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Side Quests are groups of Diversions in Saints Row IV.


Side Quests are groups of City Takeover gameplay. Each Side Quest Objective can be completed at any time from a map marker, and it is not necessary to start them from the Hub or the The Ship.

Side Quest rewards are not automatically unlocked after completing each objective, it is necessary to speak to the crew of The Ship in order to obtain the reward, with the exception of the rewards for "Simulated Instruction" and "Customization".

Side Quests

Quest Tree Quest Description and Objectives Reward
Kinzie Customization This Side Quest becomes available after "The Fundamentals"Template:Br
Get yourself some new clothes and a clean car to get back in the swing of things.

Weapon - Tentacle Bat
Simulated Instruction This Side Quest becomes available after "Bending the Rules"Template:Br
Start to degrade the simulation's stability by completing Activities.

Weapon - Semi-Auto Shotgun
Gateway This Side Quest becomes available after "Miller-Space"Template:Br
For me to open up ship access in the Southwest Island, you'll need to take over these stores.

Gateway - East Carver Island
White Rabbit This Side Quest becomes available after "Gateway" Side QuestTemplate:Br
To get you access from the Northwest Island, you have to hack to these stores.

Gateway - East Stanfield
White Light/White Heat This Side Quest becomes available after "White Rabbit" Side QuestTemplate:Br
I can get you a door in the middle of downtown, if you hack these stores.

Gateway - Central Downtown
A Whiter Shade of Pale This Side Quest becomes available after "White Light/White Heat" Side QuestTemplate:Br
If you want ship access in the northern part of downtown, hack these stores.

Gateway - North Downtown
White Wedding This Side Quest becomes available after "A Whiter Shade of Pale" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Okay, to get a door in the Northeast Island, you'll have to hack these stores.

Gateway - East New Colvin
Power Play This Side Quest becomes available after "Hack the Planet"Template:Br
If you stabilize the environment, I can upgrade your powers.

Blast - Damage
Matt Miller The Pledge This Side Quest becomes available after "Matt's Back"Template:Br
I need a deeper understanding of the simulation. Are you game for a spot of trouble?

  • Meet Matt on the ship
  • Clear out Zin troops - Template:Fact
  • Hack the Friendly Fire in the Grove
  • Carjack the data - Template:Fact
  • Report back to Matt
Collectible Finder
The Turn This Side Quest becomes available after "The Pledge" Side Quest
The research has yielded promising results. With more data, I can create something truly astonishing!

  • Explore the rift - Template:Fact
  • Clear out Zin troops - Template:Fact
  • Race through the system - Template:Fact
  • Meet Matt on the ship
Outfit - Matt Miller Suit
The Prestige This Side Quest becomes available after "The Turn" Side Quest
The pants were just the beginning...

Blast Element - Mind Control
Gat WWGD This Side Quest becomes available after "Welcome Back"
I need a warm up.

  • Meet Johnny on the ship
  • Destroy alien shit
  • Pick a fight with the Zin
  • Murder aliens (clear out Zin troops)
  • Blow shit up in a fucking tank
  • Murder more aliens
  • Meet Johnny on the ship
Weapon - Singularity Gun
Closer To 250 This Side Quest becomes available after "WWGD" Side QuestTemplate:Br
We have the toys now let's go have a little fun...

  • Stress Relief (disrupt the system)
  • Target Practice (clear out Zin troops)
  • Kill Him Again (assassinate Julius)
  • Mass Murder (initialize virus injection)
  • Joy Ride (disrupt the system)
  • Meet Johnny on the ship
Singularity Gun Ammo Upgrade
Kill Kill Destroy Kill This Side Quest becomes available after "Closer To 250" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Who needs context?

Singularity Gun Recharge Upgrade
Ben King Ghost Writing This Side Quest becomes available after "A Game of Clones"Template:Br
I'm writing a follow-up to Regicide and In need some source material.

Buff Element - Freeze
Rising Action This Side Quest becomes available after "Ghost Writing" Side QuestTemplate:Br
The book needs a stronger second act. Got any ideas?

Outfit - Ben King Suit
The Climax This Side Quest becomes available after "Rising Action" Side QuestTemplate:Br
I think we all know how this story has to end.

Buff Element - Lightning
Pierce Fun Trumps All This Side Quest becomes available after "The Saints Flow"Template:Br
Hey, Boss, I noticed you've been a little tense. If you want to blow off some steam, I got some ideas.

  • Meet Pierce on the Ship
  • Clear out Zin troops
  • Break Rules of Reality
  • Clear Out Zin troops
  • Meet Pierce on the ship
Weapon - Inflato-Ray
Back To Basics This Side Quest becomes available after "Fun Trumps All" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Look, the Earth blew up. We're all upset about it. Let's just take it easy.

Nflato-Ray Costume
Embrace The Crazy This Side Quest becomes available after "Back To Basics" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Let's do what we do best.

Inflato-Ray Upgrade
Asha Three-Count Royale This Side Quest becomes available after "The Case of Mr. X"Template:Br
You talk a big game. Let's see if you could cut it in MI6.

Weapon - Energy Sword
Kill and Let Die This Side Quest becomes available after "Three-Count Royale" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Not bad. But that's only the beginning.

Energy Sword Costume
Saintfinger This Side Quest becomes available after "Kill and Let Die" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Impressive. Let's see how you do with these.

Energy Sword Health
SR2 Shaundi Something to Prove This Side Quest becomes available after "De Plane Boss"Template:Br
I've got to show the other me that I'm more than a party girl.

Stomp Element - Gravity
The Solid This Side Quest becomes available after "Something to Prove" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Listen, if I'm going to be stuck in this simulation, do me a solid.

Outfit - Fun Shaundi Suit
Shaundi's List This Side Quest becomes available after "The Solid" Side QuestTemplate:Br
I'm bored. Let's do something.

Stomp Element - Shrink
CID Obey This Side Quest becomes available after "Prof. Genki's Mind Over Murder" Activity in SalanderTemplate:Br
If you want the reward, you'll do this.

Telekinesis Element - Life Steal
Obey (Again) This Side Quest becomes available after "Obey" Side QuestTemplate:Br
If you want 100, you'll do this.

Outfit - CID Suit
Obey (One More Time) This Side Quest becomes available after "Obey (Again)" Side QuestTemplate:Br
If you want to finish this quest, you have to do this.

  • Explore the Rift
  • Clear out Zin troops
  • Win Zinyak's favorite game show
  • Meet CID on the ship
Telekinesis Element - Lightning
Keith David Campaign Trail of Destruction This Side Quest becomes available after "The Real World"
Remember what we did back on the campaign trail? We gotta handle this shit like we did in Boise.

  • Meet Keith on the ship
  • Race through the system
  • Disrupt the system
  • Clear out Zin troops
  • Ascend the tower
  • Assassinate rouge program
  • Meet Keith on the ship
Weapon - Dubstep Gun
Executive Orders This Side Quest becomes available after "Campaign Trial of Destruction" Side QuestTemplate:Br
You remember that first year at Camp David, right? This time there's no threat of impeachment.

  • Assassinate rouge program
  • Clear out Zin troops
  • Break the rules of reality
  • Shut down the hotspot
  • Carjack the data
  • Disrupt the system
  • Meet Keith on the ship
Unlimited Sprint
The Simulation Recognizes... This Side Quest becomes available after "Executive Orders" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Want to piss off Zinyak? Let's say we give him a taste of the old filibuster.

Hacking - Extra Time
Supreme Justice This Side Quest becomes available after "The Simulation Recognizes..." Side QuestTemplate:Br
We bent the laws before. Now we're gonna break 'em.

  • Explore the rift
  • Clear out Zin troops
  • Ascend the tower
  • Meet Keith on the ship
Outfit - Roddy Suit
Shaundi Payback This Side Quest becomes available after "De Plane Boss"Template:Br
That son of a bitch put me through hell. We're gonna make him pay.

  • Meet Shaundi on the ship
  • Disrupt the system
  • Race through the system
  • Clear out Zin troops
  • Complete training program
  • Assassinate rouge program
  • Meet Shaundi on the ship
Weapon - Murderbot Minigun
Under Pressure This Side Quest becomes available after "Payback" Side QuestTemplate:Br
We're not stopping now. We have to keep the pressure on.

  • Explore the rift
  • Clear out Zin troops
  • Assassinate rouge program
  • Carjack the data
  • Meet Shaundi on the ship
Vehicles - Cyber Space (X-2 Phantom, Wraith)
Secret Admirer This Side Quest becomes available after "Under Pressure" Side QuestTemplate:Br
Keith said he can't go on a date until Zinyak is dead. Can we speed this up?

  • Explore the rift
  • Carjack the data
  • Ascend the tower
  • Clear out Zin troops
  • Meet Shaundi on the ship
Weapon - Murderbot Minethrower


  • Kinzie is the only crewmate to have 8 Side Quests and Keith David is the only to have 4 Side Quests. They are also the only ones to be unavailable after "All Hands on Deck".
  • Johnny Gat's side quest "Closer to 250" is reference to the line in Appointed Defender "with the statue of limitations it should be really closer to 250" when at his trial


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