Saints Row Wiki
SR disambig icon
This article is about the temporary weapon. For the unlockable weapon, see Flamethrower.

The Incinerator is a Temporary Weapon in Saints Row: The Third[1] and Saints Row IV.

I love the look and feel of both of the brute weapons, but the Incinerator is my favorite by far. It's just cool the way that the brute wields it and how it perfectly fits his bulky body but when the player picks it up it is ENORMOUS. Animation and design did a great job conveying the sense of weight you feel when you pick it up and start to walk around with it.
— Seth Hawk[1]


Saints Row: The Third[]

The Incinerator is a flamethrower mostly used by Brutes. It has 500 fuel when picked up by Playa and does not require reloading. It can't be saved into the weapon cache or into the weapon wheel. The Incinerator has no overheat.

Saints Row IV[]

The Incinerator is a weapon in the Team Fortress 2 DLC for Saints Row IV.

Ammo Capacity and Damage can all be upgraded 5 levels each, with a separate In The Tank "ultimate upgrade".[2]


TF2 Flamethrower Skin Description
Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Default Default
That ... thing ... it scares me.
— TF2 Flamethrower Default description

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Red Team Red Team
It's just like the blue one, only red!
— TF2 Flamethrower Red Team description

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Blu Team Blu Team
It's just like the red one, only blue!
— TF2 Flamethrower Blu Team description

TF2 Rainblower Skin
Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Default Default
Do you believe in magic?
— TF2 Rainblower Default description

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Red Team Red Team
Reliable Excavation and Demolition ... represent!
— TF2 Rainblower Red Team description

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Blu Team Blu Team
Builders League United forever!
— TF2 Rainblower Blu Team description


  • Like the mini-gun, holding an Incinerator makes Playa fireproof.
  • The descriptions of the weapon's two skins reference the TF2 promo video Meet the Pyro: the default skin's description quotes a line spoken by the Heavy, and the Rainblower's description is the title of a song by The Lovin' Spoonful that plays during the video.


Brute Flamethrower

A Brute with an Incinerator

Incinerator promo

Large promotional image of the Incinerator, with background

Incinerator - small promo model

Smaller image of the Incinerator, with transparent background

Weapon - Melee - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower

Weapon - Melee - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower

Weapon - Melee - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower

Weapon - Melee - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower

Weapon - Melee - Incinerator - Upgrades

Upgrade list

Incinerator - Saints Row The Third icon

Incinerator - Saints Row The Third icon

Ui hud inv dlc brute flame

Saints Row IV icon

Incinerator - Saints Row The Third Remastered icon

Saints Row The Third Remastered icon

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Default

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Default

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Red Team

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Red Team

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Blu Team

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Flamethrower - Blu Team

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Default

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Default

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Red Team

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Red Team

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Blu Team

Weapon - Special - Incinerator - TF2 Rainblower - Blu Team


  1. 1.0 1.1 Saints Row website: Weapon Week - Day 5
  2. Image: Upgrade list
