Pleasanton is a simulated neighborhood in Saints Row IV.
Pleasanton is one of Zinyak's Simulations.
This Simulation is named in the hood definition file as "Pleasanton", but also referred to as "Pleasantville", after the similar town in the film of the same name.
A 1950s version of Steelport, it is used to house Playa during A Pleasant Day as their worst nightmare is a city based on normality, pleasantry, and order: a prison of peace. This is what is supposed to break Playa as they dislike this sort of life. It freaks out Playa and makes them drive around until Kinzie contacts them. The Simulation fails when Kinzie informs Playa that the best way to break the Simulation is to cause as much chaos as possible, which is successful and forces Zinyak to intervene and moves Playa into the more secure Virtual Steelport.
Kinzie also gets subjected to this same Simulation during Hello Teacup, wearing 1950s clothing with a poodle skirt under the supervision of Cyrus Temple, who is the Mayor of the Simulation and organising a rally. Playa returns to this Simulation when they follow some numbers that Keith David overheard during his short-lived betrayal, and CID locates the secret entrance which allows them to locate Kinzie. Playa, after encountering 2 decoys, finds Kinzie and reprograms the speakers to play 1950s music, causing a glitch to make Kinzie and everyone else dance, then defeats Cyrus which allows Kinzie to be released from the Simulation and wake up on The Ship.
The only vehicles that spawn are old-fashioned cars, such as the Hollywood and Gunslinger. The civilians in "Steelport" always respond non-violently to insults and attacks. They usually opt to flee when threatened.
Only two buildings are enterable in Pleasanton: Playa's suburban "home" and Ginger's Dive, the diner where Playa enters during A Pleasant Day.
- Ginger's Dive is based on Smiling Jack's.
- The courthouse square is based on the courthouse square from Back to the Future, in which the film's protagonist travels back in time to the 1950s. In the film and in the game, the clock is stopped at 10:04.[1]
- The town is filled with jokes about normality and conformity. One such joke is an advertisement for a store called "Everybody Loves Me", a parody on the clothing store Nobody Loves Me.
- A Professor Genki styled old-fashioned clock is on the wall in Playa's kitchen.[4]
- A Professor Genki cartoon is playing on both TVs in the house.
- Ginger's Dive has a glaring anachronism: a 21st-century cordless phone on the counter.
- There are 15 types of civilians in Pleasanton alone, and 22 civilian types in the rest of Virtual Steelport.

Ginger's Dive

The calendar in A Pleasant Day

The desk photo of Shaundi in A Pleasant Day

"Save the Clock Tower" flyer from this mission

"Save the Clock Tower" flyer from Back to the Future

Everybody Loves Me sign on the side of a building

Clock tower clock

Drive-in sign

Pleasanton billboard crime

Pleasanton billboard driver

Pleasanton billboard fryer

Pleasanton billboard life

Pleasanton billboard loves

Pleasanton billboard peace

50s bizman - character model in Saints Row IV

50s college gal - character model in Saints Row IV

50s college guy - character model in Saints Row IV

50s diner cook - character model in Saints Row IV

50s diner waitress - character model in Saints Row IV

50s house wife - character model in Saints Row IV

50s milk man - character model in Saints Row IV

50s national guard - character model in Saints Row IV

50s news guy - character model in Saints Row IV

50s old lady - character model in Saints Row IV

50s old man - character model in Saints Row IV

50s painter - character model in Saints Row IV

50s ped female - character model in Saints Row IV

50s ped male - character model in Saints Row IV

50s policeman dark - character model in Saints Row IV

50s policeman light - character model in Saints Row IV