Homies, also known as followers, are allies who can accompany Playa in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV and also in Saints Row 2022.
After the ability to have Homies is unlocked, circles are shown in the top right corner of the HUD, to the left of the Health/Weapon section.
There can be up to three circles, as there can be up to three Followers at once. When a Homie is recruited, their face is displayed within the circle, along with their current health, which is shown as a red quarter-circle.
In the Saints Row, the Unlockable Natural Leader allows the player to recruit Homies; it is unlocked three times throughout the game and allows the player to recruit one more maximum Homie at a time each time it is unlocked, up to three maximum Homies at a time. The ability is unlocked for the first time after completing the mission "Canonized", and a further twice after claiming 25% and 50% of Stilwater's Neighborhoods.
There are three main types of Homies: Mission, Special Unlockable and "wannabes" (generic gang members); but they act essentially the same.
When followers lose all their Health, they pass out and there is a 15, 30 or 39 second (depending on game's difficultly) countdown to revive them, which can be done by standing over them and pressing action.
When entering a 2-seat car with more than 1 Homie, any other followers enter a second car. The same applies with a motorbike, although Homies are only capable of controlling one extra vehicle, so having four 1-seat motorbikes does not work.
All 3rd Street Saints gang members can be recruited by pressing the recruit button. Holding the same button down dismisses all followers. If followers are attacked, they become hostile and cannot be recruited. However, in Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV, followers will drop their hostility and become available to recruit afterwards.
Wannabes can be found walking around owned hoods, or hanging out in owned Cribs. They can have different apparel styles depending on how they are customized at the Saints Hideout. Some can be found driving the streets in cars in Saints colors. If recruited, they immediately stop and follow Playa.
While Wannabes are stronger than normal Civilians, they are considerably weaker than Special Homies. As with all civilians, non-recruited gang members may carry food, alcohol or blunts which the player can pick up after they are dropped.
During some missions and activities, a character may be assigned to help Playa, or to be protected. Normal Follower rules apply, and they can be revived if they lose all Health.
During a mission, if the timer runs out for reviving a mission critical Homie, the mission fails. This failure timer can be used to trigger a Mission Exit Glitch which allows exiting out of a mission without a failure screen.
It is not possible to use a Mission Homie as a Human Shield.
Backup characters can be called even when all Homie slots are full. When they arrive, will behave as an ally in their own neighborhood, wandering the area and attacking any hostile character, or any character bumps into them or insults Playa. They are all recruitable, and may automatically add to your Homies if slots are available and they are called when no combat is occurring.
Special Unlockable[]
Special Homies are Homies that are unlocked and added to the Cellphone throughout the game. These Homies can only be recruited via the "Homies" menu of the cellphone. When they're called, they spawn in their own vehicle and drive to the player, and are automatically recruited when they exit their vehicle. They have more Health than regular Homies and take a longer time to faint. However, attacking them mid-battle gives the message "(Homie) has been dismissed!" After a Homie has died or been dismissed, they cannot be called again for a certain period of time, although they can be recruited after dropping hostility in Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV. It is only possible to call the number of Homies that can be recruited - up to 3 once all follower slots have been unlocked.
It is also possible to instantly kill a Special Homie if they are dismissed while passed out.
For Main Article, see Homie conversations. In Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV, recruited Homies may have brief Homie conversations with one another. The dialogue may highlight the characters' opinions of each other, their past, or simply serve to add some humor.
Homie Driver[]
There is a glitch which allows Playa to enter a car as a passenger, with the car being driven by a Homie.
- Find a Homie driving a car.
- Recruit the Homie.
- Stand next to the passenger door, or on top of the car.
- Dismiss the Homie while they are on foot.
- As the Homie starts opening the car door, press the Enter button and Playa enters the passenger seat.
- Once inside the car, it is safe to recruit the Homie again.
- If the Homie gets out, Playa automatically exits the vehicle. Occasionally, Playa also automatically be put back inside of the car if he gets back in.
- It is possible to recruit two other Homies.
- Unlike with Wheel Woman, it is not possible to choose where to drive.
- There are unconfirmed reports that a recruited Homie driver follows the blue mission path. This does not happen in Saints Row: The Third.
- During the Saints Row: The Third mission "Learning Computer" it is possible to use this glitch to man the machine gun on the tank.
It is also possible with civilian cars and cop cars, but must be done as they exit the vehicle, as doing it as they enter causes Playa to fall through the car.
Civilians sometimes get out after someone collides with their car, as they get out it is possible to get into the car as a passenger.
When trying to steal a police car as the cops are jumping out, Playa can end up sitting in the back seat. Police do not reenter the car while there are Notoriety stars.
Police Homies[]
There is a glitch that allows recruiting police as Homies while playing Co-op.
It is also possible to do this with the BEAT cop uniform from the DLC Ultor Exposed.
The cops should now appear with a green cross and are recruitable like normal Homies, and Saints appear as enemies. This also affects Ultor Masako, FBI, SWAT, Ultor guards, prison guards, and armored vehicle drivers.
There is a glitch in Saints Row: The Third, which causes Homies to be unavailable or greyed out permanently. This can be solved by joining a Co-op game, and having the other person call the Homie.
It can be solved on PC by editing the saved game file in Notepad.[5]
Zin Homies[]
There is a glitch in Saints Row IV which allows Zin Homies.
- Equip Mind Control Blast.
- Cause havoc until an Assert with machine gun is deployed.
- Use Blast on that Assert.
- Get in the vehicle. The gunman should be inside too and he also should become a Homie automatically.
- Call "Notoriety Wipe - All".
The Zin soldier is now a Homie
- He shoots at anyone he sees.
- He uses Suppression Grenades even inside the vehicle.
- Animations are not working properly: he can't stand and the walking animation works instead.
- Saints and Special Homies shoot at the Zin and even take him as Human Shield.
- It is not possible to dismiss him without shooting him so he becomes hostile.
Upgrading Homie Weapons[]
There is a glitch in Saints Row IV which upgrades the weapon that Homies carry into the Shokolov AR.
- Recruit the desired Homie(s).
- Call Vehicle Delivery to have an Eagle delivered. If not available, then collect an Eagle from Sierra Point.
- Have the Homie(s) enter the vehicle and exit. Make sure they get in the back seat and not the front, otherwise exit and reenter so they get out and repeat.
The Homie should now have a Shokolov AR in place of their default
- Steps 1 and 2 can be reversed.
- It's recommended to use more than 1 Homie as getting a single Homie in a Solo game to get into the back of the Eagle without Notoriety is more difficult, as a single Homie is likely to get in the front passenger seat.
- Super Homies and Unarmed Homies like Roddy Piper all benefit from this glitch, which is especially useful as they are limited to their default weapon.
- Homies with SMG weapons like Shaundi, Asha, Donnie and Tanya are unaffected by this glitch and will retain their SMGs.
Civilian Homies[]
In both Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV, the Genki Manapult can be used to have any character as a Homie.
- Obtain the Genki Manapult.
- Equip either Mind Control Blast[6] or Mollusk Launcher.
- In Saints Row: The Third, shoot a single character with the Mollusk Launcher, then suck them into the Genki Manapult, and they immediately become a homie.
- In Saints Row IV, suck a single character into the Genki Manapult, drive to an isolated area, then Mind Control Blast the Genki Manapult. Upon re-entering the vehicle, the character becomes a homie.
- Launch them from the Genki Manapult and they should stay recruited.
- It is possible to perform the glitch in the opposite order in Saints Row IV, by mind controlling a single character before sucking them up, but this is more difficult to perform.
- It is sometimes possible to perform the glitch with more than one character mind controlled, but having more than one character mind controlled usually does not work.
- Taunting female Wannabes, some may say "Why haven't you called me?" or "Did the sex mean anything to you?"
- The "Super Saints" Cheat prevents followers from being killed. Doesn't apply to police Homies during FUZZ.
- Homies, recruited or not recruited, do attack anyone that tries to beat up Playa or runs over Playa.
- In Saints Row and Saints Row 2, Homies shoot at whatever Playa shoots at.
- After shooting a targeted person and killing them, they may shoot at anyone who is running away from the scene.
- Homies usually attack/shoot law enforcement on sight, even if Playa is not wanted. This can be a problem during the FUZZ, as Homies attack Playa's cop Homies, and the cop Homies shoot the regular Saints Homies. Saints Homies also shoot at Playa's cameraman and occasionally Playa himself. However, both cop homies and Saints Homies shoot at the targeted people creating the crimes in the activity.
- If Playa is trying to evade law enforcement chasing him and passes by a Homie driving, the Homie gives chase behind the law enforcement. Homies on foot shoot the officer's car. Then they attack the officer if Playa happens to stop the car and the Homies can reach the officer. Driving Homies also join in when they see other Homies attacking someone.
- Playa cannot run too far away from recruited Homies. If he does so, a red circle appears on the Mini Map surrounding the Homies that are too far from Playa. Playa has a time limit to make it back to the far away homies before they get dismissed.
- If a law enforcement officer follows Playa into a Crib, the Homies inside won't do anything unless they get shot by the officer.
- Homies with Molotov Cocktails and RPG Launchers are not very effective. Because they do not try to attack Playa, Homies carrying these weapons only tend to aim at enemies and very rarely ever shoot.
- Homies usually pick up any weapon that is stronger than theirs found on the ground. Special Homies do not automatically pick up better weapons, unless they have been disarmed.
- While it is possible for Playa to become Idle, Homies cannot do so when recruited. Homies in Cribs often perform standard Idle actions, such as dancing, sitting at a table or on chairs, sofas, sitting on a couch and having a Stripper dance on them, on a computer, smoking, drinking, talking on the phone, etc.
- If Playa has three followers and he uses a Taxi, one follower is dismissed.
- Homies' weapons cannot hurt Playa at all, however, their thrown weapons and RPGs can.
- Not all Homies walk/drive around an owned hood. Some Homies can be found sitting on a helmet, smoking, or guarding an owned building.
- Homies are very violent when it comes to Civilians. They beat up and kills Civilian just for bumping into them. However, if Playa does so, they do not beat him up.
- When there are more than 2 Homies fighting one person, the additional Homies stand still and cheer.
- If Playa recruits Homies and enters a mission, most of the time the recruited Homies are with Playa during the mission's gameplay.
- Homies do talk very often when recruited. They cheer when they have successfully killed someone or when Playa makes a Stunt Jump or any other jump involving Big Air. However, they also comment Playa about his driving. Non-recruited Homies always compliment Playa, unless Playa has not changed his clothes in a while.
- Homies shooting police and gang members does not raise Playa's Notoriety.
- If Playa is Smoked or Busted, all Homies are dismissed.
- While the majority of Civilians tend to disappear when it rains, Saints Homies still appear very often.
- Homies are featured under H in The ABCs of Saints Row.[7]
- The Saints Row data files lists 6 follower circles in the unused PC HUD section.[8]
- In Saints Row and Saints Row 2, the "Followers" homie slot unlockables have 3 separate unlockable images showing 1, 2, or 3 Followers respectively.
- In Saints Row: The Third, Homie Slot 1 is silently unlocked and does not have a displayed image, but has a placeholder unlockable image which does not match the style of the displayed unlockable images. The Followers 2 and Followers 3 Upgrades both use the same "ui_reward_homie_slot_upgrade" image showing 2 Homies and 1 silhouette. There is no image in the game files featuring all 3 Homies displayed.
- In Saints Row IV, the Followers 2 and Recruitment Upgrades both use the same "ui_reward_homie_slot_upgrade" image showing 3 Homies, which is the identical to the Saints Row: The Third image other than the final silhouette being replaced by a Homie. There is no image in the game files featuring 2 Homies and 1 silhouette.
- Saints Row (reboot) marks the first time in the series that gang member NPC homies can not be recruited by the player at will. The player must unlock the ability to call for backup from two random NPCs based upon their selected variety. Furthermore, no cast-characters beyond the core cast are available to call for backup at this time.
- Hostile Homies
- It usually takes a couple hits or shots to make a Saints Homie angry enough to attack Playa with a comment such as "I'm Sick of You!". When this happens not only does the reticule on the attacking Saints Member changes from a green X to a red circle, but all other nearby Saints Homies attack and kill the attacking Saints Homie.
- It is also possible to make Saints Homie angry by Taunting them three times.
- Hostile Homies can be attacked by non-hostile Homies who interpret the Hostile Homie as an Enemy.
- During missions where essential Homies are automatically recruited, they do not turn against Playa.
- Care must be taken when using explosive weapons, as the splash can result in a Homie becoming hostile.
- Human Shields
- Homies have the ability to use Human Shields, much like Playa and other gang members can.
- Special Homies cannot normally be used as a Human Shield.
- It is possible to take Gat as a Human Shield during Visiting Hours, after removing him from the Horizon
- Human Shields must be performed carefully when having recruited Homies, for if a recruited Homie is grabbed they are dismissed and attack Playa. The same goes for a non-recruited Homie. Taunts must also be performed carefully when around recruited Homies. Taunted Homies are dismissed if taunted three times.
- Enemy Gang Members can use Saints Homies as Human Shields.
- If a recruited Saints Homie gets used as a Human Shield, Playa has a time limit to save the trapped Homie before he gets dismissed or killed.
Saints Row 2[]
- Shock Paddles can be used to revive a fallen Homie. Recruited Homies can be revived this way instead of pouring 40oz on them.
- It is not possible to revive non-recruited Saints during a mission.
- It is possible to use 2 of the same Homie if they are a Mission Homie, by recruiting them before starting the mission. This is easiest to do via the Newspaper Clipboard replay feature.[9]
- In Saints Row 2 Co-op, if the host takes the guest's Homie as a Human Shield, then it becomes an enemy of the host, but not the guest. If the guest enters a car, and the host warps into the car while the Homie is getting in, the host and the Homie both sit in the front passenger seat.
- Homies are able to pick up Improvised Weapons if they are disarmed.
- Gang Signs, Appearance and Vehicles can be customized at the Saints Hideout. Their movement style and weapons cannot.
- Common weapons which Homies use in Saints Row 2 include the K6 Krukov, GDHC .50, SKR-9 Threat, 12 Gauge, Tombstone, AS14 Hammer, Pipe Bomb, Molotov Cocktail, NR4 VICE 9. The melee weapons they use include the Crowbar, Baseball Bat, and Knife. Homies very rarely fight with their hands.
- While Homies can be found inside the Prison Lighthouse Crib, they cannot be found anywhere else on the island. Saints Homies never appear in the Nuclear Power Plant district or Saint's Row District.
- When Stilwater Caverns and Rounds Square Shopping Center become an owned neighborhoods to Playa, Saints Homies spawn inside. However, Ultor Security Guards still spawn inside too, owned or not owned. This is the only locations where Ultor Security Guards and Saints Homies can be found together in the same place, even though the two are enemies.
- Even though Homies can be made to look like Pimps and Hos through Gang Customization, they do not behave like them.
Saints Row: The Third[]
- The Mollusk Launcher can be used to have any character fight for Playa, although they cannot be recruited.
- Unlike previous games, Homies do not target what Playa is shooting.
- While driving a second vehicle, if Homies fall too far behind, their vehicle may disappear. If a Driving Homie loses his vehicle, they steal another one and continue driving.
- Homies can also now fly helicopters, which may disappear if they fall too far behind.
- Homies standard weapons include the 45 Shepherd, TEK Z-10, Grave Digger and K-8 Krukov.
- It is now easy for Homies to leave Playa even when being attacked by accident.
- If Playa uses any of his Special Weapons or Explosives on an enemy or car with any nearby homies around them, they turn on Playa unlike Saints Row and Saints Row 2.
- Fewer Saints Homies spawn in owned Hoods and Cribs in Saints Row: The Third.
- Regular Saints Homies are the same Homies that drive vehicles to Playa when called.
- Homies in Saints Row: The Third can use mounted weapons on a Challenger, Crusader, N-Forcer or Bulldog when in the vehicle.
- Homies spawn in acquired areas only when the entire neighborhood is taken. Anything less and The Syndicate still spawn everyone in the neighborhood.
- Saints drive the cars selected in Gang Customization, but they are generic colors instead of purple. If recruited, they either get out of their car or follow in their car.
- Oleg and other Brute Homies become hostile more quickly than other followers.
- If any followers get caught in an explosion caused by Playa, but did enough damage to render them unconscious and unable to react, they can be safely revived without becoming hostile.
- Even though Homies become hostile after being attacked, they can be recruited again just a few seconds later when they drop their hostility.
- As in previous games, Special Homies cannot be used as a Human Shield, with the exception of Josh Birk.
- Kia uses Shaundi as a Human Shield during Three Way, but it's a scripted event and if Kia's grip is broken with the Sonic Boom, Shaundi is once again immune to being taken as a Human Shield.
- The Sonic Boom does not cause Recruited Homies to gain any hate when hit, and are resilient to the fully charged attack so that they only stumble rather than get ragdolled, making the Sonic Boom fairly safe to use around recruited Homies. Unrecruited homies however are still vaporized by a fully charged attack.
- Shaundi is the first Homie to be unlocked after I'm Free - Free Falling, with Zombie Gat being the last Homie to become available in the base game.
- The only way to unlock all optional Homies is to buy the Unlockable Pack DLC. Those Homies gained from the decision based missions become available after We're Going to Need Guns.
- Homies with Explosive Weapons, like the M2 Grenade Launcher and Annihilator RPG, stick closer to Playa and lose the ability to crouch.
- A Homie may change features such as hair colour while Playa is in a store.[Reference needed]
- To revive Homies, Playa helps them stand back up. In Saints Row and Saints Row 2, Playa would pour a 40 oz on them.
- One of the whistling sounds for recruiting a follower is reused from Saints Row, where it is used by civilians to hail a Taxi.
Saints Row IV[]
- Special Homies can be upgraded to Super Homies by completing their Loyalty missions. You can also call up Super Saint backup after completing most challenges in the game.
- Homies are immune to Super Powers attacks. When dismissed or hostile, Homies are susceptible to Telekinesis attacks, but it isn't apparent whether any TK attacks other than the Force version do any damage. Homies do not physically respond to Stomp, Blast, or Buff attacks. They still can be killed, however, with firepower.
- When dismissed, CID may still follow Playa around, although he won't speak and doesn't count as a Homie (although he can be accidentally re-recruited since he is close by). The easiest way to get CID to leave you alone at this point is to throw him using Telekinesis.
- Certain weapons instantly cause a Homie to become hostile and put up a fight. Unlike previous installments, Homies drop their hostility very fast and stop attacking shortly. They can also be re-recruited seconds after calming down.
- It is possible for any quotes being spoken by Playa to be interrupted by the Idle quotes of Homies.
- Homies can be called back immediately after disbanding them and leaving their vicinity, even when killed, regardless of the method (i.e. Disintegrated). The Homie makes no mention of you killing them even if called back a second later.
- If there are Homies active upon exiting The Simulation, they remain recruited in The Simulation, but are still present on The Ship.
- Homies from Saints Row: The Third retain their old appearance in The Simulation, but are permanently changed to their Super Homie outfit upon completion of their Loyalty missions. Saints Row 2 Shaundi retains her normal outfit.
- Many of the Antagonists from the previous Saints Row games can be unlocked as Homies, but do not have access to Super Powers.
- Homies can now teleport to Playa's location if they are standing on higher ground. They can also do this to get down from a building.
- If a Homie falls behind so they disappear from radar and cannot catch up to you, you can use Vehicle Delivery or jump into the water and respawn back onto land, teleporting the lost Homie back to you.
- Random recruited Saints can not pick up weapons and always use their default, even if the weapons dropped nearby are better than their own. The weapons they use can only be upgraded by purchasing Upgrades.
- Non-Super Powered unlockable Homies can pick up dropped weapons.
- Homies exiting a plane, UFO or helicopter (such as the Eagle) sometimes have their weapon 'upgraded' to the Shokolov AR, if their current weapon was worse. This can be used to give unarmed homies like Roddy Piper a weapon or to replace a Super Homies weapon with the Shokolov AR.[10][11][12][13]
- This does not work for Homies using SMG class weapons, such as Shaundi, Asha, Donnie and Tanya.
- In some missions, Homies does have ability to pick up the weapons, such as most missions in Enter the Dominatrix, if Homies are script spawned.
- Phillipe Loren was intended to be a Homie in Saints Row IV, and has a Homie head icon, cellphone recruitment lines, and Homie conversations.
- Any of the Homies that are called by phone teleport to your location except four: Saints Backup, Super Backup, Genki Backup and Gingerbread Men[14]. Saints Backup arrives in an Infuego, Super Backup arrives in the Gunslinger, Genki Backup arrives with a Sad Panda vehicle equipped with mounted gun and Gingerbread Men arrive in a Half Baked.
- All Homies that do not have Super Powers (and therefore lack the Super Jump Power) can still follow Playa onto rooftops by teleporting to Playa's location and can use the same method in getting down. They can also jump off the rooftop and will not suffer any fall damage.
Super Homies[]
- When a Homie has Super Powers, throwing them with Telekinesis results in them recovering from the throw a second later with an air recovery. When throwing any other Homie, they fly through the air like any civilian, which is a potentially effective way of getting rid of nearby non-Super Powered Homies.
- Super Homies do not turn hostile from explosive weapons if caught in the splash radius, so less care is needed around Super Homies when using explosives.
- Super Homies are highly resilient to friendly attacks by firearms. They do not stagger about when on fire or covered in acid[15][16], and when hit by any friendly fire attacks do not accumulate hate towards Playa. They can still be rendered unconscious by the Abduction Gun if they go into the abduction light. Homies do not respond to the firepower of the Mech Suit, even when fired upon on purpose.
- Saints Row 2 Fun Shaundi accumulates hate towards Playa if hit by friendly fire attacks, even when she's upgraded into a Super Homie. All other Super Homies do not care if shot by friendly attacks.
- Dismissing a Super Homie and recruiting them back via the recruit key/button and not via phone will cause them to gain hate when hit by friendly fire attacks, so it's best to leave the vicinity and call them back via the phone to prevent Super Homies turning on Playa.
- Super Homies that are recruited can do mid air recoveries, do super beatdown attacks, and can use most Super Powers. These include Super Sprint, Super Jump, Blast, Stomp, and Telekinesis. The Telekinesis used by Homies emit red tether from themselves to their target, while the Blast is non-elemental and blue to signify friendly Super Powers, and they cannot use Death From Above, Force Field or Buff.
- Super Homies do not Sprint normally, they only Super Sprint. Super Homies also can knock around a car they are attempting to get in, but does not send it skyward like a normal vehicle that you do not occupy. It is also possible for a Super Homie to get stuck on terrain and end up lost elsewhere on the map, refusing to teleport to your location until you are found.
- Power Suppression Grenades can disable Super Homies Super Powers for a short amount of time.
- Super Homies do not pick up weapons and always use their default, even if the weapons dropped nearby are better than their own.
- During When a Plan Comes Together, Super Homies can pick up weapons on the floor if better than their default because they are scripted to act as normal Homies and cannot use their Super Powers for the whole mission. This is the only time where Super Homies can pick up weapons dropped by enemies.
- Kinzie and Keith David are the first Homies unlocked, however Matt Miller and Shaundi are the first 2 (3 if you count both Shaundis) Homies that can become Super Homies, while Keith and Kinzie are the last Homies to have their Loyalty missions unlocked.
- If a Super Homie is called, then the game is saved and reloaded, the Super Homie becomes normal, wearing normal clothing. They regain their Super Powers and Super Outfit after being dismissed and recruited via phone after leaving their vicinity.
Saints Row 2022[]
In the Saints Row reboot, players unlock "Call for Backup" after completing the quest Be Your Own Boss and then can ask Eli, Kevin or Neenah to join them via the contacts app.
- ↑ Note: Censored German Version
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 YouTube: Quick Look: Saints Row: The Third
- ↑ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 Note: Although the homie doesn't arrive on this vehicle, it is defined in homies.xtbl file
- ↑ Saints Row Website: Cant call Pierce or Shaundi for back-up
- ↑ Note: Requires Matt Miller's "The Prestige" Side Quest to be completed
- ↑ Image: Homies are featured under H in The ABCs of Saints Row.
- ↑ File: user_interface.xtbl
- ↑ Image: Using two of the same homie at once.
- ↑ Image: Super Benjamin using an Automatic Rifle.
- ↑ Image: Super Keith using an Automatic Rifle.
- ↑ Image: Super Kinzie using an Automatic Rifle.
- ↑ Image: Super Matt using an Automatic Rifle.
- ↑ DLC: How the Saints Save Christmas
- ↑ Image: Shaundi (Super Homie) unfazed by Acidic attacks.
- ↑ Image: Shaundi (Super Homie) unfazed by Fire attacks.