The Reaper is a vehicle in Saints Row, Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third[1] and the Saints Row (reboot)[2].
The Reaper's performance is slow, with only a mediocre top speed and average handling. It cannot take much damage before catching fire.
Saints Row[]
Reapers are most common in Downtown and Airport districts, but also spawn in Apartments, Barrio, Chinatown, Docks & Warehouses, High End Retail, Arena, Museum, districts and the Huntersfield neighborhood. Reapers do not spawn in Museum or Huntersfield at night, and are more common in High End Retail and Arena at night.
It is wanted by the Chop Shop in the Docks & Warehouses District, as well as during Level 4 of the Hijacking activity in the Vice Kings territory. Zombie Lin drives her unique variant when she is called as homie.
Saints Row 2[]
Reapers are most common in the Hotels & Marina District, but also spawn in Downtown, High End Retail, Saint's Row Districts, as well as the Red Light district at night.
Zombie Carlos drives one when he is called as homie.
Saints Row: The Third[]
Reapers spawn everywhere in Steelport. There is a parked Reaper in front of the hospital located in Camano Place just north of Rim Jobs. Zombie Gat drives one when he is called as homie.
In "Return to Steelport", Pierce drives the Saints' Reaper during Gat's funeral with Playa riding shotgun. This Reaper features the Saints' colors and Fleur-de-lis. During Killbane's and the Luchadores' attack on the bridge, a rocket knocks the Reaper off the bridge and into the water. Although this Reaper cannot be obtained, it is possible to recreate it via customization.
In Saints Row, the Reaper has a total of 20 Vehicle Customization options.
- Mods
- 2 Hoods
- 2 Drapes
- 2 Trims
- 2 Caskets
- 6 Rims
- 2 Mirrors
- 2 Decal 1s
- 2 Decal 2s
- Paints
- Body Color (2 sections)
- Trim Color
- Rim Color
- Window Tint
- Interior Color (2 sections)
- Misc Color
In Saints Row 2, the Reaper has a total of 16 Vehicle Customization options. It does not have Industrial Rims available. The available Wheel Sizes are 8-11 and the available Wheel Widths are 1–2.
- Mods
- 2 Hoods
- 2 Drapes
- 2 Trims
- 2 Caskets
- 2 Mirrors
- 2 Decal 1s
- 4 Front Bumpers
- Paints
- Body Color (2 sections)
- Trim Color
- Rim Color (2 sections)
- Window Tint
- Interior Color
In Saints Row: The Third, the Reaper has a total of 36 Vehicle Customization options. It does not have Industrial Rims available. The available Wheel Sizes are 21-26 and the available Wheel Widths are 1–3.
- Mods
- 2 Caskets
- 2 Drapes
- 2 Exhaust Tips
- 4 Front Bumpers
- 2 Hoods
- 4 Trims
- 10 Decal 1s
- 10 Decal 2s
- Paints
- Body Color (2 sections)
- Rim Color
- Trim Color (2 sections)
- Window Tint
- Interior Color
- Misc Color
- Saints Row
- Beater (60%)
- Standard (39%)
- Bling (1%)
- Lin (0%) (Non-customisable)
- Saints Row 2
- Beater (10%)
- Standard (80%)
- Bling (10%)
- Saints Row: The Third
- Rough (19%)
- Average (81%)
- ultimate (0%)
- saints (0%)
- The Cheat for this vehicle in Saints Row is #732737 (#Reaper).
- The Cheat for this vehicle in Saints Row 2 is #1069.
- The Cheat for this vehicle in Saints Row: The Third is "givereaper".
- The car's logo is the Grim Reaper.
- A coffin can be added or removed at the Car Mechanic, and the versions driving around the streets are sometimes equipped with one.
- In Saints Row, all variants are defined as having a "parkingweight" of 0, but the parkingweight value is not used in the game, and parked variants use the same "weight" value as driving variants.
- In the single player mission "Three Kings", Carlos requests Playa to tow a Reaper from the cemetery to a nearby Car Mechanic. This may have been foreshadowing the fact that Zombie Carlos would later drive a Reaper.
- The "Reaper" is in the "The Walking Apocalypse" trailer, although it has a muscle-like-car hood. This is the one that's on the La Fuerza in Saints Row but in the colour gold.[3]
- During the Zombie Survival in Saints Row: The Third, Zombies will ride into combat via Reapers, Ambulances and Criminals.
- The Zombie Horde Homies do not ride in a Reaper, they use a DonoVan.
- In Saints Row: The Third, the Reaper has a greater chance of rolling, but a lower chance of tipping forwards or backwards.
- In the reboot, It can be modified to resemble the 2016 Ghostbusters Ecto-1. witch oddly enough, is also a reboot movie

Reaper - Beater with no Hood variant - front left in Saints Row

Reaper - Beater with no Hood variant - front right in Saints Row

Reaper - Beater variant - front left in Saints Row

Reaper - Beater variant - front right in Saints Row

Reaper - Beater variant - rear left in Saints Row

Reaper - Beater variant - rear right in Saints Row

Reaper - Standard variant - front left in Saints Row

Reaper - Standard variant - front right in Saints Row

Reaper - Standard variant - rear left in Saints Row

Reaper - Standard variant - rear right in Saints Row

Reaper - Bling variant - front left in Saints Row

Reaper - Bling variant - front right in Saints Row

Reaper - Bling variant - rear left in Saints Row

Reaper - Bling variant - rear right in Saints Row

Reaper - Lin variant - front left in Saints Row

Reaper - Lin variant - front right in Saints Row

Reaper - Lin variant - rear left in Saints Row

Reaper - Lin variant - rear right in Saints Row

Reaper in Saints Row

Saints Row Chop Shop - Docks and Warehouses - Reaper

A no-hood Reaper in the wild

Front right view of Zombie Lin's Reaper

Rear left view of Zombie Lin's Reaper

Zombie Lin's Reaper (side)

Zombie Lin's Reaper (front)

Zombie Lin's Reaper (rear)

Reaper in Saints Row 2

Reaper in Saints Row 2

Reaper in Saints Row 2

Reaper (front) in Saints Row 2

Reaper (side) in Saints Row 2

Reaper (rear) in Saints Row 2

Beater variant in Saints Row 2

Standard variant in Saints Row 2

Bling variant in Saints Row 2

Reaper in Saints Row: The Third

Reaper in Saints Row: The Third

Reaper in Saints Row: The Third

Reaper in Saints Row: The Third

Saints variant of the reaper seen during the opening cutscene of Return to Steelport

The Reaper in Saints Row: The Third Remastered

The Reaper in Saints Row: The Third Remastered

The Reaper in Saints Row: The Third Remastered

The Reaper in Saints Row: The Third Remastered

Reaper in Saints Row (reboot)

The reaper modified to resemble the 2016 Ecto-1
- ↑ YouTube: SAINTS ROW THE THIRD Character Customisation Gameplay (cam)
- ↑ Game Riot presentation, May 21, 2022, Reaper listed in Jim Rob's garage menu.
- ↑ YouTube: Saints Row: The Third - The Walking Apocalypse