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Water Spray and Septic Spray are vehicle-mounted weapons in Saints Row 2.


The Septic Avenger and City Waste Truck are equipped with a 2 roof mounted Septic Spray cannons that can coat buildings, vehicles and civilians with sewage.

The Blaze and Oring are equipped with a roof-mounted Water Spray cannon, which can knock people over.

These weapons are functionally identical, with the main difference being the colour of the spray.

There is a semi-circle bar underneath the reticle showing how much fluid is left in the spray.


  • Unlike other mounted weapons, the Spray cannon is non-lethal, but can push aside vehicles and people.
  • The Blaze in Saints Row: The Third is equipped with a Spray cannon, but it cannot be used.[1]


Spray - Saints Row The Third icon

Saints Row: The Third icon

Spray - Saints Row The Third Remastered icon

Saints Row: The Third - Remastered icon

Septic Avenger Spray in use

Septic Avenger's Spray in use

Oring - using Spray weapon

Oring's Spray in use

Blaze - using Spray weapon

Blaze's Spray in use


  1. File: The vehicle definition file specifies that the weapon is equipped.
