"Round Peg, Square Hole" is the eighth mission of the Vice Kings story arc in Saints Row.
- I'll drive to where the cops are picking up protection money, you make 'em cease and desist with one of Tony's noisemakers. If we make sure the only cops we hit are the one's working for King, people gonna start askin' questions, and the cops are gonna have no choice but come down on the VKs to save face. Let's do this.
- — Johnny Gat to Playa, before departing for downtown.
Dex has discovered that the reason the Stilwater Police Department have been going so easy on the Vice Kings is because they've been getting in on some their protection rackets. Dex plans to go public with it, but Johnny Gat arrives with multiple RPG Launchers taken from Anthony's condo.[1] By only hitting the cops who are working with the Vice Kings, Gat believes people will start asking questions, forcing the police to yet again come down on the Vice Kings to save face.[2]
After disrupting five separate meetings between the police and the Vice Kings, Playa and Gat park the dynamite-laden car at the Kingdom Come Records construction site, which they had previously destroyed with a car bomb,[3] and detonate it, yet again destroying the building. Back at Benjamin King's office, Warren Williams and Tanya Winters confront King's apparent indecisiveness. Warren blames King over their recent failures and describes him as a "pussy" due to his reluctance to deal drugs, unlike the Carnales. Along with Tanya, Warren then turns against King as other disloyal Vice Kings gang members enter the office, and they attempt to overthrow King.[4][5]
- Benjamin King: "What is this?"
Warren Williams: "I built...I watched...and now I'm acting."
- — Benjamin King and Warren Williams
Upon completion of the Mission, this description is available on the 'Story' page, accessed from the 'INFO' tab of the pause menu.

Johnny Gat drives Playa to five individual meetings between the cops and the Vice Kings, which must be "interrupted". There is infinite ammo across all the weapons, despite the initial cutscene implying the use of the RPG Launcher.
The vehicle used, a blue Cavallaro, can take a lot of damage.
The mission plays out as an easier and arguably more enjoyable form of Drug Trafficking.
- Defend your car while Gat drives to the meeting locations.
- Interrupt the meeting between the cops and the Vice Kings.
It is not necessary to kill everyone at the meetings - killing even just one enemy at each is enough for Gat to continue onwards.
- Defend your car until you get to the next meeting location.
Surviving members of the meetings quickly get into their nearby vehicles and chase after Gat and Playa.
- Interrupt the meeting between the cops and the Vice Kings.
The second meeting takes place next to a gas station, so be wary of firing explosives as Gat passes it.
- Defend your car until you get to the next meeting location.
- Interrupt the meeting between the cops and the Vice Kings.
- Defend your car until you get to the next meeting location.
- Interrupt the meeting between the cops and the Vice Kings.
- Defend your car until you get to the next meeting location.
- Interrupt the meeting between the cops and the Vice Kings.
One Vice Kings gang member attempts to shoot the car with an RPG Launcher.
- Defend your car until Gat reaches Forgive and Forget.
- Success
As Gat drives into the Forgive and Forget, the mission ends and the Humbolt Park neighborhood in the Museum District is unlocked.
- Failure
The mission can be failed by getting smoked or busted, killing Gat,[6] or allowing the car to be destroyed.[7]
- Cash: None
- Respect: None
- Neighborhood: Humbolt Park
- Mission: For King and Country
- From the newsroom, I'm Jack Armstrong. Yet another explosion downtown tonight; no one hurt, but the black cloud continues to hang over the Kingdom Come Records family. We're receiving reports that the reconstruction effort on their recording studio and administrative offices came to a screeching halt as an explosion rocked the construction site. No word yet on whether it was a natural disaster, a work-related incident, or more gang violence. Either way, it doesn't look like that highly-anticipated Aisha retrospective will be out in time for the holidays. We are following this story closely here in the newsroom and will bring you details as they occur. I'm Jack Armstrong.
- — Jack Armstrong
- Although Gat drives the vehicle in this mission, he is not recruited as a Homie.
- After the third meeting, Gat plows into two approaching Quotas. They cannot really damage the car, and struggle to keep up.
- The vehicle can only be exited once it loses all its health; it bursts into flames and Playa and Johnny Gat exit the vehicle briefly before it is destroyed, failing the mission.
- If the cheats #662677 (#nocops) and #6642647 (#nogangs) are used to remove Notoriety, Johnny still drives to Forgive and Forget.
- In the end cutscene, Warren says "[...] if you got down with that shit back in the day, the Carnales woulda been ghosts right now", regardless of whether the Carnales have already been defeated.
"Subtlety is the Key" cutscene[]
- Dex: "Okay, it looks like the cops have been getting in on some of King's protection rackets; that's why they've been goin' so easy on the VKs. We gotta go public with this shit. Now if we--"
Johnny Gat: "Don't worry Dex, I have something more subtle in mind."
Dex: "Johnny, you can't be serious."
Johnny Gat: "Fuck yeah, I am."
Dex: "Where did you get those?"
Johnny Gat: "Anthony's condo. He had a big mouth."
Dex: "This isn't gonna end well."
Johnny Gat: "Don't listen to the old woman. I'll drive to where the cops are picking up protection money, you make 'em cease and desist with one of Tony's noisemakers. If we make sure the only cops we hit are the one's working for King, people gonna start askin' questions, and the cops are gonna have no choice but come down on the VKs to save face. Let's do this."
- — "Subtlety is the Key" cutscene
- So the other day Aisha was giving me shit because I don't do anything nice for her. Can you believe that? I mean I've paid for her everytime we go out, so I'm like "The hell you talkin' about, I picked up the check at the firing range" and then she goes on and on about dinner this, and flowers that. It's fuckin' bullshit, right? (pause) Thanks for your advice man, you're a big help.
- — Johnny Gat
- Johnny Gat: "Okay, we're comin' up on one of the meetings."
Johnny Gat: "You sure you know how to handle that thing?"
Johnny Gat: "Get that bad boy ready, there's a meet up ahead."
Johnny Gat: "Time to say hello to Stilwater's finest."
Johnny Gat: "Let's send those fuckers a message."
Johnny Gat: "I love seein' the looks on their faces."
Johnny Gat: "This day keeps getting' better and better."
Johnny Gat: "Let's take care of these guys next."
Johnny Gat: "There they are!"
Johnny Gat: "Time to take 'em off the payroll..."
Johnny Gat: "Let's do this."
Johnny Gat: "Hope you're a good shot with that thing."
Johnny Gat: "There's some more up ahead."
Johnny Gat: "Time to lighten King's payroll."
Johnny Gat: "Alright, here they come, you know what to do."
Johnny Gat: "Let's give our regards to Stilwater's finest."
Johnny Gat: "You ready to send a message to Monroe and King?"
Johnny Gat: "Get ready, we're comin' up on a meet..."
Johnny Gat: "Another payoff is goin' down up ahead."
Johnny Gat: "Whaddya say we crash their little meeting?"
- — Before and after each mission objective
- Johnny Gat: "Hey, next time, I call dibs on the RPG."
Johnny Gat: "One more should do it."
Johnny Gat: "Woooohooooo!"
Johnny Gat: "Man, we should do this every week."
Johnny Gat: "Early retirement baby!"
Johnny Gat: "That was fuckin' sweet!"
Johnny Gat: "Nice shot, man."
- Johnny Gat: "Fuck yeah!"
Johnny Gat: "Now we're havin' fun..."
Johnny Gat: "You're a natural!"
Johnny Gat: "You get to have all the fun..."
Johnny Gat: "Nice!"- — After killing an enemy
- Johnny Gat: "Where'd that come from?"
Johnny Gat: "Damn it!"
Johnny Gat: "I probably should have that looked at."
Johnny Gat: "Look, uh, let's not tell anyone about this."
Johnny Gat: "Time to visit Mike and Dan again."- — After running into something
- Johnny Gat: "Shit, I better wash that before I pick up Aisha tonight."
Johnny Gat: "Fuck it, they're probably fine."
Johnny Gat: "Right of way, my ass..."
Johnny Gat: "Time to change the liscence plate again."
Johnny Gat: "Did you see them walk in front of me?"- — After running over someone
"If At First You Don't Succeed..." cutscene[]
- Johnny Gat: "I think the Kings are through with the Policeman's Balls."
Johnny Gat: "Now all we got left to do is give Warren a nice final "fuck you", and I'd say this has been a helluva day."
Johnny Gat (unused line): "Goddamn, that's pretty."
- — "If At First You Don't Succeed..." cutscene
"We Need to Talk" cutscene[]
- Benjamin King: "Hello, hey it's good to hear fr-- what-- wait, wait, slowdown, what are you saying? Look, our arrangement has been beneficial for both par-- Look, why don't we talk about this tonight over dinner. I'm sure we can work this out, okay? Alright, see you tonight. Goodbye."
Warren Williams: "See, this is what I'm talkin' about."
Benjamin King: "Who said you could come in here?"
Tanya Winters: "We need to talk..."
Benjamin King: "Do we now."
Warren Williams: "You've been puttin' yourself before the crew..."
Benjamin King: "Keep talkin', little nigga..."
Warren Williams: "If you hadn't wasted our time stickin' your nose up them white boys' asses, we coulda owned the whole damn game by now."
Benjamin King: "I've told you before, we ain't gettin' into that shit."
Warren Williams: "And why the fuck not? That's where the money is! Man, if you got down with that shit back in the day, the Carnales woulda been ghosts right now. But ya didn't, did ya? You were too much of a pussy then, and you're to much of a pussy now"
Warren Williams: "FUCK!"
Benjamin King: "You forget who you talkin' to. My name is Benjamin muthafuckin' King. I'm the man who took my crew from being a bunch of baby gangstas in Sunnyvale to being one of the most influential and feared forces in the god damn city. You know how I did that?"
Benjamin King: "I said, you know how I did that?"
Warren Williams: "How, Mr. King?"
Benjamin King: "I did it by knowing when it was time to build, when it was time to watch, and when it was time to act."
Benjamin King: "I'm through carrying your punk ass. If I were you, I'd drop them damn flags and get the fuck on out of here before I erase your ass."
Warren Williams: "I ain't goin' nowhere."
Benjamin King: "You ain't hearin' me, son, I said--"
Warren Williams: "Yo fuck that, you ain't hearin' me."
Benjamin King: "What is this?"
Warren Williams: "I built...I watched...and now I'm acting."
- — "We Need to Talk" cutscene

Johnny Gat, Dex, and Playa

Johnny Gat reveals all the dynamite packed in the back of the car

The dynamite detonates, destroying the construction site at Kingdom Come Records

Tanya Winters, along with Warren Williams, overthrows Benjamin King

Round Peg, Square Hole - Interrupt the meeting between the cops and the Vice Kings objective

Dex's map

Round Peg, Square Hole - complete
- ↑ Mission: Green With Envy
- ↑ Cutscene: Subtlety is the Key
- ↑ Mission: ...To Kingdom Come
- ↑ Cutscene: If At First You Don't Succeed...
- ↑ Cutscene: We Need to Talk
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN VK06B FAIL GAT DEATH=Johnny was killed.
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN VK06B FAIL CAR DESTROYED=Your car was destroyed.
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