Saints Row Wiki

Drug Trafficking is an activity in Saints Row and Saints Row 2.
In Saints Row: The Third, it is known as Trafficking.

Provide protection for drug deals around Stilwater to earn cash and respect.
— Drug Trafficking introduction in Saints Row 2[1]


Drug Trafficking icon - ui hud act ico drugtrafficking

Map icon

In this activity, you join a drug dealer in dealing drugs, and protect them from gangs who want to kill the dealer.

At the start of the activity you are riding in the passenger side of the car, the vehicle is driven by the drug dealer. Their health is displayed in the HUD, as is the number of customers needed to be visited in the level. When driving you are to protect the drug dealer from attacking gang members and police officers.

You are given a weapon with limited ammo to do this, but it changes after the entire level is complete, it may not always be the strongest weapons at times but mostly occurring as a Pistol or a SMG. After keeping the drug dealer safe, you go to a safe point and you are rewarded.

Saints Row: The Third[]

In Saints Row: The Third, drugs are replaced with Saints merchandise[2] and hooker catalogues[3], but the gameplay is the same as in previous games.

A KA-1 Kobra with unlimited ammo is provided during this activity.

Zimos' Trafficking activity mission is named "Ho Traffic". Because Trafficking appears as part of Morningstar mission arcs, the enemies are always the Morningstar.

Saints Row[]


Drug Trafficking - Billy's Retirement Party - Tobias


Los Carnales

Fox Drive, Factories District

  • Dealer: Tobias
Tobias shoots Billy (Billy's appearance is randomly generated but usually consists of a large black overcoat, a dark hat, sunglasses, and jeans).
Tobias shoots Billy again.
Tobias repeatedly shoots Billy. Afterwards, he turns to Playa.
Tobias: "Hey what's up. Sorry 'bout the mess, Billy here thought it would be a good idea to skim off the top...and, well...let's just say he was wrong. Are you lookin' for work? Billy used to watch my back on deliveries, but I don't think he's gonna make it in today. You make sure my deals go smoothly, I cut you in on the action...whaddya say?"
Tobias in Billy's Retirement Party cutscene.
Drug Trafficking - Business Partners - Marvin


Vice Kings

Location: Amberbrook, Museum District

  • Dealer: Marvin
Playa walks into a garage full of drugs
Marvin: "Come on in bro, I'm Marvin...I ain't one to bullshit, so I'm gonna lay it all on the table for ya. I got the best goddamn product in Stilwater. Now see that's good, 'cause my buyers need this shit like porn stars need cock, but stealin' junkies away from other dealers has a tendency to create bad feelings' if ya know what I'm sayin'. You cover my ass when I'm slingin', and I'll make sure you see the green."
— Marvin in Business Partners cutscene.

Drug Trafficking - Suburban Bliss - Laura


Westside Rollerz

Location: Misty Lane, Suburbs District

  • Contact: Laura
Laura walks out of her house
Laura: "Hello. I'm sorry I'm in a rush, I gotta pick my youngest up from school. Do you have kids? Who am I kidding you probably have something like 5. Oh, nevermind. Anyway, one of my colored friends was talking to me and she was saying that the real money isn't in piano lessons, it's in this thing called koma. She set up some deals with my son's friends but I'm a little nervous about going into the city by myself because, well, I'm not poor. Could you be a dear and help me out? If you do I'll be sure to write you a nice check."
Laura in Suburban Bliss cutscene.


Los Carnales
Level Neighborhood District Deals Police Notoriety Gang Notoriety
1 Fox Drive Factories 2 0 2 Los Carnales
2 Fox Drive Factories 2 1 2 Los Carnales
3 Charlestown Docks & Warehouses 3 1 3 Los Carnales
4 Poseidon Alley Docks & Warehouses 3 1 3 Los Carnales
5 Pilsen Factories 3 1 3 Los Carnales
6 Stoughton Docks & Warehouses 4 1 4 Los Carnales
7 Charlestown Docks & Warehouses 4 1 4 Los Carnales
8 Ezpata Barrio 5 1 5 Los Carnales
Vice Kings
Level Neighborhood District Deals Police Notoriety Gang Notoriety
1 Brighton Downtown 2 2 0 Vice Kings
2 Adept Way Downtown 3 2 1 Vice Kings
3 Huntersfield Suburbs 3 2 2 Vice Kings
4 Union Square Downtown 4 3 2 Vice Kings
5 Rebadeaux Red Light 4 3 3 Vice Kings
6 Sunnyvale Gardens Projects 4 4 2 Vice Kings
7 Amberbrook Museum 5 4 3 Vice Kings
8 Shivington Projects 5 5 1 Vice Kings
Westside Rollerz
Level Neighborhood District Deals Police Notoriety Gang Notoriety
1 Misty Lane Suburbs 2 2 0 Westside Rollerz
2 Misty Lane Suburbs 3 2 1 Westside Rollerz
3 Tidal Spring Suburbs 4 2 2 Westside Rollerz
4 Sommerset Apartments 3 3 2 Westside Rollerz
5 Sommerset Apartments 4 3 3 Westside Rollerz
6 Ultor Dome Arena 4 4 2 Westside Rollerz
7 Copperton Truck Yard 4 4 3 Westside Rollerz
8 Misty Lane Suburbs 5 5 1 Westside Rollerz


Saints Row 2[]


The Ronin

Location: Stilwater Boardwalk, Hotels & Marina District

Playa: "Luz? What are you doing here? I thought the Columbians[sic] were sending their mule..."
Luz: "They did."
Playa: "You're shitting me."
Luz: "Why are you surprised?"
Playa: "I just never thought I'd see you doing, like, actual work."
Luz: "Believe me, I wouldn't be here if Manuel hadn't cut me off."
Playa: "Yeah, that was a fuckin' shocker..."
Luz: "Can we not talk about it?"
Playa: "He found someone younger didn't he?"
Luz: "Are you gonna help me sell this shit or not?"
Playa: "Well aren't you the big bad drug dealer..."
Luz: "Ya know what, fuck you..."
Playa: "I'm coming, I'm coming...I wouldn't wanna miss this."
— "Hotels & Marina District Drug Trafficking" Cutscene
The Brotherhood

Location: Wardill Airport

Richie: "'Sup? My cousin Tobias said that you might be needing some spare cash..."
Playa: "Can you help me out?"
Richie: "Any friend of Toby's a friend of mine... Here's what's goin' down. These over here...are filled with a whole lotta shit that'd never get past customs if ya know what I'm sayin'. These over here...are filled with clothes and hairdryers and shit...we don't worry about pile number two."
Playa: "So what 'chu need me to do?"
Richie: "Same shit you did for my cousin...I make the deals, you make sure no one puts me in jail or in the ground."
— "Airport District Drug Trafficking" Cutscene


  • Level 1: 2 deals
  • Level 2: 2 deals
  • Level 3: 3 deals
  • Level 4: 3 deals
  • Level 5: 4 deals
  • Level 6: 5 deals


Hotels & Marina

  • Level 3: Ronin Notoriety Reduced (5%)
  • Level 6: Ronin Notoriety Reduced (15%)



There is a glitch in Saints Row 2 which allows using SMGs and shotguns with previously unlocked infinite ammo.

  1. Get any SMG or shotgun with infinite ammo from the Weapons Cache.
  2. Start activity.
  3. Wait for any gang member to exit their vehicle and kill them.
  4. After switching to dropped SMGs and shotguns, the weapon has infinite ammo.
    • The weapon must be switched to, as picking up the same weapon only duel wields it.

Saints Row: The Third[]


Dealer: Pierce.
Pierce: "Ultor sent over a couple pallets of Saints merch. Maybe we should do a little advertising around town. You know, pimp the Saints in Steelport."
Playa: "Don't we have a PR department for that?"
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"
Pierce: "People go crazy over actual celebrities promoting themselves."
Playa: "So you're saying it has to be me..."
Playa - Zombie: "Snarls"
Pierce: "I'll do the selling, you just get my back. And I have the perfect places to hit..."
— Trafficking intro phone call with Pierce
Dealer: Zimos.

Zimos: "Hey baby, maybe you can help me out."
Playa: "Baby?"
Playa - Zombie: "Snarls"
Zimos: "I need some help gettin' my trade going, you know? Gettin' the word out."
Playa: "I'm not standing on a corner flicking cards if that's what you're thinking."
Playa - Zombie: "Growls"
Zimos: "I got people to do that for you. Just need help deliverin' the advertisements to them."
Playa: "I mean, I guess..."
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"
Zimos: "Good, meet me and we can roll these out."
— Trafficking intro phone call with Zimos


  • When being chased by an enemy gang don't kill them straight away, this will make the driver drive faster making you get to your destination faster.
  • If the vehicle explodes, any other vehicles can be used to continue the activity.
  • In Saints Row 2, it is possible to summon owned vehicles after unlocking the Stored Vehicle Delivery reward via the Red Light District Escort diversion. The Bear is a good choice by virtue of its armor and turret weapon.
  • In Saints Row: The Third (where Stored Vehicle Delivery is instead a purchasable upgrade for 1000$), a Challenger or Crusader tank can be used instead of the Bear. As all of them start near the activity trigger point, the desired vehicle can be left nearby for later use. Tanks are pretty wide and the driver may get stuck at some places, but this is usually fixable by leaving and re-entering the tank or letting a Brute push the tank around. Challengers tend to get stuck less than Crusaders.
  • You may also call for aid from Homies you have unlocked.


  • After exiting the activity in Saints Row, Playa will be in the drug dealer's vehicle and the drug dealer might be in the vehicle and get out, but they cannot be killed.
  • There's a bug in Saints Row: The Third where the Justice disappears and the activity automatically fails.
  • In Saints Row: The Third, the subtitle file includes 2 deleted lines at the start of the phone call, from both Pierce and Playa.
  • Laura's house in the cutscene is not the house with the activity trigger.


Drug Trafficking - Billy's Retirement Party - Billy and Tobias

"YOU STUPID, FUCKING, BACKSTABBING, PIECE OF SHIT!" Tobias kills Billy in the Billy's Retirement Party cutscene

Drug Trafficking - Billy's Retirement Party - Billy

Billy's corpse in Saints Row - his appearance is randomly generated

Endscreen drug

End screen background for Drug Trafficking

Drug Trafficking tutorial in Saints Row 2

Drug Trafficking instructions

XS-2 Ultimax unlocked by Drug Trafficking Level 3 in Saints Row 2

XS-2 Ultimax unlocked

Unlimited Shotgun Ammo unlocked SR2

Unlimited Shotgun Ammo unlocked

Ronin Notoriety Reduced by 5% unlocked by Drug Trafficking level 3 in Saints Row 2

Ronin Notoriety Reduced 1 unlocked

Ronin Notoriety Reduced by 15% unlocked by Drug Trafficking level 6 in Saints Row 2

Ronin Notoriety Reduced 2 unlocked

Morningstar trafficking1

Trafficking gameplay instructions in Saints Row: The Third

Morningstar trafficking2

Trafficking gameplay in Saints Row: The Third

Morningstar trafficking3

Trafficking gameplay in Saints Row: The Third

Morningstar trafficking4

Trafficking gameplay in Saints Row: The Third

Morningstar trafficking5

Trafficking gameplay in Saints Row: The Third

Trafficking complete

Trafficking complete screen in Saints Row: The Third

Trafficking cash

Trafficking cash screen in Saints Row: The Third

Trafficking more

Trafficking more screen in Saints Row: The Third

Trafficking cannot use helicopter

Trafficking cannot use helicopter


  1. Image: Drug Trafficking instructions
  2. Note: Pierce's activity
  3. Note: Zimos' activity