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Many of these controls come from the manual for each game.
Please correct any incorrect controls for your platform.

These are the Control Schemes for each platform in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, and Saints Row IV.


There are 3 Control Schemes for Driving and Walking controls for Saints Row and Saints Row 2, but only a single non-configurable control scheme for Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV.

Xbox 360[]

Saints Row Saints Row 2 Saints Row: The Third Saints Row IV
(A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C)


Menu 360 start
Menu Select 360 a
Menu Back 360 b
Navigate Menu 360 lt 360 rt
360 lb 360 rb
360 ls
Map 360 start 360 back
Waypoint 360 a
Bookmark UI N-A 360 x
Map Filter 360 dpad 360 dpad ud
Move Cursor 360 ls
Map Zoom 360 rs


360 ls
Look / Camera 360 rs
Skip Cutscene 360 y 360 a
360 y
Recruit Followers 360 dpad u (Hold)
360 dpad u
Dismiss Followers (Hold)
360 dpad u
360 dpad d
Cancel mission 360 dpad d (Pause menu)
Radial Menu
(Weapon Inventory)
360 b 360 rb 360 b 360 rb 360 b
360 ls 360 rs 360 ls 360 rs 360 ls
Use Food 360 dpad UI N-A
Grenade select UI N-A 360 dpad UI N-A
Grenade Hotkeys UI N-A
Use Grenade 360 rb
Use Super Power UI N-A 360 rb
Select Telekinesis 360 dpad u
Select Blast 360 dpad l
Select Buff 360 dpad d
Select Stomp 360 dpad r
Screenshot UI N-A 360 dpad d ? 360 back ?


Primary Attack 360 rt
Secondary Attack 360 lt UI N-A
Melee (secondary attack) 360 rsc
Block 360 lt+360 rt UI N-A
Kick 360 lb (secondary attack) (melee)
Crouch 360 lsc
360 x 360 a
Sprint 360 rb 360 a 360 rb 360 a 360 lb
360 a 360 rb 360 b 360 a 360 rb 360 b 360 x
Fine Aim UI N-A 360 rsc 360 lt
Human Shield
Grab / Throw
UI N-A 360 lb (action)
Kill Shield UI N-A 360 lt (melee)
Taunt 360 dpad l (Hold)
360 dpad l
Compliment 360 dpad r (Hold)
360 dpad r
Zoom In
360 lt 360 lb UI N-A 360 lt+360 y
Zoom Out
UI N-A 360 rb UI N-A 360 lt+360 a


Change Radio 360 dpad lr
Accelerate 360 a 360 rt 360 a 360 a 360 rt 360 a 360 rt
Cruise Control UI N-A 360 lb 360 a 360 lb 360 dpad d UI N-A
Attack 360 rt 360 a 360 rt 360 rt 360 lb 360 rt 360 lb
360 x 360 lt 360 x 360 x 360 lt 360 x 360 lt
360 lt 360 x 360 lt 360 lt 360 x 360 lt 360 a
Nitrous 360 rsc 360 b 360 lsc 360 b 360 lsc 360 lb
360 lsc 360 rsc 360 b 360 rsc
360 lsc 360 lsc 360 b UI N-A 360 lsc
360 rs 360 rs
360 rsc 360 b (horn) 360 rsc
Look Left 360 lb 360 lb+360 ls UI N-A
Look Right 360 rb 360 lb+360 ls
Look Behind 360 lb+360 rb 360 lb+360 ls 360 rb 360 lsc 360 x
Rudder Left
UI N-A 360 lb 360 lsc 360 lb
Rudder Right
UI N-A 360 rb 360 rsc 360 rb
UI N-A UI N-A 360 a
UI N-A UI N-A 360 x
Primary Attack
UI N-A (primary attack) 360 rt
Secondary Attack
UI N-A (handbrake) 360 lt
VTOL Mode UI N-A UI N-A 360 b
Lean Forward
UI N-A 360 ls
Lean Backward
Tow vehicle
UI N-A 360 lb + 360 rb UI N-A
Release vehicle
UI N-A 360 lsc UI N-A
Scan Vehicle UI N-A 360 dpad d

Playstation 3[]

Saints Row 2 Saints Row: The Third Saints Row IV
(A) (B) (C)


Menu PS3 start
Menu Select PS3 cross
Menu Back PS3 circle
Navigate Menu PS3 l1PS3 r1 PS3 ls ?
Map PS3 select
Waypoint PS3 cross PS3 cross ?
Bookmark PS3 square PS3 square ?
Map Filter PS3 dpad lr PS3 dpad u+PS3 dpad d ?
Move Cursor PS3 ls PS3 ls ?
Map Zoom PS3 rs PS3 rs ?


PS3 ls
PS3 rs
Skip Cutscene PS3 triangle ? ?
PS3 triangle
Recruit Followers PS3 dpad u (Hold)
PS3 dpad u
Dismiss Followers (Hold)
PS3 dpad u
PS3 dpad u (Hold)
PS3 dpad d
Cancel mission PS3 dpad d ?
Radial Menu
(Weapon Inventory)
PS3 circle PS3 circle PS3 r1 PS3 circle
PS3 ls PS3 rs PS3 ls
Food select PS3 dpad UI N-A
Grenade select UI N-A PS3 dpad UI N-A
Grenade PS3 r2
Use Super Power UI N-A PS3 r2
Select Telekinesis PS3 dpad u
Select Blast PS3 dpad l
Select Buff PS3 dpad d
Select Stomp PS3 dpad r
Screenshot UI N-A PS3 dpad d ?
Video UI N-A ? ?


Primary Attack PS3 r2 PS3 r1
Secondary Attack PS3 l2 UI N-A
Melee (secondary attack) PS3 r3
Block PS3 l2+PS3 r2 UI N-A
Kick (secondary attack) (melee)
Crouch PS3 l3
PS3 square PS3 cross
Sprint PS3 r1 PS3 cross PS3 cross PS3 l2
PS3 cross PS3 r1 PS3 circle PS3 square
Fine Aim PS3 r3 PS3 l1
Human Shield
Grab / Throw
PS3 l1 PS3 triangle
Kill Shield PS3 l2 PS3 l1 ?
Taunt PS3 dpad l (Hold)
PS3 dpad l
Compliment PS3 dpad r (Hold)
PS3 dpad r
Zoom In
PS3 r1 UI N-A PS3 l1+PS3 triangle ?
Zoom Out
PS3 l1 UI N-A PS3 l1+PS3 cross ?


Change Radio PS3 dpad lr
Accelerate PS3 cross PS3 r2 PS3 cross PS3 r2
Cruise Control PS3 l1 PS3 cross PS3 l1 PS3 dpad d UI N-A
Attack PS3 r2 PS3 l1 PS3 r2 PS3 l1 PS3 r1
PS3 square PS3 l2 PS3 square PS3 l2
PS3 l2 PS3 square PS3 l2 PS3 cross
Nitrous PS3 l3 PS3 circle PS3 l3 PS3 l1
PS3 r3 PS3 r3 PS3 circle PS3 r3
PS3 l3 PS3 l3 PS3 circle UI N-A ?
PS3 rs UI N-A ?
(horn) UI N-A ?
Look Left UI N-A
Look Right UI N-A
Look Behind PS3 r1 PS3 r1 PS3 l3 PS3 square
Rudder Left
PS3 l1 PS3 l3 PS3 l3 PS3 l2
Rudder Right
PS3 r1 PS3 r3 PS3 r3 PS3 r2
PS3 cross PS3 r2 PS3 cross PS3 cross
PS3 square PS3 l2 PS3 square PS3 square
Primary Attack
PS3 r2 PS3 l1 PS3 r2 PS3 r1
Secondary Attack
PS3 l2 PS3 square PS3 l2 PS3 l1
VTOL Mode UI N-A PS3 circle
Lean Forward
PS3 ls PS3 ls ?
Lean Backward
Tow vehicle
PS3 l1+PS3 r1 UI N-A
Release vehicle
PS3 l3
Scan Vehicle UI N-A PS3 dpad d


Saints Row 2 Saints Row: The Third Saints Row IV


Menu PC esc
Menu Select PC enter PC enter
Menu Back PC esc
Navigate Menu PC ctrlPC shift
PC auPC ad
PC w
PC aPC sPC d
PC arrows
PC mouse
Map PC tab
Waypoint PC RMB
Bookmark PC space
PC b
Map Filter PC arrows PC F1
Move Cursor PC mouse
Map Zoom PC wPC s
PC mouse wheel
PC mouse wheel


PC w
PC aPC sPC d
Look PC mouse
Skip Cutscene PC esc
Enter / Exit
PC e
Dismiss (Hold)
PC au PC z
Cancel mission PC ad (Pause Menu)
Radial Menu
(Weapon Inventory)
PC mouse PC mouse wheel
PC 1...PC 8
Food select PC arrows UI N-A
Grenade select UI N-A PC g UI N-A
Grenade Hotkeys (unbound)
Grenade PC q
PC mouse wheel click
Use Super Power UI N-A PC q
PC mouse wheel click
Select Telekinesis F2
Select Blast F1
Select Buff F4
Select Stomp F3
Say PC y UI N-A
Team Say PC t UI N-A
Push to talk UI N-A PC v
Text Chat UI N-A PC t
Screenshot UI N-A PC f11
Video UI N-A PC f10 ?


Primary Attack PC LMB
Secondary Attack PC RMB UI N-A
Melee (secondary attack) PC f
Kick (secondary attack) (melee)
Crouch PC c PC ctrl
PC space
Sprint PC lshift PC shift
PC r
Fine Aim PC v PC RMB
Human Shield
Grab / Throw
PC lctrl (action)
Kill Shield PC RMB (melee)
Taunt PC al PC x
Compliment PC ar PC c
Walk (toggle) PC caps (unbound)
Walk (hold) UI N-A (unbound)
Sprint (toggle) UI N-A (unbound)
Crouch (toggle) UI N-A (unbound)
Fine Aim (toggle) UI N-A (unbound)
Zoom In
PC h PC e
PC mouse wheel
Zoom Out
PC n PC q
PC mouse wheel


Change Radio PC alr PC cPC x . ,
Accelerate PC w
Cruise Control PC c PC ctrl UI N-A
Attack PC LMB
PC s
PC space
Nitrous PC lshift PC shift
PC h PC f
PC mouse UI N-A
(horn) UI N-A
Look Left UI N-A
Look Right UI N-A
Look Behind PC x PC r
Rudder Left
PC z (unbound)
Rudder Right
PC c (unbound)
PC lshift PC shift
PC space PC ctrl
Primary Attack
(primary attack) PC LMB
Secondary Attack
Lean Forward
PC r PC alt
Lean Backward
PC f (unbound) ?
Tow vehicle
(Sprint) + (Grab Shield) UI N-A
Release vehicle
(Crouch) UI N-A
Scan Vehicle UI N-A PC n


The action button is context sensitive and can be used in different situations.

Voice Commands[]


  • The PC manual for Saints Row 2 erroneously states that the "pickup" button is the same as the "action" button.[1]
  • In Saints Row: The Third, there is only one Control Scheme for Xbox 360, while there have been 3 options in each of the previous games.
  • In Saints Row IV on PC, the on-screen tutorial text incorrectly states that followers are recruited after holding the control. Pressing the control recruits, and holding it dismisses.[2]


Saints Row Menu - Options - Controls

Saints Row Menu - Options - Controls

Saints Row 2 Menu - Options - Controls

Saints Row 2 Menu - Options - Controls

Saints Row Menu - Options - Controls - On Foot Controls - Scheme A

Saints Row On Foot Controls - Scheme A

Saints Row Menu - Options - Controls - On Foot Controls - Scheme B

Saints Row On Foot Controls - Scheme B

Saints Row Menu - Options - Controls - On Foot Controls - Scheme C

Saints Row On Foot Controls - Scheme C

Saints Row Menu - Options - Controls - Driving Controls - Scheme A

Saints Row Driving Controls - Scheme A

Saints Row Menu - Options - Controls - Driving Controls - Scheme B

Saints Row Driving Controls - Scheme B

Saints Row Menu - Options - Controls - Driving Controls - Scheme C

Saints Row Driving Controls - Scheme C

Saints Row 2 Menu - Options - Controls - On Foot Control Schemes - Scheme A

Saints Row 2 On Foot Controls - Scheme A

Saints Row 2 Menu - Options - Controls - On Foot Control Schemes - Scheme B

Saints Row 2 On Foot Controls - Scheme B

Saints Row 2 Menu - Options - Controls - On Foot Control Schemes - Scheme C

Saints Row 2 On Foot Controls - Scheme C

Saints Row 2 Menu - Options - Controls - Driving Control Schemes - Scheme A

Saints Row 2 Driving Controls - Scheme A

Saints Row 2 Menu - Options - Controls - Driving Control Schemes - Scheme B

Saints Row 2 Driving Controls - Scheme B

Saints Row 2 Menu - Options - Controls - Driving Control Schemes - Scheme C

Saints Row 2 Driving Controls - Scheme C

Press Y to enter watercraft

Press Y to enter watercraft

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls

Saints Row: The Third Controls

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - General

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - General

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - General II

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - General II

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - On Foot

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - On Foot

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - On Foot II

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - On Foot II

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - Car Bike Boat

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - Car / Bike / Boat

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - Car Bike Boat II

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - Car / Bike / Boat II

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - Helicopter

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - Helicopter

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - Airplane

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - Airplane

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - Tank

Saints Row: The Third Keyboard Controls - Tank

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad

Saints Row: The Third Gamepad Options

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - On Foot Controls

Saints Row: The Third Gamepad Controls - On Foot

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - On Foot Controls II

Saints Row: The Third Gamepad Controls - On Foot II

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - On Foot Controls III

Saints Row: The Third Gamepad Controls - On Foot III

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - Driving Controls

Saints Row: The Third Gamepad Controls - Driving

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - Driving Controls II

Saints Row: The Third Gamepad Controls - Driving II

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - Aircraft Controls

Saints Row: The Third Gamepad Controls - Aircraft

Saints Row The Third - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - Aircraft Controls II

Saints Row: The Third Gamepad Controls - Aircraft II

Saints Row IV On Foot Controls 1

Saints Row IV On Foot Controls 1

Saints Row IV On Foot Controls 2

Saints Row IV On Foot Controls 2

Saints Row IV Driving Controls 1

Saints Row IV Driving Controls 1

Saints Row IV Driving Controls 2

Saints Row IV Driving Controls 2

Saints Row IV Aircraft Controls 1

Saints Row IV Aircraft Controls 1

Saints Row IV Aircraft Controls 2

Saints Row IV Aircraft Controls 2

Cat and Mouse message and incorrect HUD text

Cat and Mouse message and incorrect HUD text

Voice Commands Page 1 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 1 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 2 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 2 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 3 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 3 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 4 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 4 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 5 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 5 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 6 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 6 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 7 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 7 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 8 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Voice Commands Page 8 - Saints Row IV Re-Elected

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - General

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Keyboard Controls - General

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - General II

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Keyboard Controls - General II

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - On Foot

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Keyboard Controls - On Foot

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - On Foot II

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Keyboard Controls - On Foot II

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - On Foot III

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Keyboard Controls - On Foot III

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - Car & Bike

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Keyboard Controls - Car & Bike

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - Car & Bike II

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Keyboard Controls - Car & Bike II

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Set Keys & Buttons - Tank

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Keyboard Controls - Tank

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Gamepad Options

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - On Foot Controls

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Gamepad Controls - On Foot

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - On Foot Controls II

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Gamepad Controls - On Foot II

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - Driving Controls

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Gamepad Controls - Driving

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - Driving Controls II

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Gamepad Controls - Driving II

Saints Row Gat out of Hell - Main Menu - Options - Controls - Gamepad - Control Schemes - Flight Controls

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Gamepad Controls - Flight

