The Broken Shillelagh is an enterable building in Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV.[1]
The Broken Shillelagh is a small bar located in the Loren Square Neighborhood of the Downtown District of Steelport. It is frequently used by Pierce to meet and discuss plans.[2] It's also where the Saints hold the wake for fallen homies after killing Killbane.[3]
In Saints Row IV, the Broken Shillelagh is where the portal to other character's simulations appears, such as Matt Miller's[4], Shaundi's[5], Benjamin King's[6], Pierce's[7] and Asha Odekar's[8].
The sign for the Broken Shillelagh is a neon sign with rough lettering.
There is a large patio in front of the bar, and the interior features two pool tables, a few video games, some tables, and a long wooden bar.
- A Shillelagh is a type of Irish club.
- Pierce likes this bar because of the cheap beer and homely customers.[2]
- Viola argues against meeting at the place, claiming "sports bars aren't [her] thing".[9]
- This bar is one of few places where the door is always open and the interior is always accessible.
- There are two arcade games inside:
- Zombie Uprising 2, the sequel to Zombie Uprising.
- Saints Row 3, featuring a Saints Row-styled "Saints Row 3" logo, and discarded concept art.
- The street signs on the walls change between Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV.
- Civilians may perform various actions inside, including vomiting and using the jukebox or pinball machine.
- The sign on the wall incorrectly mentions Steelport as Bridgeport as Bridgeport was Steelport's name during development of the game.
- Oleg and Josh are inside the Broken Shillelagh when the Earth is destroyed.[10]
- Decorating the walls are street signs named after developers of the game.[11]
- DUARTE st, named after Victor Duarte, a world builder
- HAWK st, named after Seth Hawk, a weapons and prop designer
- KIRKLAND st, named after Marc Kirkland
- PAYNE st, named after David Payne, the weapons and prop art lead
- QUIRK st, named after Samuel James Quirk
- SCHMIDT st, named after Ryan Schmidt
- ANAYA st, named after Mike Anaya
- CLAFLIN st, named after Chris Claflin, area art director

The player outside of the Broken Shillelagh

The outside of the bar

Broken Shillelagh exterior

Broken Shillelagh interior

Broken Shillelagh interior

Pinball machine and arcade games inside the Broken Shillelagh

Broken Shillelagh mural

Saints Row 3 arcade game skin

Street signs featuring names of the developers in Saints Row: The Third

Broken Shillelagh - bottle labels

Street signs featuring names of the developers in Saints Row IV

Oleg with Josh inside the Broken Shillelagh in Saints Row IV
- ↑ YouTube: IGN Live Presents: Saints Row IV
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Mission: We've Only Just Begun
- ↑ Mission: STAG Film
- ↑ Mission: Miller-Space
- ↑ Mission: De Plane Boss
- ↑ Mission: King Me
- ↑ Mission: The Saints Flow
- ↑ Mission: The Case of Mr. X
- ↑ Mission: A Remote Chance
- ↑ Image: [[:File:Oleg and Josh Birk in the Broken Shillelagh in Saints Row IV.png|Oleg with Josh inside the Broken Shillelagh in Saints Row IV.]]
- ↑ Image: Broken Shillelegh street signs