"Convoy Decoy" is a mission in Saints Row: The Third.
- Playa: "Pack it up, we gotta move."
Pierce: "I got 20k on this game!"Playa kicks the table, knocking the chess pieces over.Pierce: "Damn--!"
Playa: "Now it's a draw."
Playa interrupts a game of chess between Oleg and Pierce and tells them that they need to move their stuff out of the Saints HQ, what with STAG now occupying Steelport. While Pierce loads up the convoy, Playa decides to buy him time and creates a diversion by raiding and attacking several STAG bases while Oleg creates another diversion at Sunset Park.
Playa uses an F-69 VTOL against STAG and, after defending an almost-overwhelmed Oleg in Sunset Park, proceeds to destroy an incoming Gawalek A36 Surveillance Aircraft.
Nyte Blayde, the eponymous character from Nyte Blayde played by Josh Birk, is being used as STAG's mascot to increase public support of their occupation and help with recruitment; at the PR Center, when Cyrus Temple and Kia learn of this, they voice their frustrations with Senator Monica Hughes. Hughes states that "hearts and minds will win the war", and refuses Cyrus' insistence to authorize the Daedalus. She then demands that he ensures Josh Birk's safety, foreshadowing the next events.[1]

- Go to Saints HQ
The mission starts at the Saints HQ
- Get to the STAG base
Start by heading to the first STAG base just down the road from the Saints HQ.
- Hijack a VTOL
Ram through the fence and drive straight on through to the back of the base where the two F-69 VTOLs are. Once inside the VTOL, the entirety of the rest of the mission takes place inside it, provided it doesn't take too much damage.
One of the two marked VTOLs must be stolen, entering another VTOL does not complete the objective. If both marked VTOLs are destroyed, the mission effectively softlocks and must be restarted.[2]
If the VTOL is ever nearly destroyed, there are two options: get a new VTOL from one of the bases, which can be risky due to the heavy STAG presence, or just continue with the mission. In the case of failure, just restart from the latest checkpoint for a pristine VTOL.
- Get STAG's attention
Destroy all the marked objects in the base.
- Find a STAG base
Fly to any marked base. Bases include:
- Wesley Cutter Intl airport
- Get STAG's attention
Destroy all the marked objects in the base.
- Help the convoy
Pierce's convoy is being prevented from crossing a bridge due to the presence of STAG Crusaders and N-Forcers.
- Clear the roadblock
Destroy all of the vehicles that compose the roadblock.
- Find a STAG base
Fly to any marked base.
- Get STAG's attention
Destroy all the marked objects in the base.
- Find a STAG base
Fly to the final marked base.
- Get STAG's attention
Destroy all the marked objects in the base.
- Get to Oleg
The penultimate main objective is to rescue Oleg from Sunset Park
- Help Oleg
Destroy the trio of marked tanks as well as the incoming VTOLs
- Intercept Surveillance Aircraft
Finally, intercept the Gawalek A36 Surveillance Aircraft as it heads southwest to northeast through the skies of the city.
- Destroy Surveillance Aircraft
Destroy the Condor escort, and shoot it down to complete the mission.
The intended method to destroy the Gawalek A36 is to shoot it until the health bar runs out, but it is also possible to force it into the water, where it will automatically be destroyed, fulfilling the objective.[3]
- Cash: $10,000
- Respect: 2500
- Mission: Nyte Blayde's Return
- Vehicle: STAG VTOL (F-69 VTOL)
- What rebellious teenager didn't go joyriding in their parents' car, blowing off steam and staining the backseat? However, the theft of a military aircraft cost more than a two week grounding; the unknown suspect unloaded the plane's weapons onto both STAG outposts and city streets, destroying millions in military and civilian vehicles and property. Roadblocks were destroyed entirely and a public park was filled with the bodies of the soldiers who tried to stop the chaos. This is Jane Valderamma with your Steelport Crime Report.
- — Jane Valderamma
- Pierce and Oleg play chess during the cutscene at the beginning of this mission, which is the first of three cutscenes to feature this.[4][5]
- This is the only mission featuring the Surveillance Aircraft variant of the Gawalek A36.
- The Surveillance Aircraft plane is marked as a helicopter on the Map, and there are helicopter sounds coming from it, as the vehicle is classed as a helicopter rather than a plane.
- The objective refers to the variant as "Surveillance Aircraft", while dialogue refers to it as "AWACS", which is an airborne radar system that stands for Airborne Warning and Control System or Airborne early warning and control.
- The Saints Mule in the convoy during this mission cannot be stolen and does not appear elsewhere in the game.
- All Player Customization voices except Male Voice 3 and the Zombie Voice make references to the 1986 movie Top Gun when inside the F-69 VTOL. Male Voice 3 quotes a line from Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.
- When Josh Birk is dressed in his Nyte Blayde attire in the closing cutscene, he has four katanas across his back[Reference needed] (of which he draws two), an oddity considering that the "official" Nyte Blayde costume only has two katanas.
- After the conversation plays that Playa needs to help Oleg at the park, and Playa arrives at the area, Oleg is sometimes not there, which glitches the mission, and requires exiting and restarting the mission from the checkpoint.
- It is possible to kill Oleg during this mission. After killing the STAG that are trying to kill Oleg, he is no longer selected as a Homie and dies instantly after shooting him with missiles.
- Pierce: "Huh? Oh, yeah, totally agree."Playa: "With STAG in town, we need to be careful, Pierce."
Playa - Zombie: "Garbled"Pierce: "Whatever you say."Playa: "Our place might be compromised..."
Playa - Zombie: "Roars"Pierce: "Alright, I'll get on that."Playa: "... And we should get some horses and mount a charge on STAG."
Playa - Zombie: "Groans"Pierce: "Sure, see you soon."Playa: "Dammit Pierce, I'll be over in a bit."
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"
- — Pre-mission phone call
Cutscene #1[]
- Playa: "Pack it up, we gotta move."
Pierce: "I got 20k on this game!"Playa kicks the table, knocking the chess pieces over.Pierce: "Damn--!"
Playa: "Now it's a draw."
Pierce: "This isn't over. What's up?"
Playa: "It's not safe here. You guys clear this place out. I'll buy you some time."
- — Opening cutscene
- Oleg: "Pierce is loading the trucks. I will create a distraction at the park."Playa - Female 1: "Dividing them up sounds good. I'll find one of the STAG bases and draw 'em away."
Playa - Female 2: "Good. I will be hitting one of the bases. Perhaps we can spread them out."
Playa - Female 3: "We should split up. Make STAG spread themselves thin chasing us."
Playa - Male 1: "Alright, that should spread them out. I'll start some shit at one of those STAG bases."
Playa - Male 2: "OK, I'll hit up the STAG bases and do the same."
Playa - Male 3: "We should spread 'em thin. I'll start at one of the STAG bases."
Playa - Zombie: "Garbled"- — "Mission Start"
- Pierce: "Slow. We've got a lot of shit."Playa - Female 1: "How's all that packing up going, Pierce?"
Playa - Female 2: "Pierce, how is the load up going?"
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce, how's the pack-up going?"
Playa - Male 1: "Pierce, how's the pack-up going?"
Playa - Male 2: "How's the move going?"
Playa - Male 3: "How goes the pack-up?"
Playa - Zombie: "Grumbles"Pierce: "Whatchu think I'm doin'?"Playa - Female 1: "Only take what's important."
Playa - Female 2: "You have to hurry. Only take what we need."
Playa - Female 3: "Just take the most important stuff."
Playa - Male 1: "Just take what we need."
Playa - Male 2: "If we don't need it, leave it."
Playa - Male 3: "Well, just bring the essentials."
Playa - Zombie: "Growls"Pierce: "Man, that's cold."Playa - Female 1: "The chessboard doesn't count..."
Playa - Female 2: "That does not include the chessboard."
Playa - Female 3: "Not the chessboard, Pierce."
Playa - Male 1: "Pierce. Leave the chess board."
Playa - Male 2: "I think you're wasting time on shit like your action figure collection..."
Playa - Male 3: "Not the chess board."
Playa - Zombie: "Gargles"
- — "Drive 1"
- Playa - Female 1: "What's the best thing these guys have..."
Playa - Female 2: "There must be something I can use in here."
Playa - Female 3: "Let's see what toys these guys have."
Playa - Male 1: "Let's see what toys these guys have."
Playa - Male 2: "Time to pick a fight..."
Playa - Male 3: "There must be something good here..."
Playa - Zombie: "Roars"- — "Arriving at First"
- STAG: "A VTOL has been taken by the Saints."Playa - Female 1: "Cup holders AND their mobile base locations? This thing has it all!"
Playa - Female 2: "They have homing beacons at all of the bases? That's convenient."
Playa - Female 3: "Jackpot... this has all the mobile base locations!"
Playa - Male 1: "Looks like this thing has all their mobile base locations."
Playa - Male 2: "This thing has all of STAGs bases in the flight computer? Merry Christmas to me..."
Playa - Male 3: "This has all their mobile base locations."
Playa - Zombie: "Sneers"- — "Inside"
- Pierce: "We're rolling out in a convoy now. I'll let you know how the streets are looking."Playa - Female 1: "Think I might have pissed them off. You're probably good to move, Pierce."
Playa - Female 2: "You can be leaving any time, Pierce. I have STAG occupied."
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce, you ready to do this?"
Playa - Male 1: "Pierce, get things moving. I've got their attention."
Playa - Male 2: "Time to move Pierce, I'm picking a fight..."
Playa - Male 3: "You can head out, Pierce. I've got STAG occupied."
Playa - Zombie: "Garbled"
- — "Convoy Start"
- Playa - Female 1: "This is so fucking cool!"
Playa - Female 2: "I can fly in hover or jet mode? This machine was built for me!"
Playa - Female 3: "This is like straight out of the future..."
Playa - Male 1: "Hover AND a jet mode? It's like a helicopter that doesn't suck."
Playa - Male 2: "I should steal military hardware more often..."
Playa - Male 3: "Oh, it's like a helicopter fucked a jet."
Playa - Zombie: "Roars"- — "Jet Mode"
- Cyrus: "I want all units checking in with command."
Cyrus: "Squad leaders, what's your status?"
Cyrus: "Why is that Saint still in the air?"
Cyrus: "Detain anyone seen aiding the Saints."
- — "Cyrus Generic Orders"
- Playa - Female 1: "Wooo! Jester's dead!"
Playa - Female 2: "*psh* In my country planes do 4G negative dives."
Playa - Female 3: "Wooo, DANGER ZOOOONE!"
Playa - Male 1: "Woooo! Talk to me Goose!"
Playa - Male 2: "Woohoo! I AM DANGEROUS!"
Playa - Male 3: "Let's try spinning. That's a good trick."
Playa - Zombie: "Mumbles"- — "VTOLs Are"
- Playa - Female 1: "Shit, falling behind on my killing."
Playa - Female 2: "It is time to take the fight to STAG."
Playa - Female 3: "Time to turn the screw..."
Playa - Male 1: "Time to keep the pressure on..."
Playa - Male 2: "Let's see if I can get their attention..."
Playa - Male 3: "Time to hit 'em where it hurts."
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"- — "Get to a"
- Pierce: "Looks like STAG left a roadblock ahead of us. Without help, we ain't getting by."
Pierce: "Another roadblock. We'll hang back while you take it out."
- — "Roadblock"
- Pierce: "Almost got stopped by STAG. Hit them harder, boss."
Pierce: "STAG's still keeping the streets hot. You gotta pick it up with them."
- — "STAG Attention"
- Kia: "Investigate all possible Saint vehicles."
Kia: "Update command with casualty reports."
Kia: "I want eyes on the target at all times."
- — "Kia Generic Orders"
- Pierce: "Alright, good to go now."
Pierce: "We're moving again."
- — "Roadblock Thanks"
- Cyrus: "Get our AWACS in the air with full escort."Playa - Female 1: "More planes, huh? Guessing that isn't a good thing..."
Playa - Female 2: "Bringing in reinforcements already? We will see about that."
Playa - Female 3: "More troops? Aw shit..."
Playa - Male 1: "They're flyin' in more troops? Oh fuck that, better hurry this shit up..."
Playa - Male 2: "AWACS? I don't know what the fuck that means, but it sounds bad..."
Playa - Male 3: "Full escort? Uh-oh..."
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"- — "Call in Plane"
- Deadly force on the Saints has been authorized. Bring that VTOL down.
- — Kia, "Kia Bring Down VTOL"
- Kia: "Mobile base tango has been hit! I want our fighters in the air!"
STAG: "Copy that."
- — "STAG Convo After Takeoff"
- Reports coming in of Saints in trucks. Find them and destroy those vehicles.
- — Cyrus, "Cyrus Reports of"
- Oleg: "There's too many for me to handle."Playa - Female 1': "Alright, rescue incoming."
Playa - Female 2: "I am coming now, Oleg. Just hang in there."
Playa - Female 3: "Almost there. Hang on, Oleg."
Playa - Male 1: "I'm en route, just hang on."
Playa - Male 2: "Hang tight Oleg, I'm comin"
Playa - Male 3: "I'm almost there, hold on."
Playa - Zombie: "Gargles"- — "Oleg Help"
- Reinforcements are rolling out.
- — Kia, "Kia Prepare for"
- Focus fire on that VTOL until another target is located.
- — Kia, "Kia Focus Fire On"
- Interrogation: "Air convoy delta-delta-one entering Steelport airspace."Oleg: "Yes. Thank you for the help."Playa - Female 1: "Have to run, Oleg. You got the cleanup?"
Playa - Female 2: "Oleg, are you good now?"
Playa - Female 3: "Oleg? Still breathing?"
Playa - Male 1: "Oleg, you alright down there?"
Playa - Male 2: "You OK big man?"
Playa - Male 3: "Everything alright, Oleg?"
Playa - Zombie: "Snarls"
- — "Air Reinforcement Call"
- Pierce: "We're tryin' to keep a low profile here. We can't go speedin' through the streets."Playa - Female 1: "So you're already there, right Pierce?"
Playa - Female 2: "Pierce, you need to be hurrying now."
Playa - Female 3: "Pierce, you bettter be close by now..."
Playa - Male 1: "Pierce, tell me you're getting close."
Playa - Male 2: "You there yet, Pierce?"
Playa - Male 3: "Pierce, what the hell's going on?"
Playa - Zombie: "Grumbles"Pierce: "You serious?!"Playa - Female 1: "They've brought in a plane with a big fucking radar dish on it just for you."
Playa - Female 2: "You may have to. STAG has called for an AWACS plane and reinforcements."
Playa - Female 3: "Fuck that! There's an AWACS plane and escorts flying in to find you."
Playa - Male 1: "Well they got an AWACS plane flying in with a lot of escorts."
Playa - Male 2: "Cyrus made it sound like some bad shit was coming your way..."
Playa - Male 3: "Might want to rethink that. AWACS plane flying in and they've got company."
Playa - Zombie: "Roars"Playa - Female 1: "So faster would be better. Got it?"
Playa - Female 2: "There is a little time yet. I will try to hold them off, but hurry."
Playa - Female 3: "That sound like something I'd make up?"
Playa - Male 1: "Look, just get there. I'll think of something."
Playa - Male 2: "Yeah a wax plane or some shit. Just keep moving man, I got you."
Playa - Male 3: "Just keep going. I'll figure out something!"
Playa - Zombie: "Garbled"- — "On Way To AWACS"
- I want roadblocks set up.
- — Kia, "Kia Set up"
- STAG: "Shoot that Saint out of the air already!"Playa - Female 1: "How many of your friends have I killed now?"
Playa - Female 2: "Last chance STAG. Surrender or die."
Playa - Female 3: "Not so threatening now, are we?"
Playa - Male 1: "Come on, come and get me."
Playa - Male 2: "That the best you got?!"
Playa - Male 3: "C'mon, hit me!"
Playa - Zombie: "Babbles"
- — "Killing Escort Crafts 1"
- Pierce: "Move is all done. No worries on our end."Playa - Female 1: "You really know how to ruin a girl's fun."
Playa - Female 2: "Glad to hear it."
Playa - Female 3: "No worries'? Really?"
Playa - Male 1: "Damn, I was having fun..."
Playa - Male 2: "Right on. See you soon."
Playa - Male 3: "Roger. Over and out."
Playa - Zombie: "Sneers"- — "Pierce End"
Cutscene #2[]
- Josh: "I'm Joshua Birk. On TV I play Nyte Blayde, an exceptionally good looking but misunderstood vampire who risks life and limb every week to keep the world safe."
Josh: "The men and women of STAG put their lives on the line every day to protect your city against gang violence. Want to be a real world hero? Talk to your STAG recruiter today. I know I have."
Josh: "I know I have."
Kia: "Nyte Blayde's the face of STAG? Why don't you just put someone in a fucking deer suit?"
Monica: "Hearts and minds will win the war, my dear."
Cyrus: "Shock and awe wins wars, Senator. Authorize the Daedalus and this will all be over."
Monica: "Absolutely not."
Cyrus: "That kid's gonna get himself killed."
Monica: "Well you ensure Josh Birk's safety or I'll find someone who can. Understand?"
Cyrus: "Yes, Ma'am."
- — End cutscene
- Playa - Female 1: "I'll take it from here, Oleg."
Playa - Female 2: "That's the park... now to clear it out a bit."
Playa - Male 1: "I'm here. Let's see if I can clear the way."
Playa - Male 2: "I'm here, I'll clear you a path..."
Playa - Male 3: "I'm here...time to clean things up a little."
Playa - Zombie: "Garbled"- — "Arrive at Park"
- Be on the lookout for any Saint movement on the ground.
- — Cyrus, "Cyrus Lookout For"
- All units in the Park, divert attention to finding that convoy.
- — Cyrus, "Cyrus Park Is"
- This is Commander Temple. All units are to find the Saints and take them out.
- — Cyrus, "Cyrus Start Ordering"
- All bases, prepare for incoming attacks.
- — Cyrus, "Cyrus Warns"
- Deploy armored vehicles to the park.
- — Kia, "Fight at Park"
- STAG: "We're under attack, all pilots to aircraft."Playa - Female 1: "Bingo!"
Playa - Female 2: "I like how he thinks..."
Playa - Female 3: "Aircraft... now we're talking..."
Playa - Male 1: "Now we're talking..."
Playa - Male 2: "Well, no turning back now..."
Playa - Male 3: "There we go."
Playa - Zombie: "Snarls"- — "Get to VTOL"
- STAG: "Beginning download."Playa - Female 1: "Oh that download is being cancelled..."
Playa - Female 2: "You are just wasting your time."
Playa - Female 3: "You'll never find my guys."
Playa - Male 1: "Like hell you're finding my crew..."
Playa - Male 2: "You ain't findin' shit..."
Playa - Male 3: "I don't know why they even bother..."
Playa - Zombie: "Sneers"- — "Hurry and Kill Plane"
- All bases on alert. Shoot down any enemy aircraft.
- — Kia, "Kia Warns"
- STAG: "Keep them off the main radar!"Playa - Female 1: "You guys are trying, right?"
Playa - Female 2: "Did you really think you could stop me?"
Playa - Female 3: "Thought you guys could handle anything."
Playa - Male 1: "Thought you guys were trained for this."
Playa - Male 2: "I can't believe I was worried about these clowns..."
Playa - Male 3: "Aren't you blokes supposed to have like... training?"
Playa - Zombie: "Garbled"
- — "Killing Escort Crafts 2"
- Playa - Female 1: "Guess these aren't indestructible..."
Playa - Female 2: "This machine cannot take much more. I need a new one..."
Playa - Female 3: "I'm gonna need a replacement soon..."
Playa - Male 1: "This thing's almost done. Better get a new one."
Playa - Male 2: "This isn't gonna last much longer..."
Playa - Male 3: "Time for a replacement."
Playa - Zombie: "Mumbles"Playa - Female 1: "Might want to switch this plane out..."
Playa - Female 2: "This one is unstable. I must be finding a new aircraft."
Playa - Female 3: "Gotta find a new plane..."
Playa - Male 1: "Gotta find a new plane..."
Playa - Male 2: "I need a new plane..."
Playa - Male 3: "This won't last much longer."
Playa - Zombie: "Groans"- — "Need New VTOL"
- STAG: "Watch it, that big guy is armed!"
STAG: "He's with the Saints, bring him down!"
- — "Oleg is Attacking"
- All escorting craft, we have incoming!
- — Interrogation, "STAG Convo to Air Base"
- Playa - Female 1: "Wake up, STAG. You're just letting me walk all over you."
Playa - Female 2: "Come on, STAG. No reason to make it this easy for me."
Playa - Male 1: "Hey, STAG... you asleep down there? I thought this would be harder."
Playa - Male 2: "Cyrus, you gotta teach your boys not to leave the keys in the car..."
Playa - Male 3: "Hey, STAG... thought you would at least put up a little fight. Whatsamatter?"
Playa - Zombie: "Moans"- — "STAG Convo to Second Base"

Pierce and Oleg pit their intelligence against each other in their first game of chess

Convoy Decoy - Playa kicks the table holding Pierce and Oleg's chessboard

Playa informs the two they need to leave the Saints HQ

Josh Birk introduces himself as Joshua

Josh Birk, fully dressed up as Nyte Blayde and endorsing STAG

Cyrus Temple and Kia are disheartened to learn of this

Path taken by the Surveillance Aircraft during the mission

The final image used at the end of the mission

UI image used when saving after this mission

Convoy Decoy - Intercept Surveillance Aircraft objective

Saints Mules at roadblock

Convoy Decoy - stalemate

The Gawalek A36's top hatch later used in "Air Steelport" is present during gameplay

Gawalek A36 crashing into water

Convoy Decoy stag base
- ↑ Mission: Nyte Blayde's Return
- ↑ Image: Convoy decoy stalemate.
- ↑ Image: Gawalek A36 crashing into the water
- ↑ Mission: STAG Party
- ↑ Mission: Three Way
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