reward Warden Warden - Finisher 2 Disabled
Finishing off Wardens is now much easier.
PowersSRIV unlock reward Warden Warden - Finisher 3 Disabled
Finishing off Wardens is now far easier.
PowersSRIV unlock reward Warden Zin Shield - Downtime Disabled
Shields on Zinyak, Wardens, and Specialists stay down a bit longer after being hit with a Super Power.
HD_warden_interation_down_time_ms = 10.0
PowersSRIV unlock reward Mana Super Energy - Faster Recovery Disabled
Super Power Energy recovers 10% faster
10% mana_recovery_bonus
PowersSRIV unlock reward Mana Super Energy - Faster Recovery 2 Disabled
Super Power Energy recovers 25% faster
25% mana_recovery_bonus
PowersSRIV unlock reward Mana Super Energy - Faster Recovery 3 Disabled
Super Power Energy recovers 50% faster
50% mana_recovery_bonus
PowersSRIV unlock reward Mana Super Energy - Faster Recovery 4 Disabled
Super Power Energy recovers 100% faster
100% mana_recovery_bonus


Name Requirement Description
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast Progression
[Reference needed]
You can now shoot energy at enemies with Blast!
Use {SUPER_QUICK_FREEZE_IMG} to quick-switch to Blast.
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Damage [Reference needed] BLAST_FREEZE: Targets take even more damage while frozen.
BLAST_FIRE: Targets take more damage per second while on fire.
BLAST_GLITCH: Increases the amount of targets that can be controlled at once.
175% Blast_damage, Glitch max targets = 2.5
BlastSRIV unlock reward super up blast Blast - Recharge 4 [Reference needed] Blast no longer uses Energy.
No Blast_recharge
BlastSRIV unlock reward super el fire Blast Element - Fire [Reference needed] Let pyromania ensue as you rain down hellfire on your enemies!
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_FREEZE_IMG} to quick-switch between Blast Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
BlastSRIV unlock reward super el freeze Blast Element - Freeze [Reference needed] Freeze your enemies, then use your guns on them for double damage!
The Freeze Element will stiffen your targets, causing your guns to deal double the damage!
Switch Elements in the Powers menu. Your homies can help you find more Blast Elements!
BlastSRIV unlock reward super el glitch Blast Element - Mind Control [Reference needed] Create a massive data surge around you that causes enemies to glitch out and fight for you!
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_FREEZE_IMG} to quick-switch between Blast Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff Progression
[Reference needed]
You can now charge your body and weapons with energy!
Use {SUPER_QUICK_SHIELD_IMG} to quick-switch to Buff.
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Passive Aggressive Challenges
Super Powered Fight Club Gold Medals
Simply having Buff equipped gives a chance for the elemental damage to be applied to an attack.
BuffSRIV unlock reward super up buff Buff - Recharge 4 [Reference needed] Buff no longer uses Energy.
No Buff recharge
BuffSRIV unlock reward super el fire Buff Element - Fire [Reference needed] Envelop yourself and your bullets in a lethal firewall!
The Fire Element envelops your body and your bullets in a lethal firewall!
Your homies can help you find more Buff Elements!
BuffSRIV unlock reward super el freeze Buff Element - Freeze [Reference needed] Lower the temperature around you and your bullets to absolute zero to freeze your enemies and deal extra damage.
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_SHIELD_IMG} to quick-switch between Buff Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
BuffSRIV unlock reward super el life steal Buff Element - Life Steal Challenges
[Reference needed]
Create a vacuum around you and your bullets that drains the life force out of nearby enemies and adds it to your own!
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_SHIELD_IMG} to quick-switch between Buff Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
BuffSRIV unlock reward super el lightning Buff Element - Lightning [Reference needed] Charge your bullets and the air around you with electricity. Lightning arcs between enemies for additional damage!
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_SHIELD_IMG} to quick-switch between Buff Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up shield Dash Shield Progression
[Reference needed]
Dashing generates a shield that can block all incoming damage and reflect projectiles!
DFASRIV unlock reward super up dfa Death From Above Progression
[Reference needed]
Hover in midair using
{SHOULDER_CAMERA_IMG}, then press Attack smash into the ground at super speed.
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp Progression
[Reference needed]
You can now smash your foot into the ground and send everything nearby flying with Super Stomp!
Use {SUPER_QUICK_STOMP_IMG} to quick-switch to Stomp.
StompSRIV unlock reward super up pound Stomp - Recharge 4 [Reference needed] Stomp no longer uses Energy.
No stomp recharge
StompSRIV unlock reward super el gravity Stomp Element - Gravity [Reference needed] Lift your enemies into the air and lock them in a stasis field. Like shooting fish in a barrel!
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_STOMP_IMG} to quick-switch between Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
StompSRIV unlock reward super el rock Stomp Element - Rock [Reference needed] Increased force is used when stomping the ground, causing extra damage to targets sent flying!
The Rock Element damages enemies as they go flying into the air!
Your homies can help you find more Stomp Elements!
StompSRIV unlock reward super el shrink Stomp Element - Shrink [Reference needed] Cause your enemies to literally shrink in horror!
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_STOMP_IMG} to quick-switch between Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Super Jump Progression
[Reference needed]
You can now climb vertical surfaces with Wall Jump or jump higher than buildings with your charged Super Jump!
HOLD Jump to charge your jumps to leap higher and farther.
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Super Jump - Distance Challenges
Platforming Rift Silver Medals
Charged Super Jumps fly farther and faster.
130% Jump super_lateral_velocity
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Super Jump - Glide - Distance Challenges
Platforming Rift Gold Medals
Become as light as a feather to greatly increase how far you can glide.
75% Jump glide_terminal_velocity
JumpSRIV unlock reward ability vehicle damage Super Jump - Immovable Object Challenges
Insurace Fraud Gold Medals
Cars can no longer knock you down even when standing still!
JumpSRIV unlock reward super up jump Super Jump - Ninja Reflexes [Reference needed] Press Jump to immediately get back up from getting knocked down.
A must-have for any Saint walking into super powered combat.
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Super Sprint Progression
[Reference needed]
You can now run faster than cars with Super Sprint!
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Super Sprint - Haste Challenges
Speed Rift Gold Medals
Super Sprinting reaches maximum speed faster!
50% super_sprint_buildup_time
SprintSRIV unlock reward super up sprint Super Sprint - Water Running Challenges
Speed Rift Silver Medals
Super Sprinting now works on water. Use Sprint as you enter water to sprint across it!
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis Progression
[Reference needed]
You can now pick up and throw around people/objects with Telekinesis!
Use {SUPER_QUICK_TELEKINESIS_IMG} to quick-switch to Telekinesis.
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Catch Challenges
Genki's M.O.M. Silver Medals
Telekinesis can catch objects thrown at you!
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Power Up Challenges
TK Rift Silver Medals
TK_FORCE: Increases damage to vehicles thrown.
TK_LIGHTNING: Increases distance that lightning arcs between objects.
TK_LIFE_STEAL: Increases the health stolen per second.
300% Vehicle damage
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Power Up 2 Challenges
TK Rift Gold Medals
TK_FORCE: Greatly increases damage to vehicles thrown.
TK_LIGHTNING: Greatly increases distance that lightning arcs between objects.
TK_LIFE_STEAL: Greatly increases the health stolen per second.
600% Vehicle damage, 200% Lightning distance, 200% Health drain
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super up tele Telekinesis - Recharge 4 [Reference needed] Telekinesis no longer uses Energy.
No Telekinesis recharge
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super el force Telekinesis Element - Force [Reference needed] Become one with the simulation and use your mind to throw enemies around! Force does additional damage to targets upon impact!
The Force Element causes Telekinesis to deal additional damage to a target upon impact!
Your homies can help you find more Telekinesis Elements!
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super el life steal Telekinesis Element - Life Steal [Reference needed] Suck the digital life out of any living thing you grab and add it to your own!
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_TELEKINESIS_IMG} to quick-switch between Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
TelekinesisSRIV unlock reward super el lightning Telekinesis Element - Lightning [Reference needed] Turn anything you pick up into a devastating ball of lightning!
Double tap {SUPER_QUICK_TELEKINESIS_IMG} to quick-switch between Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.


  • The two descriptions for the final upgrades to enhance the Super Sprint power as well as the Super Jump powers to their maximum level reference Superman's original powerset.[Reference needed]
  • The glide upgrade is extremely similar to the glide power in Prototype; both characters extend their legs and arms when flying, the glide is activated after a dash and the particles that are generated are similar.
    • All five of the passive abilities are similar to many of the powers featured in Prototype.
      • Both the Super Sprint and Super Jump abilities function in the same manner as they do in Prototype.
      • The Force Shield power is similar to the shield ability.
      • The Death From Above power is similar to many of the aerial attacks featured in the game.
      • The Melee - Super Strength upgrades grant Playa increased physical strength, as well as just acquiring super powers in the first place, just as it does in both Prototype and Prototype 2.
  • The ice and fire elements for the Blast Super Power could possibly be a nod to the Cryokinetic and Pyrokinetic abilities that can be acquired in the Sucker Punch title Infamous 2.
  • NPCs with Super Powers do not panic when hit with Acid/Fire damage over time attacks, and do not get stunned by the Stunner/Rapid-Fire SMG (with Lightning Shots upgrade).
  • NPCs can fire a red ball of energy, which can be caught and thrown with Telekinesis, although it does not appear to deal any damage when thrown back.
  • NPCs with Super Powers can use telekinesis to pick up objects which can not normally be picked up, such as light posts or certain traffic cones.


Saints Row website - Arsenal - Superpowers

Saints Row website - Arsenal - Superpowers

Buff in Saints Row IV promo


Deathabove in Saints Row IV promo

Death From Above

Forcefield in Saints Row IV promo

Force Field

Stomp SRIV promo


Super Jump - Saints Row IV promo

Super Jump

Super Sprint

Super Sprint

Gliding - promo image

Gliding through the air

Super Sprint 2

Super Sprint

Playa performing a Super Jump in Saints Row IV

Playa performing a Super Jump in Saints Row IV

Stomp - Rock

Stomp - Rock

Stomp - Gravity

Stomp - Gravity

Stomp - Gravity in effect

Gravity Stomp in effect

Stomp - Shrink

Stomp - Shrink

Shrunken people

The effect of Stomp - Shrink

Buff - Fire

Buff - Fire

Buff - Freeze

Buff - Freeze

Buff - Lightning

Buff - Lightning

Death From Above targeting

Death from Above aiming reticle

Death From Above NUKE!!!

Death from Above Nuke attack upgrade

Shaundi Super Homie unfazed by Acidic attacks

Super Powered NPCs do not panic when hit by Acid/Fire damage over time attacks

Shaundi Super Homie unfazed by Fire attacks

Super Powered NPCs do not panic when hit by Acid/Fire damage over time attacks

Super Powered Zin unfazed by Acidic attacks

Super Powered NPCs do not panic when hit by Acid/Fire damage over time attacks

Super Powered Zin unfazed by Lightning Shots or the Stun Gun

Super Powered NPCs do not get stunned when hit by the Stunner or the Rapid-Fire SMG with the Lightning Shots upgrade

Using Death From Above

Playa attacking the Cops with Super Jump and Death From Above Combo Super Powers

