Saints Row Wiki

Laser Beam is a mounted weapon in Saints Row: The Third.

F-69 VTOL[]

Laser Beam[]

The primary attack mode of the F-69 VTOL is a microwave laser.[1]

When using basic controls in jet mode, the microwave laser locks in the direction it is currently facing when the fire button is held and pivots to keep aiming in that direction; it can even fire through the VTOL's fuselage. The advanced flight controls do not have this problem.

Swarm Missiles[]

Swarm Missiles are the secondary charged attack mode of the F-69 VTOL, launching quintuple laser-guided missiles.[1]

Different amounts of Missiles are fired depending on how long the weapon has been charged.


The STAG Crusader tank is equipped with three firing modes, the primary and secondary modes are available to the driver, but the tertiary mode is a mounted Laser Beam only available to the passenger.

It can be used by a co-op partner, a recruited Homie, or by Playa when using the Crusader in the Trafficking activity.

STAG Charge Laser[]

The game data files define an unused weapon named "STAGChargeLaser", which uses the same "XM25 Laser" ammo as the Laser Beam. It has a clip size of 100, a range of 225, a refire delay of 75, and does 10000 points of damage, with 400 points of ragdoll force.


The Aegean's weapon is also called "Laser Beam", although it acts slightly differently than the F-69 VTOL's weapon.



Cat & Mouse promo - F-69 VTOL and Specter

Promotional image of a F-69 VTOL firing at a Specter during Cat & Mouse

F-69 VTOL firing microwave laser in the Saints Row - The Third Open World Gameplay trailer

The F-69 VTOL firing its microwave laser at a vehicle

F-69 VTOL firing Swarm Missiles in the Saints Row - The Third Open World Gameplay trailer

A bird's-eye-view of the F-69 VTOL firing Swarm Missiles at a vehicle below

Crusader Laser Beam being fired

Crusader Laser Beam Turret being fired by Shaundi (only passengers can use the Laser Beam)

