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Saints Row Wiki

Challenges are group of Diversions in Saints Row: The Third.


Completing Challenges earns money and respect. The Challenges and progress can be viewed via the Saintsbook menu of the Cellphone.

Challenges are not counted towards 100% Completion.

Completing each Challenge earns $1500 Cash and 500 Respect, with 3 exceptions.

  • Completing all Enemy Gang Operations earns $3000 Cash and 1000 Respect
  • Completing all Survival locations earns $3000 Cash and 1000 Respect
  • Streaking for 600 seconds earns $5001 Cash and 1 Respect


Type Objective Goal Unl Description
01Ui sb cha brute Kill Kill Brutes 30

HUD 20%
m06 Oleg : Do I have any familial sentiment for my pseudo-brethren? No. No, I do not. I would appreciate you removing as many of them as you can.

Kill Brutes
02Ui sb cha headshot Kill Get Headshots 500

HUD 10%
m03 Pierce : Johnny always appreciated a good headshot. Do him proud and see how many you can get.

Kill Any Hostile But Police (Headshot)
03Ui sb cha nutshot Kill Get Nutshots 25

m03 Shaundi : Johnny liked headshots, but why be lethal when you can hit them where it really hurts?

Kill Any Hostile But Police (Nutshot)
04Ui sb cha grenade Kill Get Grenade Slot Kills

Grenade Kills

HUD 20%
m03 Burton Hale : We at Friendly Fire are considering offering a grenade sampler for the upcoming holiday rush. Test some out and let me know if they're worth it.

Kill Any Hostile But Police (Weapon Thrown)
05Ui sb cha car Destroy Destroy Cars

Cars Destroyed

HUD 10%
m03 Scrapyard Sloan : Sloan's Scrapyard pays good money for wrecked steel. Car wrecks, that is. Find me some junk, will ya?

Destroy Any Automobile
06Ui sb cha heli Destroy Destroy Helicopters

Helicopters Destroyed

HUD 10%
m03 Scrapyard Sloan : Don't care if it fell out of the sky... I'll pay good money for it.

Destroy Any Helicopter
07Ui sb cha boat Destroy Destroy Boats

Boats Destroyed

HUD 20%
m03 Scrapyard Sloan : There's a growing market for slightly damaged boats. Create some, and I'll make it worth yer while. Might be exaggerating the 'slightly' part...

Destroy Any Watercraft
08Ui sb cha tank Destroy Destroy Tanks

Tanks Destroyed

HUD 20%
m03 Scrapyard Sloan : I pay for scrap steel by the ton, so it stands to reason the heaviest steel things out there pay the most. Time's a wastin'!

Destroy Challenger, ASP, Crusader
09Ui sb cha boduken Special Carjack Vehicles


HUD 10%
m03 Trix Vickers : Listen, sweetie, I'll be blunt. FUZZ needs crime footage badly, so sometimes you just have to give criminals a little nudge. 'Nudge, Nudge!'

Special Vehicle Hijacks
10Ui sb cha mascot Kill Kill Mascots

Mascots Killed

HUD 5%
m03 Pierce : These foam-rubber assholes just creep me out. Ever since I was a kid, man. This hot dog guy, he... never mind. Just thin 'em out for me?

Kill Mascots (saintsflow, beer, joecola, hotdog, gat_mascot, dog, pig, gorilla, rabbit)
11Ui sb cha explore Stat Explore Every Hood

Hoods Explored

HUD 20%
m06 Oleg : There is no mistake, this conflict with The Syndicate is war. Getting to know your battlefield would be prudent.

Stat neighborhoods explored
12Ui sb cha shortcut Special Find Shortcuts

Shortcuts Found

HUD 10%
m06 Oleg : Sun Tzu once said 'The natural formation of the country is the soldier's best ally.' This applies to Steelport as well. Find shortcuts throughout the city.

Special GPS Shortcut Unlocks
13Ui sb cha hostage Stat Take Hostages

Hostages Taken

HUD 20%
m03 Wellmake Labs : Wellmake Labs has a stress-relief drug we call 'Catatonex'. Sales are down. The citizens of Steelport are too at ease. Naturally, we're turning to you for help

Stat hostage - hostages taken
14Ui sb cha holdup Stat Hold Up Stores

Stores Robbed

m03 Pierce : It never hurts to get back to basics, y'know? Holding up a few stores keeps you sharp, and brings in the petty cash.

Stat holdups - stores robbed
15Ui sb cha streak Stat Streak a while

Streaking Time

HUD 100%
m03 Shaundi : The Saints need to run a few deals in Steelport that need a... nonviolent distraction. Now I'm not saying you have to do this, but it might be fun.

Stat streaking - total time
16Ui sb cha bigair Stat Big Air Distance

Big Air Distance

HUD 25%
m03 Speed Phreak : You know what I like to see, dude? Fast cars and big air. So you gonna go hit some jumps or what?

Stat big air - total distance
17Ui sb cha taunt Stat Taunt Gang Members

Gang Members Taunted

HUD 20%
m03 Pierce : Bein' a Saint isn't just about the guns, or the clothes, or the money

Stat taunting - total gang members taunted
18Ui sb cha vehiclesurf Stat Vehicle Surf a while

Vehicle Surfing Time

HUD 20%
m03 Aimee : Trust me, boss, vehicle surfing is the bomb! Try it out, why don't ya? You're gonna love it!

Stat vehicle surfing - total time surfing
19Ui sb cha windshield Stat Windshield Cannon Distance

Windshield Cannon Distance

HUD 25%
m03 Dr. Hastings : I'm writing a paper for a conference, 'Characteristics of Laceration in Relation to Human Ballistics', but I need more data! Care to volunteer?

Stat windshield cannon - total distance
20Ui sb cha runover Stat Run Over Civilians

People Run Over

HUD 10%
m03 Dr. Hastings : When it comes to blunt-force trauma analysis, you can never have a large enough sample size. That's my opinion at least.

Stat people run over
21Ui sb cha wronglane Stat Drive in the Oncoming Lane

Oncoming Lane Distance

HUD 10%
m03 Trix Vickers : You know, nothing gets people to tune in to FUZZ like a homicidal maniac behind the wheel. What do you say, can you be that homicidal maniac?

Stat wrong way - total distance
22Ui sb cha wheelie Stat Wheelie a Motorcycle Distance

Wheelie Distance

HUD 20%
m03 Speed Phreak : You're pretty solid, but nobody's mastered the wheelie like The Speed Phreak! I'll lay money you're not half as elite as me!

Stat wheelie - total distance
23Ui sb cha powerslide Stat Powerslide for a while

Powerslide Time

HUD 20%
m03 Speed Phreak : Man, I just love the sound of squealin' rubber! Show me some awesome powerslides and you'll have The Phreak's respect!

Stat drifting - total time
24Ui sb cha specialdeckers Kill Kill Decker Specialists

Decker Specialists Killed

HUD 20%
m07 Kinzie : There's some Deckers who must be neutralized, because they're on the brink of cracking The Ouroboros Protocols. You... really don't want to know what that means.

Kill npc_deckers_rollerblader
25Ui sb cha speciallucha Kill Kill Luchadore Specialists

Luchadore Specialists Killed

HUD 20%
m07 Angel : Luchadore ringleaders fight real dirty, which is all the more reason we need to get them off the street.

Kill npc_luchador_grenadier
26Ui sb cha specialmorn Kill Kill Morningstar Specialists

Morningstar Specialists Killed

HUD 20%
m07 Zimos : I figure if you cut off the Morningstars' head, the chickens'll... come home to roost? Man, screw this metaphor shit... just kill these suckers!

Kill npc_morningstar_sniper
27Ui sb cha stagcommando Kill Kill STAG Commandos

Stag Commandos Killed

HUD 20%
m10 Viola : As I've said, STAG's equipment and training shouldn't be taken lightly. Taking out some Commandos should dull their tactical edge.

Kill npc_stag_stagcommando
28Ui sb cha nearmisses Stat Total Near Misses

Near Misses

HUD 10%
m03 Trix Vickers : People don't tune in to FUZZ for riveting social drama

Stat near miss - total missed vehicles
29Ui sb cha bailout Stat Bail Out Distance

Car Torpedo Total Damage

HUD 20%
m03 TRIX VICKERS : Nothing juices FUZZ's ratings like big, crunchy, car crashes. Twisted metal and flying body parts tested well in all markets, so ... you know what you need to do, hmmm?

Stat driver bailout - respect earned
30Ui sb cha vehiclemod Special Spend Money Modding Vehicles

Vehicle Mod Spending

HUD 20%
m07 Zimos : You want to roll in this town, baby, you gotta learn to pimp your ride! And who knows that better than the finest pimp in Steelport?

Special Items Purchased (Vehicle Customization)
31Ui sb cha humanshield Stat Take Human Shields

Human Shields Used

HUD 6.66%
m03 Wellmake Labs : For Wellmake Labs, every scared citizen is a potential customer. It should cause our sales of Catatonex to skyrocket. That's profit we can pass to our partners.

Stat human shield - total shields taken
32Ui sb cha twowheel Stat Drive Distance on 2 Wheels

Two-Wheel Distance

HUD 100
m03 Speed Phreak : Nothing bores me faster than a car with all four wheels on the pavement. You and me are gonna show Steelport what driving's all about!

Stat two wheels - total distance
33Ui sb cha stoppie Stat Stoppie Motorcycle Distance

Stoppie Distance

HUD 100
m03 Speed Phreak : Any newb can do a wheelie. But stoppies... they're a whole 'nother beast, man. Let's see if you got what it takes to be Steelport's Cycle King.

Stat stoppie - total distance
34Ui sb cha multikills Stat Get Multi-Kills


HUD 10%
m03 Pierce : We gotta keep ourselves sharp if we want to survive in Steelport. Layin' down the hurt fast and furious is one sure way to do that

Stat multi kill - total multi kills
35Ui sb cha basejump Special Parachute Landings on target

Basejumps Nailed

HUD 6.66%
m03 Mr. Roller : Here's a bet I'm sure you'll jump at, pun intended. Think you can nail 15 landings while parachuting? I'll give you 3 to 1 odds...

Special Max Reward Base Jumps
36Ui sb cha melee Kill No Weapon Kills

No-Weapons Kills

HUD 10%
m07 Angel : In the ring, you can't count on guns, or knives. Hell, you can't even count on your partner. So you learn to count on your only friends

Kill Any Hostile But Police (Weapon Fist)
37Ui sb cha compliment Stat Compliment People

Compliments Paid

HUD 20%
m06 Oleg : While the phrase is overused, the idea behind 'winning over hearts and minds' is sound. Perhaps you should cultivate some goodwill for the Saints.

Stat taunting - total compliments given
38Ui sb cha drivedistance Stat Drive Distance

Distance Travelled

HUD 5%
m03 Speed Phreak : Only way to know the streets of Steelport well enough to be a street racing legend like me is to drive them over and over again.

Stat distance by vehicle
39Ui sb cha gangop Special Destroy Enemy Gang Operations

Gang Ops Defeated

HUD 12.5%
m03 Pierce : Money makes the world move. If we can cut off the other guys' cash from their operations, we'll be closer to running this town

Special Flashpoints Defeated
40Ui sb cha survival Special Complete Survival

Survival Completed

HUD 20%
m03 Pierce : Hey, I know you've survived a lot of shit, but this'll prove it to any asshole who's still got their doubts.

Special Survival Wins
41Ui sb cha smartcars Destroy Destroy Smart Cars

Emus Destroyed

m06 Oleg : While perhaps irrational, the impracticality of these little vehicles for someone of my size annoys me. Why not encourage people to drive something else?

Destroy Emu
42 Special Get Kills Using A Human Shield (disabled)

Kills W/ Human Shield

HUD 20%
_ Wellmake Labs : Special Kills While Using Human Shield
43 Stat Find Barnstorming Locations (disabled) 50

HUD 20%
_ Aimee : Stat barnstorms found
44 Special Do Parachute Moves (disabled)

Parachuting Tricks

HUD 20%
m07 Angel : Special Acrobatic Moves
45 Stat Die A Lot (disabled)

Times Smoked

HUD 10%
m06 Oleg : Stat deaths
46 Special Fall And Live (disabled)

Falling Distance Survived

HUD 10%
_ Dr. Hastings : Special Fall Distance
47 Special Get Grabbed By Brutes (disabled)

Grabbed By Brutes

HUD 20%
m07 Angel : Special Brute QTE Attacks
48 Stat Earn Respect (disabled)

Respect Earned

HUD 10%
_ Shaundi : Stat total respect
49 Destroy Destroy Motorcycles (disabled)

Motorcycles Destroyed

HUD 20%
_ Scrapyard Sloan : Destroy Any Motorcycle
50 Destroy Destroy Smart Cars (disabled)

Emus Destroyed

HUD 20%
m06 Oleg : Destroy Halberd
51 Stat Big Air Height (disabled) 500

HUD 100
_ Speed Phreak : Stat big air - total height
52 Kill Get Chainsaw Kills (disabled) 100

HUD 25%
_ Burton Hale : Kill Weapon Woodsman
53 Special Carjak STAG Vehicles (disabled)

Stag Vehicles Carjacked

HUD 20%
m10 Viola : Special Vehicle Hijacks (STAG)
54 Special Spend Money At Planet Saints (disabled)

Planet Saints Purchases

HUD 20%
_ Shaundi : Special Items Purchased (Weapon Store)
55 Stat Snatch Hos (disabled)

Ho's Snatched

HUD 10%
m07 Zimos : Stat snatch - hos claimed
56 Special Parachute Distance (disabled)

Parachute Falling

HUD 20%
_ Aimee : Special Fall Distance with Parachute
57 Stat Fire Shots (disabled)

Bullets Fired

HUD 1000
_ Burton Hale : Stat shots fired
58 Notoriety Time At Max Luchadore Notoriety (disabled)

High Notoriety

HUD 100%
m07 Angel : Notoriety Luchadores
59 Notoriety Time At Max Decker Notoriety (disabled)

High Notoriety

HUD 100%
m07 Kinzie : Notoriety Deckers
60 Notoriety Time At Max Morningstar Notoriety (disabled)

High Notoriety

HUD 100%
m07 Zimos : Notoriety Morningstar
61 Notoriety Time At Max Police Notoriety (disabled)

High Notoriety

HUD 100%
_ Pierce : Notoriety Police
62 Special Take Damage (disabled)

Damage Taken

HUD 10%
_ Dr. Hastings : Special Total Damage To Player
63 Kill Get Melee Kills (disabled)

Melee Kills

HUD 10%
m06 Oleg : Kill Melee
64 Destroy Destroy STAG Vehicles (disabled) 25

HUD 20%
m10 Viola : Destroy STAG
65 Destroy Destroy Police Vehicles (disabled) 50

HUD 20%
_ Pierce : Destroy Police
66 Destroy Destroy Decker Vehicles (disabled) 50

HUD 20%
m07 Kinzie : Destroy Deckers
67 Destroy Destroy Morningstar Vehicles (disabled) 50

HUD 20%
m07 Zimos : Destroy Morningstar
68 Destroy Destroy Luchadore Vehicles (disabled) 50

HUD 20%
m06 Angel : Destroy Luchadores
69 Kill Kill STAG (disabled) 250

HUD 10%
m10 Viola : Kill STAG
70 Kill Kill Police (disabled) 500

HUD 10%
_ Pierce : Kill Police
71 Kill Kill Deckers (disabled) 500

HUD 10%
m07 Kinzie : Kill Deckers
72 Kill Kill Morningstar (disabled) 500

HUD 10%
m07 Zimos : Kill Morningstar
73 Kill Kill Luchadores (disabled) 500

HUD 10%
m07 Angel : Kill Luchadores


  • Completing the first challenge unlocks the Achievement/Trophy "Shake and Bake"
  • Completing all challenges unlocks the Achievement/Trophy "You're My Hero!"
  • Although not all challenges are available from the start of the game, progress can be gained for challenges which are not yet available, including completing challenges.


Challenge menu in Saints Row The Third

Challenge menu in Saints Row: The Third

Saintsbook Contact - Aimee

Saintsbook Contact - Aimee

Saintsbook Contact - Angel

Saintsbook Contact - Angel

Saintsbook Contact - Burton Hale

Saintsbook Contact - Burton Hale

Saintsbook Contact - Dr

Saintsbook Contact - Dr. Hastings

Saintsbook Contact - Kinzie

Saintsbook Contact - Kinzie

Saintsbook Contact - Mr

Saintsbook Contact - Mr. Roller

Saintsbook Contact - Oleg

Saintsbook Contact - Oleg

Saintsbook Contact - Pierce

Saintsbook Contact - Pierce

Saintsbook Contact - Scrapyard Sloan

Saintsbook Contact - Scrapyard Sloan

Saintsbook Contact - Shaundi

Saintsbook Contact - Shaundi

Saintsbook Contact - Speed Phreak

Saintsbook Contact - Speed Phreak

Saintsbook Contact - Trix Vickers

Saintsbook Contact - Trix Vickers

Saintsbook Contact - Viola

Saintsbook Contact - Viola

Saintsbook Contact - Wellmake Labs

Saintsbook Contact - Wellmake Labs

Saintsbook Contact - Zimos

Saintsbook Contact - Zimos

Saintsbook Contact - LT Handy

Unused Saintsbook Contact - LT Handy

Saintsbook Contact - Monte

Unused Saintsbook Contact - Monte

Saintsbook Contact - Ramada

Unused Saintsbook Contact - Ramada
