Saints Row Wiki

This page lists the homie conversations between Roddy Piper and other characters.

Saints Row IV[]

Roddy and Asha[]

Asha: "I hope you're not offended, but I'm not really familiar with your career. Wrestling wasn't the phenomenon in England that it was in the States."
Roddy Piper: "Oh, of course not. You know, honestly I don't mind a break. The fans are great, but there's more to me than just wrestling."
Asha: "I hear you're also an actor."
Roddy Piper: "Oh sure, that too, but there's much more to me than that."
Asha: "Really? How do you mean?"
Roddy Piper: "Uh, look, I don't tell many people this, but there was a time in the mid-90s that I was the fourth member of a Latin music group called The Rodriguez Vipers. We sang a cappella versions of classic Central American folk songs; hit the Top 40 in the Latin Music charts twice!"
Asha: "Really?"
Roddy Piper: "Nope. But the great thing about you not knowing much about me is I can tell you bullshit like that."

Roddy and Ben King[]

Roddy Piper: "You're the same Ben King who wrote Regicide, right?"
Ben King: "That's right, based on my life. Did you read it?"
Roddy Piper: "Nah, saw the movie, though, it was good."
Ben King: "Well, thank you."
Roddy Piper: "Guy who played you sounds nothing like you, though."

Roddy and CID[]

CID: "I have been watching footage of your old fighting matches, Mr. Piper."
Roddy Piper: "We called it wrestling, CID."
CID: "Whatever, it was very similar to an exhibition sport I invented on my home-world."
Roddy Piper: "Oh yeah, ha! Funny how two completely different worlds can create things that are so similar."
CID: "Yes, I am sure it was completely coincidental. You will be hearing from my attorneys, Mr. Piper."

Roddy and Cyrus[]

Cyrus: "I never understood why men with your natural martial talent never joined the special forces."
Roddy Piper: "I doubt I could entertain a crowd of fans if I were in the military."
Cyrus: "But, is that really better than serving your country to the best of your abilities?"
Roddy Piper: "If you think giving our soldiers something special to smile about on a weekly basis isn't worth my while, then we got a problem."
Cyrus: "No, there's no problem."

Roddy and Fun Shaundi[]

Fun Shaundi: "Wow! You're totally Roddy Piper."
Roddy Piper: "Yeah, that's me."
Fun Shaundi: "I was a big fan of yours."
Roddy Piper: "Ahh, good. That's nice to hear."
Fun Shaundi: "I learned so much from you."
Roddy Piper: "Really? Did you wrestle in high-school or something?"
Fun Shaundi: "No, man. I learned so much about the real world. You know, the real world. With the people with no faces and messages on everything."
Roddy Piper: "Oh, yeah. Baby Jesus, you folks are freaks."

Roddy and Johnny Gat[]

Johnny Gat: "It's nice to see a celebrity who can handle a gun, seems most of them can barely land a punch."
Roddy Piper: "Yeah, I suppose you've met a lot of celebrities, huh?"
Johnny Gat: "Ehh, none that I've been impressed with."
Roddy Piper: "I hear you brother, no shit."

Roddy and Julius[]

Julius: "Any idea if you're alive in Zinyak's ship somewhere? Or if you died on Earth?"
Roddy Piper: "No, honestly, I haven't thought about it. You?"
Julius: "Me? Oh, I died a long time ago. The President shot me back in Stilwater."
Roddy Piper: "A-ahm. Then, how are you here?"
Julius: "How are you here?"
Roddy Piper: "Needed the money."

Roddy and Keith[]

Roddy Piper: "That Kinzie chick told me something pretty interesting."
Keith David: "Oh yeah? She says a lot of crazy shit."
Roddy Piper: "She said that the simulations are based on the subjects worst nightmares."
Keith David: "Did she? That does sound interesting."
Roddy Piper: "So, I guess that would mean making a movie with me was your worst nightmare, huh?"
Keith David: "No, Roddy, it's not that at all. I loved working with you. But would I want to do that fight scene over again? Hell no!"
Roddy Piper: "Hahaha. Yeah, I did mess you up pretty bad."
Keith David: "Mess me up? You may recall I got a lot of good shots in there."
Roddy Piper: "Yeah, but I won."
Keith David: "Because the script said you won."
Roddy Piper: "Yeah, that's why."
Keith David: "You really wanna push this, really?"
Roddy Piper: "No, man. I already won once. I don't need to do it again."

Roddy and Kinzie[]

Kinzie: "You were very forward thinking for your time, Roddy."
Roddy Piper: "I'm going to ignore that "your time" comment and just ask what do you mean?"
Kinzie: "Well, there you were, an icon of incredibly masculine pastime one signified by brutality and macho posturing, and the whole time you were sporting long hair and a skirt."
Roddy Piper: "It was a kilt, Kinzie. A kilt. And I was playing a character."
Kinzie: "Still, that was brave. You set an example for a lot of men who were questioning their own fashion choices and maybe even who they were inside."
Roddy Piper: "I never really thought of it that way, but, OK. Umm, thanks?"

Roddy and Maero[]

Maero: "Roddy, you think you could teach me a few of your best moves?"
Roddy Piper: "Yeah, I could. But only if you're willing to put in the full dedication needed."
Maero: "No kilts."
Roddy Piper: "Sorry, man. Can't help you then."

Roddy and Matt[]

Matt Miller: "This is... probably a strange time to mention it, but you were one of the best bad guys in wrestling history."
Roddy Piper: "Oh well, that's very kind of you to say."
Matt Miller: "You were probably my favorite wrestler of all time."
Roddy Piper: "Thank you."
Matt Miller: "I even had one of your action figures, I had another of myself too, homemade, not professional of course. I'd pretend we were tag team partners and we'd obliterate our opponents with devastating moves."
Roddy Piper: "Oh yeah?"
Matt Miller: "As our co-op finisher you would throw me over your head and I'd land on the opponent and deliver a massive suplex in midair. Then you and I would go have a tea-party with Mr. Fluffykins and Penelope Rabbit."
Roddy Piper: "I'm gonna be over here, kid."

Roddy and Pierce[]

Pierce: "Pretty crazy shit going on, huh Roddy?"
Roddy Piper: "Ah, you ain't kidding. I'm not sure if I really am Roddy Piper or just a figment of Keith David's imagination."
Pierce: "You know what? Yeah, man. That's exactly how I feel sometimes. Am I dreaming of Saints Flow or is Saints Flow dreaming of me?"
Roddy Piper: "Saints Flow? Isn't that a drink? How can a drink be dreaming of anything?"
Pierce: "Paul is more powerful than you can imagine."
Roddy Piper: "Paul? Who the fuck's Paul?"
Pierce: "Who isn't Paul?"

Roddy and Shaundi[]

Shaundi: "You know, we took on a whole gang of maniacal wrestlers in masks years ago."
Roddy Piper: "A gang of masked... Wait, are you talking about Killbane's crew?"
Shaundi: "You know him?"
Roddy Piper: "That asshole? He cost me a title shot 20 years ago. Cheap shotted me outside a gas-station in Pittsburgh, screwed up my neck for months. I've been looking for that fucker for years."
Shaundi: "Oh, well. He's dead now."

Roddy and Tanya[]

Tanya: "God, finally! I'm working with someone I can respect. Man, I loved you as a bad guy back in the day."
Roddy Piper: "Well, thank you. Yeah, playing the bad guy is a lot of fun, you know?"
Tanya: "Then you became a good guy and I was like what the hell. I want old Roddy back, bad Roddy."
Roddy Piper: "Well you know, it's business. I had a lot of fun being a good guy, too."
Tanya: "Whatever, being the bad guy is so much better."

Roddy and Veteran Child[]

Veteran Child: "A kilt, huh? Heh, heh. That's a bold choice."
Roddy Piper: "Oh really?"
Veteran Child: "It's just, you know, it's a skirt. Not exactly the manliest outfit, especially for taking alien hordes in a crime-ridden city."
Roddy Piper: "Look, man, it's part of my heritage, and I'm proud of it. I've had bigger men than you take cracks at me for wearing these colors and I've taken every single one of them to the mat. Just because we're not in the ring doesn't mean I won't lay your ass out. You know what I wear under my kilt? Your girlfriend's lipstick. We clear?"
Veteran Child: "Yes, sir."