"Green With Envy" is the sixth mission of the Vice Kings story arc in Saints Row.
- Every day, that bitch gets driven to the construction site in a Status Quo, then sneaks off to get her freak on with Warren before she goes back home to Tony. While she's busy suckin' cock, you deal with the chauffeur and take his place. When she's done wiping her mouth, she'll have you drive her back. Once you're at Tony's, it's all up to you.
- — Julius Little to Playa, while at the church with Dex and Aisha.
Playa meets Julius Little, Dex, and Aisha at the church. Julius asks Playa to pose as Tanya Winters' chauffeur to find out where Johnny Gat is being held, and then to kill Anthony Green and rescue him.[1]
After sleeping with Warren Williams at Kingdom Come Records, Playa picks her up in her limo and leads her back to Anthony's condo, avoiding some hostile 3rd Street Saints along the way. After knocking Tanya unconscious, Playa successfully storms Green's abode and kills him in a gunfight, rescuing the injured Gat in the process. Tanya, however, manages to escape.[2][3][4]
Upon completion of the Mission, this description is available on the 'Story' page, accessed from the 'INFO' tab of the pause menu.

The sixth Vice Kings mission involves driving to certain objectives within time limits, escaping hostile enemies without killing them so as to maintain disguise, and killing Anthony Green.
- Go to the record studio and wait for Tanya.
Drive to Kingdom Come Records, the building destroyed during ...To Kingdom Come. The route is marked on the minimap.
- Follow the limo away from the studio.
After Tanya heads inside to see Warren, wait for her Status Quo to leave the vicinity.
It is not necessary to complete this objective, as there is no penalty for immediately killing the driver, and doing so skips straight to "Take the driver's place", unless Playa is already in the vehicle.
- Kill Tanya's driver.
Kill its driver when prompted; either shoot him through the windscreen or pull him out of the vehicle to leave him defenseless. He is not difficult to kill and cannot fight back, but taking too long to kill him after firing the first shot may allow him to escape.
It is possible to complete the objective by having an NPC killing the driver.
It is possible to skip this objective by killing the driver before completing the last objective.
- Take the driver's place.
Get into the Status Quo.
It is possible to skip this objective by killing the driver while driving the limo.
- Return to the record studio and pick up Tanya.
Return to Kingdom Come Records.
- Take Tanya to the clothing store.
HUD: Timer counting down from 1:20
- Well, I got some time to kill before Tony expects me back. Might as well do a little shopping.
- — Tanya Winters, getting back in the car after seeing Warren
Tanya requests Playa to drive her to Impressions in Nob Hill. The route is marked on the map.
- Take Tanya to Friendly Fire.
HUD: Timer counting down from 1:20
- Stop by Friendly Fire, I'd like to pick something up for Tony.
- — Tanya, getting back in the car after Impressions
Tanya requests Playa to drive her to and Friendly Fire in Brighton. The route is marked on the map.
- Lose Troy's crew without killing them.
While she is inside Friendly Fire, Julius Little calls to notify Playa on approaching 3rd Street Saints who are unaware of the plan and are aiming to kill Tanya.
Escape these gang members without killing them. They arrive in three separate vehicles, and there are limited options to escape them. Using a Forgive and Forget does not work. Once the limo is a certain distance from the 3rd Street Saints, they disappear. Usually, there is one vehicle that is more persistent than the other two.
- Tip: Drive on the wrong side of the road to get them to crash.
- Take Tanya back to Anthony's condo.

Anthony Green attacks Playa.
Once they're all gone, Tanya asks Playa to drop her off at 707 Springfield.
- Find and kill Green.
Inside is a minor skirmish with a few Vice Kings, including Anthony Green himself. Green is equipped with an AS12 Riot shotgun and has more health than most enemies, but despite his reputation, he'll nevertheless quickly fall to a hosing of bullets.
- Success
The mission ends upon killing Green. The Saints take over the Atlantis Avenue neighborhood on completion of this mission. This was also the sixth Vice Kings mission, marking just over one half of the Vice Kings story arc completed.
- Failure
The mission can be failed by getting smoked or busted, failing to kill Tanya's driver,[5] abandoning/killing Tanya,[6][7][8] destroying the limo,[9] killing a 3rd Street Saints gang member,[10] being detected by Tanya,[11] or failing to reach the stores in time.[12]
- Cash: None
- Respect: None
- Neighborhood: Atlantis Avenue
- Mission: 3rd Street Vice Kings
- Save Point: Anthony's condo
- While Tanya is supposed to be seeing Warren, she is sometimes waits behind the construction barriers and sometimes walks straight back out.
- While driving her around, Tanya remarks that she "can't believe Luz is still wearing last season's heels", which Playa mentions in the final Carnales mission "What Goes Up...". Due to the choice between arcs, that mission may be completed before this mission
- Tanya indicates that Warren is infatuated with Aisha, as he referred to Tanya as Aisha "again".
- In Anthony Green's condo, Gat is tied to a chair on the floor. His movements are not looped correctly, however, and after squirming in the chair for a few moments, he juts briefly as his position is reset.
"The Rescue" cutscene[]
- Aisha: "You think it'll work?"
Julius Little: "It has to. Sit down, son."Playa sits downJulius Little: "We got a way to rescue Johnny."
Dex: "The shit Johnny said about Warren and Tanya really got to Tony. Now, the only time she's allowed out of his sight is when she's checking on the rebuilding of the recording studio."
Julius Little: "Every day, that bitch gets driven to the construction site in a limo, then sneaks off to get her freak on with Warren before she goes back home to Tony. While she's busy suckin' cock, you deal with the chauffeur and take his place. When she's done wiping her mouth, she'll have you drive her back. Once you're at Tony's, its all up to you."
Aisha: "Please bring Johnny back. Just don't tell him I was worried."
- — "The Rescue" cutscene
"Fidelity" cutscene[]
- Construction worker: "Hello Miss Winters."
Tanya Winters: "Is Warren here?"
Construction worker: "He's in the back."
Tanya Winters: "Keep the car running. Knowing Warren, I should be back shortly."
- — "Fidelity" cutscene
- Well, I got some time to kill before Tony expects me back. Might as well do a little shopping.
- — Tanya Winters, getting back in the car after seeing Warren
- Luz is still wearing last season's heels..."Tanya: "I can't believe
Tanya: "So Warren called me Aisha again today, can you believe that?"
Tanya: "King is still blaming me for losing Prawn Court."
Tanya: "Anthony better have killed Gat by the time I get home."
Tanya: "King really should start listening to Warren."
Tanya: "Warren and Anthony are both so clueless."
Tanya: "King has to learn to get with the times."
Tanya: "Sometimes I just want to say fuck it all and go to Hollywood, you know?"
Tanya (unused): "That Heidi bitch has nothing on me."
Tanya (unused): "King better come over and pick up that Saint."- — While driving, labelled "Bitch"
- This should only take a minute.
- — Tanya, arriving at Impressions
- Stop by Friendly Fire, I'd like to pick something up for Tony.
- — Tanya, getting back in the car after Impressions
- I wonder if they gift wrap...
- — Tanya, arriving at Friendly Fire
- Hey playa, we got a problem. Some of Troy's crew didn't hear the plan, and decided they were going to hit Tanya when she was in her limo. These are our boys. I don't want them gettin' hurt.
- — Julius Little, calling to warn Playa while Tanya is inside Friendly Fire
- Take me back to 707 Springfield.
- — Tanya, getting back into the car after Friendly Fire
- Tanya: "It's the Saints!"
Tanya: "Get rid of them!"
Tanya: "The Saints, what are we gonna do?"
Tanya: "Lose the Saints!"
Tanya: "The Saints!"
Tanya: "What are you waiting for? Lose them!"
Tanya: "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God..."- — While being chased by the Saints
- Tanya: "Good job, remind me to give you a tip..."
Tanya: "I better tell Tony about this."- — After losing the Saints
- Tanya: "Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
Tanya: "Hey buddy, YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!"- — When driving the wrong way
- Tanya: "Oh, he'll be fine..."
Tanya: "They better not have dented the car."
Tanya: "Do you think you could attract more attention?"
Tanya: "That's coming out of your tip."
Tanya: "If you don't watch where you're driving, Tony's gonna break your face."
Tanya: "Great, this is just what I needed..."
Tanya: "Hey, I was putting on lipstick back here!"
Tanya: "I swear to God, do that again and I will take your balls."
Tanya: "They probably didn't have anything to live for anyway."
Tanya: "Not my problem."
Tanya: "Get out of the way!"
Tanya: "Great, I just had this thing washed."
Tanya: "Fuck it, they can call their own ambulance."
Tanya: "Was that a pot hole?"
Tanya: "Can't you do that on your own time?"
Tanya: "You really need a hobby."
Tanya: "Don't stop, just keep driving..."
Tanya: "Well, they should've been more careful."- — After hitting someone
- Tanya: "Tony just fixed this up..."
Tanya: "Are you high or something?"
Tanya: "Jesus, be more careful!"
Tanya: "Do you wanna keep your job?"
Tanya: "Are you trying to get me killed?"
Tanya: "You just ruined my line!"
Tanya: "How did you get this job?"
Tanya: "What the fuck are you doing?"
Tanya: "Could you not drive like a junkie?"
Tanya: "You're useless. You're fucking useless."- — After hitting something
- Tanya: "Why are we still waiting? There's a sidewalk, isn't there?"
Tanya: "If you want to keep your job, I'd speed things up a little bit."
Tanya: "This is ridiculous, can't you just...drive through these people?"
Tanya: "Why aren't we moving?"
Tanya: "I'm sorry, do I look like someone who waits in traffic?"
Tanya: "Can you do something about this?"
Tanya: "What am I paying you for?"
Tanya: "Drive the car, or I'll find somebody who will."
Tanya: "This is taking too long..."
Tanya: "What the hell is this?"
Tanya: "Don't just sit here, do something!"
Tanya: "I don't have time for this..."- — When driving too slowly
"Ladies First" cutscene[]
- Don't you fucking touch--
- — Tanya Winters, being knocked unconscious by Playa in the "Ladies First" cutscene
- Gat: "Don't worry about me, take that fucker out!"
Gat: "You and I are havin' a talk after this."
Gat: "I'm gettin' a little tired of bein' shot here!"
Gat: "Well, this day keeps gettin' better and better."
Gat: "Don't you die on me you pussy!"
Gat: "Tony, that's just gonna piss him off."- — Gat, during the battle with Green
- Haha, it's gonna take more than that to drop this nigga!
- — Green, after being damaged
- Anthony Green: "You think you can fuck with my girl?!"
Anthony Green: "You never shoulda messed with us, son!"- — Anthony Green, while attacking
"Anger Management" cutscene[]
- Johnny Gat: "Hey, not to be pushy or nothin', but how 'bout you get me out of this fucking chair?!"Playa goes over to Gat's position, lifts the chair up and unties him.Johnny Gat: "'Bout fuckin' time you got here."Gat attempts to get up, but nearly falls over due to having his knee shot by Anthony earlier.[13] Playa holds Gat as he stands up again.Johnny Gat: "Where's Green?"The two look at Anthony's corpse across the room. Gat takes Playa's VICE 9 and shoots Anthony's corpse multiple times, then throws the gun at him.Johnny Gat: "That's much better. I heard Green say that he's got some heavy shit in the back. I'll have some of our boys roll on over and bring the hardware back to the crib."
- — "Anger Management" cutscene
- What's going on?
- — Spoken by "Limo", labelled "Attack"

Playa meets Julius Little, Dex, and Aisha at the church

Julius Little tells Playa what they need to do

Dex informs Playa on Tanya Winters' whereabouts

Aisha asks Playa to bring Johnny Gat back

Green With Envy - Tanya getting into limo

Playa knocks Tanya Winters unconscious

Playa knocks Tanya Winters unconscious

Anthony Green attacks Playa

In a rage, Johnny Gat fires at Anthony Green's corpse

...and, once out of ammo, throws the gun at him too

Tanya's driver

Green with Envy - complete
- ↑ Cutscene: The Rescue
- ↑ Cutscene: Fidelity
- ↑ Cutscene: Ladies First
- ↑ Cutscene: Anger Management
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN_VK05_FAIL_DRIVER_SURVIVES=You failed to take the driver's place.
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN_VK05_FAIL_LEFT_CAR=Tanya was abandoned.
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN_VK05_FAIL_TANYA_ABANDONED=Tanya was abandoned.
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN_VK05_FAIL_TANYA_DEATH=Tanya was killed.
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN_VK05_FAIL_LIMO_DESTROYED=Tanya's limo was destroyed.
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN_VK05_FAIL_SAINT_DEATH=You killed a Saint.
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN_VK05_FAIL_TANYA_DETECT=Tanya spotted you.
- ↑ Mission strings: MSN_VK05_FAIL_TIMER=You didn't reach the store in time.
- ↑ Mission: Best Laid Plans...
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