The PR Center is an enterable building in Saints Row: The Third.
Located in Loren Square, the PR Center is STAG's headquarters in Steelport and is featured in the missions "Nyte Blayde's Return", "STAG Party" and "Learning Computer". In "Convoy Decoy", one of the STAG bases is located on the roof.
The ground level, mezzanine and parking garage of the PR Center are enterable at all times, although entering the building outside of a mission results in a level 3 Police Notoriety. During the mission "Nyte Blayde's Return", an upper interior floor is accessible, which contains multiple offices.
- The game data files mention a STAG Stronghold.
- All other Stronghold missions involve infiltrating of an enemy building, usually areas inaccessible outside of that mission.
- The PR Center fits this description, and is the only STAG building.
- The underground vehicle garage resembles the underground garages of other Cribs.
- The STAG posters are present in the building before the STAG is deployed in Steelport.
- There is a plain Tornado parked on the roof on the west side of the building, it triggers a level 4 Notoriety when entered.
- It is often not present when flying over the building, but immediately spawns upon exiting a helicopter on that rooftop.
- Despite the PR Center being destroyed in Saints Row IV, the Tornado still spawns on the west side of building's roof.

PR Center - ground floor view from entrance

PR Center - upper ground floor

PR Center directory in-game

PR Center floor directory texture.png

Location of PR Center on the Map

Mission Accomplished banners outside the PR Center during STAG Party

Mission Accomplished banner texture

STAG "Protect your community" recruitment banner in the PR Center

STAG "Protect your community" recruitment banner texture

"Nyte Blayde wants you" banner in the PR Center

"Nyte Blayde wants you" banner texture

"Drain the blood outta crime" banner in the PR Center

"Drain the blood outta crime" banner texture

Nyte Blayde banner in the PR Center

Nyte Blayde banner texture

The Bloody Canoness banner in the PR Center

Bloody Canoness banner texture

The Cardinal banner in the PR Center

The Cardinal banner texture

PR Center - rooftop Tornado

STAG PR center in cutscene

PR Center break room in Nyte Blayde Returns

PR Center motivational posters 1 in Nyte Blayde Returns

PR Center motivational posters 2 in Nyte Blayde Returns

PR Center news room in Nyte Blayde Returns