Saints Row Wiki
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Cash next to skateboard in Saints Row 2

Screenshot of Cash and skateboard in Saints Row 2

Cash is the main currency in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: Total Control and Saints Row: The Third.
In Saints Row IV, Cash is replaced with Cache, which has same function as Cash.[1]
In Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Cache is replaced with Wages.[2][Reference needed]

This page is about the currency.
For the "Cash" or "Cache" Cellphone menu, see City Income.


In Saints Row, Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third, Cash is represented in the game world by wads of notes and spent at Stores. Civilians and enemies drop Cash when killed, and is also scattered when breaking open Gambling machines, ATMs, vending machines, newspaper stands, parking meters and cash registers.

Cash is also awarded upon completion of missions and activities, although it is added directly and is not seen in-game.

In Saints Row and Saints Row 2, NPCs have a 25% chance of dropping Cash when killed.

When destroyed, Titans scatter a great deal of cash.

The maximum amount of Cash/Cache is $/Cache20,000,000 in all games.[Reference needed]

Saints Row: Total Control[]

In Saints Row: Total Control, Cash is used to purchase most things, but Premium weapons and features require Gold instead.

Gold cannot be acquired within the game itself and can only be purchased with US dollars. It is used to purchase special features like instant take-over or Premium Weapons. Some parts of the game are impossible to complete without purchasing premium features.


  • In Saints Row, the Cheat to give $1000 is #66639 (#money).
  • In Saints Row 2, the Cheat to give $1000 is #2274666399 (#cashmoneyz).
  • In Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV, the Cheat to give $/Cache100,000 is "cheese".
  • Despite "Cash" being referred to as "Cache" in Saints Row IV, the cheat still refers to it as "Cash".


Cash closeup of 20s in Saints Row

Closeup of 20s in Saints Row

Cash closeup of 100s in Saints Row

Closeup of 100s in Saints Row

Cash - stack of 20 dollar bills in Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2 Cash

Cash - stack of 100 dollar bills in Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2 Cash

Max Stash Cash in Saints Row 2

Max Stash Cash in Saints Row 2

Cash - You don't have enough Money

Cash - You don't have enough Money

Cash in Saints Row The Third

Saints Row: The Third Cash

Cash Saints Row The Third moneystack d

Saints Row: The Third Cash stack

Cash in Gang Bang cutscene in Saints Row The Third

Cash in a busker's case in Gang Bang

Cache in Saints Row IV

Cache in Saints Row IV

Cache menu in Saints Row IV

Cache menu screen in Saints Row IV

