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Lasergun Arm is a weapon in Saints Row IV.[1]

A brutally-effective street-sweeper of alien design.
— Weapon Description[2]


The "Minigun Arm" is the only costumes for the Lasergun Arm, and there are no additional skins.[3]

There are 5 upgrades available for Charge Capacity, Damage and Recharge Rate, with a separate Cool Customer "ultimate upgrade".[3]



  • No ammo required (uses charge capacity) Special variant
  • High rate of fire
  • High DPS
  • The horizontal spread makes the gun less effect at longer ranges


Minigun Arm Skin
SRIV Special - Lasergun Arm - Minigun Arm - Default Default
Terminate your enemies.
— Minigun Arm - default skin description

Oppressor Minigun DLC Skin
Weapon - Special - Lasergun Arm - Oppressor Minigun - Default Default
Truly heavy metal.
— Oppressor Minigun - default skin description


  • Murderbots carry these, and drop them when killed (the one dropped by Murderbots are classed as temporary weapons).
    • The weapon is somewhat similar to the RSBD-90 from The Terminator series.
  • The Lasergun Arm is similar to the Gatling laser from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.


Weapon - Special - Lasergun Arm - Main

The Main description

Weapon - Special - Lasergun Arm - Upgrades

The Upgrade list

Weapon - Special - Lasergun Arm - Oppressor Minigun - Default

Lasergun Arm - Oppressor Minigun - Default

Weapon Lasergun Arm SRIV livestream

Lasergun Arm pick-up message

Lasergun Arm in Weapon Cache

Lasergun Arm in Weapon Cache

Lasergun Arm alterate icon in Weapon Cache

Lasergun Arm alterate icon in Weapon Cache

