Saints Row Wiki

Hand Grenades are a thrown weapon in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: Total Control, and Saints Row: The Third.[1][2]


They are available at Friendly Fire for $150, and are unlocked in the Weapons Cache in Saints Row 2 after completing one Hitman list.

In Saints Row: The Third, they are renamed "Grenades" and accessed via the D-Pad, which previously allowed access to Food.

Weapon Upgrades[]

Main article: Weapon Upgrades.
Level Price Upgrade
1 $50 "It's a grenade; it hurts when it explodes."
2 $5,000 "Affect a larger area."
3 $10,000 "Throw farther."
4 $20,000 "Increase damage."


  • The Cheat for this weapon in Saints Row is #4736233 (#Grenade).
  • The Cheat for this weapon in Saints Row 2 is #933.
  • It resembles the Mk 2 grenade.
  • Some Morningstar and Saints members sometimes drop one if killed.
  • They are used as ammo by the grenade launcher in the fully upgraded K-8 Krukov, but the Grenade upgrades do not apply in this case.
  • Along with the Baseball Bat and Molotov Cocktail, the Hand Grenade appears in every game until Saints Row IV.


Grenades icon

Hand Grenade icon in Saints Row

Weap thrown grenade

Hand Grenade icon in Saints Row 2

Ui hud inv grenade grenade

Hand Grenade icon in Saints Row: The Third

Grenade grenade - Saints Row The Third Remastered icon

Hand Grenade icon in Saints Row: The Third - Remastered

Saints Row Weapon Cache - Thrown - Hand Grenade flip

Hand Grenade in Saints Row

Hitman - Hand Grenade unlocked

Unlock screen in Saints Row 2

Hand Grenade - Saints Row 2 promo

Hand Grenade - Saints Row 2 promo

Hand Grenade model

Saints Row 2 Hand Grenades viewed in a model viewer

SRTC Hand Grenade

Hand Grenade in Saints Row: Total Control

SRTC Gold Hand Grenade

Gold Hand Grenade in Saints Row: Total Control

Grenades in Saints Row The Third Community Q&A 1 trailer

Grenades in the "Community Q&A 1" video

Thrown frag

Grenade in Saints Row: The Third

Grenades on the wall of Friendly Fire in Saints Row The Third

Grenades on the wall of Friendly Fire in Saints Row: The Third

