Saints Row Wiki

Heavy Pistol is a weapon in Saints Row IV and Saints Row: Gat out of Hell.

The handgun of choice for any Saint.
— Weapon Description[8]


There are 4 costumes for the Heavy Pistol in the base game: .45 Fletcher, Cumia Magnum, DEK-RD Railpistol and The Captain. An additional costume, the Flintlock, is available in the Pirate's Booty Pack DLC.

Clip Size, Damage, Rate of Fire and Recoil can all be upgraded 5 levels each, with a separate Explosive Ammo "ultimate upgrade".[9]

In comparison to the Quickshot Pistol, the Heavy Pistol exchanges rate of fire, magazine capacity and reload speed for greatly increased damage, regardless of the Quickshot Pistol's Damage upgrade, which gives the Heavy Pistol the advantage in terms of ammo conservation. The Alien Pistol performs similarly to the Heavy Pistol terms of performance but the Heavy Pistol has the advantages/disadvantages of using magazines.

Though descended from Saints Row The Third's 45 Shepherd, the Heavy Pistol has a slower default rate of fire and does literally 2/3rds the damage. The Explosive Ammo upgrade also has a less intense ragdoll force compared to the original, making it more difficult to "juggle" enemies. Despite this, at full upgrade the Heavy Pistol does more damage per shot than a fully upgraded Shepherd.


The Heavy Pistol is automatically equipped during The Saints Wing, and is added to the Weapons Cache.

Saints recruited off the street are equipped with a Heavy Pistol by default. After purcashing the "Gang - Weapons - SMGs", "Gang - Weapons - Shotguns", or "Gang - Weapons - Rifle" Upgrades, they no longer use Heavy Pistol.

Some Civilians use the Heavy Pistol if taunted.


  • Explosive rounds upgrade can stun targets, send them flying and can possibly hit multiple targets if tightly packed
  • Consumes ammo at a slower rate than the Quickshot Pistol
  • Dual-wield upgrades makes these pistols versatile
  • More powerful than the Quickshot Pistol
  • Heavy recoil without Recoil upgrades
  • Slow firing without Rate of Fire upgrades
  • Smaller Clip Size than the Quickshot Pistol


.45 Fletcher Skin
SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - .45 Fletcher - Default Default
Classic street heat
— .45 Fletcher - Default skin[10]

SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - .45 Fletcher - Gold-Plated Gold-Plated
Put some bling bling in your bang bang.
— .45 Fletcher - Gold-Plated skin[11]

SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - .45 Fletcher - Onyx Black Onyx Black
You'll look good in black.
— .45 Fletcher - Onyx Black skin[12]

Cumia Magnum Skin
SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Default Default
Bang, bang. You're dead.
— Cumia Magnum - Default skin[13]

SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Wireframe Wireframe
Transparently Lethal
— Cumia Magnum - Wireframe skin[14]

SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Tiger Tiger
For urban predators
— Cumia Magnum - Tiger skin[15]

DEK-RD Railpistol Skin
SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Default Default
All you gotta do is shoot straight.
— DEK-RD Railpistol - Default skin[16]

SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Bloody Mess Bloody Mess
Somebody got a little too up close and personal.
— DEK-RD Railpistol - Bloody Mess skin[17]

SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Arctic Camo Arctic Camo
Chill out.
— DEK-RD Railpistol - Arctic Camo skin[18]

The Captain Skin
SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Default Default
For when you aim to misbehave.
— The Captain - Default skin[19]

SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Chrome-Plated Chrome-Plated
— The Captain - Chrome-Plated skin[20]

SRIV Pistols - Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Blue Steel Blue Steel
For cool customers
— The Captain - Blue Steel skin[21]

Flintlock DLC Skin
Saints Row IV - Heavy Pistol - Flintlock Default
For all yer pillagin' an' plunderin' needs!
— Flintlock - Default skin description


  • The .45 Fletcher was first revealed in the PAX gameplay demo.[22]
  • The Heavy Pistol is used by Playa in many cutscenes in Saints Row IV.[1][2][3][4]
  • The .45 Fletcher is based on the GDHC .50 and 45 Shepherd, which are based on the Magnum Research Desert Eagle.
    • The .45 Fletcher also has a Picatinny rail along the barrel, a feature of current production Mark XIX Desert Eagles and barrels.
    • The Desert Eagle, in other words, is the only weapon that truly appeared all throughout the series in some way, appearing as the GDHC .50 in the first two games, as the basis for the .45 Shepherd in Saints Row: The Third and the .45 Fletcher in Saints Row IV and Gat out of Hell.
  • The Captain is based on the modified Taurus Model 85 used by Captain Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly, and the quotes are references to the series.
  • The DEK-RD Railpistol is based on the gun used by Rick Deckard in Blade Runner, and the name and quotes are references to the film.
    • The "Bloody Mess" skin is a reference to the Bloody Mess perk/trait from the Fallout series, which features a .223 pistol being similar to the DEK-RD Railpistol.
  • The Cumia Magnum is based on the Chiappa Rhino 60DS. The gun is named after radio host Anthony Cumia from the Opie and Anthony show. Mr.Cumia is known on the show for his love of guns and large collection of them.
  • The "45" in the .45 Fletcher's name means it fires .45 caliber ammunition.


Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - Main

The Main description

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - Upgrades

The Upgrade list

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol -

Heavy Pistol - .45 Fletcher - Default

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol -

Heavy Pistol - .45 Fletcher - Gold-Plated

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol -

Heavy Pistol - .45 Fletcher - Onyx Black

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Default

Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Default

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Wireframe

Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Wireframe

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Tiger

Heavy Pistol - Cumia Magnum - Tiger

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Default

Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Default

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Bloody Mess

Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Bloody Mess

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Arctic Camo

Heavy Pistol - DEK-RD Railpistol - Arctic Camo

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Default

Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Default

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Chrome-Plated

Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Chrome-Plated

Weapon - Pistols - Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Blue Steel

Heavy Pistol - The Captain - Blue Steel

45 Fletcher - PAX gameplay video

The .45 Fletcher was first revealed in the PAX gameplay demo

Gat out of Hell - Heavy Pistol

Heavy Pistol in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Gat out of Hell - Heavy Pistol - Upgrades

Heavy Pistol Upgrades in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Desert Eagle

The real life Desert Eagle

