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"STAG Film" is one of two final missions in Saints Row: The Third.

I got a message for Monica Hughes and her stooges. Dear bitch: Steelport is under new management, and we don't answer to you. This is foreign soil now. Come at my city again, and you'll go home in a fucking box.
Playa publicly declares Steelport a city-state.


This mission is available after "Three Way" if Killbane is killed.

With Killbane dead, Playa gathers the remaining Saints at the Broken Shillelagh and delivers a eulogy for Shaundi. Before any more words can be said, the Daedalus, a massive flying aircraft carrier under STAG, arrives and starts to shell Steelport. Playa decides to destroy the floating ship and kill STAG's commander, Cyrus Temple.

After taking an aircraft upwards and destroying some of its main cannons, Playa lands on the Daedalus and sets four bombs in separate locations. After arming them, Playa has a climactic fight with Cyrus Temple in his VTOL; after defeating and killing him, Playa escapes the Daedalus as the bombs explode, destroying the aircraft carrier.

As Jane Valderamma presents the latest news, the Saints walk in and interrupt her; Playa announces to the camera that Steelport is now a city-state. They threaten Monica Hughes and "her stooges" that should they "come at [their] city again, [they'll] go home in a fucking box". As they walk off, Playa offers Pierce the job as mayor.

As the Saints then exit the building, ready to take control of Steelport, the credits roll and the game comes to an end, leaving the events to be continued in Saints Row IV, starting from "Zero Saints Thirty".


STAG Film - Kill Cyrus objective
Go to the Broken Shillelagh
Get a helicopter

There is a Vulture and a Tornado on the helipad of the Saints HQ. If you can find anything else, such as parking one before the mission or stealing one with the RC Possessor, it should do as long as it's armed.

Go to the Daedalus

Fly to the Daedalus.

Destroy the cannons

Once near the Daedalus, use your aircraft's mounted weapons to destroy the turrets.

Land on the Daedalus

Land on the Daedalus. There are many opposing STAG, some of whom are armed with Annihilator RPGs. There are also enemy Crusaders and some other N-Forcers if you don't feel like walking..

Plant bomb

Plant the bombs at marked locations.

Fly to rear deck

Enter the parked Condor nearby and fly that to the rear deck.

Plant bomb

Plant the last two bombs.

Kill Cyrus

In the end of this final mission features a timed battle with Cyrus Temple as he flies around in his custom black VTOL in a set pattern. Pick up a Mini-Gun nearby and use that to inflict damage whenever he flies overhead or is exposed. Alternatively, if you have it, a level 4 Annihilator RPG can be used to hit him from afar. STAG reinforcements spawn endlessly until Cyrus is killed. There are several stacks of crates nearby which can be used as cover, or you can purchase the bullet immunity upgrade if you don't want to deal with them.

Escape from the Daedalus

When Cyrus is killed, an empty F-69 VTOL spawns conveniently and is marked. Steal it, fly out carefully, then get away from the Daedalus in half a minute.

After the final cutscene plays, the credits roll and the mission ends. If this was the first ending chosen, "Three Way" is available to replay to "save Shaundi" instead, which leads to the canonical (if non-sequitur) final mission, "Gangstas in Space".[2][3] Otherwise, the events of Saints Row continue in Saints Row IV, starting from "Zero Saints Thirty".



Long the subject of rumor, STAG has revealed their ultimate black budget project: the Daedalus. For a short time, the sky carrier was brutally efficient in destroying Steelport and slaughtering its citizens, but the Saints came to the defense of our city and reduced the behemoth to a twisted pile of smoking wreckage. In a special broadcast, the Saints leader has declared that Steelport is now its own country and ordered all remaining STAG units to leave. Pierce Washington will be overseeing the day-to-day operations. May god help the new city-state of Steelport. This is Jane Valderamma with your International Politics News.
— Jane Valderamma


  • The opening cinematic shows a black Saint in Deckers attire regardless of whether the Decker Gang Customization style has been selected or not.[5]
  • This is the only final mission in the Saints Row series which does not feature Johnny Gat, although he is mentioned.
  • Radio stations are unavailable during this mission.
  • After landing on the Daedalus a minimum height limit is placed on Playa. Falling or flying below this height fails the mission with text saying that Cyrus Temple was allowed to get away. This is useful, as it takes less time to restart on the carrier deck than it would to obtain another helicopter and get back up to it. This failure condition means the Sonic Boom is a very bad idea in co-op, as it can accidentally throw the co-op partner off the Daedalus.
  • Cyrus' VTOL's laser can go through parts of the Daedalus and some of the crates.
  • Cyrus' lines "After what you did on Magarac Island, I didn't have a choice, did I?" and "You can't lie your way out of this. I'm putting you down." imply that he is unaware of Kia's actions in "Three Way" and that she went rogue, or he may be keeping STAG's involvement a secret.
    • Kia herself does not appear during this mission, so it is unknown what happened to her following "Three Way".
  • The news ticker in the closing cutscene states: "[...] Memorial service for boy trampled to death by elephant to be held tomorrow...Saints Flow recalled after recent positive tests for HGH...Free cheeseburger day at Freckle Bitch's leaves 6 dead; [...]".
    • The news ticker in the opening cutscene for the earlier mission "Live! With Killbane" stated that a boy "[nagged] parents into purchasing adult elephant as pet".
  • There is no cash reward for completing this mission, but there is a $100,000 cash reward for completing "Gangstas in Space".
  • "Stag film" was a slang term for pornography in the early 20th century.
  • All aircraft can be destroyed before the "Fly to rear deck" objective, placing the mission in a stalemate.



Playa: "Pierce, how's the..."
Playa: "[Snarls]"
Pierce: "Well hey there boss!"
Playa: "Started drinking early, did you?"
Playa: "[Grumbles]"
Pierce: "That's what you do at these things."
Playa: "So everything's all set?"
Playa: "[Gargles]"
Pierce: "We're at the Broken Shillelagh right now putting on the finishing touches."
Playa: "I'll head over soon then."
Playa: "[Babbles]"
Pierce: "See you when I see you, boss."
Playa: "And try not to pass out before I get there."
Playa: "[Roars]"
Pierce: "Me? I'm fine. Promise."
— Pre-mission phone call

Cutscene #1[]

Playa: "We've lost a lot of friends getting to where we are, and that's never easy. But at least we know that wherever Gat is, he's got friends giving Saint Peter some hell."
Playa: "To Shaundi!"
Kinzie: "Oh my God."
Kinzie: "Well, if they blow up every building we're bound to be in one of them."
Playa: "Fuck that. We're breaking their little toy."


Pierce: "Boss, you better find a helicopter. Taking that thing out is all on you..."
Playa Female 1: "You're so helpful, Pierce."
Playa Female 2: "You're sitting this one out?"
Playa Female 3: "So I'm getting no help?"
Playa Male 1: "I'm not getting any help here?"
Playa Male 2: "You're leavin' me alone on this?"
Playa Male 3: "Can't I get a hand or two?"
Playa Zombie: "Grumbles"
Pierce: "We got our hands full gettin' the crew to safety."
Playa Female 1: "Fine, I can't argue with that. I'll bring that bastard down hard."
Playa Female 2: "Good. Stay out from under that thing. I would hate for Cyrus to land on you."
Playa Female 3: "Alright. I'll get Cyrus off our backs permanently."
Playa Male 1: "Right. Don't worry, Cyrus won't have that thing up there for long."
Playa Male 2: "Fair enough. I'll take care of Cyrus..."
Playa Male 3: "Great. Let's hope Cyrus won't have that thing up there very long."
Playa Zombie: "Roars"
Angel: "I hope you have a plan, we're losing people down here."
Oleg: "I'm trying to get people to shelter, but it's chaos down here."
Kinzie: "I can't get into any of the systems on that airship. I'll keep trying, but no promises."
— Mission Start
Playa Female 1: "No more turrets, no more bombarding my crew."
Playa Female 2: "Those turrets are a problem."
Playa Female 3: "Stop shooting my city."
Playa Male 1: "Alright, those turrets gotta go."
Playa Male 2: "Those turrets are fuckin' up the crew..."
Playa Male 3: "Bloody turrets."
Playa Zombie: "Growls"
— Announcing the "Destroy the cannons" objective
Playa Female 1: "That should help the boys out."
Playa Female 2: "That should make things easier.."
Playa Male 1: "The less things shooting at me, the better."
Playa Male 2: "That should buy them more time."
Playa Male 3: "That's better."
Playa Zombie: "Roars"
— After completing the "Destroy the cannons" objective
Playa Female 1: "This thing's armor is too thick. Gonna need larger explosions to hurt it."
Playa Female 2: "I'm not hurting it enough, Kinzie. We need to try something else."
Playa Female 3: "This thing's too armored. Going to try explosives."
Playa Male 1: "Kinzie, we're not doing enough damage to this thing. We gotta go big."
Playa Male 2: "Switchin' things up. I'm not causing enough damage to this thing."
Playa Male 3: "This plan isn't working. We need to think bigger."
Playa Zombie: "Sneers"
Kinzie: "Well, just be careful."
— "Not Making a Dent"
Playa Female 1: "One for Shaundi..."
Playa Female 2: "It will take a lot more than this."
Playa Male 1: "Well, that's one..."
Playa Male 2: "First bomb down."
Playa Zombie: "Growls"
— Planting the First bomb

Playa Female 1: "One for Viola..."
Playa Female 2: "At least one more."
Playa Male 1: "Maybe three will be enough?"
Playa Male 2: "Got two set."
Playa Zombie: "Gargles"
— Planting the Plant Second bomb
Playa Female 1: "Look at this fucking thing!"
Playa Female 2: "Holy fucking shit..."
Playa Female 3: "Oh my god... is that thing real?"
Playa Male 1: "Holy fucking shit..."
Playa Male 2: "Fuck me..."
Playa Male 3: "That... is the most beautiful sight I've ever laid eyes on."
Playa Zombie: "Garbled"
Kinzie: "Your tax dollars at work..."
Playa Female 1: "Well, not mine personally since I don't pay 'em, but maybe I should start!"
Playa Female 2: "Money well spent. I could kiss Cyrus for bringing this to me. I almost hate to destroy it."
Playa Female 3: "Where do they build something like that?"
Playa Male 1: "If I knew we bought shit like this with taxes, I'd start paying 'em...this is awesome."
Playa Male 2: "Since when did taxes pay for shit this cool..."
Playa Male 3: "God bless America."
Playa Zombie: "Mumbles"
Kinzie: "When this is over I'll steal the blue prints from the DoD. A few years we can probably build our own."
Playa Female 1: "Kinzie... I love you."
Playa Female 2: "Kinzie, you are my favorite person. Ever."
Playa Female 3: "Did I ever tell you you're my favorite?"
Playa Male 1: "I love you."
Playa Male 2: "I love you."
Playa Male 3: "Kinzie... I love you."
Playa Zombie: "Gargles"
— After taking off in the Condor
Playa Female 1: "One for my crew..."
Playa Female 2: "Three is good, four is better."
Playa Male 1: "Fuck it, one more for safety."
Playa Male 2: "One more and I'm done."
Playa Zombie: "Groans"
— Planting the Third bomb
Playa Female 1: "And one just for me..."
Playa Female 2: "Nothing could survive this blast."
Playa Male 1: "That should do it."
Playa Male 2: "All set."
Playa Zombie: "Mumbles"
— Planting the Fourth bomb
Cyrus: "The people dying below is on you and your "Saints"."
Playa Female 1: "Since when did we fly this in and open fire?"
Playa Female 2: "You fired on the city, Cyrus. I came here to stop you."
Playa Female 3: "Last time I checked we weren't the ones with the floating ship of death."
Playa Male 1: "Like hell it is. You chose to fire on the city."
Playa Male 2: "I don't see us blowing up a fucking city!"
Playa Male 3: "Like hell. You started this mess."
Playa Zombie: "Growls"
Cyrus: "After what you did on Magarac Island, I didn't have a choice, did I."
Playa Female 1: "What WE did? That was YOUR girl, not mine!"
Playa Female 2: "Your own bitch did that. Could you not tell from the stench?"
Playa Female 3: "That was your little protégé, Kia!"
Playa Male 1: "Are you kidding me? Your crazy bitch attack dog did that!"
Playa Male 2: "What we did? That shit was in your house, Cyrus!"
Playa Male 3: "You mental? That was the crazy lackey of yours!"
Playa Zombie: "Babbles"
Cyrus: "You can't lie your way out of this, I'm putting you down."
— Cyrus arrives
Playa Female 1: "Thanks for leaving these lying around."
Playa Female 2: "They've left me plenty of weapons. How nice."
Playa Male 1: "Well, at least I'll have enough weapons out here."
Playa Male 2: "At least they're stocked here."
Playa Zombie: "Grumbles"
— Call Out Weapons On Deck
Cyrus: "You'll never leave the Daedelus alive!"
Cyrus: "I've been a soldier longer than you've been alive. You can't defeat me."
Cyrus: "Luck won't save you this time."
— Cyrus Taunts
This is Temple. I need help on the deck.
— Cyrus requesting reinforcements

STAG: "Explosions on the deck! I repeat, explosions on the deck!"
Playa Female 1: "It's about time."
Playa Female 2: "Right on schedule."
Playa Female 3: "Time for some fireworks, Cyrus!"
Playa Male 1: "Looks like the fireworks have started."
Playa Male 2: "About time."
Playa Male 3: "Looks like the fireworks have started."
Playa Zombie: "Babbles"
Kinzie: "I'm detecting system failures all over that ship. Tell me you're getting out of there."
Playa Female 1: "Don't worry, Kinzie. I'm not getting blown up on another boat..."
Playa Female 2: "Patience, Kinzie. I still have work to do."
Playa Female 3: "Gotta take care of Temple first."
Playa Male 1: "Not until the job's done."
Playa Male 2: "Hold that thought, Kinzie..."
Playa Male 3: "Not until the job's done."
Playa Zombie: "Grumbles"
— Cyrus Low Health
STAG: "All personnel to your escape craft."
STAG: "Abandon the Daedalus. I repeat, abandon the Daedalus."
Playa Female 1: "We're here 'till the end, Temple!"
Playa Female 2: "The Daedalus is dead, Cyrus. Now it's your turn."
Playa Female 3: "Time's up, Cyrus."
Playa Male 1: "Come on, Temple, let's finish this!"
Playa Male 2: "I'm not leaving 'till it's finished, Temple!"
Playa Male 3: "Come on, Temple, let's finish this!"
Playa Zombie: "Roars"
— Time Running Out


Clear them out so we can bring in reinforcements.
— Kinzie, "Clear the Deck" line

Playa Female 1: "First turrets, now tanks..."
Playa Female 2: "There are tanks parked on the deck."
Playa Female 3: "They have a lot of tanks up here..."
Playa Male 1: "They've got tanks on the deck."
Playa Male 2: "Great...more tanks."
Playa Male 3: "They've got tanks on the deck."
Playa Zombie: "Growls"
— Clear the Deck
Playa Female 1: "This your idea of fair?"
Playa Female 2: "You want to fight me? Then we will fight."
Playa Female 3: "Is this how you wanna die?"
Playa Male 1: "That how you wanna play it, Cyrus?"
Playa Male 2: "You want this? Let's do it!"
Playa Male 3: "You sure you want to do this, Cyrus?!"
Playa Zombie: "Snarls"
— "Cyrus Finds You On Deck"
Playa Female 1: "Who says I needed that to kill your sorry ass anyway!"
Playa Female 2: "Nice try, Cyrus. I'm still going to kill you."
Playa Female 3: "Come down here and fight, pussy!"
Playa Male 1: "I don't need a plane to kill you Cyrus!"
Playa Male 2: "You think I need that to fuck you up?"
Playa Male 3: "That the best you can muster, Cyrus?"
Playa Zombie: "Garbled"
— "Cyrus Shoots You"
Playa Female 1: "Hope you planned on dying here!"
Playa Female 1: "Steelport's had enough of this shit!"
Playa Female 1: "Think you assholes can stop me?"
Playa Female 1: "Time for STAG to burn!"
Playa Female 2: "Get out of my town!"
Playa Female 2: "It's a long way down!"
Playa Female 2: "You are looking for me, no?"
Playa Female 2: "You intend to ride this all the way down?"
Playa Male 1: "Come and get me!"
Playa Male 1: "Let's see who saves Steelport now!"
Playa Male 1: "No one fucks with my city!"
Playa Male 1: "You're all going down with the ship!"
Playa Male 2: "Let's do this!"
Playa Male 2: "Show me what you got!"
Playa Male 2: "This is where STAG ends!"
Playa Male 2: "You want me? Come on!"
Playa Zombie: "Garbled"
Playa Zombie: "Grumbles"
Playa Zombie: "Grunts"
Playa Zombie: "Roars"
— Taunting Reinforcements

Cutscene #2[]

Cyrus Temple screams
Playa: "Nice landing, Cyrus."


Playa - Female 1: "Leaving now!"
Playa - Female 2: "And with time to spare."
Playa - Female 3: "Hoo boy. Time to leave."
Playa - Male 1: "Gotta go..."
Playa - Male 2: "Time to move!"
Playa - Male 3: "Not much time left!"
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"

Cutscene #3[]

Playa: "Kinzie, round up every Saint we can find...we're going on a field trip."
Jane Valderamma: "Even in a place that is no stranger to violence, today's assault on the city stands as the blackest time in Steelport's sordid history."
Jane Valderamma: "While the Government has yet to comment on the attack, we have a report -"
Playa: "No one runs, no one gets shot, understand?!"
Playa: "Sorry ..."
Playa: "Kinzie, you in the booth?"
Kinzie: "All set."
Playa: "I got a message for Monica Hughes and her stooges. Dear bitch: Steelport is under new management, and we don't answer to you. This is foreign soil now. Come at my city again, and you'll go home in a fucking box. Back to you."
Pierce: "Not bad. You could be a weatherman or some shit."
Playa: "I may have laid it on a little thick."
Pierce: "Well, you did just create a city-state."
Playa: "Good point. That reminds me: this place is gonna need a new you feel about public office?"
Pierce: "It's a horrible idea. I'm in."
Playa: "Then, let's get to work."


STAG Film party

The Saints meet at the Broken Shillelagh to celebrate Shaundi's life

STAG Film - Playa in opening cutscene

Playa delivers a eulogy

STAG Film Angel De LaMuerte Kinzie Kensington Pierce

The crowd, including Angel De LaMuerte, Kinzie Kensington, and Pierce, raise their drinks

STAG Film - Playa looking up at the Daedalus

STAG's Daedalus arrives

STAG Film - Daedalus firing

The Daedalus begins bombardment on Steelport


A fleet of F-69 VTOLs also bomb the city

STAG Film Cyrus Temple F-69 VTOL

Playa defeats Cyrus Temple in his black VTOL, and he crashes upside down into the Daedalus

STAG Film - Playa saluting Cyrus Temple's F-69 VTOL

Playa salutes Temple as his VTOL falls off the edge, sarcastically commenting on his "nice landing"

STAG Film - Daedalus and Playa's F-69 VTOL

Playa escapes in their own VTOL as the Daedalus explodes

STAG Film - Daedalus exploding

The Daedalus is destroyed

STAG Film Jane Valderamma newscast

Jane Valderamma in a Newscast

STAG Film - Zimos, Oleg, Playa, Pierce, Angel

The Saints interrupt the newscast to declare Steelport a city-state

STAG Film - Jane Valderamma after being interrupted by Local Psychopath

Jane Valderamma is flustered by Playa's announcement

STAG Film - Playa, Zimos, Kinzie, Oleg, Angel

As the Saints prepare to leave, Playa offers Pierce the job as mayor of Steelport

STAG Film - Kinzie, Oleg, Angel, Pierce

Pierce accepts

Saints Row The Third credits

The credits begin to roll as the game comes to an end. "Three Way" can be replayed if "Gangstas in Space" is yet to be completed

STAG Film failed - left Daedalus

Mission failure screen

STAG Film complete

Mission completion screen

Ui save 23 STAG film

UI image used when saving after this mission

STAG Film - Kill Cyrus objective

STAG Film - Kill Cyrus objective

Vultures on Saints HQ helipad during STAG Film

Choice of Saints helicopters (Vulture, left, and Tornado, right) to use during the mission

Daedalus - left

The Daedalus

STAG Film - Kinzie hair through glasses

STAG Film - Kinzie hair through glasses

STAG Film - end cutscene flight path

STAG Film - end cutscene flight path

STAG Film - toast

STAG Film - toast

STAG Film - Vultures

STAG Film - Vultures

STAG Film - Shaundi cutout

STAG Film - Shaundi cutout


  1. Note: If the other ending has not been completed
  2. Twitter: @Gavin_J_Porter nope. Saving shaundi.
  3. Game: Saints Row IV
  4. Note: If "Gangstas in Space" has not been completed
  5. Image: STAG Film party
