Saints Row Wiki
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This article is about the vehicle. For the law enforcement agency in the series, see FBI (law enforcement).

The FBI is a vehicle in Saints Row and Saints Row 2.


The FBI is an SUV that seats 4 people, and is the vehicle used by the FBI at level 5 police Notoriety. In Saints Row 2, these are used in the Saint's Row District and Stilwater Nuclear by Ultor, but they are driven by standard Ultor Security officers, not their own FBI or Masako forces.

In Saints Row, it is wanted by the Chop Shop in the Downtown District, it is the eighth Hijacking target of the Suburbs District and it is driven by the Hitman target named Bill. In Saints Row 2, it is driven by a Hitman target named Frank. It is featured in level 10 of Tow Truck and during "First Impressions", where it is present as part of police roadblock.


It is very tough for an SUV, taking up to 2 RPGs to destroy. It is also agile, features good grip and it almost always spawns in groups. FBI agents driving these vehicles use the vehicle's toughness and speed to ram Playa's vehicle, or to overtake and block the road.

Since it is classed as an SUV, it is useful to use for Racing, as the other racers use standard SUVs which are much slower.

The FBI is the fastest 4 door vehicle with the highest mass, torque and hitpoints. Upgraded FBI is also good choice for Drive-by as it can withstand enough firepower and 2 rockets without exploding.


Saints Row

The FBI cannot be customized.

Saints Row 2

The FBI has few Vehicle Customization options. It does not have Hydraulics, Industrial Rims available or any options in Body Mods or Details. The available Wheel Sizes are 12-18 and the available Wheel Widths are 1–2.

  • Body Color (2 sections)
  • Trim Color (3 sections)
  • Rim Color (2 sections)
  • Window Tint
  • Interior Color


Saints Row

There is only one black variant used by the FBI.

Saints Row 2

There are three variants of the FBI:

  • Standard - FBI decals and Tabletop Gray interior.
Appears for 5 star Notoriety.
Has 2 pairs of sirens (front and rear).
  • Ultor - Ultor decals and Bright Day Orange interior.
Appears for 4-5 star Notoriety in Saint's Row and Nuclear Power Plant Districts.
Has 1 pair of sirens (rear).
  • Ultor CS - Ultor decals, Bright Day Orange interior and footboards.
Only during "So a Gang Leader Walks In A Bar..." cutscene of "Picking a Fight" mission. It is possible to obtain it by using a mod.



Saints Row variants - FBI - front left

FBI variant - front left in Saints Row

Saints Row variants - FBI - front right

FBI variant - front right in Saints Row

Saints Row variants - FBI - rear left

FBI variant - rear left in Saints Row

Saints Row variants - FBI - rear right

FBI variant - rear right in Saints Row

Saints Row variants - FBI - rear

FBI - rear in Saints Row

FBI - front right with siren in Saints Row

FBI in Saints Row

FBI - left in Saints Row

FBI (side) in Saints Row

FBI - front in Saints Row

FBI (front) in Saints Row

FBI - rear in Saints Row

FBI (rear) in Saints Row

Saints Row Chop Shop - Downtown - FBI

Saints Row Chop Shop - Downtown - FBI

FBI - front left in Saints Row 2

FBI in Saints Row 2

FBI - front left in garage in Saints Row 2

FBI in Saints Row 2

FBI - Saints Row 2 promo

A Promotional image of the FBI in Saints Row 2

Picking a Fight - Masako and FBI

Ultor FBI carriyng Masako soldiers in Saints Row 2

Picking a Fight - Masako on the left left of an FBI

Ultor FBI and Masako soldiers in Saints Row 2

Picking a Fight - Masako running from an FBI

Ultor FBI deploying Masako soldiers in Saints Row 2

Picking a Fight - view from Masako helicopter

FBI and Oppressor in the zone in Saints Row 2

FBI - Ultor CS - front right in Saints Row 2

Ultor FBI (front quarter view) in Saints Row 2

FBI - Ultor CS - rear left in Saints Row 2

Ultor FBI (Rear quarter view) in Saints Row 2

FBI - front right with headlights in Saints Row 2

FBI in Saints Row 2

FBI decal

FBI vehicle decal

FBI logo

FBI onscreen name

Ui radio fbi

Radio station while driving this vehicle


A similar real life vehicle, the Ford Excursion


  1. Note: Car model name
  2. 2.0 2.1 Image: Rear of the FBI in Saints Row
