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Saints Row Wiki

The Police Headquarters, AKA Precinct 31,[1] is a building in Saints Row 2.


The Stilwater Police Department Headquarters is located in the Harrowgate neighborhood of the Saint's Row District.

Shaundi and Playa enter the headquarters in order to tap into the traffic surveillance system to find The General.[1] The title of the mission is the only time it is ever referred to as "Precinct 31", and that name does not appear in dialogue during the mission or at any other point in the game.

Phone Taps[]

There are 3 phone tap recordings in the Stilwater Detective Bureau on the third floor.[2] After listening to them, a file on Julius becomes available in Chief Bradshaw's office, which contains Dex's phone number. Calling Dex unlocks the bonus mission.[3]

Phone Tap audio #1
Phone Tap audio #2
Phone Tap audio #3
Dex phone call

Badass Cop of the Month[]

Badass cop of the month

Source image from the game files

On the ground floor of the building there is a trophy case displaying the Badass Cop of the Month competition.[4] There are 5 photos displayed, with trophies and kill counts.

  • A male African-American
    Three trophies and 25 kills with the RPG Launcher.
  • A male caucasian
    Five trophies and 46 kills with a Samurai Sword.
  • A female caucasian
    Two trophies and 18 kills with the Chainsaw.
  • A male African-American
    Two trophies and 14 kills with a Mini-Gun.
  • A female caucasian
    No trophies and 3 kills with a Samurai Sword.


  • Although it is a police building, normal Civilians spawn in the upstairs lounge area, playing video games and pinball machines.[5] A sign on the wall states that this area is a Recreation Center.[6]
  • There is a 10% chance of a Tornado spawning on the rooftop helipad.
  • On the third floor is a plaque dedicated to Police Chief Monroe.[7]
  • Chief Bradshaw's office is through the Detective Bureau room on the third floor.[8]
  • There are graphs in the Detective Bureau of various funny statistics.[9]
  • Across from the Public Relations room is a wall with that has pictures of Stilwater's "Most Wanted". It contains the pictures of The General, Carlos, Jessica, Maero, Shaundi, and Pierce.[10]
  • The Police Headquarters is build on the site of the docks from the mission Reclamation, in which Troy was a Homie and shot at cops.
  • Male officers may enter the female locker room, and vice-versa[11]
  • There is a darkened sign in the third floor that reads Dead end, following the sign leads to a dead end.[12]
  • In the office before Troy's, as well as in other places in the Police Headquarters, is a framed "Certificate of Achievement" which reads: "You can't imagine how proud we are of you. Please let us fuck your daughter. Pretty please with a cherry on top. Thanks, Will Trustworthy".[13][14]


Police Headquarters exterior

Police Headquarters exterior

Police Headquarters - Wanted Poster textures

Stilwater's most wanted

Blimps Criminals Pets graph textures for the Police Headquarters

Graphs in the police station

Wong Tazer

Wong Tazer

Stilwater Police Department star

Police badge from the front desk

Police Headquarters - lobby

Police Headquarters - lobby

Police Headquarters - Most wanted

Most wanted fugitives

Police Headquarters - Ground floor surveillance room

Ground floor surveillance room

Police Headquarters - Public Relations Hall

Public Relations Hall

Police Headquarters - Conference room

Conference room

Police Headquarters - hallway between Conference rooms and Locker rooms

Police Headquarters - hallway between Conference rooms and Locker rooms

Police Headquarters - male cop coming out of female locker room

Police Headquarters - male cop coming out of female locker room

Police Headquarters - Locker room

Locker room

Police Headquarters - Trophy case

Police Headquarters - Trophy case

Police Headquarters - monument

Police Headquarters - monument

Police Headquarters - Civilians in recreation center

Recreation center with civilians

Police Headquarters - Recreational center sign

Recreational center sign

Police Headquarters - Chief plaque

Police Headquarters - Chief plaque

Police Headquarters - Dead end sign

Dead end sign

Police Headquarters - Detective Bureau with phone tap markers

Police Headquarters - Detective Bureau with phone tap markers

Police Headquarters - Chief Troy Bradshaw reception

Police Headquarters - Chief Troy Bradshaw reception

Police Headquarters - Troy's office

Chief Troy Bradshaw office

Police Headquarters - diorama in Troy's office

Police Headquarters - diorama in Troy's office

Police Headquarters - male cop coming out of female locker room

Police Headquarters - male cop coming out of female locker room

Police Headquarters - Top floor surveillance room

Police Headquarters - Top floor surveillance room

Police Headquarters framed certificates

Police Headquarters framed certificates

Police Headquarters - Certificate of Achievement

Police Headquarters - Certificate of Achievement

