Saints Row Wiki
Saints Row Wiki

This article lists the Districts of Stilwater.


Stilwater has fifteen Districts in Saints Row and twenty-two in Saints Row 2, divided into various Neighborhoods.


District Neighborhood Notes


Airport district in Saints Row 2
Huntersfield Within Suburbs District in Saints Row
Wardill Airport


Sommerset map in Saints Row


Arena map in Saints Row 2
Pleasant View
Sunsinger Saints Row 2 only
Ultor Dome


Cecil Park Barrio is Spanish for "neighborhood".
Southern Cross


Chinatown map in Saints Row
Chinatown Saints Row only
Imperial Square Saints Row 2 only
Little Shanghai

Docks & Warehouses[]

Docks & Warehouses map in Saints Row
Poseidon Alley
Fox Drive Within Factories District in Saints Row


Downtown map in Saints Row
Adept Way
Union Square


Factories map in Saints Row 2
Black Bottom
Fox Drive Within Docks & Warehouses District in Saints Row 2
The Mills
Stilwater Caverns Saints Row 2 only. Located underground

High End Retail[]

High End Retail map in Saints Row
Atlantis Avenue Saints Row only
Nob Hill
Rounds Square Shopping Center Saints Row 2 only. Located underground

Hotels & Marina[]

Hotels & Marina map in Saints Row 2
Centennial Beach Saints Row 2
Stilwater Boardwalk


Museum map in Saints Row
Humbolt Park

Nuclear Power Plant[]

Map in Saints Row 2 - Nuclear Power Plant - Stilwater Nuclear
Stilwater Nuclear Saints Row 2 only


Sunnyvale Gardens

Red Light[]

Red Light district map
Bavogian Plaza In Saints Row 2, it is the only district which is controlled by 2 enemy gangs.
Prawn Court
Old Stilwater Saints Row 2 only. Located underground

Saint's Row[]

Saint's Row in Saints Row 2
Athos Bay
Mission Beach Appears in Saints Row IV mission, King Me.

Stilwater Prison[]

Map in Saints Row 2 - Stilwater Prison - Hangman's Wharf
Hangman's Wharf Saints Row 2 only
Stilwater Penitentiary

Stilwater University[]

Stilwater University map in Saints Row 2
Frat Row Saints Row 2 only
Stilwater University


Suburbs map in Saints Row
Misty Lane The physical map which comes with the game names the Suburbs District as "WR Suburb", which is also the internal name for this District.
Tidal Spring
Huntersfield Within Airport District in Saints Row 2.

Suburbs Expansion[]

Suburbs Expansion map in Saints Row 2
Mourning Woods Cemetery Saints Row 2 only.

The Suburbs Expansion does not have its own spawning category, and has the same vehicles as Suburbs.

New Hennequet

Trailer Park[]

Map in Saints Row 2 - Trailer Park - Elysian Fields
Elysian Fields Saints Row 2 only

Truck Yard[]

Copperton map in Saints Row


In Saints Row 2, there are 4 neighborhoods in the "Underground" district. Unlike normal Districts, the District name is never given in-game, and each underground neighborhood has a separate spawn category.


  • Mount Claflin is not defined as a neighborhood, but is a distinct region.
  • Ocean is defined as a spawning region for boats.


The Saints Row data files reference several unused hoods, most of which have no mention other than a name, and are likely placeholder names for the final neighborhoods.

  • Allston
  • Ashland Arena - Early name for Ultor Dome
  • Back Bay
  • Central Station - A building in Southern Cross is all that remains of the Central train station
  • Crackton
  • Gaslamp
  • Hackenshack
  • Hell's Kitchen
  • Hoodieville
  • Lakeview
  • Lerner Industrial Park
  • Lesalle - Early name for Rebadeaux, according to a freeway sign
  • Race Track - Internal name for Arena
  • Southside Seaport - Early name for Docks & Warehouses)
  • Sunset - Early name for Sommerset, there is a sign for "Sunset Apartments"[1]
  • Train Yard - Southern Cross was originally park of the "Train Yard" district. The Mayhem instance is still called "vandalism_trainyard", and there are 2 Civilians with variants named BarrioTrainyardClothingStore and TrainyardHairSalon, referring to the Sloppy Seconds and Do it Up.


  • Huntersfield and Fox Drive change district between games.[2][3][4][5]
  • Several neighborhoods have border changes, or change location entirely.
  • "Saints Row" as a neighborhood name may have been based on Piety Hill in Detroit.


Airport district in Saints Row 2

Airport district in Saints Row 2

Arena map in Saints Row 2

Arena map in Saints Row 2

Docks & Warehouses map in Saints Row

Docks & Warehouses map in Saints Row

Downtown map in Saints Row

Downtown map in Saints Row

Factories map in Saints Row 2

Factories map in Saints Row 2

High End Retail map in Saints Row

High End Retail map in Saints Row

Hotels & Marina map in Saints Row 2

Hotels & Marina map in Saints Row 2

Museum map in Saints Row

Museum map in Saints Row

Red Light district map

Red Light district map

Saint's Row in Saints Row 2

Saint's Row in Saints Row 2

Stilwater University map in Saints Row 2

Stilwater University map in Saints Row 2

Suburbs Expansion map in Saints Row 2

Suburbs Expansion map in Saints Row 2

Suburbs map in Saints Row

Suburbs map in Saints Row

