Activating a Commentary node causes Gat or Kinzie to say something, usually related to the surroundings. Some Commentaries play automatically, some require a button press, and some require turning to face a certain object before they speak.
Unlike the majority of the game, Gat and Kinzie have unique Commentaries, and they cannot activate each other's Commentaries. Each Commentary is located in approximately the same place and they comment on the same things.
They each have 30 Commentaries, and they each have a separate challenge tracking how many have been found.
Like other random dialogue lines in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, Commentaries have subtitles. Unlike Tomes, Commentaries cannot be replayed.
Quote and Description
Well. It's a rock.
— Johnny Gat
That is a big arch... which really doesn't impress me too much considering I'm surrounded by floating buildings and lava...
— Kinzie
Defensible... good visibility... I could have some fun here...
— Johnny Gat
They have floating platforms and occult stop lights but they still need a belltower? Someone's hanging onto the past...
— Kinzie
Yeah I don't think I wanna know what's happening behind that door...
— Johnny Gat
After the boss is safe, I should come by and see what the fuss is about...
— Kinzie
Well, looks like someone got to this building before I did...
— Johnny Gat
It's like standing on the leaning Tower of Pisa, only it's a building not a tower, and we're in a slum in Hell instead of Italy. But otherwise, pretty close..
— Kinzie
I doubt they have enough room in that building to fit all the politicians in hell.
— Johnny Gat
Evil politicians... it's like a little slice of home.
— Kinzie
I've wanted a lava moat since I was 4.
— Johnny Gat
Just think, this castle was probably built to defend against the forces of heaven. Pretty awesome.
— Kinzie
Wonder if Julius is in there...
— Johnny Gat
Oh look... a satanic cathedral... nothing creepy about that.
— Kinzie
I could put together a helluva curriculum down here: knife work 101, improvised assault, murdering people on one good leg... maybe teaching is my true calling...
— Johnny Gat
Hate to see what the student loans look like down here...
— Kinzie
Satan wanted to impress me he'd have an actual fucking dragon, not just some bullshit statue...
— Johnny Gat
Matt gave me a shirt with an airbrushed dragon on it for my birthday. It was kind of awesome.
— Kinzie
Far be it for me to tell the Devil how to do his job, but I was running things? This thing would have guns... lots and lots of guns...
— Johnny Gat
These floating platforms are incredible. I wonder how they work?