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Johnny Gat is a character in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV[1] and Saints Row: Gat out of Hell.[8][9][10]

You can never have too many guns.
— Johnny Gat[11]


Johnny Gat is one of the more prominent members of the 3rd Street Saints since Playa joined the gang back in Stilwater in Saints Row. This fearsome fighter with a lack of wits makes up for it with his love for fighting.[12]


Johnny Gat is a man of Asian descent, sporting a slick black haircut and brown eyes.[13] He wears a pair of glasses with square lenses.

Saints Row[]

Johhny Gat wears a purple shirt with a white undershirt, black pants and shoes, a belt with a gold-plated buckle, and bronze-rimmed glasses with opaque black lenses. He wears two gold necklaces on his neck, gold earrings, and a gold bracelet in his right hand. His hair is dyed blonde. He has a tribal-styled tattoo on his neck.

Saints Row 2[]

During his trial[14], Johnny Gat wears a black pinstripe suit with a purple undersuit, a black tie, a purple handkerchief, and black shoes. His hair is dyed back to black, and his earrings are missing.

After being busted out by Playa[14], Gat wears the same pants and shoes, but changes his shirt to a purple short-sleeved shirt with a white undershirt, exposing another tattoo on his left arm. He retains his glasses and two golden necklaces from Saints Row, and his bracelet is on his left arm.

During his hospital stay, he wears scrubs and bandages.[15] After getting out of the hospital, he wears his earlier suit to the funeral.[16] After the funeral, he again keeps the same pants and changes back to an identical short-sleeved shirt without a hole or a blood-stain.[17]

Saints Row: The Third[]

Gat wears a two-tone grey and purple jacket with a fleur-de-lis in the left stomach area, alongside a white shirt that is partially unbuttoned on top. His glasses are white with opaque blue lenses, and he wears silver bracelets on his left wrist and silver rings on his fingers in addition to his original golden necklaces. He wears dark blue denim jeans and purple sneakers.

In, Saints Row: The Third Remastered, Gat more closely resembles his promotional artwork. The gray area on his jacket is in a darker shade, his bracelets are repositioned and the rings on his fingers are removed, and his skin tone is slightly darker.

Saints Row IV[]

Gat retains his Saints Row: The Third outfit while inside The Simulation. On The Ship, he wears the same blue jumpsuit as the other crewmates, but his jumpsuit is partially unzipped on the chest area, and he retains his glasses, accessories, and sneakers.

When upgraded into a Super Homie[18], Gat wears a purple short-sleeved spandex suit with dark purple accents, revealing tattoos on both hands. He wears a black bulletproof vest and utility belt, dark brown fingerless gloves, black boots, and a holster on his left thigh.

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell[]

When Playa gets sucked into Hell[19], Gat wears his jumpsuit from Saints Row IV. After receiving Lucifer's cracked halo[19], Gat wears a two-tone black and purple jacket, with a smaller Saints fleur-de-lis logo placed on the right stomach area, alongside a soot-covered white undershirt beneath. The jacket has burn damage with the right sleeve gone, exposing Gat's scorched arm which has purple veins around it. He wears the same denim jeans and purple sneakers from Saints Row: The Third, with burn damage around the right leg area as it exposes Gat's leg with veins running down from it. His glass lenses are a lighter shade of blue.


Saints Row[]

So you're Julius' new boy huh? You don't look like much. Then again, I don't look like I have an eight inch cock, so I guess we're both full of surprises.
— Johnny Gat to Playa[20][21]

Johnny Gat is an inhabitant of the Saint's Row District of Stilwater. Realizing that the district was being torn apart by gang wars, he joined the 3rd Street Saints, a gang aiming to end these wars. Gat is assigned to plot the downfall of the Vice Kings, one of the warring gangs in Stilwater[22].

Gat's 'head on' strategies typically involve massive amounts of bloodshed and extensive property damage. After introducing Playa to Gat's girlfriend Aisha, the three plot out a way to strike at the Vice Kings[23]. They load up a car full of C4 then take it to the gang's recording studio, where the explosion levels it to the ground[24]. Despite all this, Gat admitted to having an admiration for Benjamin King, the Vice King's leader[Reference needed]. Despite having been almost crippled after being shot in the leg by Anthony Green[25], Johnny manages to move on with Playa when they successfully destroy the Vice Kings.[26] During the Battlefield Promotion cutscene Johnny gives Aisha a bouquet of flowers, reconciling their relationship which had become strained during the takedown of the Vice Kings.

Following the destruction of all three gangs and the assassination of Marshall Winslow[27], Johnny Gat takes part in an assassination attempt against Chief Monroe of the Stilwater Police Department, which results in the police chief's death.[28] Afterwards, Johnny begins to spend more time with Aisha.[29]

Saints Row 2[]

Johnny Gat: "Shit, 'bout time your burnt ass woke up..."
Playa: "You ok Johnny?"
Johnny Gat: "Yeah, aside from almost getting sent to the chair I'm fuckin' great...hey you look different, you do somethin' with your hair?"
— Johnny Gat, upon first meeting Playa in Saints Row 2 during "Appointed Defender".[14]

When Playa falls into a coma, Gat attempts to kill Troy Bradshaw for betraying the Saints.[30] This attempt fails however, resulting in his incarceration for 2 years and 31 days. He was sentenced to execution for 387 counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder. At the beginning of the game, Playa bursts into his appeal proceedings, kills the guards, and rescues Gat.[14] Gat takes his place as Playa's second-in-command as they resurrect the Saints, locating a new Saints Hideout[31] before canonizing new members into the gang.[32]

Once the Saints' are resurrected, Gat helps to take down the Ronin, one of several new gangs that took over during their absence. After dismissing Pierce' plan in favor of a direct assault, he and Playa raid Poseidon's palace[33] before kidnapping a Ronin who trespasses on the Saints turf; he takes his prisoner to Aisha's house where he is summarily interrogated then executed[34]. This proves to be a fatal mistake as Ronin lieutenant Jyunichi witnessed Johnny dispose of the body.[35]

After Gat leaves the house, Jyunichi takes a crew of Ronin to break in and capture Aisha. When Gat returns with Playa, the former notices something is amiss when he sees that the door ajar. The Ronin prepare an ambush, but their plan is thwarted when Aisha shouts a warning. Jyunichi retaliates by decapitating Aisha, enraging Gat; he is provoked into a sword fight with Jyunichi whilst Playa kills the other Ronin in a large shootout. After disposing of all the Ronin Gat prepares to shoot Jyunichi. Before pulling the trigger he is inadvertently distracted by Playa - Jyunichi uses this momentary lapse in concentration to run Gat through with his sword, impaling him to the hilt. An ambulance is called but won't arrive in time, so Playa takes matters into their own hands, driving him to hospital with the help of another Saint.[36]

Gat spends time recuperating, with Playa holding off Aisha's funeral until he recovers. This time is cut short when the Ronin infiltrate the hospital in an attempt to finish him off for good, though Playa evacuates him by air.[15] Aisha's funeral service is interrupted when the Ronin leader Shogo Akuji attempts to kill them as revenge for humiliating him and decimating his gang. Gat initially refuses to fight, but when Shogo insists, he and Playa slaughter all Ronin forces. Blaming Shogo for ordering Aisha's death, Gat brutally beats him before burying him alive.[16] He and Playa return to the Saints Hideout to defend an incoming Ronin invasion,[17] before creating a diversion at the Chinese Heritage Festival, holding back the Ronin to allow Playa enough time to kill Kazuo Akuji.[37]

After the Ronin are finally defeated, Gat becomes available as a homie.

Once the gangs have been obliterated the Saints, along with Gat, move on to take down the corrupt company of Ultor in defense and retaliation against the new Masako strike team threat. During an assassination attempt against Dane Vogel, Gat uses a McManus 2010 sniper rifle to take out the surrounding guards to allow Playa to focus on Vogel's assassination. This plan fails as Gat is spotted by a security guard. Vogel uses this opportunity to escape into his office atop the enormous Ultor tower; Gat stays below at the entrance, buying Playa time. After Vogel is killed Johnny Gat does what he says he loves to do: shooting at oncoming waves of cops.[38]

Saints Row: The Third[]

Josh: "Is this what it's normally like?"
Gat: "Normally the tellers don't use fucking shotguns."
Shaundi: "Yeah, normally banks don't look like a palace either. You see those statues before you blew 'em up?"
Gat: "Will you forget the horses, these guards are packing military grade hardware..."
Playa: "Who the hell are we robbing?"
— The 3rd Street Saints remark on their botched robbery of the Stilwater 1st National Bank.[39]
Johnny Gat: "Birk's right--we traded our dicks in for pussies. Seriously... Movie deals? Commercials? The Saints name used to mean more than body spray and some ass-tasting energy drink.[41]"
Playa: "Our brand's worth a shitload of money."
Johnny Gat: "Is that what it's all about?"
— Johnny Gat, beginning to doubt the nature of the Saints.[40]
Johnny Gat during the opening cutscene of I'm Free - Free Falling

Johnny Gat in Saints Row: The Third

In Saints Row: The Third, Shaundi, Playa, Josh Birk and Gat attempt to rob a bank as a publicity stunt. They encounter heavy resistance from unknown men and women dressed in red which prompts the gang to question who owns the bank. During the assault Birk sets off the silent alarm before fleeing the area, alerting the authorities who send SWAT teams to storm the bank. The Saints are eventually arrested after a large-scale shootout.[39] When Playa is brought to Shaundi and Gat's cell, the latter expresses disappointment over what the Saints have become, lamenting that there's much more to the Saints name than "body spray and ass-tasting energy drinks".

Two high-ranking members of an organization called The Syndicate, Viola and Kiki, take the Saints aboard a plane owned by the Syndicate to meet with Phillipe Loren. After a heated discussion, Gat breaks free and proceeds to bash Loren's head into a plane window, causing explosive decompression; he promises to hold back the gang members and commandeer the plane, allowing Playa and Shaundi to make their escape. Before Playa and Shaundi jump out of the plane they speak to Gat via the intercom. His last words to them are "Right on, I'll see you in Stil-", before he's cut off by the sound of automatic gunfire.[40]


Once Playa and Shaundi land in Steelport, Phillipe informs them that Gat's death will be used as a symbol of fear by the Syndicate.[42]

The body of Mr. Gat will be a message for all who oppose The Syndicate. There is no mercy...only death. Don't mourn your friend. You'll be joining him soon.
— Phillipe Loren threatens Playa over the phone[42]

After the Saints kill Phillipe and retrieve Gat's body[43], Playa and Shaundi go back to Stilwater to bury Gat, only to have the funeral motorcade ambushed by Killbane and his men while crossing the "Hughes Memorial Bridge".[44] Upon returning to Steelport, a memorial party is held for Gat at the Saints HQ, although Shaundi doesn't approve.[45]

It's time we went back home and buried Johnny.
— Playa, after blowing up the Syndicate Tower in "The Belgian Problem"

Viola DeWynter was present on the plane, which landed safely in Steelport with Johnny's body. After her defection to the Saints, she references Gat's passing.[46] During the abduction of Josh Birk, Viola remarks on Playa's bad luck and the death of their three friends (Lin, Carlos and Johnny Gat).

Johnny's dead because he thought he could do everything on his own.
— Viola DeWynter during Gang Bang

Yeah, a coma and 3 friends really worked out for you...
— Viola during Nyte Blayde's Return

At the end of the game,[47] Johnny Gat is unlocked as Zombie Gat. The fact that Zombie Lin is referenced multiple times in Saints Row: The Third shows that Zombie homies are part of the story itself.

Genkibowl VII[]

Johnny Gat alive? Rumors circulate about the notorious gangster's fate.
News ticker

During the opening cutscene of the first Activity in Genkibowl VII, "Apocalypse Genki", the news ticker reveals that rumors are circulating of Gat being alive.[48]

The Trouble With Clones[]

While Gat himself doesn't actually make an appearance in this DLC, it features a Brute clone of him named Johnny Tag, created in his image. He has the facial and hair resemblance from Saints Row 2, but still wears has his jacket from Saints Row: The Third. His memories only coverAisha's death [36] and getting revenge on Shogo during her funeral.[16]

Saints Row IV[]

After rescuing Matt Miller, Playa thinks that Johnny may be alive after Kinzie discovers another virtual prison in the form of a plane, corresponding with Johnny's death at the hands of the Morningstar. When Playa infiltrates the prison, however, it turns out to be holding Shaundi, who was haunted by her choice of leaving Johnny behind. Later, when Zinyak floods Virtual Steelport with past enemy gangs such as Vice Kings, The Ronin and Morningstar, Kinzie notices that it fits the psychological profile of Johnny. From this, the Saints know that Gat is alive.[49]

Gat is Back trailer - reunited with Playa

Johnny and Playa reunite.

Eventually, Kinzie finds Playa a way to enter into Johnny's mind, where Johnny has to relive the death of Aisha in the style of a 2-D sidescroller game. Aisha is kidnapped by Warren Williams, and both Johnny and Playa head to Kingdom Come Records to fight Warren. When Warren is defeated, they head to Aisha's house to face off with Jyunichi. During this time, Playa tries to snap Johnny out of the simulation, but he refuses to listen. After defeating Jyunichi, Johnny is freed from his container on the Zin mothership. Zinyak sends his army to track Johnny down, but Playa infiltrates the ship and kills them all. When Johnny is found, he stabs a Zin soldier in the back of the head and puts his signature sunglasses back on.[50]

Johnny claims that Zinyak abducted him from Loren's jet years before the invasion of earth, as Zinyak believed Johnny alone could stop his plans.[51]

After his rescue, Playa can partake in a Genki Arena created by Matt Miller with Johnny, and they catch up on what has been happening. After finishing the arena and killing a recreated Phillipe Loren, Johnny becomes a super homie after getting superpowers.[18]

Johnny begins helping the Saints on their quest for taking down the Zin and going after Zinyak. When meeting in Simulation 31 where they end up being ambushed, Johnny teams up with Playa, Kinzie, Shaundi and Fun Shaundi to fight through the Zin invaders.[52]

Johnny along with the Saints come to Playa's aid during their stand-off, and they eventually defeat Zinyak.[53]

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell[]

Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington are playable characters in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell instead of Playa.[9][10] After watching Playa get sucked into Hell, Johnny forces the Ouija board to let him follow. Upon arriving, Johnny sees a billboard featuring Dane Vogel and assumes he is behind the kidnapping. After arriving at the Ultor building to question Dane, Vogel explains that Satan kidnapped Playa to marry his daughter, since they have caused more chaos and destruction than anyone in human history, making them the best choice to lead Satan's armies into heaven. Dane tells Johnny that the only way to confront Satan is to cause as much chaos as possible.[54]

Johnny's efforts lead him to Satan's daughter Jezebel, who is looking for someone to rebel against her father. Jezebel takes Johnny to Satan's palace, but Satan holds her hostage, forcing Johnny to drop his gun. Satan, delighted, urges Johnny to marry Jezebel in Playa's place, but Johnny refuses to listen, so Satan proclaims that if Johnny marries Jezebel, he will allow Kinzie to leave Hell with Playa. On the day of the wedding, Johnny aims to rebel by shooting Satan, but is unsuccessful. Kinzie comes to his aid, and Johnny and Kinzie force Satan to surrender by fighting through his forces.

Kinzie, Playa, and Jezebel are safely transported home to The Ship. Johnny is detained by God, who offers to repay Johnny for stopping Satan's planned invasion of Heaven with Playa commanding his army in one of five ways. Johnny can either: visit Aisha in Heaven, become the new king of Hell, locate a new planet to rebuild the remains of Humanity, recreate Earth resetting the universe of Saints Row in the process, or discover the secrets of the universe.


Johnny Gat is a brash, sarcastic, hot-headed, self-righteous, trigger-happy man. He is of Eastern Asian heritage and has a torrid, on/off relationship with local R&B diva, Aisha. Johnny has been seen as a stereotypical gung-ho like gangster and has absolutely no sympathy toward those he kills. Although Johnny is quite harsh and disrespectful to Aisha, Gat does have a soft and caring side as he goes berserk with rage upon the Ronin in his house after Aisha's death and informing Playa that Pierce and Shaundi are in danger. He also has a habit of cheating death as he survived being shot in the knee by a shotgun[55] and stabbed in the stomach with a sword[56], and has taken out many gang members and cops by himself. Gat is incredibly strong, able to punch Shogo's head through a grave stone[57] and able to free himself from a chair bolted to the ground that he was also tied to.[58] In Saints Row, Gat has black hair with white dyed tips, but in the next game, it is all black.

Blood In, Blood Out: The Johnny Gat Story[]

Blood In, Blood Out: The Johnny Gat Story is a documentary about Johnny Gat. In Ultor Exposed, it is reported as airing before a repeat of an interview between Jane Valderama and Tera.[59]

Risking life and limb, mild mannered reporter Jane Valderama conducted a provocative interview with a rogue Ultor scientist who identified herself only as Tera. For those who missed it, Valderama's fearless live interview with the deranged microbiologist will be repeated tonight following "Blood In, Blood Out: The Johnny Gat Story"..
— Commercial for interview between Jane Valderama and Tera.[59]


Johnny Gat Voice Actor

Daniel Dae Kim

  • Johnny Gat is voiced by Daniel Dae Kim in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV.[60]
    • Johnny Gat bears some resemblance to his voice actor.
  • Johnny Gat's preferred firearm is a K6 Krukov.
  • Gat is a slang term for a handgun or a machine pistol, originally derived from "gatling gun", which can also refer to firearms more generally.
  • A Gat, 갓, is a traditional Korean hat.
  • Gat, 吉 is Cantonese for good luck.
  • Johnny is severely wounded in every game, except for Saints Row IV.
  • Gat and Jane Valderamma are the only characters who are in every main game in the series with the same voice actor.
  • Johnny's sunglasses are -5 prescription.[61][62]
  • Johnny is featured under J in The ABCs of Saints Row.[63]
  • Johnny is a playable character in Agents of Mayhem[64] and Divekick.

Saints Row[]

  • Johnny drives a unique Venom during Saints Row, although he gives it to Playa after "All the King's Men".
  • Because they are both Asian, some fans speculated that Johnny was related to Lin. To put the matter to rest, V-Singular (Volition, Inc.'s community manager) stated on the Saints Row forums that they are not related.[65]
  • During the mission "3rd Street Vice Kings", Johnny Gat uses a unique character model with Vice Kings clothes. His knee brace is especially visible during this mission.
  • Playa can get neck tattoos very similar to Johnny's at Rusty's Needle.
  • After his rescue from Anthony Green's condo, Johnny's character model shows him wearing a knee brace.
  • During the mission "Best Laid Plans..." Gat's unique Venom is obtainable after leaving the abandoned police station. The player can park it in their garage if they can keep the car from getting destroyed by the police during the mission.

Saints Row 2[]

  • Despite the fact that Pierce was charged with taking down The Ronin, Johnny Gat is actually in more Ronin missions.
  • If Playa is female in Saints Row 2, people of Stilwater speculate that she may have romantic feelings for Johnny Gat, as some civilians say "Now that Aisha is out-of-the-way, are you gonna get with Johnny?".
  • Johnny Gat is proficient with swords, and easily holds his own against Jyunichi until Playa distracts him.[66]
  • Johnny drives a randomized Stiletto when called as a homie, and the Venom from the first game is not available at all in Saints Row 2.
    • Despite this, one of the Chop Shop lists states that Johnny's favorite car is the Venom Classic, but he never drives it at any point in the series.
  • In the second mission of Saints Row 2[14], Jane Valderama states that Gat has been convicted of one count of attempted murder and 387 counts of first-degree murder. Undoubtedly, that would send him to death row, and if not for Playa's interference, he would have been executed.
  • During Dane Vogel's slideshow in the cutscene An Amazing Quarter, Johnny Gat is depicted causing a riot with other 3rd Street Saints.
  • The player can customize Playa to look almost identical to Gat, though his neck tattoos are unavailable.
  • During the missions Saint's Seven, Room Service, and Pyramid Scheme, as well as any time he is called as a Homie, Gat has a 1 in 101 chance of wearing his bloodstained shirt.[67]

Saints Row: The Third[]

Collectable Saints Row The Third character bobbleheads promo

Collectable Saints Row: The Third character bobbleheads, with similar Johnny Gat and zombie bobbleheads

  • When using the British Male or Russian female voice, Playa tells Pierce that when Gat was younger, he could take a shotgun bullet to the knee[25], but everything changed when Aisha died.
  • In the mission http://deckers.die, there is a gravestone hovering in the air with the message "Here lies Johnny Gat / He died like a / little bitch / you are next / LOL ... DIE".[68]
  • During the error scene in http://deckers.die, there are lines saying "How could you let Johnny die".[69]
  • At the start of the game, Johnny Gat is the only member of the 3rd Street Saints who has been in the gang for the entire series.
  • In screenshots and trailers, Johnny Gat's skin tone is darker, and his neck tattoos from the first two games are not visible.
  • Multiple monitors feature a "Johnny Cat" animation, based on the "Keyboard Cat" meme. The titular cat is dressed as Gat, including his hairstyle and glasses, with the words "Johnny Cat" flashing on-screen.[70]
    • Locations include: Saints HQ crib office, back room of 3 Count Casino.
  • An advertisement regarding collectible Saints Row: The Third character bobbleheads foreshadowed Gat's death and resurrection as a zombie in Saints Row: The Third, as many fans speculated[71][72] prior to the game's release.
    • Further speculation was caused[73][74][75] when IGN released a preview showcasing the F-69 VTOL,[76] in which there is a wounded Gat in the first two seconds of the video.
  • The "History of the Saints" feature explains Johnny Gat "uses the Gat-Mobile to travel to schools where he gives inspirational speeches to kids."[77]
  • Gat has his own comic book, entitled Gangstas In Space.[78]
  • Johnny Gat is the longest running member of the 3rd Street Saints, appearing in all of the games.
  • In the first two Saints Row games, Johnny has light brown eyes. However, in Saints Row: the Third, his eyes are bloodshot and a very pale purple.
  • Scott Phillips was directly asked whether Johnny was really dead, and revealed that it was decided early on that Johnny had to be killed to drive the hatred of the Syndicate, even though many developers did not want to kill Gat.[79]
  • Johnny's death affected Shaundi the most out of all the Saints; conversely, Aisha's death had a similar effect on Johnny himself.
  • Gat's jacket is available for purchase as avatar clothing on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace for 180 Microsoft points
  • In the Syndicate Gawalek A36, Shaundi points out that Gat cannot drive stick shift when he tells her and Playa that he is going to fly the plane back to Stilwater.
  • Gat is in the Saints HQ in the "Saints Row: The Third E3 2010 CG" Trailer whereas in the game, Gat dies before the Saints acquire it.
  • Johnny wields a 45 Shepherd and K-8 Krukov during the mission When Good Heists Go Bad (although he only uses the 45 Shepherds in the cutscenes), and the TEK Z-10 in the first cutscene of I'm Free - Free Falling.

Saints Row IV[]

  • A portrait of Johnny Gat is used in a promotion for Saints Row IV, which depicts him in a suit. [Reference needed]
  • An 8-inch Memorial Statue for Johnny Gat comes with the 'Wub Wub' collector's edition for Saints Row IV.[80]
  • In the "Saints Row IV: War for Humanity" Trailer, Shaundi kneels next to a man in a location similar to Phillipe Loren's plane from I'm Free - Free Falling and a knife stuck in his chest, with the same sort of knife Loren used to stab Gat.[81]
  • Birth year is given as 1980, death year as 2011, meaning he is 31 when he dies.[82][83]
  • There is an achievement for Saints Row IV titled "Bouncin' with an Old Friend" which is rewarded for completing quests, loyalty missions and romance for Johnny Gat.[1]
  • On July 16, 2013, a picture of Gat was posted to the Saints Row twitter with the caption "GAT IS BACK".[84] A voice actor list released by Deep Silver on the same day does not list Daniel Dae Kim or Johnny Gat.[85] However, Daniel Dae Kim confirmed he reprises the role of Johnny Gat.[86]
  • On July 17, 2013, a trailer was released named "Gat is Back" which shows gameplay footage of Johnny Gat fighting aliens and competing in Genki Bowl with the leader of the Saints.[87]
  • Gat claiming that Zinyak abducted him retcon's the established facts of the series. While absolute proof of Johnny's death was never given to the player of the game, it was implied multiple times that the characters in the game had absolute proof. In Saints Row IV, Gat references this by saying "Its not like anybody saw me die, right?"
  • Gat no longer sports any neck tattoos[88].
  • The GATV Pack DLC pack features Gat's clothing and glasses from Saints Row: The Third and makes his hair style ("Gat Hair") available at Image As Designed.
  • During initial Player Customization, a news headline says that protests have delayed construction of the Johnny Gat Memorial.
  • During the curtain call at the end of the game, Gat lacks the ability to dance, performing a few silly-looking dance moves before storming up to the camera and punching it in a rage. He also does awkward moves in the line before and after his turn. This is an homage to the embarrassing dance that Elaine does in the Seinfeld episode, The Little Kicks.
  • When recruited as a Homie, Johnny uses a Shokolov AR. He also uses an Z9 Handcannon and later a Xenoblaster during All Hands on Deck, and carries a Dominator in the Welcome Back final cutscene, All Hands on Deck beginning cutscene, as well as the beginning cutscene of Grand Finale Part Three and during gameplay if selected for that part. He also sometimes cleans a .45 Fletcher on the Spaceship.
    • The .45 Fletcher Gat cleans is 1 of 2 non-Zin weapons in real life after The Real World, along with Gat's Knife when fighting Zin on The Ship.[52]

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell[]

Quotes belong in the quote section, not the trivia section

  • In Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, both Dex and Troy are deceased and in hell, so Johnny is the earliest known member of the 3rd Street Saints to still be alive.
  • Unlike Playa, Gat does not need to be taught how to use a GPS.[89]
  • He states that his mother used to sing countless verses of the Wheels on the Bus, including one about a homeless person.[Reference needed]
  • During a cutscene in the game, Johnny breaks the fourth wall by visiting Volition and speaking with developer Jim Boone about sneaking into Satan's palace instead of murdering his way in, making it the first time the fourth wall is broken in the game.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 exophase: "Bouncin with an old friend" Achievement
  2. Relation: Girlfriend
  3. Relation: Clone
  4. Credits: Saints Row credits
  5. Credits: Saints Row 2 credits
  6. Credits: Saints Row: The Third credits
  7. Credits: Saints Row IV credits
  8. Saints Row website: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell announcement
  9. 9.0 9.1 Deep Silver: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell announcement
  10. 10.0 10.1 Koch Media: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell announcement
  11. Image: [ Saints Row Website - About - gangs]
  12. Image: Saints Row promo website - Johnny Gat
  13. Image: Johnny Gat - closeup with glasses removed
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Mission: Appointed Defender
  15. 15.0 15.1 Mission: Visiting Hours
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Mission: Rest in Peace
  17. 17.0 17.1 Mission: Good D
  18. 18.0 18.1 Mission: Gat Time, Fun Time
  19. 19.0 19.1 Mission: Welcome to Hell
  20. Mission: Aisha's Favor
  21. Image: Johnny Gat, full of surprises
  22. Mission: Reclamation, "Divide and Conquer" cutscene
  23. Mission: ...To Kingdom Come, "Old Friends" cutscene
  24. Mission: ...To Kingdom Come
  25. 25.0 25.1 Mission: Best Laid Plans..., "Tanya and Tony" cutscene
  26. Mission: All the King's Men
  27. Mission: Stuffing the Ballot
  28. Mission: Hail to the Chief
  29. Cutscene: Saints and Martyrs
  30. Cutscene: Check, Please
    It's said by some to be the trial of the century. A notorious member of a gang once known as "The 3rd Street Saints", Johnny Gat was arrested last year in an assassination attempt against then decorated police officer Troy Bradshaw. In the resulting trial, Gat was convicted of one count of attempted murder, and a staggering three hundred eighty seven counts of 1st degree murder...promptly sending him to death row. Over the past year, Gat's legal team has filed appeal after appeal-
    — Jane Valderamma

  31. Mission: Down Payment
  32. Mission: Three Kings
  33. Mission: Saint's Seven
  34. Mission: Road Rage
  35. Mission: Road Rage, "Saving Face" cutscene
  36. 36.0 36.1 Mission: Bleeding Out
  37. Mission: One Man's Junk...
  38. Mission: ... and a Better Life
  39. 39.0 39.1 Mission: When Good Heists Go Bad
  40. 40.0 40.1 Mission: I'm Free - Free Falling
  41. Image: Johnny Gat: "we traded our dicks in for pussies"
  42. 42.0 42.1 Mission: We're Going to Need Guns
  43. Mission: The Belgian Problem
  44. Mission: Return to Steelport, opening cutscene
  45. Mission: Trojan Whores
  46. Mission: Gang Bang
  47. Missions: STAG Film and/or Gangstas in Space
  48. Image: Screenshot of news ticker in Saints Row: The Third's Genkibowl VII DLC.
  49. Mission: A Game of Clones
  50. Mission: Welcome Back
  51. YouTube: "Welcome Back" mission gameplay
  52. 52.0 52.1 Mission: All Hands on Deck
  53. Mission: Grand Finale
  54. Quest: Welcome to Hell
  55. Mission: Best Laid Plans...
  56. Mission: Bleeding Out, "House Party" cutscene
  57. Mission: Rest in Peace, "Requiem" cutscene
  58. Mission: I'm Free - Free Falling, opening cutscene
  59. 59.0 59.1 Mission: America's Next Top Scientist, "Gotcha!" cutscene
  60. Saints Row website: Saints Row: The Third - Celebrities? I Got Your Celebrities Right Here, retrieved 19th July 2011
  61. Video: Volition plays Saints Row IV: How the Saints Save Christmas
  62. Gat's Prescription (AoM)

  63. Image: Johnny is featured under J in The ABCs of Saints Row.
  64. YouTube: Agents of Mayhem Johnny Gat trailer
  65. Saints Row Forums: Johnny Gats Asian?, post #10, retrieved 7;th September 2011
  66. Cutscene: House Party
  67. Image: Johnny Gat with bloodstained shirt during Saint's Seven
  68. Image: [[:File:Deckers.die_here_lies.png|Gravestone texture during http://deckers.die ]]
  69. Image: [[:File:Deckers.die error screen - Press Any Key.png|"How could you let Johnny die" message during http://deckers.die ]]
  70. Image: Image of Johnny Cat
  71. Saints Row Forums: Saints Row: The Third General Suggestion and Discussion Thread, post #8155, retrieved 7th September 2011
  72. Saints Row Forums: Community Q&A - Submit Your Questions!, post #92, retrieved 7th September 2011
  73. Saints Row Forums: tank and vtol gameplay + zombie gat
  74. Saints Row Forums: Johnny Gat Is Dead
  75. Saints Row Forums: volition why release so much info on Gat?!?
  76. YouTube: Saints Row The Third Saints Row: The Third - Fighter Jet Gameplay - YouTube
  77. Image: [ Saints Row Website - History - Modern Day Saints]
  78. Mission: Nyte Blayde's Return, opening cutscene
  79. Quartertothree: Lead designer Scott Phillips explains it all
  80. Joystiq: 'Wub Wub' collector's edition
  81. Image: Gat in War for Humanity trailer
  82. Saints Row website: About - People - Obituaries
  83. Image: Johnny's obituary showing dates
  84. Twitter: SaintsRow
  85. Deep Silver: Saints Row IV - Voice Cast (2013-07-16)
  86. Twitter: danieldaekim
  87. YouTube: Gat is Back
  88. Image: Gat aboard The Ship in Saints Row IV.
  89. Note: At the start of the game, the Hub and Map are immediately accessible, setting the GPS is not an objective and Kinzie doesn't even mention it.
