"My Name is Cyrus Temple" is a mission in Saints Row: The Third.
- Kia: "Welcome back, sir."
Playa as Cyrus: "Whassup?"
Kia: "I need you to sign off on some prototypes I've been working on."
Playa as Cyrus: "Thanks for the offer...you...but I wanna process these two A-SAP."
- — Kia and Playa (as Cyrus Temple) talk aboard the Thermopylae.
Playa calls Pierce and informs him that Shaundi has been kidnapped by STAG.[1] Playa quickly creates a plan and tells Pierce to meet him at an Image As Designed. There, they inform Pierce and Viola DeWynter of their scheme to use plastic surgery to look like Cyrus Temple, the commander of STAG, and take the pair to the Thermopylae. There, under disguise as Cyrus, they infiltrate the aircraft carrier and save Shaundi.
Once they reach the Thermopylae, the plan goes awry as a STAG Commando escorts Viola and Pierce to the ships detention center and Playa, as Cyrus, is forced to walk with Kia to approve some prototype designs.Kia receives a message from the real Cyrus Temple and, after a brief scuffle with Playa, she is locked in the room as Playa escapes. Under fire from STAG, Playa reaches the brig and frees their friends before then destroying the ship's Reactor, causing a chain reaction that destroys the aircraft carrier. The four escape on a Condor VTOL and watch as the Thermopylae sinks into the ocean. The gang are satisfied that STAG are no longer a problem, but twelve hours later STAG enforce martial law on Steelport and raise the bridges to and from Downtown.

- Go to Image As Designed
After the phone call with Pierce, head on over to Image As Designed in Rosen Oaks and watch the cutscene.
- Find a VTOL
Head inside the N-Forcer waiting outside afterwards and drive on down to Sierra Point and commandeer the vacant Condor VTOL.
- Land on the Thermopylae
Once Pierce and Viola are inside, fly towards the Thermopylae for another cutscene.
- Follow Kia
After walking alongside Kia as she slowly makes her way to Research and Development, the choice is given to "sign off" on two of three unique "projects", which are unlocked as a reward after completing the mission.
- Find the brig
After Playa's disguise is blown, head down to the brig to rescue the three Saints. The brig isn't exceptionally far away but there are a number of STAG along the way, some with Riot Shields.
- Free your friends
In the brig, Pierce can be found on the ground floor whilst Viola and Shaundi can be found above.
- Find the Reactor
Now go to the Reactor Control Room.
Along the way is an insignificant trap set up by STAG which involves Flashbangs and Riot Shields.
- Destroy the console
Destroy the console by shooting it. The Reactor Control Room houses two Specialists with sniper rifles at the end of the area near the console.
- Escape the Thermopylae
Once the console has been destroyed with gunfire, there is three minutes to reach the hangar and steal a VTOL to escape. Follow the hallways to escape. The resulting explosions should take care of the majority of STAG soldiers.
- Hijack a VTOL
take the Condor VTOL at the back-right (also southeast) of the hangar; the other VTOLs explode when approached.
- See also: Choices
Choice | Reward |
Hoverbike, Satchel Charges | Specter, Satchel Charge |
Satchel Charges, S.T.A.G. Tank v2 | Satchel Charge, Crusader |
Hoverbike, S.T.A.G. Tank v2 | Specter, Crusader |
- The Specter is a hover bike with a machine gun and VTOL capabilities akin to other STAG aircraft. It is unlocked in a helipad, instead of a Garage. It can also be obtained via a Cheat.
- Satchel Charges behave like remotely controlled bombs. They belong in the Explosive weapon category and are unlocked in the Weapons Cache. They can also be obtained via Cheats.
- The S.T.A.G. Tank v2 is a unique black Crusader variant with 50% more weapon damage. It is unlocked in the Garage. It cannot be obtained via cheats.
- Cash: $16,000
- Respect: 4000
- Achievement: Titanic Effort (40
- Mission: Air Steelport, A Remote Chance
- Vehicle: Specter (optional)
- Vehicle: S.T.A.G. Tank v2 (optional)
- Weapon: Satchel Charges (optional)
- Steelport's coastal waters gained a new landmark when the aircraft carrier Thermopylae, operational headquarters for the STAG Initiative, suddenly exploded, scattering wide portions of the wrecked ship over a wide area. Casualties are believed to be surprisingly light. No official cause for the accident has been given, but STAG quickly reassured the city that the ruined nuclear carrier posed no health risk to the city. Commander Temple has shifted his headquarters into Steelport and temporarily restricted the downtown area. All residents are assured that any inconveniences are purely temporary. This is Jane Valderamma with your Military-Approved News.
- — Jane Valderamma
- All of Playas voice tell Pierce that someone else picked up Shaundi's phone, and that the voice "sounded military". This happens even if Kia says nothing to Playa during "Stilwater Blues".
- Playa does not speak when attempting to taunt or compliment while dressed as Cyrus.
- It is still possible to participate in Photo Opportunities.
- Provided in this mission is a unique N-Forcer without a gun, but it cannot be obtained.
- Playa's original head may clip through Cyrus Temple's head if it was created to be large enough.[2]
- With Female Voice 2, in regards to the Specter, Playa says, "Are the cycles good for forest warfare?" and, "Are they good for avoiding trees?", which is a reference to the similar cycles in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
- It is possible to walk through the wall behind the staircase leading up to the door inside the Reactor Control Room and fall through the ship, returning to Sunset Park. The VTOLs can't be accessed after this.
- Playa reverts to their previous clothing, appearance and gender after this mission.
- As of this mission, Jane Valderamma stops making "Halloween" and "Fall" weather reports and begins making "Winter" weather reports, although the weather conditions don't change.
- After this mission, all movable bridges leading into the south island of Downtown are raised, and stay that way indefinitely.
- All raised bridges are Stunt Jumps.
- The Henry Steel Mills is cut off from Loren Square.
- STAG are present in the streets at all times, and entering Loren Square or Sunset Park results in a single Notoriety level, entering owned buildings removes Notoriety while inside, but it is reapplied after exiting the building.
- Steelport Police can assist STAG in taking down the player if needed.
- The bridges go down immediately after completing the penultimate mission "Three Way", but permanently raise after loading a saved game.
- All other areas of Steelport are still free to explore safely.
- The target Condor at the end of the mission can be controlled with the RC Possessor and flown to Playa instead of walking to it.
- After the mission, a Condor spawns on Saints HQ heliport garage, but is not unlocked in the Garage.
- All STAG troops that appear in the cutscenes are Commandos. However, in gameplay, only regular STAG soldiers are encountered
- The filenames at the bottom of the prototype selection screen are based on filenames from Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row 2's source.[3]
- Pierce: "How so?"Playa: "Pierce, think we got a problem."
Playa: "[Mumbles]"Pierce: "Taken? Taken how?"Playa: "Shaundi's been taken."
Playa: "[Snarls]"Pierce: "You think Killbane got her?"Playa: "I don't know. Was on the phone with her when I heard the struggle and someone else picked up her phone."
Playa: "[Groans]"Pierce: "So what's the plan?"Playa: "Sounded military. Sounded like STAG."
Playa: "[Growls]"Pierce: "Is it any good?"Playa: "Head to Image As Designed, I got an idea."
Playa: "[Grunts]"Pierce: "With you... no."Playa: "Does bold count?"
Playa: "[Groans]"
- — Pre-mission phone call
Cutscene #1[]
- Pierce: "This is the worst idea you've ever had."
Viola: "We can't go marching onto STAG'S aircraft carrier."
Playa: "Why not? I'll look just like Cyrus--all I gotta add is a fucked attitude."
Viola: "What happens once you're on board?"
Playa: "I walk in with my prisoners, they take me to the cell block, I grab Shaundi and we leave."
Viola: "I'm sorry -- prisoners?"
Playa: "Yeah, you and Pierce. I'm bringing you in."
Pierce: "Aw hell no!"
Playa: "Showtime."
- — Opening cutscene
- Pierce: "This is weirding me out."Playa - Female 1: "Let's grab a STAG transport, soldiers."
Playa - Female 2: "We will need a STAG aircraft to land on the carrier."
Playa - Female 3: "You ready to steal a STAG transport?"
Playa - Male 1: "We'll need one of those STAG transports to get out to that carrier."
Playa - Male 2: "Lets find a STAG transport to fly out there."
Playa - Male 3: "We'll need one of them STAG transports to get to that carrier."
Playa - Zombie: "Sneers"
Viola DeWynter: "OK, so we get to the carrier...what then?"Pierce: "What if they just shoot us?"Playa - Female 1: "Prisoners are in the brig, right? So I take you both there, we find Shaundi, then I order a prisoner transfer back here."
Playa - Female 2: "They should be leading us right to Shaundi. We grab her, and then we leave."
Playa - Female 3: "I take you as prisoners to the brig, we find Shaundi, then we escape. Simple."
Playa - Male 1: "I'll take you prisoners to the brig where we find Shaundi and get the hell off the boat."
Playa - Male 2: "I march your asses to the brig, we grab Shaundi, we get the hell out."
Playa - Male 3: "I escort you two prisoners to the brig, we find Shaundi, then we escape."
Playa - Zombie: "Grunts"Playa - Female 1: "Well that would ruin the plan, wouldn't it?"
Playa - Female 2: "That won't happen, Pierce. Just trust me."
Playa - Female 3: "Why are you trying to jinx this?"
Playa - Male 1: "You worry too much."
Playa - Male 2: "Eh..."
Playa - Male 3: "Stop bringing logic into this."
Playa - Zombie: "Groans"- — "Mission Start"
- Pierce: "Considerin' I want to stab your ass right now, yeah, I'd say it works."Playa - Female 1: "This face look like I can pass for a self-righteous prick?"
Playa - Female 2: "I am convincing as Cyrus Temple, yes?"
Playa - Female 3: "Think this will work?"
Playa - Male 1: "What do you think, I look the part?"
Playa - Male 2: "I look convincing enough like this?"
Playa - Male 3: "What do you think, I look the part?"
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"Pierce: "I should slap that face right off you."Playa - Female 1: "That's "I'd say it works, SIR!""
Playa - Female 2: "Now Pierce, being captured is no excuse for being rude."
Playa - Female 3: "How dare you. I am your commanding officer!"
Playa - Male 1: "Don't talk to your Commander that way."
Playa - Male 2: "Maybe I'll just leave your ass in the brig."
Playa - Male 3: "Mind your manners. I am your superior officer."
Playa - Zombie: "Sneers"Viola DeWynter: "This isn't giving me any confidence..."Playa - Female 1: "That's a month in the hole for you."
Playa - Female 2: "I am shocked you would say such things!"
Playa - Female 3: "Aaaaaaten-SHUN!"
Playa - Male 1: "Try it and I'm leaving you on that boat."
Playa - Male 2: "You'd threaten your commander?"
Playa - Male 3: "You want to swim back?"
Playa - Zombie: "Roars"
- — "Drive To Helicopter 1"
- Pierce: "You sure you got his face right?"Pierce: "I'm just sayin'..."Playa - Female 1: "Unless the camera added 20 pounds, yeah, I'm sure."
Playa - Female 2: "Stay calm Pierce. There is no reason to worry."
Playa - Female 3: "This guy's always on camera."
Playa - Male 1: "You know how often this guy gets on camera?"
Playa - Male 2: "His face is all over the TV, Pierce."
Playa - Male 3: "You know how often this guy gets on camera?"
Playa - Zombie: "Groans"Pierce: "That's all I wanted."Playa - Female 1: "Pierce, this'll work. Trust me."
Playa - Female 2: "I will not let anything happen to you, Pierce."
Playa - Female 3: "Yes, I'm sure. Relax."
Playa - Male 1: "Yes, I'm sure. Ok?"
Playa - Male 2: "It's perfect, trust me."
Playa - Male 3: "I'm sure, alright?"
Playa - Zombie: "Sneers"
- — "Drive To Helicopter 2"
- Viola DeWynter: "You know this is a good look for you. You should keep the face when you're done with it."
Pierce: "Are you serious?"
Viola DeWynter: "Cyrus is very powerful and statuesque."
Pierce: "You complained about a costume, and now you want the boss to run around with Cyrus' face?"
Viola DeWynter: "It was just a suggestion, don't get all bent out of shape."
- — "Flying"
- Pierce: "OK..."Playa - Female 1: "Wrists out, handcuffs on. Quick, before we land."
Playa - Female 2: "Put on the handcuffs. We'll land soon."
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce, Viola... get those handcuffs on."
Playa - Male 1: "We gotta get you two cuffed, we're almost there."
Playa - Male 2: "Start gettin' cuffed up back there."
Playa - Male 3: "Get the cuffs on. We're nearly there."
Playa - Zombie: "Mumbles"
Pierce: "This a horrible idea."
Viola DeWynter: "Just do it already..."
Pierce: "Look you may be cool with wearing handcuffs, but this motherfucker ain't down with that."
Viola DeWynter: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Pierce: "Well ya know...you ran a prostitution ring..."
Viola DeWynter: "So clearly I'm into kink. You carry a gun, does that mean you like to be shot?"
Pierce: "No."
Viola DeWynter: "So how about we stop being a judgemental man-child."
Pierce: "Okay..."
- — "Handcuffs"
Cutscene #2[]
- Pierce: "Next time you get to be the fucking prisoner."
Playa as Cyrus: "Quiet."
Kia: "Welcome back, sir."
Playa as Cyrus: "Whassup?"
Kia: "I need you to sign off on some prototypes I've been working on."
Playa as Cyrus: "Thanks for the offer...you...but I wanna process these two A-SAP."
Agent: "I can take these two down to detention for you, sir."
Playa as Cyrus: "Thanks."
Pierce: "What the fuck!"
STAG Commando: "Don't you look at the Commander!"
- — Mid-mission cutscene
- Kia: "This way, sir."Playa - Female 1: "Of course it's this way."
Playa - Female 2: "Go ahead. I will follow."
Playa - Female 3: "Onward."
Playa - Male 1: "Lead on."
Playa - Male 2: "Yeah, alright."
Playa - Male 3: "Lead on."
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"- — "Lead the Way"
- Playa - Male 1: "So how is Shau- The Prisoner holding up? Has she said anything?"
Kia: "We haven't broken her yet."
Playa - Male 1: "Good girl."
Kia: "I'm sorry commander?"
Playa - Male 1: "Sorry for what?"
Kia: "No, I'm not-It sounded like you said "Good Girl""
Playa - Male 1: "You're hearing things, soldier."
Kia: "I'm sorry sir."
Playa - Male 1: "No worries, we're cool."
Kia: "Thank you...commander."
- — Kia conversation - Male 1
- Playa - Male 2: "These uniforms leave too much to the imagination..."
Kia: "Excuse me sir?"
Playa - Male 2: "I'm just saying it's a damn shame to cover up a girl like you in body armor."
Kia: "Commander, I...I don't think this is appropriate."
Playa - Male 2: "What's not appropriate is what I'm thinking about doin' to you."
Kia: "Commander!"
Playa - Male 2: "Call me Cyrus."
Kia: "I'm sorry...that's...that's not protocol."
Playa - Male 2: "Do I have to issue you a direct order to see you naked?"
Kia: "I have to get you to sign off on some R&D first...but after that I can obey the chain of command."
- — Kia conversation - Male 2"
- Playa - Male 3: "So...how do you like Steelport?"
Kia: "It's disgusting."
Playa - Male 3: "I hear ya... I'm more of a Stilwater bloke m'self."
Kia: ""Bloke"?"
Playa - Male 3: "Oh... I picked up that when I was stationed in Britain."
Kia: "Sir, I'm familiar with your jacket...you were never stationed in the UK."
Playa - Male 3: "Sure I wasn't..."
Kia: "Oh..."
Playa - Male 3: "I probably said to much...let's not talk about this ever again."
Kia: "I understand, sir."
- — Kia conversation - Male 3"
- Playa - Female 1: "How are... things?"
Kia: "Good."
Playa - Female 1: "Good."
Kia: "How was your flight in? The prisoners give you any trouble?"
Playa - Female 1: "No, no...it um. It was easy."
Kia: "Look sir. Things don't have to be awkward between us."
Playa - Female 1: "I totally agree."
Kia: "We're both adults. What happened happened, and um... speaking for myself I don't regret a thing."
Playa - Female 1: "I like men."
Kia: "Oh..."
- — Kia conversation - Female 1"
- Playa - Female 2: "What do you think of Pierce?"
Kia: "Washington? He's smart, dangerous."
Playa - Female 2: "You think he's cute?"
Kia: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
Playa - Female 2: "If you were me, would you fuck him?"
Kia: "I...I guess that depends on what you're into commander."
Playa - Female 2: "You're not into brothers?"
Kia: "Well it's not- Commander can we not talk about this?"
Playa - Female 2: "That's fine. No pressure."
Kia: "Thank you sir."
- — Kia conversation - Female 2"
- Playa - Female 3: "So you ever been to Stilwater?"
Kia: "Once. To see an Aisha concert when I was a kid."
Playa - Female 3: "Averice tour?"
Kia: "No, The Other Six."
Playa - Female 3: "Don't Fuck Me Like I'm Your Wife was a classic."
Kia: "I never would have pegged you for an Aisha fan, sir."
Playa - Female 3: "My friend introduced me to her."
Kia: "I've never told anyone this...but Aisha's murder is what got me into law enforcement. I wanted to get those bastards that took my idol away."
Playa - Female 3: "Hm...we're more alike than I thought."
Kia: "I'll take that as a compliment sir."
- — Kia conversation - Female 3"
- Playa - Zombie: "Grumbles"
Kia: "I'm sorry sir, I didn't catch that."
Playa - Zombie: "Gargles"
Kia: "Are...are you grunting at me?"
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"
Kia: "Are you feeling ok Commander?"
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"
Kia: "Maybe we should go to sick bay..."
Playa - Zombie: "Sneers"
Kia: "Or not...R&D is this way..."
- — Kia conversation - Zombie
- Kia: "Sir, R&D has sent a prototype for a new vehicle; a jet propelled cycle."Playa - Female 1: "Just hand me a pen."
Playa - Female 2: "Very good, soldier."
Playa - Female 3: "Absolutely."
Playa - Male 1: "Looking forward to it."
Playa - Male 2: "Only two?"
Playa - Male 3: "Looking forward to it."
Playa - Zombie: "Snarls"Kia: "Sir?"Playa - Female 1: "They can do that?"
Playa - Female 2: "Just the thing for forest combat, yes?"
Playa - Female 3: "No shit?"
Playa - Male 1: "No shit?"
Playa - Male 2: "No way!"
Playa - Male 3: "You shittin' me?"
Playa - Zombie: "Sneers"Kia: "No sir, it is top quality."Playa - Female 1: "Well, I'm sure R&D's had some failures before. This one of them?"
Playa - Female 2: "It is well built? Not likely to blow up from hitting a tree?"
Playa - Female 3: "Uh, I meant that thing isn't a piece of shit like the last prototype? Y'know, the neo-pr*coughs*"
Playa - Male 1: "I mean, it better not be shit like some of R&D's inventions."
Playa - Male 2: "Uh... no way they're done with that already. There must be problems."
Playa - Male 3: "Uh... I mean... It's not like that shit they usually give me is it?"
Playa - Zombie: "Groans"Kia: "They have some improvements to our tank's weaponry. Should pack more firepower."Playa - Female 1: "Good, good. There anything else I should know about?"
Playa - Female 2: "Good. What else have they been working on?"
Playa - Female 3: "What else have they got?"
Playa - Male 1: "What else have they cooked up?"
Playa - Male 2: "Well, they have anything else for me... I mean us?"
Playa - Male 3: "What else have they cooked up?"
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"Kia: "And there is also portable satchel charges for the troops. Once we get to R&D, I'll need you to sign off on two projects."Playa - Female 1: "Be bad if that was used against us."
Playa - Female 2: "Interesting."
Playa - Female 3: "*giggles madly* Er... I mean, excellent."
Playa - Male 1: "Good, good..."
Playa - Male 2: "That's... good."
Playa - Male 3: "Splendid..."
Playa - Zombie: "Garbled"
- — "Reward Choices"
Cutscene #3[]
- Cyrus: "Kia, I'm on my way back to Thermopylae to interrogate the prisoner. Make sure no one else has access to her."
Playa as Cyrus: "So that's your name."
- All soldiers in R&D are to shoot Commander Temple on sight. He is a Saint in disguise. I repeat, shoot Commander Temple in R&D.
- — Kia, "Kia PA First"
- Playa - Female 1: "So much for ordering around trainees now..."
Playa - Female 2: "Pierce will be getting nervous now. I have to hurry."
Playa - Female 3: "Dammit, better get them out of here, quick."
Playa - Male 1: "Dammit, better get them out of here, quick."
Playa - Male 2: "We're compromised, time to move!"
Playa - Male 3: "Dammit, better get them out of here, quick."
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"- — "Fight to"
- Kia: "Intruder in R&D, possibly moving to cell block. Resembles Commander Temple. Shoot on sight."
Kia: "Saints have infiltrated the Thermopylae disguised as Commander Temple. Shoot them on sight."
Kia: "The Commander Temple below deck is an imposter. Shoot him on sight."
- — "PA Attack Player Kia"
- Playa - Female 1: "Don't listen to her, she's the imposter!"
Playa - Female 1: "I swear I'm the real Commander Temple!"
Playa - Female 1: "What if you're wrong, soldier!"
Playa - Female 1: "You're all getting court marshaled for this!"Playa - Female 2: "ATTEN-SHUN!"
Playa - Female 2: "Be holding your fire! I am the Commander!"
Playa - Female 2: "I am Commander Temple. The intruder is escaping on the deck!"
Playa - Female 2: "This is a mutiny, no?"Playa - Female 3: "Don't do it... I'm Syler--er, Cyrus!"
Playa - Female 3: "Don't shoot, I'm Commander Temple!"
Playa - Female 3: "How do you know I'm... not me!?"
Playa - Female 3: "You'd attack your Commander?"Playa - Male 1: "Don't shoot, I'm Commander Temple!"
Playa - Male 1: "How do you know I'm not me!"
Playa - Male 1: "I'm Cyrus, dammit!"
Playa - Male 1: "Would you kill your Commander!"Playa - Male 2: "Do I look like a spy to you?"
Playa - Male 2: "Go find the real intruder!"
Playa - Male 2: "I'm not the intruder!"
Playa - Male 2: "You know me, I'm Cyrus Temple!"Playa - Male 3: "Don't shoot, I'm Commander Temple!"
Playa - Male 3: "I'm Cyrus, dammit!"
Playa - Male 3: "I'm your Commander!"
Playa - Male 3: "It's me you idiots!"Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"
Playa - Zombie: "Gargles"
Playa - Zombie: "Growls"
Playa - Zombie: "Grumbles"- — "Do Not Attack"
- Shaundi: "What do you want now? I'm not saying a damn thing."Shaundi: "Thank God it's you! We gotta get you home, you look like shit."Playa - Female 1: "Sweetie, it's me. I'm trying to get us out of here."
Playa - Female 2: "Shaundi, it's me. We are here to rescue you."
Playa - Female 3: "Shaundi, it's me. Pierce, Viola and I came to get you out."
Playa - Male 1: "Shaundi, it's me. Pierce, Viola and I came to get you out."
Playa - Male 2: "Don't have to, girl, it's me. Let's go."
Playa - Male 3: "Shaundi, it's me. Pierce, Viola and I came to get you out."
Playa - Zombie: "Snarls"Shaundi: "Thank God it's you! We gotta get you home, you look like shit."Playa - Female 1: "A broken lightbulb is an odd first gift, don't you think?"
Playa - Female 2: "No room here for hacky sack, but if I can be finding a lightbulb..."
Playa - Female 3: "Got any broken lightbulbs for me?"
Playa - Male 1: "When we first met you gave me a broken lightbulb as a present."
Playa - Male 2: "You used to rock the dreads in Stilwater."
Playa - Male 3: "You fucking kidding me?! I don't have time for this shit."
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"
- — Shaundi being freed
- Boss? About time.
- — Pierce, after being freed
- Can we leave yet?
- — Viola, after being freed
- Viola DeWynter: "We have to find a way off this thing."
Shaundi: "We could blow it up first."Shaundi: "Reactor Control Room. Heard the guards talking about how dangerous it was."Playa - Female 1: "You have the best plans. Know where to go then?"
Playa - Female 2: "Good thinking, Shaundi. You have a plan, yes?"
Playa - Female 3: "Sounds good to me. Where to?"
Playa - Male 1: "You read my mind. Where to?"
Playa - Male 2: "I'm with Shaundi on this. Where do we do that?"
Playa - Male 3: "Great minds... Where to?"
Playa - Zombie: "Groans"
- — "Reactor"
- This is Commander Temple. All personnel are to shoot any person looking like me and any Saints with me.
- — Cyrus, "PA After Prisoner"
- Pierce: "Fuck!"Playa - Female 1: "I hate those things!"
Playa - Female 2: "Keep it together, comrades!"
Playa - Female 3: "Stay calm!"
Playa - Male 1: "Shake it off!"
Playa - Male 2: "I hate that shit!"
Playa - Male 3: "Keep moving!"
Playa - Zombie: "Grumbles"- — "Flash Bang Event"
- Cyrus: "Attention: I am not on the Thermopylae, anyone who looks like me is an imposter."
Cyrus: "Shoot Commander Temple on sight. I repeat, shoot me on sight."
Cyrus: "Authorization is granted to shoot Commander Temple on sight. Dammit, I want him dead!"
- — "PA Attack Player Cyrus"
- Pierce: "Bet there's something in that control area keepin' this place runnin'. Take it out and the ship should blow."Pierce: "Fuck no, but I'm just working off movies here."Playa - Female 1: "Suddenly you know aircraft carrier mechanics?"
Playa - Female 2: "You have worked on nuclear vessels?"
Playa - Female 3: "You think that's gonna work?"
Playa - Male 1: "You sure about that?"
Playa - Male 2: "You know somethin' about ships I don't?"
Playa - Male 3: "You sure?"
Playa - Zombie: "Growls"
- — "Consoles"
- Shaundi: "They had troop transports in the hanger. We could snatch one of them."Playa - Female 1: "Time to get moving!"
Playa - Female 2: "We should be leaving now."
Playa - Female 3: "We gotta get outta here!"
Playa - Male 1: "We gotta get outta here!"
Playa - Male 2: "Let's not stick around!"
Playa - Male 3: "Need to move!"
Playa - Zombie: "Grunts"Playa - Female 1: "Let's go, troops! Move it!"
Playa - Female 2: "Is perfect. Quickly now, we are short on time."
Playa - Female 3: "Then let's get moving!"
Playa - Male 1: "Alright, then move out!"
Playa - Male 2: "Excellent idea, Private."
Playa - Male 3: "You heard the lady!"
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"- — "Escape"
- Cyrus: "Make sure the Saints go down with the ship!"
Cyrus: "All troops, abandon ship."
- — "Cyrus Abandon Ship"
- Playa - Female 1: "This'll do... or we can try the next one."
Playa - Female 2: "Here! Get in... damn it!"
Playa - Female 3: "Come on... shit, nevermind!"
Playa - Male 1: "Here, get in... or not."
Playa - Male 2: "Jack this one... well shit."
Playa - Male 3: "Get in! Oh fuck me."
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"Playa - Female 1: "Ok, inside... well fuck me!"
Playa - Female 2: "Another one, here... Look out!"
Playa - Female 3: "Alright, this one... dammit!"
Playa - Male 1: "Alright, this one... dammit!"
Playa - Male 2: "Here's anoth... dammit!"
Playa - Male 3: "Alright, this one... bloody hell!"
Playa - Zombie: "Groans"- — "Wrong VTOL Explosion"
- Playa - Female 1: "Stay in one piece, will you!"
Playa - Female 2: "Do not think of exploding."
Playa - Female 3: "Don't you DARE blow up on me!"
Playa - Male 1: "Don't you fucking explode on me too!"
Playa - Male 2: "Fuck it, this one."
Playa - Male 3: "Don't you even think about blowing up on me."
Playa - Zombie: "Mumbles"- — "Entering Escape"
Cutscene #4[]
- Playa: "This one's going in the book."
Pierce: "We might've overdone it."
Viola: "Now we can focus on Killbane."
Shaundi: "What about STAG?"
Pierce: "We just blew up an aircraft carrier...what else could they throw at us?"On-screen text: 12 hours laterCyrus: "You knew it would come to martial law, didn't you."
Monica: "I knew the Saints. How did Mayor Reynolds react?"
Cyrus: "He'll fall in line, they all will."
Monica: "Keep me updated, Commander."
Cyrus: "Of course, ma'am."
Kia: "Sir, the commandos are en route. We'll have the whole city locked down in 72 hours."
Cyrus: "Outstanding. Thank you, Kia."
Kia: "Permission to speak freely?"
Kia: "It's about damn time we took off the kid gloves."
Cyrus: "Two little words, Kia. Shock and awe."
- — "cutscene Out"
- We gotta go faster, we're running out of time.
- — Pierce, "Meltdown"
- More anti-armor on that tank! I want them dead!
- — Kia, "PA Anti-Armor On"
- Saints have entered the tank bay. Drivers and gunners, get to your tanks!
- — Kia, "PA Enter Tank"
- Kia: "Intruder heading to the brig."Playa - Female 1: "It's like my personal GPS voice."
Playa - Female 2: "Good of you to provide directions, Kia."
Playa - Female 3: "I knew this was the right way..."
Playa - Male 1: "At least I'm moving in the right direction."
Playa - Male 2: "Thanks for letting me know."
Playa - Male 3: "At least I'm moving in the right direction."
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"- — "Heading to Brig"

Playa, Viola DeWynter and Pierce meet at Image As Designed

Playa, who has had plastic surgery to look like STAG commander Cyrus Temple, escorts Viola and Pierce to the Thermopylae

Kia salutes Playa

Playa, disguised as Cyrus Temple, turns over Pierce and Viola. In this early promotional image, Viola is not present

Pierce is struck on the back of the head by a STAG Commando after his outburst at Playa

Kia learns of Playa's real identity after hearing Cyrus Temple on the intercom

Playa escapes and destroys the door console, locking Kia inside

Viola, Playa, Shaundi, an Pierce watch as the Thermopylae is destroyed

The Thermopylae sinks into the ocean after its Reactor is destroyed

Twelve hours later, martial law is enforced in Steelport

STAG arrive in Downtown

The bridges are permanently raised

Cyrus Temple talks with Senator Monica Hughes

Cyrus Temple

Prototype bike image

Prototype satchel image

Prototype tank image

The final image used at the end of the mission

Mission failure screen

UI image used when saving after this mission

Prototype selection during My Name Is Cyrus Temple mission

The head clipping error (see above)

My Name is Cyrus Temple - Find the Brig

Hijack a VTOL - first F-69 VTOL

Hijack a VTOL - second F-69 VTOL
- ↑ Mission: Stilwater Blues
- ↑ Image: Playa's head clipping through Cyrus Temple's
- ↑ Note: See Talk:My_Name_is_Cyrus_Temple#Computer_screen for a full list.
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