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"Dancing Queen" is a Loyalty mission in Saints Row IV.

Tanya tried to take everything from me. I don't care if it's a simulation, bitch has gotta go.
— Quest description


Tanya is using Vice Kings to inject a virus into citizens to turn them into sex workers for her brothels. Matt has worked out an anti-virus which should draw the virus out of the citizen and into Playa, where it doesn't work since Playa isn't a computer program.

After making several stops, Playa's outfit becomes more and more like a stripper outfit. Once the infected are cleaned, King and Playa head to Technically Legal to confront Tanya. Once in the club, Playa signs up for amateur night. While it is possible to hit the correct buttons to make Playa do different dances, one doesn't have to and the dance eventually ends regardless. However, Tanya has already escaped to the roof.

After a long chase and a couple of fights with Tanya, Playa throws her to the park. At first unsure if Tanya is still alive, she confirms she is. King has a short talk with her and then kills her, ending the mission.


Dancing Queen chasing tanya
Go to Ben King
Go to the alley

After exiting King's Oppressor, jump to the alley.

Kill Vice Kings

Kill two Vice Kings.

Attack virus carrier

Shoot the infected stripper, until she is stunned.

Absorb the virus

Press Action button to absorb the virus.

Follow Ben King

Follow King to the next target, who is in the Eiswolf driving around.

Kill Vice Kings
Attack virus carrier

Destroy the car and shoot the furry until he is stunned.

Absorb the virus

Absorb him.

Follow Ben King
Head to the Gothederal

Follow King to the gothedral.

Kill Vice Kings

Kill all Vice Kings gang members

Attack virus carrier

Shoot a gimp until he is stunned

Absorb the virus

Absorb him.

Follow Ben King
Go to Technically Legal

Go to Technically Legal

Head inside

Enter the club.

Sign up for Amateur Strip Night

Sign up for amateur night.

Head backstage
Do a sexy dance

The dance is quick time event, which requires pressing various buttons to proceed to the next part of the mission.

Head to the roof

Enter the elevator.

Chase Tanya

Follow Tanya, until she lands on a building's roof.

Fight Tanya

Use Super Powers to disable her shield and shoot her until she escapes to the next building.

Chase Tanya

Follow Tanya, until she lands on a building's roof.

Fight Tanya

Use Super Powers to disable her shield and shoot her until she escapes to the next building.

Finish her

Press Action button to throw her off the roof.

Inspect the body

Head to the park in Ashwood and enter the marker to trigger the cutscene after which the mission ends.



  • This mission is required in order to get the full ending of the game.
  • The name of the mission is named after the ABBA's song, "Dancing Queen".
  • The song which plays during the dancing scene is "Simply Irresistible" by Robert Palmer, which is played on The Mix 107.77.
  • Matt always comments "Please don't make me watch that again" on Playa's dance regardless of their gender. Regardless how attractive the Boss is made (male or female), they'll still dance awkwardly and disturb Matt.
  • The way King executes Tanya mirrors how Playa killed Julius back in Saints Row 2.



Benjamin King: "Hey playa, seems Tanya's found her way into the simulation and is building up her empire."
Playa Male 1: "How's she doing that?"
Playa Male 2: "What's how?"
Playa Male 3: "Building an empire? How?"
Playa Female 1: "What the hell is she doing?"
Playa Female 2: "How is she doing that?"
Playa Female 3: "What is she up to?"
Nolan North: "How's she doing that?"
Benjamin King: "She's corrupting people with some sort of virus that's turning them all into her sex trade workers. Matt's figured out how to stop it, and once that's done we need to end Tanya for good."
Playa Male 1: "I'm in."
Playa Male 2: "Sounds good to me."
Playa Male 3: "End that bitch? Sounds good."
Playa Female 1: "All right. I'm in."
Playa Female 2: "Sounds like a plan."
Playa Female 3: "You know I'm in."
Nolan North: "I'm in."

Cutscene #1[]

Tanya's been bringing Vice Kings into the simulation and building up her empire, but now she's got a new way of recruiting. She's infected some people with a virus that turns them into her very own sex-worker slaves. If that virus spreads, she'll have an army to add to the VKs, making them unstoppable in the simulation. Matt's found a way for you to absorb the infection right out of them, killing the virus in the process. Once that's taken care of we'll head to her club, Technically Legal, and give Tanya a taste of what she deserves.
— Benjamin King


Ben King: "Matt's been able to trace the infected citizens. I'll take you to the first one."
Playa Female 1: "If they're working for Tanya, I don't expect them to go quietly."
Playa Female 2: "I suppose I should not expect this to be easy."
Playa Female 3: "Guess I should expect a fight if I'm going against one of Tanya's crew."
Playa Male 1: "Working for Tanya I'm guessing they're going to put up a fight."
Playa Male 2: "If they work for Tanya, you know they ain't going down easy."
Playa Male 3: "One of Tanya's, eh? Guess I should expect some trouble."
Nolan North: "Working for Tanya I'm guessing they're going to put up a fight."
Ben King: "No doubt. I'm not sure what exactly the virus has done to them, but I'd be careful."
— Mission Start
Ben King: "Down there. Looks like they're not alone."
Playa Female 1: "Is Matt sure I'm gonna be able to absorb their powers?"
Playa Female 2: "Will this absorption power really work?"
Playa Female 3: "This absorption power's gonna work, right?"
Playa Male 1: "You sure this absorption thing is going to work?"
Playa Male 2: "You positive about this absorption thing?"
Playa Male 3: "This absorption thing. It's not gonna give me a rash or anything, will it?"
Nolan North: "You sure this absorption thing is going to work?"
Ben King: "Only one way to find out, though I'd soften them up before you try it."
Playa Female 1: "Here goes nothing."
Playa Female 2: "Here we are. Set me down."
Playa Female 3: "This is the spot."
Playa Male 1: "All right, drop me off."
Playa Male 2: "All right. Here we are."
Playa Male 3: "Set it down and I'll hop off here."
Nolan North: "All right, drop me off."
— Arrive at first Vice King
Playa Female 1: "I hope I'm not interrupting something."
Playa Female 2: "I hope I'm not late."
Playa Female 3: "So is this party BYOB?"
Playa Male 1: "Sorry to break up the party."
Playa Male 2: "Havin' a party without me?"
Playa Male 3: "You got room for another?"
Nolan North: "Sorry to break up the party."
— Attack first Vice King
Ben King: "Matt said since you're not actually a simulation program, you should be immune to the virus."
Playa Female 1: "You both better hope I am."
Playa Female 2: "I really wish Matt would have tested this first."
Playa Female 3: "I know you meant I WILL MOST DEFINITELY BE IMMUNE."
Playa Male 1: "I don't like the sound of that "should"."
Playa Male 2: "Should?!"
Playa Male 3: "Eh. What's one more virus?"
Nolan North: "I don't like the sound of that "should"."
— After first Vice King Dead
Playa Female 1: "What the hell..."
Playa Female 2: ""
Playa Female 3: "Ooh. Bit of a head rush."
Playa Male 1: "Whoa, head rush."
Playa Male 2: "Whoa. Shit."
Playa Male 3: "Whoa. Little dizzy there."
Nolan North: "Whoa, head rush."
Ben King: "Did it work? How do you feel?"
Playa Female 1: "Am I wearing...what am I wearing?"
Playa Female 2: "I am fine...except for my clothes..."
Playa Female 3: "Fine but...what just happened?"
Playa Male 1: "Fine but... something happened to my clothes."
Playa Male 2: "Am I crazy or did my clothes change?"
Playa Male 3: "I don't remember changing clothes..."
Nolan North: "Fine but... something happened to my clothes."
Matt Miller: "Sorry, forgot to mention that. It's just a temporary change, nothing permanent. Though the absorption seems to have worked perfectly. No sign of the virus left in that person."
Ben King: "Good, let's get to the next one then."
— Absorb first Strip
Ben King: "The next infected person's on the move."
Matt Miller: "We can't let the virus spread. Stop the car however you have to."
Playa Female 1: "Don't you dare run from me!"
Playa Female 2: "Get back here now!"
Playa Female 3: "Get your ass back here this instant!"
Playa Male 1: "Dammit, get your ass back here!"
Playa Male 2: "Don't make me chase you!"
Playa Male 3: "You can't run from me!"
Nolan North: "Dammit, get your ass back here!"
Playa destroys the car
Playa Female 1: "Get your ass out now."
Playa Female 2: "Get out of there now!"
Playa Female 3: "Come here!"
Playa Male 1: "Come out of there."
Playa Male 2: "Get out here!"
Playa Male 3: "Get out of that car!"
Nolan North: "Come out of there."
— Arrive at second Vice King
Playa Female 1: "A furry? Fuck me."
Playa Female 2: "A furry? Seriously?"
Playa Female 3: "Huh... furry."
Playa Male 1: "She made them a furry?"
Playa Male 2: "Uh... that's a... that's a furry."
Playa Male 3: "What'd they do to that poor animal..."
Nolan North: "She made them a furry?"
Ben King: "Tanya always had her own tastes."
Playa Female 1: "She's a level of depravity beyond what I can understand."
Playa Female 2: "Yes. Bad tastes."
Playa Female 3: "I'll admit... I'm curious."
Playa Male 1: "Never pictured that as her thing."
Playa Male 2: "Wonder how often they clean that suit."
Playa Male 3: "Yeah, she's a real special snowflake."
Nolan North: "Never pictured that as her thing."
— After second Vice King Dead
Playa Female 1: "I'm really not liking this."
Playa Female 2: "Second one's done."
Playa Female 3: "*ooo* This feels weird."
Playa Male 1: "All right... got the virus."
Playa Male 2: "All right. Number two's down."
Playa Male 3: "Got the virus. What's next?"
Nolan North: "All right... got the virus."
Matt Miller: "That's an... interesting outfit change."
Playa Female 1: "Well. It's not the worst thing I've ever worn."
Playa Female 2: "It certainly has its"
Playa Female 3: "At the right party, I think this works."
Playa Male 1: "Don't judge me."
Playa Male 2: "You like it. You know it."
Playa Male 3: "Doing it for ya, is it?"
Nolan North: "Don't judge me."
— Absorb second Strip
Ben King: "The last one's by the church."
Playa Female 1: "100% sure that's all, right?"
Playa Female 2: "And you're sure that is all?"
Playa Female 3: "Sure there are no more infected people?"
Playa Male 1: "We sure she hasn't infected more people?"
Playa Male 2: "We sure that's all of them?"
Playa Male 3: "And that'll do it. You're sure?"
Nolan North: "We sure she hasn't infected more people?"
Ben King: "We're sure. If she had, things would be a lot worse off in here."
Playa Female 1: "I know Tanya's a bitch but you really think she can do that much damage?"
Playa Female 2: "So you think Tanya can damage the simulation that severely?"
Playa Female 3: "Is Tanya really that much of a threat?"
Playa Male 1: "You really think she could do that much damage, King?"
Playa Male 2: "C'mon, you really think Tanya's that much of a threat?"
Playa Male 3: "You really think Tanya can hurt the simulation that much?"
Nolan North: "You really think she could do that much damage, King?"
Ben King: "I made the mistake of underestimating her once before and it cost me my crew and almost my life. Now if she's back to finish the job, then I'd say she's probably even more dangerous."
— Head to third Vice King
Ben King: "All right, this is the spot."
Playa Female 1: "A lot of VKs here. Aaaaand a gimp."
Playa Female 2: "Okay, I am here--and they have a gimp..."
Playa Female 3: "Well, seems the Vice Kings have a gimp."
Playa Male 1: "That's a lot of VKs and... hold on, did she really turn that person into a gimp?"
Playa Male 2: "We got a lot of VKs here...and a dude in a gimp costume."
Playa Male 3: "I see the Vice Kings have a bit of a fancy fella with them."
Nolan North: "That's a lot of VKs and... hold on, did she really turn that person into a gimp?"
Matt Miller: "And this woman actually worked for you before, King?"
Ben King: "Can we not focus on that."
Matt Miller: "Sorry."
— Arrive at third Vice King
Ben King: "Do your thing then we can go after Tanya."
Playa Female 1: "Do my thing to the gimp?"
Playa Female 2: " the gimp?"
Playa Female 3: "To the gentleman in latex?"
Playa Male 1: "What, to the gimp?"
Playa Male 2: "You mean to the gimp?"
Playa Male 3: "Ugh. I hate touching gimp."
Nolan North: "What, to the gimp?"
— After third Vice King dead
Playa Female 1: "At least I didn't absorb his ball gag."
Playa Female 2: "No ball gag? Hm. Pity."
Playa Female 3: "Just glad I didn't end up with a ball gag."
Playa Male 1: "Well, at least I'm not wearing a ball gag."
Playa Male 2: "Whew. At least there's no ball gag."
Playa Male 3: "No ball gag. I'll consider this a win."
Nolan North: "Well, at least I'm not wearing a ball gag."
— absorb third Strip
Ben King: "I'll meet you at the club. Then we can keep her from doing this to anyone else in the simulation."
Playa Female 1: "What's the play when we get to the club?"
Playa Female 2: "And once we get there?"
Playa Female 3: "And once we get to the club?"
Playa Male 1: "So what's the plan when we get there?"
Playa Male 2: "What's the plan after that?"
Playa Male 3: "And what's the call once we get there?"
Nolan North: "So what's the plan when we get there?"
Ben King: "We find Tanya and I put a bullet in her."
Playa Female 1: "As long as she doesn't disappear on us again, sure."
Playa Female 2: "That sounds fine though she did vanish on us last time."
Playa Female 3: "What's gonna prevent her from disappearing on us again?"
Playa Male 1: "That should do it, though last time she disappeared right in front of us."
Playa Male 2: "Sounds good. As long as she doesn't blink out on us again."
Playa Male 3: "She disappeared on us last time we tried that."
Nolan North: "That should do it, though last time she disappeared right in front of us."
Matt Miller: "Don't worry, I'll be sure to block any attempt she makes at slipping through the code."
Ben King: "See, she's not getting away from me this time."
— Head to Club
Ben King: "I'll park this thing and meet you inside."
Playa Female 1: "I see she's changed the décor a bit."
Playa Female 2: "Well. I see she's spiced the place up some."
Playa Female 3: "Place looks different than I remember. She remodel this?"
Playa Male 1: "Huh, looks like she's spiced this place up a bit."
Playa Male 2: "I see Tanya did some remodeling."
Playa Male 3: "Hm... Tanya may be a stone cold bitch, but she's got a gift for lighting..."
Nolan North: "Huh, looks like she's spiced this place up a bit."
— Arrive At Club
Playa Female 1: "Look at that stage, that lighting, good sound system. Ben, meet me near the backstage door. I have to do something."
Playa Female 2: "This place...has an energy. Hm. Ben, meet me by the backstage door. I...have to do something."
Playa Female 3: "Good lighting, nice crowd. Ben, I'll meet you near the back. There's something I have to do."
Playa Male 1: "Good stage, good lights... Uh, Ben, there's something I need to do. Meet me by the backstage door."
Playa Male 2: "Huh. Good sound system, good lighting... Ben, I have to do something. Meet me by the backstage door."
Playa Male 3: "Three quarter thrust. Rapt audience. Respectable DJ. Ben, meet me by the backstage door..."
Nolan North: "Good stage, good lights... Uh, Ben, there's something I need to do. Meet me by the backstage door."
— See Stage
Ben King: "What's up? Did you find Tanya?"
Playa Female 1: "Tanya? No. Amateur night? YES."
Playa Female 2: "If by "Tanya" you mean "the call of the stage" then yes."
Playa Female 3: "Ben, it's amateur night. It's time for me to shine."
Playa Male 1: "No, I'm signing up for amateur night."
Playa Male 2: "No. But I did find the stage."
Playa Male 3: "More important, Ben. I found my calling."
Nolan North: "No, I'm signing up for amateur night."
Ben King: "We don't have time for this."
Playa Female 1: "There is always time to fulfill a dream."
Playa Female 2: "The call is strong, Ben. I must dance."
Playa Female 3: "You know what? What I don't have time for is your negativity. Today I live the dream."
Playa Male 1: "Ben, there is no time BUT this."
Playa Male 2: "Oh yes we do, Ben. Yes we do."
Playa Male 3: "We don't have time NOT to do this."
Nolan North: "Ben, there is no time BUT this."
— Sign Up
Playa Female 1: "I hope you're ready, Steelport."
Playa Female 2: "Time to shine."
Playa Female 3: "Today is the first day of the rest of my life."
Playa Male 1: "Showtime."
Playa Male 2: "Let's do this."
Playa Male 3: "It's time to make some magic."
Nolan North: "Showtime."
— About To Dance
Ben King: "Hey boss!"
Playa Female 1: "I'm in the zone, Ben!"
Playa Female 2: "I am so in the zone!"
Playa Female 3: "I am in the zone! The zone!"
Playa Male 1: "Not now, King, I'm in the zone."
Playa Male 2: "I'm in the zone, King!"
Playa Male 3: "Not now, Ben. I'm in the zone."
Nolan North: "Not now, King, I'm in the zone."
— King Interrupt
Playa Female 1: "This is for you! You've earned it!"
Playa Female 2: "Yes! Feed me your energy!"
Playa Female 3: "Show me the love, people!"
Playa Male 1: "That's right, let me hear your adulation!"
Playa Male 2: "Lemme hear ya scream!"
Playa Male 3: "This is all for you! Oh yeah!"
Nolan North: "That's right, let me hear your adulation! Let me FEEL your adulation!"
— Dance Ending
Playa Female 1: "No sign of Tanya. Pfft. Her loss."
Playa Female 2: "That was amazing but I did not see Tanya anywhere."
Playa Female 3: "I glimpsed heaven on that stage, Ben, but no sign of Tanya."
Playa Male 1: "I didn't see Tanya in the crowd... Huh, her loss."
Playa Male 2: "Tanya wasn't in the crowd. Her loss."
Playa Male 3: "Didn't see Tanya anywhere. She missed a helluva show."
Nolan North: "I didn't see Tanya in the crowd... her loss."
Ben King: "That's because while you were "in the zone" she took one look at you and ran for the roof."
Playa Female 1: "Dammit."
Playa Female 2: "*sigh* Merde."
Playa Female 3: "Well, shoot."
Playa Male 1: "Damn."
Playa Male 2: "Aw fuck."
Playa Male 3: "Ah shit."
Nolan North: "Damn."
— After Dance

Cutscene #2[]

Ben King: "You got nowhere to run, Tanya."
Tanya: "That's where you're wrong, sweetie."


Go after her, I'll be right behind you.
— King goes to the Helicopter

Playa Female 1: "You there, Matt?"
Playa Female 2: "Matthew, are you there?"
Playa Female 3: "Are you there, Matt?"
Playa Male 1: "Matt, you there?"
Playa Male 2: "Hey Matt, you there?"
Playa Male 3: "Matt, you around?"
Nolan North: "Matt, you there?"
Matt Miller: "God I wish I wasn't, but yeah, I'm here."
Playa Female 1: "I made magic on that stage, Matt! Did you see it?"
Playa Female 2: "Did you see that? Did you see THAT?"
Playa Female 3: "How great was I, Matt? Don't hold back."
Playa Male 1: "I was great, right? I mean, I know I was but I wanna hear it from you too."
Playa Male 2: "It was good, right? Like really good? Be honest."
Playa Male 3: "I want to hear it from you, Matt. How amazing was that dance? Honestly."
Nolan North: "I was great, right? I mean, I know I was but I wanna hear it from you too."
Matt Miller: "Right now I'm just trying to figure out whether or not there was some sort of residual effect from absorbing those viruses that caused that sudden burst of... I don't know what to call it."
Playa Female 1: "That wasn't the virus, Matt. That was all me. 100% pure awesome."
Playa Female 2: "It is called pure magic, Matt. PURE. MAGIC."
Playa Female 3: "It's called talent. And that wasn't the virus, Matt. It was my calling."
Playa Male 1: "It's called raw talent, Matt. And that wasn't the virus, that was something I was born to do."
Playa Male 2: "Call it talent, Matt. There's no other name for it."
Playa Male 3: "Call it? It's talent, Matt. There's no word that can capture it."
Nolan North: "It's called raw talent, Matt. And that wasn't the virus, that was something I was born to do."
Matt Miller: "Whatever it is, please don't ever make me watch that again."
Ben King: "Can we focus on killing Tanya before she gets away, already?"
— Begin Tanya Chase
Tanya: "You think you can stop me? When I'm through, this whole city will be mine."
Playa Female 1: "There are two things I'm sure of, Tanya. I just performed the dance of the century, and you're gonna die tonight."
Playa Female 2: "That is not going to happen, Tanya. You see not only did I get to show the world the true magic of dance tonight but now I am going to watch you die."
Playa Female 3: "I don't think so, sweetie. The only thing that could top the magic I did on that stage is watching you die."
Playa Male 1: "Not gonna happen, Tanya. I'm fulfilling two dreams tonight: unleashing the grace within me, and watching you die."
Playa Male 2: "I'm fulfilling two dreams tonight, Tanya. Showing this world what true dance is and watching your body go cold."
Playa Male 3: "Tonight will be remembered for two things: The grace I unleashed on that stage and the bullet Ben's gonna put in your brain."
Nolan North: "Not gonna happen, Tanya. I'm fulfilling two dreams tonight: unleashing the grace within me, and watching you die."
Tanya: "Is that what you call that convulsion on stage?"
Playa Female 1: "You never could recognize true talent."
Playa Female 2: "Don't you dare to insult my God-given grace!"
Playa Female 3: "Sugar, you never could recognize real talent."
Playa Male 2: "No, that routine was a little something I call "Electricity in Purple.""
Playa Male 3: "Its formal name is "The Ride of the Wild Stallion.""
Tanya flees
Ben King: "Playa, drive her towards the park if you can, but keep her alive. I wanna deal with her myself."
— First Tanya Fight
Tanya: "I'm gonna kill you, then I'm gonna find that coward King and make him suffer."
Playa Female 1: "Ha! You're the one who's running, Tanya."
Playa Female 2: "If King's a coward, why are you the one running?"
Playa Female 3: "Says the woman who keeps running from the fight."
Playa Male 1: "Hey! You're the one who keeps running."
Playa Male 2: "King's a coward? You're the one who's running!"
Playa Male 3: "Coward? You're the one running, girl."
Nolan North: "You're the one who keeps running."
Tanya: "Well he's the one who ain't here. He just sent you to do his dirty work."
Playa Female 1: "Work? Oh no. This has been my pleasure."
Playa Female 2: "Work? Hunting you has been a pleasure."
Playa Female 3: "This whole thing has been my pleasure."
Playa Male 1: "Believe me, this whole thing was my pleasure."
Playa Male 2: "Trust me, this has been my pleasure."
Playa Male 3: "Dirty work? Funny thing coming from you."
Nolan North: "Believe me, this whole thing was my pleasure."
— Second Tanya Fight

Cutscene #3[]

Tanya: "What are you doing?"
Playa Female 1: "Say goodbye, Tanya."
Playa Female 2: "Au revoir, Tanya."
Playa Female 3: "Sweet dreams, Tanya."
Playa Male 1: "Goodbye, Tanya."
Playa Male 2: "Good night, Tanya."
Playa Male 3: "What do you think I'm doing?"
Nolan North: "Goodbye, Tanya."
Tanya: "Aaaaah!"


Playa Female 1: "She's in the park, King."
Playa Female 2: "She is in the park, Benjamin."
Playa Female 3: "Tanya's in the park, King."
Playa Male 1: "King, she's in the park."
Playa Male 2: "Ben, she landed in the park."
Playa Male 3: "You'll find her in the park, Ben."
Nolan North: "King, she's in the park."
Ben King: "Almost there."

Cutscene #4[]

Playa Female 1: "Shit. Did I just kill her?"
Playa Female 2: "I think I killed her..."
Playa Female 3: "Shit. I didn't mean to kill her..."
Playa Male 1: "Oh shit, think I killed her..."
Playa Male 2: "Ah shit. Did I kill her?"
Playa Male 3: "I...may have just killed her."
Nolan North: "Shit, think I killed her..."
Tanya: "Killed me? I don't think so sweetie."
— Check Tanya Body
Ben King: "Don't you see, Tanya? It's over."
Tanya: "That's what you think. You shouldn't have fucked with the Vice Kings."
Ben King: "No, Tanya. You never should've fucked with me and MY crew."
Tanya: "You don't have the balls."
Ben King: "You never could die with dignity."


Playa Female 1: "Matt. I want to make sure she's really dead this time."
Playa Female 2: "Matt, is she really dead this time?"
Playa Female 3: "And she's dead for real this time. Right, Matt?"
Playa Male 1: "Matt, she dead this time?"
Playa Male 2: "She's dead now. Right, Matt?"
Playa Male 3: "Is she really dead this time, Matt?"
Nolan North: "Matt, she dead this time?"
Matt Miller: "Yep, there's no sign of her or her virus anywhere left in the simulation."
Ben King: "Good, one less thing to worry about."


It seems the virus has been completely wiped out, and I've managed to block Tanya's access to the simulation code for good.
— Matt Miller - Virus Wiped Out

Tanya: "You're not stopping my plan!"
Tanya: "Everyone in this city will end up my slave."
Tanya: "That virus was just the beginning."
Tanya: "I'm stronger than any of you!"
Tanya: "Don't even think you two can kill me."
— Tanya Chase Taunts
Playa Female 1: "Whoa!"
Playa Female 2: "Whoa!"
Playa Female 3: "Whoa!"
Playa Male 1: "Whoa!"
Playa Male 2: "Whoa!"
Playa Male 3: "Whoa!"
Nolan North: "Whoa!"
— Blasted Back


Dancing Queen helicopter

Benjamin flying Playa to the first target

Dancing Queen killing vice kings

Playa dealing with the Vice Kings guarding the infected person

Dancing Queen absorbing virus

Playa removing the Virus from the infected person

Dancing Queen - second Kill Vice Kings objective

Playa dealing with the Vice Kings guarding the second infected person

Dancing Queen killing gimp

Playa fighting the third infected person

Dancing Queen - Sign Up objective

Playa decides to sign up for Amateur Night

Dancing Queen - Playa standing on stage

Playa dancing on stage

Dancing Queen - Playa kneeling on stage

Playa dancing on stage

Dancing Queen chasing tanya

Playa chasing down Tanya

Dancing Queen fighting tanya

Playa confronting Tanya

Dancing Queen - chasing tanya to rooftop

Playa chasing down Tanya for a second time

Dancing Queen throwing tanya

Playa about to throw an incapacitated Tanya off the roof

Dancing Queen end - Tanya sitting against fountain

Playa checking if Tanya is alive

Dancing Queen end - King pointing pistol at Tanya

Benjamin confronting Tanya for the last time before he executes her

King kills Tanya

Benjamin executing Tanya
