"Hello Teacup" is a mission in Saints Row IV.
- We're not leaving Kinzie behind.
- — Quest description
After Keith David repledges his loyalty to the Saints, he gives Matt Miller a series of numbers he overheard Zinyak speak about. Matt uses these numbers and plugs them into CID, causing him to go out of control. Playa has to follow CID, where he finds a wall and creates a picture of a Cabbit on a wall. After touching the Cabbit, Playa is transported to a room that contains the entire map of the simulation, which CID uses to find Kinzie.
After being transported there, Playa finds himself once again in Pleasanton and tracks down Kinzie, but she is revealed to be a decoy. After chasing down a police car with another decoy Kinzie in it, the decoy manages to tell him to go to the town square, where it is revealed that Cyrus Temple is the mayor, and has organized a rally.
Playa then has to reprogram the speakers broadcasting Cyrus' speech to drown it out with '50s music. After reprogramming the first speaker, Matt gives Playa a Dubstep Gun which Playa uses to fight off propaganda trucks that attempt to run Playa over. When Playa has finally finished reprogramming the speakers, he goes to the stage, where the real Kinzie is in a poodle skirt and a passive daze. The reprogramming causes a glitch that makes the crowd and Kinzie dance, and Cyrus loses his temper and attempts to kill Playa. Matt Miller gives a reskin of the Dubstep Gun, which converts it into the Pop skin. After defeating Cyrus, Playa and Kinzie escape to the real world. Kinzie bursts out of her simulation bed to threaten Playa about revealing anything that happened in the simulation, but Playa immediately makes a comment about her poodle skirt, and Kinzie punches them in the face.
- Cash:
- Respect: 3000
- Mission: We have the Technology
- Weapon: Dubstep Gun
- "Tea cup" was revealed to be Kinzie's safeword in Saints Row: The Third, while discussing Safeword.[1]
- The building with the Cabbit on the wall is the same building used in Power Up CID.
- If Kinzie is pushed into the water, she hovers and continue dancing. If Cyrus runs into the water, he stops attacking and tread water, but still shouting threats.
- The house and diner from "A Pleasant Day" are accessible
- The final "Go to Kinzie" objective points to the same location, regardless of whether Kinzie has been moved elsewhere.
- Cyrus is dressed like General George Patton at the beginning of the film Patton, including a pair of ivory handled pistols.
- In the radial weapon inventory, only the "fist" option is available.
- After the mission is complete, Cyrus' final Audio Logs are available, allowing to complete all Challenges.
- There is no time limit for locating Kinzie after entering Pleasanton.
- Some NPC conversations are anachronistic, such as discussing hybrid vehicles.
- This mission is the only time a Lightning can be saved to the Garage.
- When cancelling the mission while in Pleasanton and continuing from the last checkpoint, the Phone is available, including using Vehicle Delivery to retrieve an aircraft, which can be used to get to Virtual Steelport.
Pre Mission Phonecall[]
- Matt Miller: "The information I got from Keith was a code of some kind. Apparently, he overheard Zinyak telling one of his subordinates a series of numbers somehow connected to Kinzie's location. I'd bet these digits line up with some proprietary coordination system used by the Simulation. But I don't have access to that. We'd need someone who's able to plug directly into the Simulation."Playa Female 1: "Download the data to CID. We've got it from there."
Playa Female 2: "Whatever Kinzie has, download it to CID. We'll take it from there."
Playa Female 3: "Why don't you send what you've got to CID. He and I can figure it out from there."
Playa Male 1: "Send the data to CID. We'll take it from there."
Playa Male 2: "Send the stuff she compiled to CID. We're on it."
Playa Male 3: "Whatever Kinzie complied, let's try running it through CID."
Nolan North: "Send the data to CID. We'll take it from there."- — Pre Mission Phonecall
- Playa Female 1: "Oh man. This place. *BEEP* ME."
Playa Female 2: "Zut alors. This place. *BEEP* ME."
Playa Female 3: "Lord almighty. This place. *BEEP* ME."
Playa Male 1: "Oh man. This place. *BEEP* ME."
Playa Male 2: "Oh man. This place. *BEEP* ME."
Playa Male 3: "Strewth. This place. *BEEP* ME."
Nolan North: "Oh man. This place. *BEEP* ME."- — Return to Pville
- Playa Female 1: "That's the saddest radial menu I've ever seen."
Playa Female 2: "This town's gun laws are barbaric."
Playa Female 3: "Now that's just sad."
Playa Male 1: "That's the saddest radial menu I've ever seen."
Playa Male 2: "So close, and yet... so far."
Playa Male 3: "No room at the inn."
Nolan North: "That's the saddest radial menu I've ever seen."- — After Playa looks at the weapons menu
- Kinzie: "If you want to speak with my husband, he'll be home this afternoon."Playa Female 1: "Kinzie! C'mon, let's make ourselves scarce!"
Playa Female 2: "Kinzie! Fantastic! Come, let us get out of here!"
Playa Female 3: "Kinzie! Let's get outta here!"
Playa Male 1: "Kinzie! Great! C'mon, let's get out of here!"
Playa Male 2: "Kinzie! C'mon, we gotta bounce!"
Playa Male 3: "Kinzie! Brilliant! Let's head for the exit!"
Nolan North: "Kinzie! Great! C'mon, let's get out of here!"Kinzie: "Say, I'm afraid I don't have much of a green thumb."Playa Female 1: "Kinzie...?"
Playa Female 2: "Kinzie...?"
Playa Female 3: "Kinzie...?"
Playa Male 1: "Kinzie...?"
Playa Male 2: "Kinzie...?"
Playa Male 3: "Kinzie...?"
Nolan North: "Kinzie...?"
Kinzie: "Oh, can you help me get this bulb to sit right?"
- — Playa finds Kinzie
- Playa stomps the flowersKinzie: "What... what... what are you doing?"Playa Female 1: "*BEEP* the flowers, we gotta go!"
Playa Female 2: "Are you out of your mind?"
Playa Female 3: "I appreciate your attention to detail, but let's get outta here!"
Playa Male 1: "No Kinzie! I can't!"
Playa Male 2: "Bulb?! *BEEP* the bulb!"
Playa Male 3: "Have you gone completely mad?"
Nolan North: "No Kinzie! I can't!"
- — Planted Flower
- Kinzie: "Hurry! I'm being held captive by..."Playa Female 1: "Kinzie?!"
Playa Female 2: "Kinzie?!"
Playa Female 3: "Kinzie?!"
Playa Male 1: "Kinzie?!"
Playa Male 2: "Kinzie?!"
Playa Male 3: "Kinzie?!"
Nolan North: "Kinzie?!"- — Kinzie Call 01
- Matt Miller: "Oooh, that must have been a decoy. That's smart. See if there are any more around!"Playa Female 1: "Where'd she go?"
Playa Female 2: "Matthew, what the hell just happened?"
Playa Female 3: "Matt, was that my fault, or...?"
Playa Male 1: "What just happened to Kinzie?"
Playa Male 2: "What happened to her?"
Playa Male 3: "Matt, she's not back with you now, is she?"
Nolan North: "What just happened to Kinzie?"
- — Kinzie Vanish
- Playa Female 1: "Got another Kinzie ahead. Should I--wait!"
Playa Female 2: "I see another Kinzie, but I--wait!"
Playa Female 3: "Well there's another Kinzie, but I--wait!"
Playa Male 1: "Matt, I've found another Kinzie, I... wait!"
Playa Male 2: "Okay I see another Kinzie. I--wait!"
Playa Male 3: "Got another Kinzie here, Matt. I--wait!"
Nolan North: "Matt, I've found another Kinzie, I--wait!"Playa Female 1: "Oh *BEEP*!"
Playa Female 2: "Oh *BEEP*!"
Playa Female 3: "Oh *BEEP*!"
Playa Male 1: "Oh *BEEP*!"
Playa Male 2: "Oh *BEEP*!"
Playa Male 3: "Oh *BEEP*!"
Nolan North: "Oh *BEEP*!"- — Second Kinzie
- Matt Miller: "What's going on?"Playa Female 1: "The cops have Kinzie!"
Playa Female 2: "The police have Kinzie!"
Playa Female 3: "They have Kinzie!"
Playa Male 1: "The cops have Kinzie!"
Playa Male 2: "The five-o have Kinzie!"
Playa Male 3: "The coppers have Kinzie!"
Nolan North: "The cops have Kinzie!"- — Cops Have Kinzie
- Playa Female 1: "Next time I'll drive up your *BEEP*ing tailpipe!"
Playa Female 2: "*BEEP* that was fun!"
Playa Female 3: "Yes, I DID get my license at Freckle *BEEP-BEEP*! So what?"
Playa Male 1: "All right! Man, I *BEEP*ing needed that!"
Playa Male 2: "Yes! Nothing like a little *BEEP*ing adrenaline!"
Playa Male 3: "That's what you get for driving on the wrong side of the *BEEP*ing street!"
Nolan North: "All right! Man, I *BEEP*ing needed that!"- — Kinzie
- Kinzie: "Golly! That bump sure was a doozy, wasn't it?"Playa Female 1: "I really hope this is the real you--"
Playa Female 2: "I really hope this is the real you--"
Playa Female 3: "I really hope this is the real you--"
Playa Male 1: "I really hope this is the real you..."
Playa Male 2: "I really hope this is the real you."
Playa Male 3: "I really hope this is the real you--"
Nolan North: "I really hope this is the real you."
Kinzie: "Get to City Hall! HURRY!"Playa Female 1: "God, that's disturbing."
Playa Female 2: "Are you kidding me..."
Playa Female 3: "That's disquieting."
Playa Male 1: "Okay..."
Playa Male 2: "There she goes again..."
Playa Male 3: "I have an ex I should teach that trick to."
Nolan North: "Okay..."- — Kinzie Call 02
- Matt Miller: "Do you remember Cyrus Temple?"Matt Miller: "He's... in charge here."Playa Female 1: "The paramilitary thug who tried to save America by destroying it with a bigass nuclear missile? Yeah, we crossed paths."
Playa Female 2: "The walking Napoleon Complex who tried to start World War Three just because he lost to a street gang? Never heard of him."
Playa Female 3: "Oh do you mean that jackbooted wannabe thug whose missile I rode right into the highest office in the land? I think so."
Playa Male 1: "The thug who launched a nuclear missile to take out America because he's a big baby that hates losing? Name rings a bell."
Playa Male 2: "The paramilitary thug who tried to save America by destroying it with a bigass nuclear missile? Yeah, we crossed paths."
Playa Male 3: "You mean that bad haircut in body armor who tried to wipe an entire country off the map? Hm. I'm thinking yeah I do."
Nolan North: "The thug who launched a nuclear missile to take out America because he's a big baby that hates losing? Name rings a bell."Matt Miller: "Not in Kinzie's mind, no."Playa Female 1: "No way. Uh-uh. Isn't that *BEEP* dead?"
Playa Female 2: "No. No no no. Didn't I kill that *BEEP*?"
Playa Female 3: "Now just a second. Shouldn't he be dead?"
Playa Male 1: "Are you serious?! Shouldn't he be dead?"
Playa Male 2: "No. Uh-uh. Didn't I kill him with chemicals?"
Playa Male 3: "Wait a minute. Shouldn't he be dead?"
Nolan North: "Are you serious?! Shouldn't he be dead?"
- — City Hall Call
- Playa Female 1: "Matt, I've got eyes on Cyrus, but...he's, like twenty years younger, and dressed normal, more or less."
Playa Female 2: "Okay, I see Temple, but... he looks younger, handsome, even. And not dressed like a stormtrooper."
Playa Female 3: "Maybe Viola was right about Cyrus. He is pretty dreamy."
Playa Male 1: "Well, well. There he is. Hey, why is he so much younger and...not in a uniform."
Playa Male 2: "And there's Cyrus, only... why's he look younger and less... armored?"
Playa Male 3: "There he is, Cyrus Temple. But wasn't he older before, and...where's his uniform?"
Nolan North: "Well, well. There he is. Hey, why is he so much younger and...not in a uniform."- — DriveIn
- Matt Miller: "I can't!"Playa Female 1: "There's Kinzie. Hook me up with some firepower."
Playa Female 2: "Kinzie is with him. Send me a weapon."
Playa Female 3: "He's got Kinzie. Be a dove and drop me a sniper rifle?"
Playa Male 1: "Cyrus has Kinzie. Matt, give me a gun."
Playa Male 2: "Cyrus has Kinzie. Drop me a gun, Matt."
Playa Male 3: "Cyrus has Kinzie. Matt, a gun if you please?"
Nolan North: "Cyrus has Kinzie. Matt, give me a gun."Playa Female 1: "You are no *BEEP*ing help. And I can't listen to this garbage one more minute."
Playa Female 2: "This place is insufferable! But I don't need to shoot him to silence him."
Playa Female 3: "I've had enough of the *BEEP*ing rules here! Gun or no gun, I'm shutting him up."
Playa Male 1: "*BEEP* it, Matt! Give me something."
Playa Male 2: "Lotta *BEEP*ing good you are. If I can't blow his head off, I can still shut him up."
Playa Male 3: "This place is a *BEEP*ing nightmare. At the very least I'm doing something 'bout the noise pollution."
Nolan North: "*BEEP* it, fine! If I can't shoot him, I'll at least shut him up."- — DriveIn Call
- He has speakerboxes all over town. If you really want to shut him up, you'll have to take them all out!
- — Matt Miller, after the first speaker has been hacked
- Playa Female 1: "Okay, what's this switch do..?"
Playa Female 2: "The red wire? Or the blue?"
Playa Female 3: "Maybe if I cross these wires..."
Playa Male 1: "Here we go."
Playa Male 2: "Anything's better than this."
Playa Male 3: "Here goes nothing..."
Nolan North: "Here we go."- — Speaker Hack One
- Matt Miller: "I'm telling you, this simulation is locked... Oh. Oh, wait a minute."Playa Female 1: "Matt, buddy, if you don't find a way to give me some kind of weapon..."
Playa Female 2: "Matthew, for your own good I strongly urge you to find SOME kind of weapon..."
Playa Female 3: "Y'know, Miller, if it was Kinzie in your seat, I'd be driving a tank by now."
Playa Male 1: "Matt, man, come on. You've gotta give me some kind of weapon."
Playa Male 2: "Matt, I am naked here without some kind of weapon...."
Playa Male 3: "Miller, either put a gun in my hand, or I swear I'll put a knife to your throat."
Nolan North: "Matt, man, come on. You've gotta give me some kind of weapon."Matt Miller: "I've left you something in a weapons crate."Playa Female 1: "Matt's excited. This can't end well."
Playa Female 2: "No more waiting. I demand results."
Playa Female 3: "Never keep a lady waiting."
Playa Male 1: "Excited Matt. This can't be good."
Playa Male 2: "Go on...?"
Playa Male 3: "Music to my ears..."
Nolan North: "Excited Matt. This can't be good."
- — Player Needs a Gun
- Matt Miller: "I told you: No weapons allowed. But the power of music can overcome all obstacles."Playa Female 1: "What is this?! Am I fighting or throwing a block party?"
Playa Female 2: "A music gun. Worst. Weapon. Ever."
Playa Female 3: "Jesus Christ, Matt. I'm not lookin' to fill out my dance card."
Playa Male 1: "A... music gun. Seriously, Matt?"
Playa Male 2: "A BOOM BOX?! Is this a *BEEP*ing JOKE?"
Playa Male 3: "NOT what I meant by "music to my ears.""
Nolan North: "A... music gun. Are you serious, Matt?"Playa Female 1: "*BEEP* it. I'm in. Let the music play."
Playa Female 2: "*BEEP* it. I'll give it one song."
Playa Female 3: "Yes, yes it can."
Playa Male 1: "*BEEP* it. I'm in. Music gun it is."
Playa Male 2: "Fine. I'll try it. But if you tell me I gotta break dance... it's your *BEEP* motha *BEEP*"
Playa Male 3: "Well if we load it with punk rock it might be worth a go..."
Nolan North: "*BEEP* it. I'm in. Music gun it is."- — Player Gets Wub Wub
- Playa Female 1: "I swear I'm gonna punch him in the throat."
Playa Female 2: "Oh, he is pushing my buttons."
Playa Female 3: "Shut up already."
Playa Male 1: "Shut your filthy mouth, Cyrus!"
Playa Male 2: "Man loves his own voice."
Playa Male 3: "Zimos would straighten this bloke out."
Nolan North: "Shut your filthy mouth, Cyrus!"- — Speaker Hack Two
- There are two more!
- — Matt Miller, after the second speaker has been hacked
- Playa Female 1: "Sorry, fellas, my dance card is full!"
Playa Female 2: "You can't stop the music! Nobody can stop the music!"
Playa Female 3: "Oh, no you don't! This ain't gonna be the day the music died."
Playa Male 1: "Trying to stop me, huh? Oooh, I don't think so."
Playa Male 2: "You trying to cut in on my dance?"
Playa Male 3: "Oh, there's no stopping this party now."
Nolan North: "Trying to stop me, huh? Oooh, I don't think so."Playa Female 1: "Oh yes I CAN stop the signal!"
Playa Female 2: "Oh yes I CAN stop the signal!"
Playa Female 3: "Oh yes I CAN stop the signal!"
Playa Male 1: "Oh yes I CAN stop the signal!"
Playa Male 2: "Oh yes I CAN stop the signal!"
Playa Male 3: "Oh yes I CAN stop the signal!"
Nolan North: "Oh yes I CAN stop the signal!"Playa Female 1: "Propaganda truck, huh? Come at me!"
Playa Female 2: "Propaganda truck, huh? Come at me!"
Playa Female 3: "Propaganda truck, huh? Come at me!"
Playa Male 1: "Propaganda truck, huh? Come at me!"
Playa Male 2: "Propaganda truck, huh? Come at me!"
Playa Male 3: "Propaganda truck, huh? Come at me!"
Nolan North: "Propaganda truck, huh? Come at me!"- — Polka Truck
- Playa Female 1: "Gonna shove these wires up his *BEEP*!"
Playa Female 2: "I want to slap the *BEEP* right out of his mouth."
Playa Female 3: "This *BEEP* is unbelievable!"
Playa Male 1: "Enough of this bull*BEEP*!"
Playa Male 2: "Oh, shut your *BEEP*ing mouth already!"
Playa Male 3: "Heard enough of this horse*BEEP*!"
Nolan North: "Enough of this bull*BEEP*!"- — Speaker Hack Three
- One more to go!
- — Matt Miller, after the third speaker has been hacked
Nolan North: "*BEEP* *BEEP* YOUR *BEEPING* *BEEEEEEEEEEP*"- — Speaker Hack Four
- Okay, that's it!
- — Matt Miller, after the last speaker has been hacked
- Matt Miller: "Which is...?"Playa Female 1: "Matt, I'm taking down Cyrus now. Time for our final dance-off."
Playa Female 2: "Matt, I am going for Cyrus now. Time for Phase Two of this plan."
Playa Female 3: "Now it's Cyrus Temple's turn."
Playa Male 1: "Matt, I'm heading back to Cyrus. Time for the second part of this plan."
Playa Male 2: "Matt, I'm heading for Cyrus. Time for Part Two of this plan."
Playa Male 3: "Listen, Miller, it's time for Part Two of our plan."
Nolan North: "Matt, I'm heading back to Cyrus. Time for the second part of this plan."Playa Female 1: "Oh, you'll see."
Playa Female 2: "Trust me. You'll like it."
Playa Female 3: "No spoilers, honey..."
Playa Male 1: "Trust me. You'll like it."
Playa Male 2: "You will see. And you will enjoy."
Playa Male 3: "Hell, I thought you knew."
Nolan North: "Trust me. You'll like it."- — Dance Finish
- Cyrus: "What in the Sam Hill?!"Playa Female 1: "I thought this was a party. Let's dance!"
Playa Female 2: "I thought this was a party. Let's dance!"
Playa Female 3: "I thought this was a party. Let's dance!"
Playa Male 1: "Hey, I thought this was a party. Let's dance!"
Playa Male 2: "I thought this was a party. Let's dance!"
Playa Male 3: "I thought this was a party. Let's dance!"
Nolan North: "I thought this was a party. Let's dance!"- — Back to DriveIn
- Cyrus: "Why you!"
Cyrus: "Stop that! Stop that right now!"
Cyrus: "That's it! This ends now, you hoodlum!"- — Cyrus Angry
- You want to dance? DANCE WITH ME.
- — Cyrus
- Matt Miller: "Hey! I've got a new track for you to try."Matt Miller: "I'm uploading it now. Give it a shot!"Playa Female 1: "Bring it on!"
Playa Female 2: "Add it to the playlist!"
Playa Female 3: "Let's hear it, hon."
Playa Male 1: "A new track?"
Playa Male 2: "Well, run that *BEEP*"
Playa Male 3: "By all means."
Nolan North: "A new track?"
- — Wub Wub Upgrade
- Playa Female 1: "The hits just keep on coming!"
Playa Female 2: "Matt, I could almost kiss you!"
Playa Female 3: "Like your style, Matt."
Playa Male 1: "Whoa. Check you out, DJ Miller!"
Playa Male 2: "DJ Matt Miller! Yeah, man."
Playa Male 3: "You available for parties and bar mitzvahs?"
Nolan North: "Whoa. Check you out, DJ Matty-Matt Miller!"- — Wub Wub
- Matt Miller: "Hey! You swore!"Playa Female 1: "Kinzie! Let's get the fuck out of here."
Playa Female 2: "Kinzie! Let's get the fuck out of here."
Playa Female 3: "Kinzie! Let's get the fuck out of here."
Playa Male 1: "Kinzie! Let's get the fuck out of here."
Playa Male 2: "Kinzie! Let's get the fuck out of here."
Playa Male 3: "Kinzie! Let's get the fuck out of here."
Nolan North: "Kinzie! Let's get the fuck out of here."Playa Female 1: "Fuckin'-a right I did."
Playa Female 2: "Eh. This town is going to shit."
Playa Female 3: "Damn straight."
Playa Male 1: "Goddamn right I did."
Playa Male 2: "What can I say? I'm the shit."
Playa Male 3: "I'm a right bastard that way."
Nolan North: "Goddamn right I did."- — Cyrus Defeated
- Playa: "Are you sure this the right place?"
CID: "Absolutely."
Playa: "What the fuck is all this?"
CID: "A map of the simulation."
Playa: "Where are all the Broken Shillelaghs?"
CID: "If it would make the map more understandable to you I could create a holograph-"
Playa: "God no, we're good."
Playa: "So can you find Kinzie?"
CID: "In theory, yes. The time consuming part will be identifying Kinzie's brainwaves in a sea of other data."
Playa: "Just find whatever looks the most abnormal, it's probably her."
CID: "Insulting, yet accurate. Good luck."
- — Hello Teacup opening cutscene
- Matt: "Kinzie, you're ok!"
Kinzie: "You don't tell anyone what you saw. Do you understand me?"
Playa: "Kinzie, it really wasn't that b..."
Kinzie: "I said ANYONE."
Playa: "Hey, you got it."
Playa: "Just saying, it was a cute poodle skirt..."
- — Hello Teacup closing cutscene
- Kinzie: "Yeah! Take him down!"
Kinzie: "He put me... In a poodle skirt."
Kinzie: "Don't let him get away with this!"
Kinzie: "Show him who's boss!"- — Boss Fight Encourage
- That's Zinyak trying to clean up the mess. Stop them!
- — Matt Miller, after the Cops capture Kinzie
- Playa Female 1: "Let's show this town what it means to be young!"
Playa Female 2: "Let's show this town what it means to be young!"
Playa Female 3: "Let's show this town what it means to be young!"
Playa Male 1: "Let's show this town what it means to be young!"
Playa Male 2: "Let's show this town what it means to be young!"
Playa Male 3: "Let's show this town what it means to be young!"
Nolan North: "Let's show this town what it means to be young!"Playa Female 1: "Now it's time to cut loose!"
Playa Female 2: "Vive le dance revolution!"
Playa Female 3: "Let's have the time of our lives!"
Playa Male 1: "Find the rhythm, find the beat!"
Playa Male 2: "Electric boogaloo, motha *BEEP*"
Playa Male 3: "All the people on the left; wopbamboogie, all the people on the right; boogaloo!"
Nolan North: "Find the rhythm, find the beat!"Playa Female 1: "Dance like no one's watching!"
Playa Female 2: "We're going to party! Karamu! Fiesta! Forever!"
Playa Female 3: "Dance, puppets! Dance!"
Playa Male 1: "Yeah, shake your tail feathers, hepcats!"
Playa Male 2: "Dance like you mean it!"
Playa Male 3: "Slow, slow, quick-quick slow!"
Nolan North: "Yeah, shake your tailfeathers, hepcats!"Playa Female 1: "I think this town lost the stick up its butt!"
Playa Female 2: "So can we rename it funkytown?"
Playa Female 3: "Well, it ain't Branson, but it'll do!"
Playa Male 1: "Nice! Now this is a town I can live in!"
Playa Male 2: "Now it's a party!"
Playa Male 3: "They're almost ready for Bollywood!"
Nolan North: "Nice! Now *this* is a town I can live in!"- — Dance Stop
- Matt Miller: "Maybe that's how Kinzie imagines him in her dreams?"Playa Female 1: "Watch it."
Playa Female 2: "Stop."
Playa Female 3: "Don't blame her."
Playa Male 1: "Matt."
Playa Male 2: "Dude. Not cool."
Playa Male 3: "Mate."
Nolan North: "Dude, Matt. Really."- — DriveIn Arrival
- Matt Miller: "If I had to guess, it looks like this sigil is connected to some sort of secret room."Playa Female 1: "Weird. Bunnies don't really seem very Kinzie..."
Playa Female 2: "Since when is Kinzie into bunny-rabbits?"
Playa Female 3: "Of course it's a cabbit."
Playa Male 1: "I didn't know Kinzie had a thing for bunnies."
Playa Male 2: "Huh. A rabbit. A creepy, creepy rabbit."
Playa Male 3: "About the last thing I associate with Kinzie is bunnies."
Nolan North: "I didn't know Kinzie had a thing for bunnies."Playa Female 1: "A secret room? Okay, that does sound like her."
Playa Female 2: "A secret room? Clever girl."
Playa Female 3: "Ooh, I always wanted a secret room."
Playa Male 1: "A secret room? Clever girl."
Playa Male 2: "A secret room? Figures."
Playa Male 3: "A secret room? What is that girl up to?"
Nolan North: "A secret room? Clever girl."Playa Female 1: "Almost afraid to see what's in it."
Playa Female 2: "What, I wonder, does she have in it?"
Playa Female 3: "Mine would have had a little sofa, and a vanity, and a gun safe..."
Playa Male 1: "Time to see what's in it."
Playa Male 2: "How pissed will she be if I find her diary in there?"
Playa Male 3: "Shall we go down the rabbit hole?"
Nolan North: "Time to see what's in it."- — Find Symbol
- Matt Miller: "I'm going to hack the code to find out where CID is going..."Playa Female 1: "Keep your hands out of that code."
Playa Female 2: "Don't you touch a thing!"
Playa Female 3: "Let's let CID handle this."
Playa Male 1: "Don't touch anything!"
Playa Male 2: "Don't even THINK about it."
Playa Male 3: "No you're not. Let CID do his thing."
Nolan North: "Don't touch anything!"- — Follow CID
- CID: "Data received. Hm. Very interesting. It seems GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"CID: "I DON'T KNOW... I-I-I... OH HERE I GO!"Playa Female 1: "Something's wrong. CID, talk to me!"
Playa Female 2: "CID, what is wrong with you?"
Playa Female 3: "Am I gonna have to call tech support?"
Playa Male 1: "Whoa! Shit, what's happening?"
Playa Male 2: "Damn, CID, you gonna be okay?"
Playa Male 3: "Crikey, he's losing it!"
Nolan North: "Whoa! Shit, what's happening?"Playa Female 1: "So, uh, maybe I should follow CID?"
Playa Female 2: "Ah, Matthew, perhaps I should follow CID."
Playa Female 3: "Guess I'd better follow the bouncing ball."
Playa Male 1: "Uh, Matt, I'm... following CID."
Playa Male 2: "O-kay. I'll just follow CID now."
Playa Male 3: "Right, then. I'll just be following CID."
Nolan North: "Uh, Matt, I'm... following CID."- — Mission Start
- Matt Miller: "Cyrus must have something in place to keep you from getting close to Kinzie."Playa Female 1: "What the hell was that?"
Playa Female 2: "Mon dieu! What was that?"
Playa Female 3: "Hey now! What happened?"
Playa Male 1: "Woah--what just happened?!"
Playa Male 2: "And... what just happened?"
Playa Male 3: "What the *BEEP* was that?"
Nolan North: "Woah--what just happened?!"
- — Stage Teleport

Cabbit on a wall projected by Cid

A map of the Simulation

Playa finding Kinzie

The second Kinzie being taken into custody by the Cops

Playa fighting the Cops

Cyrus making a speech with the real Kinzie beside him

Playa rewiring the speaker boxes around town

Playa fighting Propaganda Trucks with the Dubstep Gun

Playa fighting Propaganda Trucks with the Dubstep Gun

Kinzie dancing to the music with Cyrus looking on in shock

Playa fighting the Cops with the Pop Star Dubstep Gun

Playa fighting Cyrus with the Pop Star Dubstep Gun

Kinzie threatening Playa not to mention about the Poodle Skirt
- ↑ Mission: Return to Steelport