Map and GPS Icons
The Map, also known as GPS, is a gameplay feature in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV and Gat out of Hell.
The Map displays Playa's position and orientation within Stilwater or Steelport. In addition to showing all roads, it also displays many geographic features such as rivers and ridges, as well as buildings. While these are not perfectly detailed, these are good visual aids.
In Saints Row, the Map is located on the first page of the Pause Menu and does not have a separate control. In later games, the map is activated by pressing the Map button.
The Map has many functions of a modern GPS device, including adding a bookmark at any location, or setting a destination, which is referred to as a "waypoint". The route to the waypoint is highlighted on the Map, as well as the mini-map on-screen HUD. When driving around Stilwater or Steelport, "GPS Shortcuts" are unlocked by driving down alleyways, pedestrian walkways and across empty lots.
In Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV, and Gat out of Hell, the GPS places giant arrows on the road when the GPS says to turn. There is no option to disable these arrows, and it happens with all vehicles, including motorcycles. This can be avoided by not using the GPS, but cannot be avoided in missions with forced GPS routes.
In some underground locations, the Map shows the current area, but these underground maps are not accessible outside of that area. The Stilwater Caverns and Rounds Square Shopping Center for example, are multi-map underground areas, but only the current section is accessible, which may make navigation difficult.
The Map shows the name of the District and Neighborhood currently centered on the map, as well as markers for stores, Activities, cribs, missions and Strongholds. Each of these can be displayed separately, or all at once.
Saints Row[]
3rd Street Saints mission
Westside Rollerz missions
Vice Kings mission
Los Carnales mission
Stilwater Transit Station
Save Point
Loan Shark
Insurance Fraud
Drug Trafficking
Demo Derby
Chop Shop
Hair Salon
Saints Row 2[]
Map cursor
Unknown Activity
Unknown Store
Unknown location
Crib for sale
Owned Crib
Underground (Elevator)
Stilwater Transit Station
Vehicle Dealer
Car Mechanic
Clothing Stores
Fast Food Stores\Canteen
Forgive and Forget
Weapon Store
Jewelry Stores
Liquor Stores
Music Store
Plastic Surgeon
Tattoo Parlor
Brotherhood Mission
Ronin Mission
Samedi Mission
Saints Mission
Ultor Mission
Saints Row IV[]
Escort Activity Start (Unused)
Rift Activity Start
Fight Club Activity Start
TK Mayhem Activity Start
Guardian Angel Activity Start (Unused)
Cat & Mouse Diversion start
Flashpoint Diversion start
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell[]
Dark Inciter
Sin Orb
Sin Orb Destination
Spire Missile
Collectible Armchair-A-Geddon
Collectible Chest
Collectible Chest (opened)
Collectible Drivethru
Collectible Glyphs
Marshalling Grounds Teleport
Ultor building
Sinterpol Armory
Blackbeard Mission start
Dane Mission start
Satan Mission start
Shakespeare Mission start
Twins Mission start
Vlad Mission start
Torment Fraud Activity start
Salvation Activity start
Hellblazing Activity start
Mayhem Activity start
Altar Diversion start
Armor Diversion start
Dex Diversion start
Extraction Diversion start
Marshalling Grounds Diversion start
Pledge Rush Diversion start
Spire Diversion start
Survival Diversion start
- There are several islands which are Secret Areas and are not displayed on the map.

Map interface in Saints Row

Map interface in Saints Row 2

Map interface in Saints Row: The Third

Map interface in Saints Row IV

Map interface in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

The GPS sometimes gives odd directions

GPS Shortcuts Tutorial text

GPS Waypoint Pause menu tutorial in Saints Row 2

GPS Waypoint move cursor tutorial in Saints Row 2

GPS Waypoint set waypoint tutorial in Saints Row 2

GPS Waypoint tutorial in Saints Row 2
World | |
Menu | |
HUD | |
Control | |
Crib |