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Psychosomatic is a Loyalty mission in Saints Row IV.

There's some stuff I need to deal with. Do you mind coming along?
— Quest description


The overview section is for a summary, gameplay details belong in the gameplay section

Shaundi finds out Veteran Child is loose in The Simulation and trying to build a fan base. Fearful he'll come after her again, she asks Playa to help her take him out. Playa agrees. Fun Shaundi tags along, informing the group there's alien drug deals in virtual Steelport being handled by Sons of Samedi members. She suggests they get the drugs first because they're rumored to give super human abilities. Playa agrees to help Fun Shaundi score the drugs to have a better chance against Veteran Child and his fans. Shaundi reluctantly agrees to go along with it.

The first stop turns out to be a low grade knock off. Shaundi gets upset with Fun Shaundi when she says that she knows of another deal which definitely has the real stuff. Playa declares they'll try to jump the other deal but they go after Veteran Child afterwards whether it's real or not. Fun Shaundi agrees.

After a getting and using the drugs, nothing happens for a few seconds. Then suddenly the drugs kick in and both Shaundis gain Super Powers and Playa gets a super change. The Shaundis then race each other to the top of a building west of Sunset Park. After the race, the Shaundis Blast each other, and groan they'll never do that again before heading to Sunset Park to take out Veteran Child.

The group is attacked by what appear to Playa to be furries, but both Shaundis state they're just college kids. The fans aren't much more than standard enemies. After they're all defeated, Veteran Child unleashes several copies of himself. They aren't much tougher than the fans, but as they're defeated, the remaining copies get tougher, gain Super Powers, and the last 3 have Force Fields.

Once all the clones are dealt with, Veteran Child suddenly teleports away. Two Veteran Child copies grab one Shaundi each and tell Playa to decide which one to save. The Shaundis, having had enough of being held hostage, suddenly break free and shoot the Veteran Child holding the other Shaundi. Making amends with her past self, Shaundi is ready to continue the fight.




  • This mission is required in order to get the full ending of the game.
  • The Alien Narcotics, the second batch of drugs in Port Pryor, affect Playa and both Shaundis. Both versions of Shaundi unlock their Super Powers (Normal Shaundi also unlocks her Super outfit) and Playa does not need to wait for Super Powers to recharge for the rest of the mission, along with strange visuals when Playa is under the influence of the drugs.
  • This mission is not available in the Australian release as the game was originally refused classification for containing "illicit or proscribed drug use related to incentives or rewards.". Instead of removing the references to "Narcotics", Volition chose to remove the mission entirely.
    • Due to this, the rewards from this mission are instead unlocked after completing De Plane Boss.
    • A similar situation occurred in the game Fallout 3, which was refused classification due to having a drug named "Morphine". The drug was renamed "Med-X" to avoid the real-life drug reference.
  • Unlike in Brotherhood, the Sons of Samedi vehicles cannot normally be saved in the Garage, but are sometimes present in the area after failing the mission.


Update description lines with details about when each occurs


Shaundi: "Boss, I need your help."
Playa - Female 1: "Shaundi? Everything okay?"
Playa - Female 2: "What is going on, Shaundi?"
Playa - Female 3: "What's troubling you, Shaundi?"
Playa - Male 1: "Shaundi, you okay?"
Playa - Male 2: "Shaundi, what's wrong?"
Playa - Male 3: "You sound bothered, Shaundi."
Nolan North: "Shaundi, you okay?"
Shaundi: "Kinzie told me she saw Veteran Child inside your simulation. I didn't think it still bothered, me but I'm actually worried about this."
Playa - Female 1: "Wait--you're worried about Veteran Child?"
Playa - Female 2: "Why are you worried about Veteran Child?"
Playa - Female 3: "What about Veteran Child?"
Playa - Male 1: "About Veteran Child?"
Playa - Male 2: "You're worried about Veteran Child?"
Playa - Male 3: "Veteran Child? Why?"
Nolan North: "About Veteran Child?"
Shaundi: "I don't want him coming to try and kill me again. Again again. Fuck it, you know what I mean. Can we just go kill him please?"
— "Pre Mission Call"
Shaundi: "Veteran Child is getting ready to give a DJ concert in the park. The last thing I want is him setting up shop and coming after me again. Which is why... HEY!"
Shaundi SR2: "Chill, this'll just take a sec... Which is why we need to score something to boost us up for killing that douchebag. There's deals going down around the city. We crash in, wipe out any resistance, and party with whatever they got. Trust me, this alien shit should give us an edge."
— "Mission Brief"
Playa - Female 1: "All right. We'll do the drug thing first then deal with Veteran Child."
Playa - Female 2: "Very well. We will hit the drug deals first."
Playa - Female 3: "Okay, we'll hit the drug deals then take care of Veteran Child."
Playa - Male 1: "All right, Shaundi, we're hitting one of these deals you mentioned first."
Playa - Male 2: "Fine. We'll do the drug thing first. Then we'll hit DJVC."
Playa - Male 3: "The boost sounds worth looking into. We'll hit the drug deals first."
Nolan North: "All right, Shaundi, we're hitting one of these deals you mentioned first."
Shaundi: "Hold on, why're we listening to this burnout? Veteran Child is out there and you're gonna help her score drugs?"
Shaundi SR2: "Hey, I'm just trying to give us an edge. What's wrong with that?"
Playa - Female 1: "Okay, everybody chill the fuck out. We can do young Shaundi's drug thing first. Veteran Child's not going anywhere."
Playa - Female 2: "Veteran Child's not going anywhere. And if these drugs give us a boost like young Shaundi said, all the better."
Playa - Female 3: "Quit squabbling, you two. We can do young Shaundi's thing and then take care of your problem. Veteran Children's not going anywhere."
Playa - Male 1: "Both of you, cut it out. Veteran Child isn't going anywhere and helping out young Shaundi first isn't going to hurt. If she says this could help us, then I say we try it."
Playa - Male 2: "Shaundis, chill. We can do both. Veteran Child's not going anywhere. He's probably passed out on some couch somewhere. Let's do young Shaundi's thing first."
Playa - Male 3: "You're giving a headache. We're gonna do the drug thing for young Shaundi first. Then we'll visit Veteran Child."
Nolan North: "Both of you, cut it out. Veteran Child isn't going anywhere and helping out young Shaundi first isn't going to hurt. If she says this could help us, then I say we try it."
Shaundi SR2: "Thank you."
Shaundi: "If you even think about calling me "old Shaundi" I'm gonna shoot you."
— "Mission Start"
Shaundi SR2: "This is the place."
Playa - Female 1: "All right. Let's clear these guards out."
Playa - Female 2: "Let's clear out these guards."
Playa - Female 3: "Clear out these guards."
Playa - Male 1: "All right, get to clearing out the guards."
Playa - Male 2: "Okay, we need to clear out these guards."
Playa - Male 3: "We need to take out these guards."
Nolan North: "All right, get to clearing out the guards."
Shaundi: "Fine, whatever..."
— "Arrive 1st Deal"
Shaundi: "I swear if we get killed before we even get to Veteran Child I'm gonna be pissed."
Playa - Female 1: "What do you know about these stuff?"
Playa - Female 2: "What is this stuff, anyway?"
Playa - Female 3: "So what is this stuff exactly?"
Playa - Male 1: "What's this stuff we're after anyway?"
Playa - Male 2: "So what are these drugs, Shaundi?"
Playa - Male 3: "Shaundi, what is this stuff anyway?"
Nolan North: "What's this stuff we're after anyway?"
Shaundi SR2: "Some alien-created drug. Supposed to enhance your abilities on top of giving you a really wicked buzz."
Shaundi: "Right, just like you thought Loa Dust was gonna make you clairvoyant and invincible."
Shaundi SR2: "I never did test that invincible part..."
— "Clearing 1st Guards"
The dealer ducked around the corner.
— Shaundi SR2, "1st Dealer Runs"

Make sure to get the package from the dealer.
— Shaundi SR2, "Kill Dealer"

Playa - Female 1: "Well. Let's give it a shot."
Playa - Female 2: "All right. Let's try this stuff."
Playa - Female 3: "Let's try it, shall we?"
Playa - Male 1: "Okay, let's give this a shot."
Playa - Male 2: "Okay. Let's do this."
Playa - Male 3: "Smoke 'em if you got 'em."
Nolan North: "Okay, let's give this a shot."
Shaundi SR2: "That's interesting..."
Shaundi: "Oh god, what's interesting?"
Shaundi SR2: "This doesn't look like the right stuff."
Playa - Female 1: "Yeah, this stuff doesn't seem to be doing anything."
Playa - Female 2: "I don't...I don't feel anything."
Playa - Female 3: "I agree. I don't feel anything."
Playa - Male 1: "Yeah, I'm not feeling anything here."
Playa - Male 2: "Huh. I don't feel anything."
Playa - Male 3: "Indeed. I'm not feeling anything."
Nolan North: "Yeah, I'm not feeling anything here."
Shaundi SR2: "Dammit, this guy was selling a low grade knockoff."
Shaundi: "Or maybe it just doesn't do anything like I said."
Shaundi SR2: "Hey, I'm the expert here, remember? Trust me, this wasn't what we're after."
— "End 1st Deal"
Playa - Female 1: "We'll give this one more shot. Then we're helping old--er Shaundi."
Playa - Female 2: "Let's give your plan one more try. Then we find Veteran Child."
Playa - Female 3: "All right, but whether it works or not, we go after Veteran Child after."
Playa - Male 1: "All right, I'll give this plan of yours one more try then we're helping Shaundi. The... the other Shaundi."
Playa - Male 2: "One more try. Then we go after Veteran Child."
Playa - Male 3: "We'll try one more. Then we go do other Shaundi's thing."
Nolan North: "All right, I'll give this plan of yours one more try then we're helping Shaundi. The, uh, other Shaundi."
Shaundi SR2: "Cool with me. My source says this next guy should be loaded with the right product."
Shaundi: "Then why'd we hit that last one at all?"
Shaundi SR2: "What's wrong with wanting more?"
Shaundi: "I hate myself."
Shaundi SR2: "You're wound up way too tight."
Shaundi: "I'm just trying to get our ex out of our lives for good. I thought you'd at least appreciate that."
Shaundi SR2: "I'm all for being serious about dealing with problems, but that doesn't mean giving up on having a little fun in the process."
Shaundi: "Well not everyone can be like you."
Shaundi SR2: "But you are me, don't you see. We're the same!"
Shaundi: "Not anymore. We've got nothing left in common."
Shaundi SR2: "That hurts..."
— "2nd Drive"
Playa - Female 1: "Doesn't look like they're happy to see me."
Playa - Female 2: "Ah, I see them. And they are not happy."
Playa - Female 3: "Well, there they are. And they're not happy."
Playa - Male 1: "I see them. Don't think they're happy to see me though."
Playa - Male 2: "There they are. And they don't look happy."
Playa - Male 3: "I see 'em. And they don't look pleased."
Nolan North: "I see them. Don't think they're happy to see me though."
— "Arrive 2nd Deal"
Now this looks like what we're after.
— Shaundi SR2, "2nd Dealer Dead"

Shaundi: "Do we really have to do this?"
Shaundi SR2: "Girl, we've been shot, lit on fire, hit by cars and now kidnapped by aliens... one of these days we're not gonna get back up, and when that day comes if we haven't gotten high on alien narcotics we have not lived a life we can be proud of."
Shaundi: "Fine, I'll pass this shit."
— "End 2nd Deal"
Playa - Female 1: "Am I the only one not feeling anything?"
Playa - Female 2: "Either of you feel anything?"
Playa - Female 3: "Y'all feel anything?"
Playa - Male 1: "Anyone else feeling anything?"
Playa - Male 2: "Anybody feel anything?"
Playa - Male 3: "You two feeling anything?"
Nolan North: "Anyone else feeling anything?"
Shaundi: "Nope."
Shaundi SR2: "Maybe it takes a minute to kick in."
Shaundi: "I knew this was a bust. Come on, you promised to go after Veteran Child now."
Playa - Female 1: "You're right, Shaundi. Let's find your killer ex."
Playa - Female 2: "You are right. Let's find him."
Playa - Female 3: "Sure thing. Let's go find him."
Playa - Male 1: "I'm a man of my word. Let's go."
Playa - Male 2: "You're right. Let's do it."
Playa - Male 3: "True enough. Let's go."
Nolan North: "I'm a man of my word. Let's go."
Shaundi SR2: "I don't get it..."
— "Drugs Not Hitting"
Playa - Female 1: "My powers feel limitless... whoa."
Playa - Female 2: "I feel like I can do anything!"
Playa - Female 3: "Woo! My powers feel...limitless."
Playa - Male 1: "Whoa, holy shit! My powers feel limitless!"
Playa - Male 2: "Holy shit. My powers feel... whoa."
Playa - Male 3: "Bloody hell. My powers feel limitless..."
Nolan North: "Whoa, holy shit! My powers feel limitless!"
Shaundi SR2: "Oh man this stuff is killer!"
Shaundi: "What the hell was THAT?"
Playa - Female 1: "What... whoa. What happened?"
Playa - Female 2: "Woo. What's happening?"
Playa - Female 3: "What is...what is happening?"
Playa - Male 1: "What, what happened?"
Playa - Male 2: "What just happened?"
Playa - Male 3: "What the bloody hell happened?"
Nolan North: "What, what happened?"
Shaundi: "I don't know, I just feel... powerful!"
Playa - Female 1: "How long has it been since you got high?"
Playa - Female 2: "Been a long time since you got high, huh?"
Playa - Female 3: "You haven't gotten high in a while, have you?"
Playa - Male 1: "Okay... ha ha ha... it really has been too long since you've smoked up."
Playa - Male 2: "It has been a while since you smoked, hasn't it?"
Playa - Male 3: "Hehehe. Been a while since you toked up, eh, Shaundi?"
Nolan North: "Okay, it really has been too long since you've smoked up."
Shaundi SR2: "No, she's right, I feel it too. It's like every muscle in me is gonna burst. Holy crap, we have super powers!"
Shaundi: "I know, right!"
Shaundi SR2: "I told ya I knew what I was doing."
Playa - Female 1: "Are you two...getting along?"
Playa - Female 2: "Are you two actually agreeing on something?"
Playa - Female 3: "Now...are you two getting along?"
Playa - Male 1: "Wait, are you two actually getting along?"
Playa - Male 2: "Wait, you guys are agreeing. It's kinda freaking me out."
Playa - Male 3: "Are you two actually getting along?"
Nolan North: "Wait, are you two actually getting along?"
Shaundi SR2: "Well she's finally mellowing out."
Shaundi: "Well you finally had a good idea."
— "Drug Taking Affect"
Playa - Female 1: "Where the hell are you two going?"
Playa - Female 2: "Hey! You two get back here!"
Playa - Female 3: "Where are you going? You two get back here!"
Playa - Male 1: "Hold on, will you two get back here!"
Playa - Male 2: "Where are you two going? Get back here!"
Playa - Male 3: "Waitaminnit, you two, get back here!"
Nolan North: "Hold on, will you two get back here!"
— "Shaundis Take Off"
Shaundi SR2: "I'll bet I'm faster than you."
Shaundi: "There's no way that's possible."
Shaundi SR2: "Yeah? Then come on, let's see what you got."
Playa - Female 1: "Wait, didn't you want to go after--"
Playa - Female 2: "Shaundi, shouldn't we be going after--"
Playa - Female 3: "Shaundi, aren't we supposed to be going after--"
Playa - Male 1: "Uh, Shaundi? I thought we were going after--"
Playa - Male 2: "But I thought we were going after--"
Playa - Male 3: "Yeah, but we were going to go after--"
Nolan North: "Uh, Shaundi? I thought we were going after--"
Shaundi: "Oh you're on. There's no way you're outrunning me."
Shaundi SR2: "Then catch me!"
— "Shaundi Chase"
Shaundi: "You call that fast?"
Shaundi: "What's a matter, smoked too much?"
Shaundi: "Let me show you how it's done."
— "Shaundi Chase Taunts"
Shaundi SR2: "Come on you slowpoke!"
Shaundi SR2: "You aren't catching me, give it up!"
Shaundi SR2: "Face it, I'm faster than you!"
— "ShSR2 Chase Taunts"
Playa - Female 1: "All right, quit playing around!"
Playa - Female 2: "Will you two stop messing around?"
Playa - Female 3: "Stop messing around, you two!"
Playa - Male 1: "Will you two stop playing around?"
Playa - Male 2: "Stop playing around, you two!"
Playa - Male 3: "Will you two quit it already?"
Nolan North: "Will you two stop playing around?"
Shaundi SR2: "I won!"
Shaundi: "No you didn't, I was right with you the whole time."
Playa: "Shaundis!"
Shaundi SR2: "Fine, I'll fight you for it."
Shaundi: "Bring it on!"
— "Catch Up On Roof"
Shaundi SR2: "Oooof. That hurt."
Shaundi: "Yeah... remind me not to do that again."
Playa - Female 1: "Well, if you both are done playing around, we should probably go after Veteran Child."
Playa - Female 2: "Are you two done? I thought you wanted to get Veteran Child."
Playa - Female 3: "If you two are finished, we should probably focus on Veteran Child, ya think?"
Playa - Male 1: "Serves you both right. Now I thought you wanted to go after Veteran Child."
Playa - Male 2: "Aren't we supposed to be going after Veteran Child?"
Playa - Male 3: "Now, if you ladies are finished, this is probably a good time to go after Veteran Child, yeah?"
Nolan North: "Serves you both right. Now I thought you wanted to go after Veteran Child."
Shaundi SR2: "Oh, good point."
Shaundi: "Sorry, you're right boss."
Playa - Female 1: "It's okay. Let's get moving though."
Playa - Female 2: "It's okay. But we should get going."
Playa - Female 3: "We should get moving."
Playa - Male 1: "It's fine. Let's just get moving."
Playa - Male 2: "It's all right. But let's get going."
Playa - Male 3: "S'alright. But let's get a move on."
Nolan North: "It's fine. Let's just get moving."
Shaundi SR2: "I still totally won."
Shaundi: "Shhhh."
— "After Hadooken"
Looks like we have some special guests trying to crash our fun! Let's get this party started!
— DJVC, "Arrive DJVC"

Playa - Female 1: "Since when exactly has Veteran Child been the voice of the furry generation?"
Playa - Female 2: "Since when have furries been so into Veteran Child?"
Playa - Female 3: "And Veteran Child has been having furry parties since when?"
Playa - Male 1: "Um, Shaundi... Since when is the furry crowd into Veteran Child?"
Playa - Male 2: "Heh. Since when has Veteran Child been a hit with the furries?"
Playa - Male 3: "So, since when has Veteran Child been throwing furry parties?"
Nolan North: "Um, Shaundi... Since when is the furry crowd into Veteran Child?"
Shaundi SR2: "Since, like, never. Why?"
Playa - Female 1: "Why? WHY? Look around. We are SURROUNDED by furries!"
Playa - Female 2: "Seriously? Have you looked around you? There are furries everywhere!"
Playa - Female 3: "Why? Because we're surrounded by furries, that's why!"
Playa - Male 1: "What do you mean why? Look around! I feel like I'm gonna get yiffed on or something."
Playa - Male 2: "Are you kidding me? Look around you! We're surrounded by animal-people."
Playa - Male 3: "Because we're surrounded by a lot full of bloody furries, that's why!"
Nolan North: "What do you mean why? Look around! I feel like I'm gonna get yiffed on or something."
Shaundi SR2: "Yeah, ew."
Shaundi: "Hold on, are you tripping?"
Shaundi SR2: "Ha ha. Total light weight."
Shaundi: "This is just a bunch of college students, boss. There isn't a fuzzy purple ass in sight."
Playa - Female 1: "Wait--really? Shit."
Playa - Female 2: "Aw. Damn..."
Playa - Female 3: "Well, I'll be damned..."
Playa - Male 1: "Dammit!"
Playa - Male 2: "Fuck me..."
Playa - Male 3: "Fuck me running."
Nolan North: "Dammit!"
— "Begin DJVC 1st Fight"
DJVC: "Come on, people, feel that beat and step up the action!"
DJVC: "Are you gonna let them ruin the party? Let's see some defense here!"
— "DJVC Incite Crowd"
Playa - Female 1: "Ah fuck. He's got a shield or something."
Playa - Female 2: "He has a shield or something on him."
Playa - Female 3: "Dammit. He has a shield of some kind."
Playa - Male 1: "Fuck! He's got some sort of field protecting him."
Playa - Male 2: "Shit! He's got something protecting him."
Playa - Male 3: "The hippy's got a force field on him."
Nolan North: "Fuck! He's got some sort of field protecting him."
Shaundi: "Deal with the crowd first, we'll pry his ass out of there later."
— "See DJVC Shield"
Playa - Female 1: "That's what you get for hiring club kids as cannon fodder, Veteran Child."
Playa - Female 2: "Your audience is gone. Maybe you should have played better music, eh?"
Playa - Female 3: "Sorry I mowed through your crew so fast. I'll be more considerate next time."
Playa - Male 1: "Your crowd didn't do much. Guess you should've hired some actual bodyguards."
Playa - Male 2: "Your crew let you down, VC. Next time, hire actual guards."
Playa - Male 3: "You'd do better to hire some actual guards, Veteran Child."
Nolan North: "Your crowd didn't do much. Guess you should've hired some actual bodyguards."
DJVC: "Oh don't worry, the crowd was just to soften you up."
— "After Crowd Dead"
Shaundi SR2: "We gotta find a way through that shield."
Playa - Female 1: "Kinda preoccupied with these assholes, Shaundi. One of you figure it out!"
Playa - Female 2: "I am a little busy here. Can you figure it out, Shaundi?"
Playa - Female 3: "I need to focus on these assholes. Shaundi! Try to figure it out."
Playa - Male 1: "A little busy with these assholes right now. Shaundi, think you can figure it out?"
Playa - Male 2: "Kinda busy, Shaundi. Think one of you can handle it?"
Playa - Male 3: "These assholes are keeping me busy. Shaundi, can you take a crack at it?"
Nolan North: "A little busy with these assholes right now. Shaundi, think you can figure it out?"
Shaundi: "Trying not to get killed here, but I'll see what I can do."
— "Start Multi DJVC"
DJVC: "When're you going to understand? I can't be stopped. Might as well just lay down and let all of me finish you off."
DJVC: "When I'm through with your fearless and overrated boss here you two won't have anyone left to hide behind."
DJVC: "I think I'll title this track "It's Easy To Kill A Saint"."
DJVC: "Come on, finish these assholes already! What's wrong with these copies?"
— "DJVC Taunting"
Playa - Female 1: "Dammit. These assholes are getting tougher and tougher with each kill."
Playa - Female 2: "I swear these guys are getting harder each time I kill one."
Playa - Female 3: "Every time I kill one, the others get tougher."
Playa - Male 1: "Dammit, these guys are getting tougher as we kill them."
Playa - Male 2: "These assholes are getting tougher with each kill."
Playa - Male 3: "What the hell? These guys are getting stronger with each kill."
Nolan North: "Dammit, these guys are getting tougher as we kill them."
Shaundi: "Yeah, but the shield is weakening at the same time!"
Shaundi SR2: "How'd you figure that out?"
Shaundi: "I've gotten better with tech. Even picked up a few tricks from Kinzie."
Shaundi SR2: "Damn, I thought I was good with a computer but that's impressive."
Shaundi: "I am you, remember?"
Shaundi SR2: "That's right! Then go me!"
— "1st Shield Weak"
No! What have you done!
— DJVC, "Shield Down"

Shaundi: "What. The. Fuck."
DJVC: "I always told you, Shaundi; there's so much more of me to love."
Shaundi SR2: "Quit confusing "love" and "loathe" you pervert."
— "DJVCs Drop Down"
Playa - Female 1: "Aw fuck me. They all have shields now!"
Playa - Female 2: "Aw shit. Now they have shields!"
Playa - Female 3: "Well shit. Now these guys have shields!"
Playa - Male 1: "Jesus, these guys have shields now!"
Playa - Male 2: "What the hell? They have shields now?"
Playa - Male 3: "Ah Christ. These guys have shields!"
Nolan North: "Jesus, these guys have shields now!"
— "Final Clones"
Shaundi SR2: "You're right, it's working! The shield's getting weaker as his copies get more powerful!"
Shaundi: "Hold on, look at the speakers. The music seems to be what's causing it in the first place."
Shaundi SR2: "Come on, Shaundi, let's take 'em down!"
Shaundi: "You read my mind!"
Playa - Female 1: "I'll take out these guys. You two do that."
Playa - Female 2: "Sounds good. I'll take care of these guys."
Playa - Female 3: "All right. You do that while I take on these guys."
Playa - Male 1: "You two work on that, I'll finish with these guys."
Playa - Male 2: "You focus on that. I'll finish off these guys."
Playa - Male 3: "I'll finish off the rest while you ladies work on that."
Nolan North: "You two work on that, I'll finish with these guys."
— "2nd Shield Weak"
Playa - Female 1: "It's down to us, Veteran Child. You're out of plays."
Playa - Female 2: "Nowhere left to run, Veteran Child. Just you and me now."
Playa - Female 3: "You're done for, Veteran Child. There's nowhere to go."
Playa - Male 1: "Guess it's just you now, Veteran Child, and nowhere left to go."
Playa - Male 2: "Just you and me now, Veteran Child. Where ya gonna go?"
Playa - Male 3: "Whatcha gonna do now, Veteran Child?"
Nolan North: "Guess it's just you now, Veteran Child, and nowhere left to go."
Playa: "What the..."
— "DJVC Down"
Shaundi: "Dammit, get off of me!"
Shaundi SR2: "Dammit, get off me!"
— "Take"
DJVC: "Who lives and who dies?"
Shaundi SR2: "Fuck."
Shaundi: "That."
Playa - Female 1: "Holy shit..."
Playa - Female 2: "Huh..."
Playa - Female 3: "I'll be..."
Playa - Male 1: "Whoa."
Playa - Male 2: "Wow."
Playa - Male 3: "Shit..."
Nolan North: "Whoa."
— "Hostages"
Shaundi: "Now that was awesome."
Shaundi SR2: "Told you we were the same."
Playa - Female 1: "We're good now, yeah?"
Playa - Female 2: "Everything's cool now, yeah?"
Playa - Female 3: "Everything okay?"
Playa - Male 1: "So we're cool then?"
Playa - Male 2: "So everything's cool?"
Playa - Male 3: "How are we now? We okay?"
Nolan North: "So we're cool then?"
Shaundi: "Yeah, we're cool."
Shaundi SR2: "Totally cool."
— "Mission End"


Psychosomatic - Go to Deal Location objective - Shaundis standing

Playa with both Shaundi and Fun Shaundi

Psychosomatic - Go to Deal Location objective

Playa driving to the Deal Location

Psychosomatic - Kill Guards objective - Sons of Samedi

Playa fighting the Son of Samedi

Psychosomatic - Shaundis smoking more drugs

Testing the batch of Drugs

Psychosomatic - Kill Guards objective - Shaundi shooting from vehicle

Arriving at the second Deal Location

Psychosomatic - Playa smoking drugs

Testing the second batch of Drugs

Psychosomatic - Shaundis smoking drugs

Both Shaundis testing their new found Superpowers, but only normal Shaundi has a new outfit

Psychosomatic - Follow The Shaundis objective

Playa chasing after the Superpowered Shaundis

Psychosomatic - Follow the Shaundis objective

Playa chasing after the Superpowered Shaundis

Psychosomatic - wide view of parking lot

Furries initially guard Veteran Child

Psychosomatic - Kill Guards objective

Playa fighting off the Furries

Psychosomatic - Multiple Veteran Childs in parking lot

Playa fighting off clones of Veteran Child

Psychosomatic - Kill DJVC objective

Playa fighting off against clones of Veteran Child

Psychosomatic - Veteran Child as a DJ

Playa confronting Veteran Child

Psychosomatic - multiple Veteran Childs

Both Shaundis executing the others Veteran Child that was holding them hostage
