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Heavy SMG is a weapon in Saints Row IV.

Street version of the SMG trades portability for longer effective range.
— Weapon Description[7]


The Heavy SMG is the slowest firing SMG and is slightly less effective at close range than the Rapid-Fire SMG and Alien SMG, but as a result is more effective at longer ranges due to its slightly better accuracy and is easier to control. It's slower rate of fire helps with ammo consumption but still has a reasonable fire rate, so ammo can be wasted if not careful, which is especially true if dual wielded.

The Heavy SMG is the descended equivalent of the TEK Z-10 from Saints Row: The Third, as both weapons are the slower firing weapons in their class with the ability when upgraded to lay down accurate fire and inherit damage over time attacks that can panic enemies. Like the TEK Z-10, the Heavy SMG is intended for a much more balanced application of firepower in comparison to the Rapid-Fire SMG and Alien SMG.


Accuracy, Clip Size, Damage, Reload Speed can all be upgraded 5 levels each, with a separate Acidic Ammo "ultimate upgrade".[8]


  • The Spec Ops SMG is used during "Zero Saints Thirty" but is never unlocked.
  • The ZPD officers tend to carry Heavy SMGs.
  • Available at Friendly Fire at the beginning of the game.


  • Most accurate SMG
  • Lowest recoil SMG
  • Acidic Ammo upgrade can panic foes by burning them in acid
  • Acidic Ammo upgrade allows to bypass ZinTek Force Shields, burning them in acid
  • Less ammo consumption than the other SMGs
  • Very high DPS when Dual Wielded with all upgrades
  • Slowest rate of fire of all SMGs, making it less-useful at close range


There are 5 costumes for the Heavy SMG: Spec Ops SMG, SWAT SMG, Gangland, Rubber Band Gun and Hillbilly.

Spec Ops SMG Skin
Spec ops SMG weapon wheel
SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Default Default
Unleash a little police brutality
— SWAT SMG - Default skin[9]

SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Polka-Dot Polka-Dot
Ah, whimsy!
— SWAT SMG - Polka-Dot skin[10]

SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Camo Camo
Stalk your prey ...
— SWAT SMG - Camo skin[11]

SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Digital Camo Digital Camo (Unused skin)
Gangland Skin
SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - Gangland - Default Default
For St. Valentine's Day, or any day!
— Gangland - Default skin[12]

SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - Gangland - Black and White Black and White
Just like an old gangster movie.
— Gangland - Black and White skin[13]

SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - Gangland - Digital Camo Digital Camo
Old school meets high-tech.
— Gangland - Digital Camo skin[14]

Rubber Band Gun Skin
SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Default Default
Pyew! Pyew! Pyew!
— Rubber Band Gun Default skin[15]

SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Let's Pretend Let's Pretend
Double rainbow ... what does it mean?
— Rubber Band Gun - Let's Pretend skin[16]

SRIV SMGs - Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Bloody Band Bloody Band
You'll shoot your eye out.
— Rubber Band Gun - Bloody Band skin[17]

Hillbilly Skin
Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Hillbilly - Default Default
For shootin' all manner of critters. Also varmints.
— Hillbilly skin

BG-40 Skin
SR4 Heavy SMG BG-40 default Default
Has all the answers you'll ever need.
— BG-40 - Default skin

SR4 Heavy SMG BG-40 gold Gold-Plated
Gold never goes out of style
— BG-40 - Gold-Plated skin

SR4 Heavy SMG BG-40 pretty pink Pretty Pink
As lethal as it is cute
— BG-40 - Pretty Pink skin

SR4 Heavy SMG BG-40 paint Paint Gun
Pick a color, any color. what the hell, pick 'em all
— BG-40 Paint Gun description


  • The Gangland shares a similar appearance to a Thompson submachine gun (also known as a Tommy Gun) and the description of the Default Gangland skin is a reference to the Valentine's Day Massacre, where the Thompson submachine gun was used.
  • The SWAT SMG and Spec Ops SMG resemble a silenced Heckler and Koch MP5 SD2 as the weapon has a fixed buttstock, a 3 position trigger group that has a fully-automatic fire mode, and an integrated Suppressor, making a less pronounced firing sound and lacks the muzzle flash when fired, a trait shared with the Full Choke Silenced.
    • The Spec Ops and SWAT SMG Costume names reference the real-life MP5, which is a popular weapon used by military special forces and police SWAT teams.
    • In reality, dual wielding Heavy SMGs would be impractical due to the weight, size and possibly recoil of the gun, as a single MP5SD2 would weigh around 6.8 lb/3.08 kg. However, the Gangland SMG/Thompson submachine gun would be even worse as the gun is even more heavy (10.6 lb/4.8 kg or 10.8 lb/4.9 kg), is much larger and generates more recoil from its ammo type.
  • The description for the Rubber Band Skin Bloody Band is a reference to A Christmas Story and the Red Ryder BB Gun.
  • Shaundi (Normal, Fun and Future), Asha Odekar and Tanya Winters carry Heavy SMGs when called in as Homies.
  • The BG-40 bears a strong resemblance to the MP40.
  • The BG-40 re-uses the firing sound of the Gangland SMG costume.
  • The BG-40's Paint gun costume description is a reference to Mafia II, where if a colour is changed, the mechanic says: "Pick a colour, any colour."
  • The BG-40 costume's skin is not correctly recorded in the save file, and reverts to the "Default" skin when loading, regardless of whether the weapon is currently equipped.


Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Main

The Main description

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Upgrades

The Upgrade list

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Default

Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Default

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Polka-Dot

Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Polka-Dot

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Camo

Heavy SMG - SWAT SMG - Camo

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Gangland - Default

Heavy SMG - Gangland - Default

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Gangland - Black and White

Heavy SMG - Gangland - Black and White

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Gangland - Digital Camo

Heavy SMG - Gangland - Digital Camo

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Default

Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Default

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Let's Pretend

Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Let's Pretend

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Bloody Band

Heavy SMG - Rubber Band Gun - Bloody Band

SR4 Heavy SMG BG-40 default

Heavy SMG - BG-40 - Default

SR4 Heavy SMG BG-40 gold

Heavy SMG - BG-40 - Gold-Plated

SR4 Heavy SMG BG-40 pretty pink

Heavy SMG - BG-40 - Pretty Pink

SR4 Heavy SMG BG-40 paint

Heavy SMG - BG-40 - Paint Gun

Weapon - SMGs - Heavy SMG - Hillbilly - Default

Heavy SMG - Hillbilly - Default

Hillbilly SMG Concept Art

Concept art of the Hillbilly Heavy SMG skin

Spec ops SMG weapon wheel

Spec ops SMG in the weapon wheel

Heavy SMG - Heckler and Koch MP5 SD3 in real life

MP5 SD3 (Telescoping buttstock version of the SD2 which the SWAT/Spec Ops SMG resembles)


  1. Image: [[:File:Asha Odekar with Super Powers as a Homie.jpg|Asha holding her SWAT SMG as a Homie]]
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Image: [[:File:Zero Saints Thirty - Playa, Shaundi, Pierce, and Asha.png|Playa, Pierce and Asha holding Spec Ops SMGs in Zero Saints Thirty]]
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Image: [[:File:Zero Saints Thirty - Playa, Pierce, Asha, and Shaundi on ridge.png|Playa, Asha and Shaundi holding Spec Ops SMGs in Zero Saints Thirty]]
  4. Image: [[:File:Shaundi - body with SWAT SMG.jpg|Shaundi holding her SWAT SMG as a Homie]]
  5. 5.0 5.1 Note: When recruited as a Homie
  6. Image: [[:File:Future Shaundi - body with SWAT SMG.jpg|Future Shaundi holding her SWAT SMG as a Homie]]
  7. Image: Weapon Description
  8. Image: Heavy SMG Upgrade list
  9. Image: SWAT SMG - Default skin description
  10. Image: SWAT SMG - Polka-Dot skin description
  11. Image: SWAT SMG - Camo skin description
  12. Image: Gangland - Default skin description
  13. Image: Gangland - black and White skin description
  14. Image: Gangland - Digital Camo skin description
  15. Image: Rubber Band Gun - Default skin description
  16. Image: Rubber Band Gun - Let's Pretend skin description
  17. Image: Rubber Band Gun - Bloody Band skin description
