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A single cluster.
Clusters are collectibles in Saints Row IV and Saints Row: Gat out of Hell.[1][2]
Clusters are used as a type of currency to upgrade your Super Powers in Saints Row IV. There are 4 different types of clusters throughout the world:
- Regular Clusters: Simply walk or jump through to acquire.
- Blast Clusters: Hidden in walls this requires the Blast super power.
- TK Clusters: Large floating spheres that must be thrown using the Telekinesis super power in order to shatter.
- Stomp Clusters: Similar to a Blast Cluster; these are hidden on the ground or the floor of a roof and require the Stomp super power.
Once released, Clusters can be picked up either on foot or by a vehicle.
In Gat out of Hell, Soul Clusters behave very similarly to those in Saints Row IV, and there are two ways of obtaining them.
- Regular Clusters: Simply walk or jump through to acquire.
- Swap Clusters: Exchanging a portion of your Wages for Soul Clusters.
- "Swap - Wages for Clusters": Exchange 7000 Wages for 35 Soul Clusters.
- "Swap - Wages for Clusters 2": Exchange 23000 Wages for 80 Soul Clusters.
- "Swap - Wages for Clusters 3": Exchange 39000 Wages for 105 Soul Clusters.
- There are a total of 1255 Clusters in Saints Row IV.
- It takes 1065 Clusters to upgrade every superpower, leaving 190 surplus.
- They are similar to agility orbs in the Crackdown series.
- Hidden clusters usually contain three regular clusters.
- If a special cluster is released, but not collected, it resets after leaving the area.
- In Enter the Dominatrix, Clusters were originally known as "Code Fragments".[3]
- Picking up a Cluster instantly refills the Power meter.
- Clusters are easier to spot from a distance at night because of them being bright.
- There are a total of 940 Soul Clusters in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell.
- Hope there's not something ridiculous like 100 of these to find...
- — Johnny Gat, upon collecting the first cluster
- This is gonna be bad for my OCD.
- — Kinzie, upon collecting the first cluster
- You're a neurotic completionist.
- — Johnny Gat, upon collecting all clusters
- I'm done! Now I need to find something else to neuotically collect...
- — Kinzie, upon collecting all clusters
- ↑ YouTube: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell PAX Prime Gameplay Demo
- ↑ Image: Soul Clusters description
- ↑ Saints Row Wiki: Leaked Achievement list