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Grand Finale Part Two is the antepenultimate mission in Saints Row IV.


The Punch the Shark quest is split into four different missions.

The first three Missions have a choice between 3 pairs of Homies: Johnny Gat and Ben King, Pierce and Shaundi, Matt and Asha - any of those may be homies during this Mission, but each pair can only be used once for the entire Quest.

The second mission of the quest involves travelling to three different portals with the next set of homies. The first two portals must be defended while Kinzie hacks into them. Once she is finished on each portal, things from those homies nightmares come through but are friendly.

Depending on the pair of homies taken for this mission, the reinforcements are the following:

  • Matt and Asha: Cybermen and Murderbots.
  • Johnny Gat and Ben King: Ronin and Vice Kings.
  • Pierce and Shaundi: Saints Flow mascots and Sons of Samedi.

At the final portal, Playa is alone to fight the Zin. Once the portal is ready, Paul comes through and starts attacking the Zin. Soon the simulation starts to break down, and Playa finds the exit gateways are locked. Once a working gateway is loacted, the simulation glitches out and "resets" to a version of the Saints Row main menu. The mission ends after clicking continue.




  • This quest is made up for 4 missions, which are visible in the quest log. After each mission, it is possible to quit and resume the current mission from the Quests menu. After completing side-quest missions, or saving and reloading, the current Grand Finale mission is auto-started.
  • The fake crash screen has the following errors:[1]
    • Gat_Dancing_HShake FILE CORRUPT
    • Shaundi_Sex_Tape ACCESS RESTRICTED
    • Load_Exe_SaintsRowIV
    • MattMiller_NyteRyder_SlashFic_Chapter1 DO NOT OPEN
    • Load_CityMap_StilWater FILE NOT FOUND
    • DeadIsland_X_SaintsRow COMING 2015
    • DildoWielding_Dinosaurs OUT OF MEMORY
    • PubFinder_TeeAichCue OUT OF MONEY
  • The fake Saints Row Main Menu has the following options[2]
    • Continue Game
    • Load Prequel (In place of "Load Game" - Referring to the original idea for Saints Row 2)
    • Saints Station Live (In place of "Xbox Live")
    • Zin Systematic Uplink (In place of "System Link")
    • No Good Options (In place of "Options")
    • Downloadable Context (In place of "Downloadable Content")
    • Extraterrestrial (In place of "Extras")
  • The start of the mission shows the scene from the War For Humanity trailer showing Playa walking away from the Saints HQ in slow motion. Unlike the trailer, there are only 2 Homies in the cutscene.
  • A Saints Hammer is provided at the start of this mission.
  • The two homies stay near the portals while the Simulation is collapsing.
  • The music on the fake Saints Row Main Menu is the pause music from Saints Row 2.
  • The music that plays during this mission is "Blow the Roof" by Flux Pavilion, which is featured on K12 FM 97.6.


Remember, Steelport's breaking down inside the Simulation right now. Whoever you take with, I should be able to open portals into their personal nightmares. But don't worry, whatever comes through will be on your side.
— Kinzie, Homie Choice

Matt and I will be sure to have your back.
— Asha, Homie Choice

You want King and I killin' aliens, we are all for that shit.
— Johnny Gat, Homie Choice

Don't worry, Pierce and I can handle anything going on in there.
— Shaundi, Homie Choice

Kinzie: "All right, it's going to look a little weird in there. Just remember that's normal."
Johnny Gat: "Whatever, as long as I can still get my murder on."
Pierce: "Like... like, wait a minute... hold on... like, how weird...?"
Asha: "Was that supposed to be reassuring?"
— Entering Sim
Female 1: "Kinzie, what's our target?"
Female 2: "Where to, Kinzie?"
Female 3: "Where we headed, Kinzie?"
Male 1: "Where to, Kinzie?"
Male 2: "Where do we start, Kinzie?"
Male 3: "Kinzie, where are we going?"
Nolan North: "Destination, Kinzie?"
Kinzie: "Over by the 3 Count Casino. It's one of the areas where the Simulation is the weakest which should make it easier for me to open the portal."
— Inside Sim
Female 1: "Tell me how it's gonna go down when this place crashes."
Female 2: "What should I expect when the entire simulation fails?"
Female 3: "So what happens when this whole shithouse goes up in flames?"
Male 1: "What's going to happen when this whole place crashes?"
Male 2: "What happens when this whole place goes down?"
Male 3: "When this place overloads, what should I expect to see?"
Nolan North: "What's going to happen when this whole place crashes?"
Kinzie: "Not sure. The data may get corrupted, or it may simply reset. Either way, it should overload some of the Zin ship's systems directly."
Johnny Gat: "Hold on, I thought we knew exactly what was gonna happen. You saying this might not work?"
Pierce: "So we could be doing this all for nothing?"
Asha: "We need to be damn sure this will give us a tactical advantage, Kinzie."
Kinzie: "Well it's certainly going to mess with the Zin enough to give us our shot at taking out Zinyak. Of that I'm 99 percent positive."
Female 1: "And the other one percent?"
Female 2: "You left one percent unaccounted for."
Female 3: "And the other one percent?"
Male 1: "What about that other one percent?"
Male 2: "That still leaves one percent..."
Male 3: "Then there's a one percent chance I get fuck-all from this?"
Nolan North: "What about that other 1 percent?"
Kinzie: "Just covering my bases in case something goes wrong."
— To 1st Portal Convo
Female 1: "Kinzie, the Zin must know we're coming. They're all over the place."
Female 2: "Kinzie, I think our arrival was anticipated. There are Zin everywhere."
Female 3: "Any chance the Zin are expecting us? They've brought in reinforcements."
Male 1: "Looks like the Zin know their weak spots, Kinzie. They're all over the area."
Male 2: "Looks like the Zin pinpointed their weak spots and got them reinforced."
Male 3: "Either the Zin are having a convention here or they know we're coming."
Nolan North: "Looks like the Zin know their weak spots, Kinzie. They're all over the area."
Kinzie: "Then do what you guys do best."
Johnny Gat: "Now we're talkin'."
Shaundi: "Don't make me do all the work, Pierce."
Asha: "Miller, cover my rear."
Pierce: "Huh. Like I'd let you take all the credit."
Matt Miller: "Right, I'm on it."
— Arrive 1st Portal
Kinzie: "Got it. You should start seeing..."
Johnny Gat: "Vice Kings?"
Pierce: "Saints Flow? Dammit, not again!"
Matt Miller: "Are those killer Saints robots?"
Kinzie: "Yeah, but in overcoming the nightmare they're now on your side."
Female 1: "Next portal. Let's move."
Female 2: "Then let's get to the next portal."
Female 3: "What're we waiting for? Let's hit the next portal."
Male 1: "On to the next portal then?"
Male 2: "Let's go to the next portal."
Male 3: "Then let's nip off to the next portal."
Nolan North: "On to the next portal then?"
Kinzie: "Hold on, someone's going to have to stay to make sure this one stays open."
Ben King: "I'll stay. I ran this crew once, I can run them again."
Shaundi: "Pierce, this is all you. I am not sticking around with your crazy can-people."
Asha: "Don't worry, I can keep these things in line. Take Matt with you to the next portal."
Female 1: "Okay, then. Don't die... that's an order. I'll pin a medal on you when it's all over."
Female 2: "Very well, best of luck. Drinks are on me when this is over."
Female 3: "Just stay alive, hon. No matter what happens, I will find you!"
Male 1: "Right, just keep yourself alive. We'll see you when we're all out of here."
Male 2: "Just promise you won't get yourself killed. We'll see you on the other side."
Male 3: "Cheers, mate. If I don't see you again... you won't have to pay back that twenty I lent you."
Nolan North: "Right, just keep yourself alive. We'll see you when we're all out of here."
— First Portal Open
Asha: "Matt, is there any way you could help Kinzie and speed up the process?"
Matt Miller: "Not from in here."
Female 1: "Never mind Kinzie, she's fine. It's you two I'm wondering about. Thought you'd work more like a team in here."
Female 2: "Kinzie will come through for us, don't worry. Your place right now is by my side. Aren't you two used to working like this, anyway?"
Female 3: "Let Kinzie be. I need you both right here. So Matt, you and Asha falling back into your old rhythm?"
Male 1: "Kinzie'll be fine, we need your help with the fighting right now. Besides, figured you two were used to working like this."
Male 2: "Let Kinzie do her thing. I need you two here with me. And aren't you two used to working like this?"
Male 3: "Kinzie's got her job and you've got yours right here. Thought you two were supposed to be a well oiled machine?"
Nolan North: "Kinzie'll be fine, we need your help with the fighting right now. Besides, figured you two were used to working like this."
Matt Miller: "Actually, I usually never go in the field with Asha."
Asha: "Exciting, isn't it?"
Matt Miller: "Not the exact words I'd use..."
— Defend 1st Portal Asha
Female 1: "Somebody punch me if this is too corny, but I think this was meant to be. The three of us, side by side by side at humanity's last stand?"
Female 2: "I am not ashamed to say it: This feels like destiny. The three of us against an empire? Like everything since Stilwater has been leading up to this!"
Female 3: "Gotta tell ya boys, I feel like the band is back together. I wouldn't want this to end any other way."
Male 1: "You know, maybe it's just me, but the three of us fighting off an alien horde seems... I don't know, kinda right, yeah? Like we started this together back in Stilwater and now we're finishing it together."
Male 2: "Is it me, or does this just feel... right? Like the three of started together back in Stilwater and that's how we're finishing this shit... together."
Male 3: "No offense, you two, but I always thought at this point we'd be on a beach in Rio, pounding sushi and tequila."
Nolan North: "Maybe it's just me, but the three of us fighting off an alien horde seems... right, ya know? Like we started this together back in Stilwater and now we're finishing it together."
Ben King: "This isn't exactly how I pictured things ending up; going from the Vice Kings, to book tours, to White House staff, to alien invasion in a computer simulation."
Johnny Gat: "Oh, don't bitch. You weren't stuck in a 2D hell hole for as long as I've been here. At least you got to help run a country for a while."
Female 1: "I had to deal with Congress. I win."
Female 2: "So much for destiny..."
Female 3: "King didn't have it easy, he was dealing with the whole Dex situation."
Male 1: "Jesus, I was trying to have a moment here... god."
Male 2: "Forget what I said about this feeling right..."
Male 3: "All in all, I'd rather be in Rio..."
Nolan North: "Jesus, I was trying to have a moment here..."
— Defend 1st Portal Gat
Pierce: "How is it we always end up in situations like this?"
Shaundi: "What, fighting against crazy enemy factions intent on trying to kill the Saints while causing mass amounts of destruction in the process of saving ourselves and the people around us who don't get caught in the crossfire? Yeah, I was wondering that too."
Pierce: "Actually, I meant defending shit while Kinzie works her hacking magic."
Shaundi: "Oh..."
— Defend 1st Portal Pierce
Okay, that's better. Activating the portal now, but it's going to take time. Make sure the Zin don't destroy it while I establish the link.
— Kinzie, 1st Portal Clear

The second portal is over by the arena.
— Kinzie, To 2nd Portal

Johnny Gat: "Shit, if VKs came outta King's portal, you think mine's gonna turn this whole place 2D?"
Kinzie: "Not very likely. That would be far too drastic a change to the code in this simulation and would probably cause it to implode."
Johnny Gat: "What, is that supposed to be reassuring?"
Female 1: "That's Kinzie... subtle as a poke in the eye."
Female 2: "You really don't get Kinzie yet, do you?"
Female 3: "Don't mind her, she's just a sociopath."
Male 1: "Reassuring isn't really Kinzie's thing."
Male 2: "She calls 'em like she sees 'em."
Male 3: "Reassure yourself, Gat. Kinzie sure as shit won't help."
Nolan North: "Reassuring isn't really Kinzie's thing."
Kinzie: "The boss is right."
Johnny Gat: "And what was your job at the White House again?"
Kinzie: "Press Secretary."
Johnny Gat: "Right, 'cause you're a real people person."
Kinzie: "That's what I keep telling everybody."
— To 2nd Portal Gat
Matt Miller: "I'm not sure I want to see what's in the next portal."
Kinzie: "Oh don't worry so much. Besides, it's not like it's going to hurt you or anything."
Matt Miller: "Still, there are certain people I'd rather not run into again."
Female 1: "Come on, you wiped the floor with Killbane in that game."
Female 2: "Come now, Matthew, you destroyed Killbane in that game."
Female 3: "You worried about Killbane? You beat him earlier!"
Male 1: "Come on, you kicked Killbane's ass in that game."
Male 2: "Come on, you kicked Killbane's ass in that game."
Male 3: "Come on, you thrashed Killbane in that game."
Nolan North: "Come on, you kicked Killbane's ass in that game."
Matt Miller: "Actually, you did. You're the one who made all the choices for me."
Kinzie: "Hey, we don't even know if it's going to be Killbane."
Female 1: "It'll be fine Matt... even if an army of Killbanes comes charging out."
Female 2: "True. Or an army of Killbanes for that matter."
Female 3: "Good point. There might be a whole bunch of Killbanes."
Male 1: "Besides, it's not like there's going to be an army of him pouring out from the portal."
Male 2: "Well shit, it's not like an army of Killbanes will come charging out."
Male 3: "And even if it is, he might end up your best mate."
Nolan North: "Besides, it's not like there's going to be an army of him pouring out from the portal."
Matt Miller: "Did you really have to put that image in my head?"
Kinzie: "Oh come on you big baby."
— To 2nd Portal Matt
Shaundi: "To be honest, I thought you were exaggerating about Pierce fearing Saints marketing."
Female 1: "As if whatever's in his head was gonna make sense?"
Female 2: "Tell me something about Pierce that is not exaggerated."
Female 3: "This is Pierce we're talkin' about, remember?"
Male 1: "You really think I could've made up something like that?"
Male 2: "Could I make up something that ridiculous?"
Male 3: "Well, Pierce is a complex man with a delicate sensibility... Nah, just fuckin' with ya."
Nolan North: "You really think I could've made up something like that?"
Shaundi: "Okay, good point."
Female 1: "Speaking of which, what do you think might come from your portal?"
Female 2: "Shaundi, let me be frank. I am more concerned by what we might confront when Kinzie links up your portal."
Female 3: "Shaundi, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm more worried by what might come out of your portal."
Male 1: "Though to be honest, I'm more worried about what we're gonna find when Kinzie links up your portal."
Male 2: "Honestly, Shaundi, I'd worry more about what we'll find when Kinzie links up your portal."
Male 3: "But seriously I'm more concerned with what'll emerge from your portal once Kinzie hooks it up."
Nolan North: "Though to be honest, I'm more worried about what we're gonna find when Kinzie links up your portal."
Kinzie: "Actually, I'm rather curious about that too... But at least it'll be friendly."
Shaundi: "Hold on, you don't know?"
Kinzie: "Well, to be fair, you had two parts of yourself in that simulation. I'm really not sure which one this'll access."
Shaundi: "As long as it's not dozens of different versions of me. Look, I've had more than enough of psychological introspection."
— To 2nd Portal Shaundi
Kinzie: "Okay, this is it, start clearing the area."
Female 1: "Wanna tell me something I don't know?"
Female 2: "Thank you for your firm grasp of the obvious."
Female 3: "This ain't my first rodeo."
Male 1: "Think I figured that one out."
Male 2: "Yeah, Kinzie, we know the drill."
Male 3: "What else did you think I was planning to do?"
Nolan North: "Think I figured that one out."
Kinzie: "I'm trying to be helpful you know."
Johnny Gat: "Cut the girl a break, boss."
Shaundi: "And I, for one, appreciate it."
Matt Miller: "Give her a break, mate, she's under a lot of pressure."
Female 1: "Fine. Sorry."
Female 2: "Right. Apologies."
Female 3: "Point taken."
Male 1: "Okay, I'm sorry."
Male 2: "Sorry. Whatever."
Male 3: "Let's get on with this."
Nolan North: "Okay, I'm sorry."
— Arrive 2nd Portal
There we go!
— Kinzie, 2nd Portal Opens

Johnny Gat: "Just the assholes I wanted to see..."
Female 1: "You good?"
Female 2: "Are you going to be all right here, Johnny?"
Female 3: "You all right with this bunch?"
Male 1: "You sure you're gonna be okay?"
Male 2: "You gonna be okay with them?"
Male 3: "Are you quite sure you're sure about this?"
Nolan North: "You sure you're gonna be okay?"
Johnny Gat: "Yeah, I'll be fine. Now get going and finish this already."
Female 1: "Seeing you again, Johnny? Made it all worth it."
Female 2: "It was an honor to fight by your side again."
Female 3: "See ya, Johnny. In this world or the next."
Male 1: "Thanks Johnny. For everything."
Male 2: "Thanks Johnny. You're still the baddest motherfucker in any reality."
Male 3: "Cheers, Johnny. For everything."
Nolan North: "Thanks Johnny. For everything."
— 2nd Portal Open Gat
Matt Miller: "I like them much better when they're not holding me prisoner."
Female 1: "Matt. Looks like you've got all the backup you need."
Female 2: "I take it you are satisfied with this arrangement?"
Female 3: "So. You okay staying with this crew?"
Male 1: "I take it you'll be good on your own?"
Male 2: "Yeah, I think you're good with them."
Male 3: "I'm off to the main event. You good here?"
Nolan North: "I take it you'll be good on your own?"
Matt Miller: "I have an army now, I'll be fine. Just make sure you follow the plan. Kinzie'll get you to Zinyak, I'm sure of it."
Female 1: "Take care. And try not to piss these guys off."
Female 2: "Be well, Matthew."
Female 3: "Then I'll see you again when I've killed the bastard."
Male 1: "Thanks Matt. Try not to have too much fun."
Male 2: "Hey, Matt. I'm glad I didn't kill ya."
Male 3: "Ta, Matt. Pleasure doing business with you."
Nolan North: "Thanks Matt. Try not to have too much fun."
— 2nd Portal Open Matt
Shaundi: "Jesus, as if seeing Veteran Child wasn't enough..."
Female 1: "So you're okay with these guys?"
Female 2: "Will you be all right here, Shaundi?"
Female 3: "Shaundi, I feel funny leaving you with this bunch."
Male 1: "You gonna be okay with these guys?"
Male 2: "You sure you're good with these guys?"
Male 3: "You'll be safe with them, yes?"
Nolan North: "You gonna be okay with these guys?"
Shaundi: "Yeah, I'll be fine. Boss, get going and open that last portal, then kick Zinyak's ass for me."
Female 1: "Absolutely."
Female 2: "But of course."
Female 3: "I'll be sure to give him your regards."
Male 1: "Anything you say, Shaundi."
Male 2: "Gonna kick it for all of us."
Male 3: "For you, my dear, I'll kill him twice."
Nolan North: "Anything you say, Shaundi."
— 2nd Portal Open Shaundi
Female 1: "How'd everything get so complicated? It was all so much simpler back in Stilwater."
Female 2: "Oh for the days back in Stilwater when everything made more sense."
Female 3: "Man, things were a lot simpler back in Stilwater."
Male 1: "Is it just me, or did things seem so much simpler back in Stilwater?"
Male 2: "Shit was a lot simpler back in Stilwater."
Male 3: "God, I'd trade all this in a minute for the streets of Stilwater back in the day."
Nolan North: "Is it just me, or did things seem so much simpler back in Stilwater?"
Johnny Gat: "What, taking over the city from a bunch of assholes who thought they were better than us? Bringing egotistical pricks to their knees and then putting a bullet in their head?"
Female 1: "Totally."
Female 2: "Precisely."
Female 3: "Yep!"
Male 1: "Exactly."
Male 2: "Right!"
Male 3: "Yes."
Nolan North: "Exactly."
Johnny Gat: "I don't know, seems about the same to me."
— Defend 2nd Portal Gat
Female 1: "Matt, I'll admit that I think about killing you at least once a day. But in spite of that, you've turned out to be an honest to god Saint."
Female 2: "Matthew, we have not been close, but all the same I have to say you've really earned your place with us."
Female 3: "Matt, I don't usually have a kind word for you, I know... but all the same, you've really come through for us."
Male 1: "For all the shit I've given you I gotta say, man, you've done a damn good job for us, Matt."
Male 2: "Matt, I know I'm pretty hard on you, but you've done all right by us."
Male 3: "Matt I've often wondered why I let you live, much less join my team. But I'm big enough to admit it: You've done well for us."
Nolan North: "So for all the shit I've given you I gotta say, you've done a damn good job for us, Matt."
Matt Miller: "Hold on, is this gonna be some bonding moment for the two of us?"
Female 1: "Well, not anymore..."
Female 2: "Well, not anymore..."
Female 3: "Well, not anymore..."
Male 1: "Well, not anymore..."
Male 2: "Well, not anymore..."
Male 3: "Well, not anymore..."
Nolan North: "Well, not anymore..."
— Defend 2nd Portal Matt
Shaundi: "What do you think'll happen to my younger self when this whole place crashes?"
Female 1: "Kinzie would've saved her program somehere. The girl backs up everything."
Female 2: "I think Kinzie saved her on a computer in the ship."
Female 3: "Didn't Kinzie save a copy of her file or program or whatever?"
Male 1: "I'm sure Kinzie saved her onto some computer on the ship."
Male 2: "Pretty sure Kinzie saved a copy of her somewhere."
Male 3: "I think there's a backup file of her somewhere in Kinzie's laptop."
Nolan North: "I'm sure Kinzie saved her onto some computer on the ship."
Shaundi: "Oh, well that's good..."
Female 1: "Why even ask? That Shaundi's not real."
Female 2: "Strange thing to worry about. She is not even real."
Female 3: "You seriously worried about her? I mean, she's just a program."
Male 1: "Are you really that worried about her? You know she isn't exactly real."
Male 2: "Why are you evern worrying about it? She's not exactly real."
Male 3: "She's just a programme, y'know. Why even worry about her?"
Nolan North: "Are you really that worried about her? You know she isn't exactly real."
Shaundi: "Yeah, but she's kinda like having a younger sister around."
Female 1: "I thought Kinzie had filled that slot."
Female 2: "But... is not Kinzie filling that role?"
Female 3: "What about Kinzie?"
Male 1: "Careful, you'll break Kinzie's heart by saying that."
Male 2: "Don't let Kinzie hear that. It'd break her heart."
Male 3: "And here I thought you'd taken Kinzie under your wing."
Nolan North: "Careful, you'll break Kinzie's heart by saying that."
Shaundi: "Whatever, she has Asha to latch onto now."
— Defend 2nd Portal Shaundi
Female 1: "Kinzie, your turn."
Female 2: "Kinzie, you're on."
Female 3: "Do it, Kinzie."
Male 1: "Kinzie, you're up."
Male 2: "Kinzie, go."
Male 3: "Go ahead, Kinzie."
Nolan North: "Kinzie, you're up."
Kinzie: "Starting linking sequence now."
— 2nd Portal Clear
Female 1: "One more portal, right?"
Female 2: "One more portal, right?"
Female 3: "One more portal, right?"
Male 1: "One more portal, right?"
Male 2: "One more portal, right?"
Male 3: "One more portal, right?"
Nolan North: "One more portal, right?"
Kinzie: "Yep, and it's working. The whole system is working overtime just to keep from falling apart."
Female 1: "Kinzie, I'm warning you... if this last portal unleashes a bunch of stiffs from that 1950s shithole we got trapped in..."
Female 2: "If this last portal belches up people from that horrible town I was trapped in, I swear I'll kill them myself."
Female 3: "This last portal better not send out those awful people from that awful town we were trapped in."
Male 1: "So this last portal isn't going to start pouring out annoyingly friendly people from that boring ass town I was trapped in, right?"
Male 2: "This thing better not spit out those boring ass people from that little town I was trapped in."
Male 3: "Kinzie, I just had a horrible thought. What if this portal starts pouring out the people from that godforsaken town I was trapped in?"
Nolan North: "So this last portal isn't going to start pouring out annoyingly friendly people from that boring ass town I was trapped in, right?"
Kinzie: "What? Oh god no! You think I'd want to see that place any more than you would?"
Female 1: "Not unless you secretly miss wearing that..."
Female 2: "No, it would only remind you of wearing that..."
Female 3: "Oh, I don't know. Maybe you miss wearing that..."
Male 1: "I don't know, maybe you miss wearing that..."
Male 2: "Well... maybe you miss wearing that little thing you had on... that whole situation..."
Male 3: "I suppose not... unless you miss wearing that..."
Nolan North: "I don't know, maybe you miss wearing that..."
Kinzie: "Finish that last sentence and you'll be missing a few limbs when you wake up. And don't worry, I'm linking this last one to someplace special."
Female 1: "Oh? What have you got up your sleeve for me?"
Female 2: "Really? What kind of surprise do you have for me?"
Female 3: "Honey, don't leave me in suspense."
Male 1: "Ooh, I love it when you get all evil genius on me."
Male 2: "Don't tease me, now."
Male 3: "I like the sound of that. By all means, let slip the dogs of war."
Nolan North: "Ooh, I love it when you get all evil genius on me."
— To 3rd Portal
Okay, third time's a charm.
— Kinzie, Arrive 3rd Portal

Female 1: "Kinzie, you evil genius. Is that Paul?!"
Female 2: "Do it, Paul! Yes you can!"
Female 3: "Nice, Kinzie. That Paul is one tall drink of water."
Male 1: "Holy shit! Is that Paul?!"
Male 2: "Well fuck me. It's Paul!"
Male 3: "Good God! Is that Paul?!"
Nolan North: "Holy shit! Is that Paul?!"
Kinzie: "Told you!"
Female 1: "Yeah you did."
Female 2: "Well played, my friend."
Female 3: "Oh, honey, I could kiss you."
Male 1: "Kinzie, I just may cry a little. Ha!"
Male 2: "Kinzie, remind me to give you a raise."
Male 3: "I'm gonna promote you to Minister of War."
Nolan North: "Kinzie, I just may cry a little."
— 3rd Portal Open
Female 1: "Kinzie, how about that backup?"
Female 2: "You think maybe Zinyak is worried?"
Female 3: "This is getting out of hand."
Male 1: "This is getting ugly real quick."
Male 2: "Kinzie, hurry it up."
Male 3: "This is getting serious now..."
Nolan North: "This is getting ugly real quick."
Kinzie: "Looks like they're throwing the kitchen sink at you."
Female 1: "Whatever's in that portal had better be good."
Female 2: "Whatever you're summoning, I hope it is powerful."
Female 3: "There better be something extra-strong in that portal, Kinzie."
Male 1: "Whatever you're planning better be good."
Male 2: "Whatever's up your sleeve, it better be good."
Male 3: "Whatever you've planned had best be spectacular."
Nolan North: "Whatever you're planning better be good."
Kinzie: "Oh it is."
— 3rd Portal Wardens
You may want to get clear of the portal. No really, get clear of the portal.
— Kinzie, Get Clear of Portal

Kinzie: "Well, it's working, the simulation is shutting down..."
Female 1: "That is our plan, right?"
Female 2: "Which is what we want, yes?"
Female 3: "We want it to, don't we."
Male 1: "And that's good, right?"
Male 2: "Isn't that what we want?"
Male 3: "That's a good thing, isn't it?"
Nolan North: "That's good, right?"
Kinzie: "Yes, except it's collapsing faster than anticipated and if you don't get out soon your mind will get trapped inside so get moving."
Female 1: "Right. Get the others out, too."
Female 2: "Okay, but get the others out, too."
Female 3: "You bet. Just make sure the others get out, too."
Male 1: "Shit, make sure the others get out too."
Male 2: "Just make sure the others get out."
Male 3: "Understood. Get the others out, too."
Nolan North: "Shit, make sure the others get out too."
Kinzie: "Already done. They were both close to exits."
— Portals Closing
Johnny Gat: "It's getting rough in this place. I like it."
Shaundi: "Kinzie didn't say anything about shit exploding."
Asha: "Are those some sort of digital bomb?"
Ben King: "It's no wonder Zinyak took you first."
Pierce: "I knew she was holding out on us."
Matt Miller: "Those are simply parts of the simulation overloading. Nothing to be concerned about."
— See Explosions
Female 1: "I'm at the... what the hell?"
Female 2: "I'm at the... oh, no!"
Female 3: "I'm at the... HEY!"
Male 1: "I'm at the... What the fuck?"
Male 2: "I'm at the... Aw, shit!"
Male 3: "I'm at the... oh, come on!"
Nolan North: "I'm at the... what the fuck?"
Kinzie: "It closed on me! You'll have to try another one."
— Arrive 1st Exit
No no no, SHIT! That one's gone too, just keep moving!
— Kinzie, Arrive 2nd Exit

Female 1: "Almost there, almost there..."
Female 2: "I'm coming, I'm coming..."
Female 3: "I'll get there, I'll get there..."
Male 1: "Must move faster, must move faster..."
Male 2: "I'm moving, I'm moving..."
Male 3: "Hold the door, hold the door..."
Nolan North: "Must move faster, must move faster..."
— Heading to 3rd Exit
You're almost there, you can make it!
— Kinzie, Arrive 3rd Exit

Female 1: "Huaaahhh!"
Female 2: "Huargh!"
Female 3: "Euaarrgh!"
Male 1: "AARGH!"
Male 2: "Yaaaaah!"
Male 3: "Aaaah!"
Nolan North: "Yaaaaaah!"
— Jumping Into Exit


Grand Finale Part Two - Choose Your Team objective

The 2 remaining teams (Asha and Matt, Benjamin and Johnny), with Shaundi and Pierce unavailable after being used

Grand Finale Part Two - Entering the Simulation with chosen team

Playa with team 2

Grand Finale Part Two - Go to Portal Location objective

Playa heading to the first Portal location

Grand Finale Part Two - Kill Aliens 9 of 10 objective

Playa and team 2 eliminating the Zin guarding the Portal

Grand Finale Part Two - Defend Portal objective with Warden

A Warden attacking just before the Portal opens

Grand Finale Part Two - Go to Portal Location objective with Vice Kings backup

Nightmare from Portal being unleashed (Vice Kings for Benjamin)

Grand Finale Part Two - Go to Portal Location objective - looking at next platform

Playa heading to the second Portal location

Grand Finale Part Two - Defend Portal objective

Playa and the last member of team 2 defending the Portal

Grand Finale Part Two - Go to Portal Location with Ronin backup

Nightmare from Portal being unleashed (Ronin for Johnny)

Grand Finale Part Two - Kill Aliens 3 of 10 objective

Playa eliminating the Zin guarding the Portal

Grand Finale Part Two - Paul emerging from a portal

Paul is back

Grand Finale Part Two - Paul giving a thumbs-up

Paul giving you the thumbs up

Grand Finale Part Two - Escape the Simulation countdown

Playa trying to escape the simulation before it crashes and traps them

Grand Finale Part Two crash screen

Fake crash screen

Grand Finale Part Two - Fake Saints Row menu

Fake Saints Row Main Menu

Saints Row Menu in Grand Finale Part Two

Fake Saints Row Main Menu

