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This article is about the mission in the first Saints Row game. For the activity in Saints Row 2, see Guardian Angel (Activity).

Things are moving too slow. We gotta step it up. I hear a guy named Joseph Price calls the shots. I don't know much about him 'cept that he's friends with some mechanic named Donnie. If we get in good with Price's crew, we'll always be one step a head of those fuckers. Here's the plan. Go and tear up Donnie's shop. Right when you're about to finish off Price's buddy, I'll rush in and save the day. Make it look good, but don't you dare mess up my car. If we're lucky, Donnie will arrange a meet with Price.
Lin to Playa, at the teahouse.

"Guardian Angel" is the third mission of the Westside Rollerz story arc in Saints Row.


Lin meets Playa undercover yet again, this time in a bar. She is not happy with how her work is going, and has devised a plan to get in deep with the Westside Rollerz: she wants Playa to find a mechanic called Donnie, who is a personal friend of Joseph Price, who runs the gang. Lin, while still undercover as a Westside Rollerz gang member, drives up and save Donnie from Playa, making it look like Lin saved his life from the 3rd Street Saints, and hopefully a grateful Donnie leads Lin to Joseph Price.[1]

After completing their end of the deal, Lin shows up and completes hers: just before it looks like Playa is about to kill Donnie, she pulls up in her Voxel and saves him.[2] After a short vehicular chase across the freeway between Lin and Donnie and Playa, Playa intentionally falls behind, and a thankful Donnie, believing Lin genuinely saved his life, takes her to meet the Westside Rollerz gang leader Joseph Price.


Upon completion of the Mission, this description is available on the 'Story' page, accessed from the 'INFO' tab of the pause menu.

Lin's plans for the Rollerz were going well, but she wanted things to go a little faster. She asked you to raid the Rollerz' chop shop, leaving Donny, the Rollerz' top mechanic, unharmed. Just when Donny thought you were about to finish him off, Lin came in and pretended to rescue him. She gained some trust with the Rollerz, and you got to shoot their shop to pieces. Not a bad day.


Guardian Angel - chasing Lin
Get to Donnie's shop.[3]

Lin assigns Playa with tearing up Donnie's.

Find and scare Donnie.[4]

When arriving at Donnie's, the Westside Rollerz are immediately hostile, so immediately start gunning them down and quickly work through the garage, fighting off any gang member firing back.

Kill Donnie's bodyguards to get him to run.[5]

In the back of the garage, Donnie is surrounded by two bodyguards; Donnie has a green arrow above his head, while the bodyguards have red arrows above. Do not shoot Donnie. A risk-free method of killing his bodyguards while taking the least amount of damage is to stand outside the doorway and wait for the bodyguards to come out.

Chase Lin to the suburbs.

Once the bodyguards are killed, gameplay changes to chasing after Lin to trick Donnie into thinking that Playa is chasing her.

Parked around Donnie's garage are a Venom,[6] a Status Quo,[6] and two Halberds.[7][8]

Lin is an incredibly erratic driver, so following her should not be a challenge. Lin's path drives noticeably past a Forgive and Forget, which can be used to remove Notoriety.

Let them get away.

After taking the freeway north and reaching the Suburbs District, stop chasing her and the mission ends.

The Sommerset neighborhood is awarded upon completion of this mission. This was also the third Westside Rollerz mission, marking one third of the Westside Rollerz story arc completed.

The mission can only be failed by getting Smoked or Busted, killing Lin,[9] killing Donnie,[10] or letting them escape too early.[11]



  • The man who lends Lin his lighter shares the same character model with Kingdom Come Records' receptionist in "...To Kingdom Come".[12]
  • This is the second and last time Lin is seen smoking,[1] although not the last time it is referenced.[13]
  • This mission marks Donnie's first appearance in the Saints Row series, although he was first mentioned in the mission "Stacking the Deck".[14]
  • Lin intentionally tells Playa not to "mess up [her] car" in the beginning of the mission,[1] but Playa does it anyway via two shots to the left side door. As Lin drives off, Playa subtly smiles to himself.[2]
    • Lin's car is a unique Voxel.
  • Lin's vehicle can plow straight through other vehicles; even Peterliners on the freeway.
  • The 'Story' section regarding this mission (that can be read via the pause menu after completing it) erroneously spells Donnie's name as "Donny".


Phone Call[]

Meet me at the tea house in Chinatown. I think I got a way to get in deeper with the Rollerz.
— Lin's pre-mission phone call

"Undercover" cutscene[]

Man: "Need a light?"
The man offers Lin his lighter
Lin: "Thanks."
Lin takes the man's lighter, uses it, and throws it across the room
The man leaves and bumps into Playa
Man: "Fuckin' asshole."
Lin: "I tell ya, you and me are always making new friends. Things are moving too slow. We gotta step it up. I hear a guy named Joseph Price calls the shots. I don't know much about him 'cept that he's friends with some mechanic named Donnie. If we get in good with Price's crew, we'll always be one step a head of those fuckers. Here's the plan. Go and tear up Donnie's shop. Right when you're about to finish off Price's buddy, I'll rush in and save the day. Make it look good, but don't you dare mess up my car. If we're lucky, Donnie will arrange a meet with Price. Thanks for buying my tea."
— "Undercover" cutscene


Westside Rollerz gang member: "Leave Donnie alone!"
Westside Rollerz gang member: "Shit, they're here for Donnie."
Donnie: "Oh fuck me!"

"The Sleeper" cutscene[]

Lin: "Donnie, get down!"
As Donnie ducks, Lin attempts to shoot Playa
Lin: "What are you waitin' for? Get in!"
Donnie: "We gotta get out of here!"
Donnie scratch Lin's Voxel's hood
Lin: "I think you scratched my hood."
Donnie: "Look, I--"
Playa shoots Lin's vehicle
Lin: "Mother fucker."
Lin tries to shoot Playa again
Donnie: "Who are you?"
Lin: "I'm Lin, and you're welcome."
Lin and Donnie drives away from Playa
— "The Sleeper" cutscene


Guardian Angel - man offers Lin his lighter

Guardian Angel - man offers Lin his lighter

Guardian Angel - Lin lighting cigarette

Guardian Angel - Lin lighting cigarette

Guardian Angel - Lin throwing lighter

Guardian Angel - Lin throwing lighter

Guardian Angel - Playa bumps into man

Guardian Angel - Playa bumps into man

Guardian Angel - Playa sits with Lin

Guardian Angel - Playa sits with Lin

Guardian Angel - Get to Donnie's Shop

Guardian Angel - Get to Donnie's Shop

Guardian Angel - Find and scare Donnie and parked Halberd

Guardian Angel - Find and scare Donnie and parked Halberd

Guardian Angel - Kill Donnie's bodyguards to get him to run

Guardian Angel - Kill Donnie's bodyguards to get him to run

Guardian Angel - Parked Venom and Status Quo

Guardian Angel - Parked Venom and Status Quo

Guardian Angel - Parked Halberd at rear

Guardian Angel - Parked Halberd at rear

Guardian Angel - vehicle parked in front of the door used in cutscene

Guardian Angel - vehicle parked in front of the door used in cutscene

Guardian Angel Donnie

Donnie's first appearance in the Saints Row series

Guardian Angel - Donnie on Lin's car

Guardian Angel - Donnie on Lin's car

Guardian Angel - Donnie in Lin's car

Guardian Angel - Donnie in Lin's car

Guardian Angel - Lin and Donnie in Lin's car

Guardian Angel - Lin and Donnie in Lin's car

Guardian Angel - Playa firing at Lin

Guardian Angel - Playa firing at Lin

Guardian Angel - Lin firing at Playa

Guardian Angel - Lin firing at Playa

Guardian Angel - Lin firing

Guardian Angel - Lin firing

Guardian Angel - Playa behind a dumpster

Guardian Angel - Playa behind a dumpster

Guardian Angel - chasing Lin

Guardian Angel - chasing Lin

Guardian Angel - Don't kill them

Guardian Angel - Don't kill them

Guardian Angel - They're getting away

Guardian Angel - They're getting away

Guardian Angel - Donnie was killed

Guardian Angel - Donnie was killed

Guardian Angel - Lin was killed

Guardian Angel - Lin was killed

Guardian Angel - They got away

Guardian Angel - They got away

Guardian Angel - Sommerset unlocked

Guardian Angel - Sommerset unlocked


Guardian Angel - chasing Lin

Guardian Angel is a Westside Rollerz story mission in Saints Row. Lin is working undercover and devises a plan to meet Joseph Price, through his friend Donnie, and needs Playa to attack Donnie's garage, so she can rescue Donnie in order to gain his trust.
