Blast gives the ability to throw powerful attacks at people and vehicles. it is the required Super Power needed to unlock Blast Clusters.
The Blast power is the first offensive Power unlocked in the game,[2] and can disable Warden Shields temporarily when hit.
Way to unlock
Frozen enemies are stuck in place and damage to them is greatly increased. Frozen vehicles lose control, even if they're flying. disabled when frozen. Enemies killed while frozen shatters into pieces.
Enemies explodes and can cause chain reactions, resulting in numerous enemies exploding and being killed. Enemies killed by explosions also get deleted.
You can now shoot energy at enemies with Blast! Use the Blast button to quick-switch to Blast.
Element - Freeze
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Freeze your enemies, then use your guns on them for double damage! The Freeze Element will stiffen your targets, causing your guns to deal double the damage! Switch Elements in the Powers menu. Your homies can help you find more Blast Elements!
Element - Fire
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Let pyromania ensue as you rain down hellfire on your enemies! Double tap Blast to quick-switch between Blast Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
Element - Mind Control
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Create a massive data surge around you that causes enemies to glitch out and fight for you! Double tap Blast to quick-switch between Blast Elements. Or switch Elements in the Powers menu.
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BLAST_FREEZE: Targets take even more damage while frozen. BLAST_FIRE: Targets take more damage per second while on fire. BLAST_GLITCH: Increases the amount of targets that can be controlled at once. 175% Blast_damage, Glitch max targets = 2.5
Recharge 4
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Blast no longer uses Energy. No Blast_recharge
Increases Blast's area of effect range.
Area 2
Greatly increases Blast's area of effect range.
Area 3
Maximizes Blast's area of effect range. Blast entire intersections!
Targets remain affected by Blast longer. 150% Blast_duration
Explosive Deaths
BLAST_FREEZE: Targets explode when shattered, damaging everything around them. BLAST_FIRE: Targets explode when they die, spreading the fire to anyone nearby. BLAST_GLITCH: Targets explode when they die, glitching nearby enemies.
Blast Energy recharges faster. 80% Blast_recharge_time
Recharge 2
Blast Energy recharges even faster. 65% Blast_recharge_time
Recharge 3
Blast Energy recharges very quickly. 55% Blast_recharge_time
Damage 2
Disabled 10
Targets take much more damage when frozen. 250% Blast_damage, Glitch max targets = 4
Mind Control is also known as Glitch Blast.
Characters being Mind Controlled exhibit Glitch effects.
It is also possible to freeze or burn targets using the Freeze or Fire element of Buff.
All characters who are Mind Controlled get Heavy Pistols if they don't have any weapon.
Wardens and Super Saints are capable of using the blast power. Wardens charge up the blast power and shoot it out their mouth's, whereas other NPCs charge it up in a way similar to a Hadouken from the Street Fighter series of games. Enemy energy blasts are always red whereas allied energy blasts are blue.
Enemy blast attacks can be caught and thrown with Telekinesis, but don't do any damage.