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Kinzie Kensington[6][7] is a character in Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV,[8] and Saints Row: Gat out of Hell.[9]
- The misanthropic former FBI agent may seem an odd choice to interact with the media, but Kinzie's genius-level problem solving and natural savvy come in handy when selling the President's controversial policies to the press.
- — The Saints Row website, regarding her background as of Saints Row IV.[10]
Agent Kinzie Kensington initially appeared in the "Power CG" trailer that debuted at E3 2011,[11] but was not named until lead writer Steve Jaros did a developer commentary over the trailer a month later.[6]
Kinzie was a member of the FBI until she was dismissed for possessing what was claimed to be "manufactured evidence". The members of the press claim her to be paranoid.[12] She is also somewhat of a conspiracy theorist (though in some cases her theories are actually well founded), such as the existence of the Daedalus, the threat of Matt Miller, The Syndicate, and the alien invasion.
Kinzie Kensington also has a wide range of technical skills,[7] she was displayed as being a computer genius capable of "broadcasting [Playa's] sub-conscious into the Decker user net" in order for Playa to battle with Matt Miller.[13]
Saints Row: The Third[]
Kinzie was originally an intelligence agent for the FBI. She had been investigating The Syndicate and planning to out them as an underground criminal organization, but the Deckers framed her to make it look like she had been selling secrets to Mossad and moonlighting as a dominatrix,[14] her employment was terminated, and she was captured by the Deckers. The Saints later rescued her from a barge operated by the Deckers.[15]
She and Pierce are assigned to the Deckers, which was suggested in the Deckers.die trailer.[7]
Kensington is a paranoid agoraphobic computer expert who is rescued from a Deckers' Ship,[15] she is assigned to take down the Deckers and its leader Matt Miller who constantly believes he is superior to her, which proves to be his undoing. Her technical skills are unmatched and her time in the FBI gave her extremely critical and sometimes top-secret info, such as Playa's real name,[16] STAG's "Learning Computer",[17] and that the Deckers hid the NEMO chair at the Burns Hill Reactors[18]. In fact, she is rarely without her laptop.
Her capture by the Deckers and her "inside view" from the FBI, which gave her plenty of hidden and top-secret information, may have led to Kinzie's extreme agoraphobia. In fact, her agoraphobia is so severe that she'll rarely[Reference needed] venture out. When she does, it's only to a small restaurant, Smiling Jack's, nearby her "Inner Sanctum". Once at Smiling Jack's, Playa finds her hiding under a table.[14] Her social skills have degenerated to such a level that she doesn't know how to wash her hair.[19]
Saints Row IV[]
Sometime after the events of Saints Row: The Third, the Saints go on a joint counter-terrorist operation with Asha Odekar and Matt Miller to assassinate a rogue ex-STAG commander, Cyrus Temple, who had aligned with terrorists after being exiled from the U.S. Kinzie acts as the Saints tech support. She is berated by Shaundi for failing to check Playa's microphone, leaving the Saints' leader unable to speak.[20]
After Playa kills Cyrus, he manages to launch a nuke in his death throes, targeted for Washington. As Playa hops onto the nuke in an attempt to disable it, Kinzie concludes that their leader is sacrificing themselves and advises everyone to say their final goodbyes. Kinzie confesses that the two of them may have their disagreements, but she would always follow Playa. Thankfully, Playa managed to destroy the nuke and survive, landing right in the Oval Office in the White House.[20]
Five years later, Playa is elected the President of the United States. Kinzie was appointed Press Secretary. The downside of her job was dealing with Playa's verbal missteps that affected public relations. Kinzie was also trying to warn everyone of an impending alien invasion but nobody but Shaundi, Miller and Asha took her seriously. She was proven right when the invasion begins in the middle of a press conference. When the alien leader, Zinyak, announced that only the brightest among humanity shall be spared, Kinzie quickly claimed to be smarter than everyone in the room and was abducted.[21]
Kinzie was somehow able to escape the Zin's captivity and rescued Vice-president Keith David from the virtual simulation each Zin prisoner is forced to endure before going for Playa. She informs them of the virtual reality they are trapped in and spawns weapons to help Playa disrupt the simulation. However, this draws the attention of Zinyak, who throws Playa into a Zin-dominated version of Steelport. Kinzie helps Playa acquire super-powers and to escape the simulation. As she and Keith pick up Playa in a stolen Zin ship, Kinzie takes offense to Playa's lack of gratitude, and does a mock impression of how pompous her leader is. Playa then expresses genuine gratitude, before Kinzie notes that they're in the nude. As they escaped the Zin mothership, they attempt to call Oleg to mount a counterattack, but he fails to answer, before Zinyak atomizes the Earth. Enraged, Playa heads back into the simulation to further disrupt it, allowing Kinzie to locate the surviving Saints and find a weakness in the Zin's defenses so they can get to Zinyak.[22]

Kinzie is taken by Zinyak.
Once all the Saints are reunited, including Johnny Gat, they rally inside the simulation to confront Zinyak but they are ambushed by an enormous Zin force, and Zinyak kidnaps Kinzie. Kinzie is subjected to the same 50s style simulation which Zinyak originally used for Playa. When Playa enters the 50s simulation to rescue Kinzie, she is under the control of Cyrus Temple, who is preaching his views on a "perfect" society. Playa is able to stimulate Kinzie by rewiring loudspeakers around the city square, compelling her to dance. After defeating Cyrus, they return to The Ship, where Kinzie warns Playa against speaking of what occurred in that simulation, but Playa mentions the poodle skirt she was wearing anyway, compelling Kinzie to punch Playa.[23]
Gat out of Hell[]
She is a playable character in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell along with Johnny Gat.[9]
Kinzie is introduced as a socially awkward young woman who is asocial, witty, sarcastic and mock-serious. She is very lighthearted and youthfully cocky, mentioning that she finds the Deckers too easy to hack.[24][Reference needed] Being an agoraphobic, she doesn't venture very often from her warehouse on her own and in the case that she does go out on her own, she goes out with other people, such as Playa.[18] After the Deckers have been disbanded however, she overcomes her agoraphobia and goes out for pancakes in an attempt to be normal.[25]
She is very paranoid about various things, but at the same time is right about many of them. Kinzie had warned that the Zin are about to attack the Earth but her warnings were ignored.[21]
Kinzie has a habit of invading other people's privacy.[26] She can have a violent temper, punching Playa for mentioning the poodle skirt she was forced to wear,[23] and assaulting Cyrus.[27]
She demonstrates a high level of intelligence, and is responsible for broadcasting Playa's subconscious into the Decker Use-Net[28] as well as being behind the creation of the RC Possessor[29] and a working replica of the Cyber Buster, dismantling a massive air carrier that attacked Steelport,[30] and stopping Cyrus Temple from destroying the United States capital.[31]
Kensington also demonstrates a softer side to her personality when she meets with the rest of the Saints at the Broken Shillelagh during the alternate ending of Saints Row: The Third, after Shaundi and Viola are killed prior to STAG's attack on Steelport.[32] Despite her deep hatred for Matt Miller, she stands up for him when Playa loses their temper.[33] She also feels the same way toward Oleg after he revealed he was in love with Kensington, as mentioned in one of her audio logs[34] and when she screams Oleg's name when the Earth is destroyed by Zinyak.[22] Even though she can be somewhat immature at times,[Reference needed] she still demonstrates a serious side to her personality as she, like Playa, becomes determined to disband the Deckers and to stop Zinyak once and for all.
Kinzie Kensington is a redhead Caucasian female who looks to be in her early to mid-20s during the events of Saints Row: The Third while in Saints Row IV, she looks much older, in her late 20s to early 30s with the events of the game being set five years after the previous installment. In both games, she is of average build. She has hair that is normally worn in a curly bun, and is worn as a ponytail in The Saints Wing.

Kinzie at the start of Saints Row IV.
She is almost as tall as Playa. Her eyes are blue[35] and her face is covered in freckles. Her casual clothing consists of her FBI jacket, a purple hoodie, torn up light denim skinny jeans, black boots, fingerless combat gloves and glasses. At the start of Saints Row IV, she wears a gray formal blazer with a purple camisole, a gray formal skirt, and black high heel shoes as she is the President's press secretary. In Gat out of Hell, she wears the same outfit as she does in Saints IV at the start of the game before gaining Arcane Powers, then switches to a white tank top with the FBI logo on her left breast, black jeans, black boots and a brown belt with a fleur-de-lis on it.
Later on, she wears a light blue Zin space suit keeping her purple hoodie. During Hello Teacup, she wears a white casual 50s blouse complete with a blue poodle skirt, light blue glasses, and saddle shoes, much to her severe displeasure. After completing her loyalty mission, her Super Saint suit is a one-piece purple latex suit with a raised hood, matching boots, without glasses. She stays like this when called as a Homie.[27]
- She bears a slight resemblance to her voice actress.
- In both games, her FBI uniform remains the same, although slightly brighter in color in Saints Row IV, while Kinzie herself has aged a bit.
- Kinzie is one of the few characters that have aged, other examples include Matt Miller and Ben King, between Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV as Pierce, Shaundi and Oleg appear to have not aged.
- Kinzie carries an AS3 Ultimax in Saints Row: The Third and a TAK-10 Streetsweeper in Saints Row IV.
- Kinzie is much older than that of her own nemesis, Matt Miller, who was a teenager during the events of Saints Row: The Third and Kinzie herself was already an adult at the time. Yet both of them are geniuses in their same area of expertise.
- Kinzie is featured under K in The ABCs of Saints Row.[36]
- Matt Miller getting Kinzie fired by making her look like a moonlighting Dominatrix is a reference to how anti-war protesters were discredited during the Vietnam War. For example, Eartha Kitt was labelled by the CIA as a 'Sadistic Nymphomaniac'.
- Kinzie appears as a playable character Safeword in a DLC for Agents of Mayhem,[38] a Saints Row spin-off by Deep Silver Volition.
Saints Row: The Third[]
- GameSpot erroneously reported Kinzie's voice actress as Lindsay Lohan.[4][39][40] Volition, Inc.'s community manager, V-Singular, confirmed it was Natalie Lander.[5][41] The GameSpot article has since been fixed.[4]
- Kinzie's "inner sanctum" is located in the Salander neighborhood. This is a reference to Lisbeth Salander, the hacker protagonist from Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy. Salander and Kinzie both prefer technology to human interaction.
- In Saints Row: The Third, Kinzie doesn't swear very often, often using mild swear words like "damn" or "hell" for example, while in Saints Row IV, she swears a lot more often, to the point where she called Playa a "fucking asshole" after punching Matt Miller when he said saving Johnny Gat was a terrible idea.[33] Shaundi is the only other character to refer to Playa as such due to their brash personality.
- Her sexuality has been talked about multiple times:
- When Playa tells her that she needs to get laid, in which she replies that "electronics are good for that too".[29]
- Kinzie's safeword is "Teacup".[15]
- She owns a gimp mask on a mannequin head and her own Penetrator used by Pierce to mess with Playa.[42]
- She has one more large dildo at her warehouse. It's on the first floor, behind a large old machine. Sticking out of a bag. These hidden "dildo-in-a-bags" are Easter Eggs which are hidden in most of interiors in the game.
- Kinzie had a short-lived romance with Burt Reynolds and when he wants her back, she rejects him. This is revealed in their discussion when they're both present as homies.
- When performing a "Bo-duk-en" into a car, she randomly says: "I used to date a guy who did that."
- Her Romance option features her punching Playa in the face before jumping on them.
- In the Enter the Dominatrix DLC, it is mentioned that she frequented a BDSM club in Steelport.[Reference needed]
- Playa queries why Kinzie doesn't have to wear a gimp suit. She responds along the lines, "...They already know who I am..."
- Late in the game, Oleg reveals that he has romantic feelings for Kinzie.[43] Since she is not present during this revelation, it is never made clear if Kinzie returns these feelings, or indeed is even aware of them.
- In one of Kinzie's Audio Logs, she calls Oleg "one of the best things that ever happened to me" and confesses she misses him deeply following the destruction of Earth.
- Kinzie drives a Criminal, the only vehicle in the game capable of carrying Oleg.
- Kinzie claims that her favorite kind of music is Hardcore Gangsta Rap.[18]
- As such, she occasionally calls 95.4 KRhyme FM from time to time.
- Kinzie claims to know Playa's true identity when talking about how everything about everyone is on the internet while doing one Heli Assault mission, but just as she's about to tell them, Playa says that they want it to stay undisclosed.
- During the mission STAG Film, Kinzie states that she can steal the Daedalus' blueprints and in a few years the Saints can make their own, which prompts Playa to say that he loves her, regardless of which voice was chosen.
- In the CG "Power" trailer, Kinzie has dark hair, and wears a black hoodie, in the game she has red hair and sports a purple hoodie.[Reference needed]
- She is the only character with a history of law enforcement that the Saints are aware of beforehand.
- Male Voice 1 for Playa has a fondness and protectiveness for Kinzie. He willingly comes to her aid to cover her multiple times in the game when she is pursued by the Deckers.[Reference needed]
- He says things like, "You've got nothing to worry about Kinzie, you got Saints with you now."
- All voices have limited patience for Kinzie's way of speaking when it comes to technology and agrees to do things for her saying, "It's just easier to say yes than understand you." Kinzie says, "what was that?" To which Playa quickly backtracks, showing Playa may slightly fear Kinzie.
- As a Homie, at times claims that she is distracted by thinking about identity theft.
- At any point when recruited as a Homie, Kinzie states that motion-controlled gaming systems, such as, PlayStation Move, Kinect, and Wii, are in her opinion actually corporate-controlled monitoring devices.
- Kinzie has marijuana on a coffee table in her kitchen. She is surprisingly still very high strung.
- It is possible to unlock Kinzie as a Homie before the "Return to Steelport" mission. She can also be recruited as a Homie before rescuing her from the Deckers and can be recruited as Homie during rescue itself, resulting in the appearance of "two" Kinzie's (the Homie and the one being rescued).
- During Kinzie's rescue in "Return to Steelport", if the player attacks the barge from a boat, such as the Commander, Kinzie randomly says her Homie dialogue.
- Kinzie is the only one of the four new lieutenants present at the scene at the end of Return to Steelport to be possibly younger than Playa, being around in her mid-20s.
- During a Heli Assault mission Kinzie says "keep me safe, don't wanna die and come back as a radioactive zombie" and then Playa says "there's no such thing as..." when Kinzie interrupts him saying "wrong". (Zombie Attack)
- Kinzie knew about Zombie Lin, as Pierce found a news clipping about Lin in her warehouse.[17] It is not revealed whether she knows anything about Zombie Carlos.
- Kinzie's character could be a reference to Agent Vanessa Kensington from the 1997 movie Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery:
- They both wear glasses and they both come across as "nerdy" when compared to Playa.
- Her last name may also be a reference to the Kensington Security Lock found on most laptops and computers.
- Some cut dialogue for the mission "Return to Steelport" had Kinzie say to Playa, "You were recruited by Julius Little after being caught in the crossfire between the Vice Kings and Los Carnales. The fight started because a Vice King named LeVar didn't like "bitches disrespecting him". You didn't talk much then, but knew a lot about shoes"; this throwback references both "The Streets of Stilwater", the opening cutscene of Saints Row; and "What Goes Up...", the final mission in the Carnales story arc in Saints Row, where Playa said one of their four lines in the game (regarding shoes).
- When recruited as a Homie in Saints Row: The Third, she is equipped with an AS3 Ultimax by default.
- Kinzie has spied on or researched details on the Saints, particularly both Playa regarding their name and Shaundi's phone call to Pierce, which in turn makes Shaundi dislike Kinzie.[26]
- By Saints Row IV, Shaundi does not show any hate towards her.
- The Deckers.Die Trailer claims that Kinzie is the "Newest member of the Saints". This is false, because both Zimos and Angel are recruited after her.[7][15]
- Kinzie never mentions Phillipe Loren.
Saints Row IV[]
- Despite her deep hatred for Matt, she ends up being the one who ends up speaking up for him when Playa attacks Matt.[33]
- She, just like Benjamin King, Matt Miller, Shaundi (among other Saints), is a love interest in Saints Row IV.
- Kinzie claims that one of her favorite stores is Leather & Lace in the side quest White Wedding.
- In Saints Row IV, she carries a TAK-10 Streetsweeper Shotgun.
- Kinzie is the only Saint introduced in Saints Row: The Third that is both still alive and active, as Oleg, Josh Birk, Angel, Zimos and Viola are presumed to have perished in the destruction of Earth.
- It's possible that Kinzie has taught Shaundi more about tech, as Shaundi reveals to her old self during Psychosomatic that she picked up a few new skills from Kinzie.
- Kinzie is one of the few Saints to attack Playa, which is due to them bringing up the poodle skirt she was wearing in the mission "Hello Teacup".
- Kinzie is the last Saint to have her Loyalty mission unlocked.
- It is unknown how Kinzie was able to get out of the Simulation in the first place, although her technical expertise means she was the most likely to break out of the Simulation and as a result, rescued both Keith David and Playa.
- Kinzie reveals Playa's government has been invading people's privacy, and then when Shaundi asked about what, Kinzie states that if she says anything, she'll be committing treason.[44]
- Kinzie hates the 50s Simulation just as much as Playa as she would rather be shot than wear the 50s outfits that they had to wear.[45]
- Later, Cyrus Temple has her brainwashed in the same 50s simulation,[23] and then in her Loyalty mission, Cyrus mocks her by saying he'll put her back in the kitchen.[27]
- When Kinzie and Keith David are on the ship by themselves, she admits she was surprised that he was asked to be the Vice President, because of how much he sounds like Julius Little.[46]
- Like Ben King, Kinzie loses her glasses when wearing her Super Homie outfit.
- Apart from Johnny Gat with his shoes, Kinzie is the only Saint to wear some of her clothes from Saints Row: The Third (her Purple Hoodie, Fingerless Combat Gloves, her older set of Glasses and her Black Boots) under her Spacesuit rather than parts of her clothes from when she was in the White House.
- Kinzie's hair is also made back to how it was in Saints Row: The Third on the Spaceship instead of how it was in the White House.
- The Female Voice 1 Playa mentions that she views Kinzie as "her younger sister".
- Alongside looking visibly older, Kinzie is paler and has more freckles in Saints Row IV.
- ↑ Homie conversation:
- ↑ Image: Matt Miller calls Kinzie "Agent Kensington"
- ↑ Note: When called as a Homie
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 GameSpot: TGS 2011: Saints Row: The Third Hands-On Preview, retrieved 16th September 2011
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Saints Row website: TGS 2011 - Saints Row: The Third Preview by Gamespot, retrieved 16th September 2011
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 YouTube: Developer Commentary - Saints Row: The Third Power CG Trailer retrieved 27th July 2011 (Name spoken)
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 YouTube: Deckers.Die trailer retrieved 9th September 2011 (Name shown)
- ↑ YouTube: Saints Row IV - War for Humanity
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Escapist Magazine: Gat out of Hell Coming in 2015
- ↑ Image: [http://www.saintsrow.com/about/people#person_669255 Saints Row website > About > People > The Cabinet > Kinzie Kensington]
- ↑ YouTube: Saints Row The Third Power CG Trailer
- ↑ Image: [http://www.saintsrow.com/about/gangs#saints Saints Row website > About > Gangs > The Saints > Kinzie]
- ↑ Mission: http://deckers.die, pre-mission cutscene
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Mission: Phone Phreak
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Mission: Return to Steelport
- ↑ Activity: Heli Assault, Stanfield District, Hard instance
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Mission: Learning Computer
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Mission: Stop all the Downloading
- ↑ Homie conversation:
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Mission: Zero Saints Thirty
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 Mission: The Saints Wing
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Mission: The Real World
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Mission: Hello Teacup
- ↑ Activity: Heli Assault
- ↑ Cutscene: The Morning After
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Homie conversation:
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Mission: Kinzie's Adventures
- ↑ Mission: http://deckers.die
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 Mission: A Remote Chance
- ↑ Mission: STAG Film
- ↑ Mission: Zero Saints Thirty
- ↑ Mission: Three Way
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 Mission: Welcome Back
- ↑ Audio Log:
- Oleg is one of the best things that ever happened to me and right now it feels like the worst. I'm up here trying to save us from captivity and psychological torture and all I can think about is him. He's the only one who ever truly understood what I was saying. I never thought I'd meet someone with an intelligence nearly matching my own who made me feel like I wasn't constantly missing something in my life. Now, I am. Now, I miss him...
- — Kinzie Audio Log 3
- Oleg is one of the best things that ever happened to me and right now it feels like the worst. I'm up here trying to save us from captivity and psychological torture and all I can think about is him. He's the only one who ever truly understood what I was saying. I never thought I'd meet someone with an intelligence nearly matching my own who made me feel like I wasn't constantly missing something in my life. Now, I am. Now, I miss him...
- ↑ Image: Kinzie's blue eyes
- ↑ Image: Kinzie is featured under K in The ABCs of Saints Row.
- ↑ Image: "Tea Cup", Kinzie's [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_word safe word], is featured under T in The ABCs of Saints Row.
- ↑ YouTube: Agents of Mayhem Safeword trailer
- ↑ Quote:
- in the demo, Kinzie Kensington (voiced by Hollywood's resident rehab girl Lindsay Lohan) sends one of the Saints into the portal but accidentally has his avatar show up as a toilet. Desperately trying to fix her mistake (or just having a laugh?) she changes him into a blow-up sex doll, and finally, into himself.
- — TGS 2011: Saints Row: The Third Hands-On Preview, 15th September 2011
- in the demo, Kinzie Kensington (voiced by Hollywood's resident rehab girl Lindsay Lohan) sends one of the Saints into the portal but accidentally has his avatar show up as a toilet. Desperately trying to fix her mistake (or just having a laugh?) she changes him into a blow-up sex doll, and finally, into himself.
- ↑ IGNboards: Lindsay Lohan is voice acting in Saints Row: The Third
- ↑ Quote:
- Before this spreads too far, let me put out a correction as to the voice of Kinzie. She is NOT voiced by Lindsey. The actual voice actress is Natalie Lander, who is freakin' awesome and did an incredible job. Just wanted to put this out there for full clarification so none of you get confused. Hopefully we can get the story on GameSpot corrected as well very soon, but the rest of that article seems to be correct.
- ↑ Mission: Learning Computer, pre-mission cutscene
- ↑ Quote:
- Were Kinzie here, I'd pour out my heart.
- — Oleg, during Three Way
- Were Kinzie here, I'd pour out my heart.
- ↑ Mission: King Me
- ↑ Mission: The Fundamentals
- ↑ Mission: Miller-Space