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Bending the Rules is a mission in Saints Row IV.


This mission is the first part of the "Time to Increase the Tempo" objective of the "Learn The Rules..." Quest.[1]

This mission consists of retrieving 4 Clusters, buying two Powers, and completing a training simulation.

Upon completion of this mission, Blazin is auto-started, but this mission is not registered as completed until the Blazin is completed.


Find Data Cluster (4)
Access Hub Menu
Access Powers Menu
Complete Training



  • If Clusters are collected while in a vehicle, the pick-up animation is not played. After purchasing both Super Powers, Playa is removed from any vehicle, and perform the power-up animation even when currently in the air or water.
  • If the game is saved and reloaded after gaining Super Powers, they are kept.
    • If this is done after beginning Blazin, it is possible to start Blazin from a map marker without having to replay the entire mission.
    • If the mission is restarted, either from the exit screen, or from the menu, the Super Powers are removed.
  • When the mission is cancelled and restarted, Playa appears at Kinzie's Warehouse with a parked white Saints Infuego.
  • The rewards for this mission are given immediately upon finishing the training simulation, with separate rewards given for completing Blazin, making for a total of $7000 and 1500 respect.



These data clusters seem to be loose bits of code left behind by the simulation for some reason. I've only been able to locate a small amount right now, which I'm having trouble locking on to. Once in the general area of a cluster I should be able to direct you to its location.
— Kinzie, "Mission Brief"


Playa - Female 1: "Kinzie, what exactly are these things you're sending me after?"
Playa - Female 2: "Kinzie, please explain what are these things you send me after?"
Playa - Female 3: "Kinzie, what the hell do you have me picking up?"
Playa - Male 1: "Kinzie, why are you sending me after these things and where exactly are they?"
Playa - Male 2: "Kinzie, what're these things you're sending me after, and what am I supposed to DO with them?"
Playa - Male 3: "Once again, Kinzie, I know fuck-all about what you've got me doing or why I'm doing it."
Nolan North: "Kinzie, why are you sending me after these things and where exactly are they?"
Kinzie: "I'm still trying to figure out precisely what they are, but they seem like they'll be useful. There are several near my warehouse. I can't pinpoint their exact locations, but I marked the general areas for you."
Playa - Female 1: "Fine..."
Playa - Female 2: "Very well..."
Playa - Female 3: "Why not?"
Playa - Male 1: "Um, okay..."
Playa - Male 2: "Sure..."
Playa - Male 3: "Might as well..."
Nolan North: "Um, okay..."
— "Mission Start"
Watch your proximity meter to see if you're getting closer to the cluster or farther away.
— Kinzie, "Proximity Reminder"

Playa - Female 1: "Got one, Kinzie. Is it safe to touch?"
Playa - Female 2: "There is one nearby, Kinzie. I am safe to approach?"
Playa - Female 3: "It's safe, right? This thing isn't gonna irradiate me?"
Playa - Male 1: "Think I got one, Kinzie. You sure this thing's safe?"
Playa - Male 2: "Locked on, Kinzie. How safe is this thing?"
Playa - Male 3: "I'm close, Kinzie. How safe is it to nick this thing?"
Nolan North: "Think I got one, Kinzie. You sure this thing's safe?"
Kinzie: "Safe-ish... just keep getting them."
— "Find First Cluster"
Playa - Female 1: "Finally a song I like. Come on, Kinzie, sing along..."
Playa - Female 2: "Ah, this song is magnifique. Join me in a duet, Kinzie."
Playa - Female 3: "Oh Paula! You're my spirit animal!"
Playa - Male 1: "Oh, I love this song. Come on, Kinzie, sing it with me."
Playa - Male 2: "Oh oh oh oh! I get to be Paula, you're MC Skat Kat!"
Playa - Male 3: "Yes! This song is brilliant. Sing with me, Kinzie."
Nolan North: "Oh, I love this song. Kinzie! Kinzie, you gotta sing this with me."
Kinzie: "No, I don't think so."
Playa - Female 1: "Come on, please, Kinzie. You can be the Kat!"
Playa - Female 2: "I insist! I'll even let you be the Kat."
Playa - Female 3: "Come on, Kinzie. You can't stonewall Paula!"
Playa - Male 1: "Oh come on. I'll even let you be the Kat."
Playa - Male 2: "The fuck you mean, "don't think so." You're playing the goddamn Kat!"
Playa - Male 3: "Oh, this is happening, even if I have to let you be the Kat."
Nolan North: "Oh come on. I'll even let you be the Kat."
Kinzie: "Not gonna happen."
Playa - Female 1: "We come together... come on, your turn, Kinzie, "and you know-- it ain't fiction...""
Playa - Female 2: "We come together... Your line Kinzie, "and you know-- it ain't fiction...""
Playa - Female 3: "We come together... Go, Kinzie, go: "and you know-- it ain't fiction...""
Playa - Male 1: "We come together... now your turn, come on, "and you know... it ain't fiction..." COME ON!"
Playa - Male 2: "We come together... Ready, girl? "and you know-- it ain't fiction...""
Playa - Male 3: "We come together... You're up, Kinzie: "and you know-- it ain't fiction...""
Nolan North: "We come together... now your turn, come on, "and you know-- it ain't fiction..." COME ON! SING IT!"
Kinzie: "No."
Playa - Female 1: "Kinzie, you're gonna sing for your Commander In Chief."
Playa - Female 2: "Kinzie, your President wants you to do this."
Playa - Female 3: "That was an executive order!"
Playa - Male 1: "Kinzie, that's an order from your President."
Playa - Male 2: "Are you refusing a Presidential order?"
Playa - Male 3: "That is a direct order, Ms. Kensington."
Nolan North: "Kinzie, that's an order from your President."
Kinzie: "Fuck. That."
Playa - Female 1: "That coulda been a real bonding experience..."
Playa - Female 2: "Your lack of esprit de corps is noted, young lady."
Playa - Female 3: "See, this is why I don't let you borrow my sweaters."
Playa - Male 1: "This is why we aren't closer."
Playa - Male 2: "You just don't make an effort anymore."
Playa - Male 3: "And you wonder why I don't have you to tea anymore."
Nolan North: "See? See... this is why no one likes you."
— "Fake Sing A Long"
Playa - Female 1: "Picking up another."
Playa - Female 2: "Another is around here."
Playa - Female 3: "Found another!"
Playa - Male 1: "All right, got another."
Playa - Male 2: "Found another one."
Playa - Male 3: "Reading another cluster."
Nolan North: "All right, got another."
— "Find 2nd Cluster"
Kinzie: "This data is amazing. Incomplete, but amazing."
Playa - Female 1: "I'm afraid to ask, but how is it amazing?"
Playa - Female 2: "I fear I shall regret this, is it amazing?"
Playa - Female 3: "I'll be sorry I asked, but how is it amazing?"
Playa - Male 1: "I know I'm going to regret this, but how is it amazing?"
Playa - Male 2: "*sigh* I'll bite: how is it amazing?"
Playa - Male 3: "Details, Kinzie. And try to keep 'em simple."
Nolan North: "I know I'm going to regret this, but how is it amazing?"
Kinzie: "It seems that anything that broke the normal rules of the simulation deposited loose data that can be incorporated into your programming."
Playa - Female 1: "Okay... that actually made some kind of sense."
Playa - Female 2: "Remarkable. I am following your train of thought."
Playa - Female 3: "How 'bout that? You actually made sense."
Playa - Male 1: "Hmmm, I actually kinda understand that."
Playa - Male 2: "Weird, but I actually kinda got that."
Playa - Male 3: "Strewth. I think I actually understood that."
Nolan North: "Holy shit! I actually kinda understand that. Haa..."
Kinzie: "But since the data is so fragmented it doesn't leave behind a complete subroutine to loop into your code base."
Playa - Female 1: "Nope, you lost me again."
Playa - Female 2: "Alas, we are derailed again."
Playa - Female 3: "Aw, you were doing so well for a second there."
Playa - Male 1: "Nope, never mind, you're talking gibberish again."
Playa - Male 2: "Forget it -- you're back to geek-speak."
Playa - Male 3: "Annd... back to the gibberish."
Nolan North: "Nope, never mind, you're talking gibberish again."
Kinzie: "Ugh, it's simple; the more clusters you get, the more you can upgrade and alter your abilities."
Playa - Female 1: "See, that's all you needed to say!"
Playa - Female 2: "Now we are speaking the same tongue!"
Playa - Female 3: "Now you're talking!"
Playa - Male 1: "Now we're talking the same language!"
Playa - Male 2: "Shoulda said that in the first place."
Playa - Male 3: "And Bob's your uncle!"
Nolan North: "Now we're talking the same language!"
— "2nd Drive Convo"
Playa - Female 1: "Do I need more than three of these things?"
Playa - Female 2: "Is three clusters sufficient?"
Playa - Female 3: "I got three. That enough?"
Playa - Male 1: "So, three of these enough?"
Playa - Male 2: "So, is three enough?"
Playa - Male 3: "So, will three of these suffice?"
Nolan North: "So, three of these enough?"
Kinzie: "Still missing some key fragments. Get one more and we'll see."
— "Find 3rd Cluster"
Playa - Female 1: "So if these data clumps--"
Playa - Female 2: "So if these data balls--"
Playa - Female 3: "So if these data doohickeys..."
Playa - Male 1: "So if these data thingies--"
Playa - Male 2: "So if this data stuff--"
Playa - Male 3: "So if these data biscuits--"
Nolan North: "So if these data thingies--"
Kinzie: "Ugh... Clusters."
Playa - Female 1: "Okay, clusters. If they're so useful why aren't Zinyak's people scooping them up?"
Playa - Female 2: "Oui, clusters. If they can be so useful, why are not Zinyak's people out gathering them?"
Playa - Female 3: "Clusters. Sure. If these dang cluster are so useful, why isn't Zinyak snatching 'em up??"
Playa - Male 1: "Fine, clusters. If they can be so useful then why isn't Zinyak sending his people out to collect them?"
Playa - Male 2: "Whatever. If they're so useful why isn't Zinyak collecting them?"
Playa - Male 3: "Right, clusters. If they can be so bloody useful, why does Zinyak leave 'em lying around?"
Nolan North: "Fine, clusters. If they can be so useful then why isn't Zinyak sending his people out to collect them?"
Kinzie: "Why would they need them?"
Playa - Female 1: "To make his people stronger or something? Look, you're the one who said they're "amazing"."
Playa - Female 2: "To amplify his power...? Did you not say these clusters are "amazing"?"
Playa - Female 3: "How the hell should I know? I don't know, you're the one who says they're so "amazing"."
Playa - Male 1: "To give his people a boost or something. I don't know, you're the one who says they're "amazing"."
Playa - Male 2: "To jack up his soldiers or something. Hey, you're the one who says they're the shit."
Playa - Male 3: "To give his soldiers more juice? I don't know, you said they're so "amazing"."
Nolan North: "To give his people a boost or something. I don't know, you're the one who says they're "amazing"."
Kinzie: "If Zinyak wants to change the code for his people, he can just... He WROTE the simulation."
Playa - Female 1: "But if he just leaves them lying around, then... Eh, never mind. I'll just accept this and move on."
Playa - Female 2: "But is he not concerned about... Oh, forget it. If this works, then it works."
Playa - Female 3: "But doesn't he want to keep us from... ah, you know, what? Forget it."
Playa - Male 1: "But what about keeping us from... You know what, never mind. I'm just going to accept this and move on."
Playa - Male 2: "But what about... Aw, hell, shit, never mind. I'm just gonna accept this and move on."
Playa - Male 3: "But doesn't he want to keep us from... Ah, sod it. I'll just accept this and move on."
Nolan North: "But what about keeping us from... You know what, never mind. I'm just going to accept this and move on."
Kinzie: "Probably better that way."
— "3rd Drive Convo"
Playa - Female 1: "Zinyak destroyed my apartment!"
Playa - Female 2: "Mon Dieu! Zinyak demolished my apartment!"
Playa - Female 3: "My apartment! Zinyak that's just cold."
Playa - Male 1: "Holy shit, Zinyak destroyed my apartment!"
Playa - Male 2: "What the fuck... Zinyak trashed my apartment!"
Playa - Male 3: "Holy shite, Zinyak destroyed my flat!"
Nolan North: "Holy shit, Zinyak destroyed my apartment!"
Kinzie: "That place should've been condemned a long time ago."
Playa - Female 1: "Just wish I could've saved my shoes..."
Playa - Female 2: "I thought it you say? ...character?"
Playa - Female 3: "Come on, girl, that place had charm."
Playa - Male 1: "Well I always thought it had character."
Playa - Male 2: "It WAS condemned. But it was mine."
Playa - Male 3: "Well, the ladies never complained."
Nolan North: "Condemned... Ugh, it's an ugly word. It had character."
— "Arrive at Apartment"
That should be enough. Let's see what I can do here... Check your HUB.
— Kinzie, "Collect Last Cluster"

Playa - Female 1: "This feels AMAZING!"
Playa - Female 2: "This feels MAGNIFIQUE!"
Playa - Female 3: "Lord have mercy!"
Playa - Male 1: "This feels AWESOME!"
Playa - Male 2: "This feels BADASS!"
Playa - Male 3: "This feels BRILLIANT!"
Nolan North: "This feels AWESOME!"
Kinzie: "Here, let me load up a training program for you to test your powers."
— "Buy Super Speed"

Training Program[]

Playa - Female 1: "Okay, what do I do now?"
Playa - Female 2: "Test them how?"
Playa - Female 3: "So this is like, a training ground?"
Playa - Male 1: "What am I supposed to do in here?"
Playa - Male 2: "Whatcha got in mind?"
Playa - Male 3: "So what's this then?"
Nolan North: "What am I supposed to do in here?"
Kinzie: "The code says you can jump long distances and run at super high speeds. How about starting with a small jump?"
— "Begin Training Sequence"
Okay, try focusing on charging your jump. That should get you higher.
— Kinzie, "Onto Big Jump"

Playa - Female 1: "How do think I'm gonna jump up that?"
Playa - Female 2: "How am I expected to jump up that?"
Playa - Female 3: "Now how am I supposed to jump up that?"
Playa - Male 1: "How the hell am I supposed to jump up that?"
Playa - Male 2: "How you expect me to jump up that?"
Playa - Male 3: "How exactly am I supposed to jump up that?"
Nolan North: "How the hell am I supposed to jump up that?"
Kinzie: "Try pushing off from the wall each jump."
Playa - Female 1: "So I can climb walls now?"
Playa - Female 2: "You expect me to climb the walls?"
Playa - Female 3: "You sayin' I can climb walls?"
Playa - Male 1: "I can climb walls?"
Playa - Male 2: "You saying I can climb walls now?"
Playa - Male 3: "So I just run up walls now, do I?"
Nolan North: "I can climb walls?"
Kinzie: "It'd be more accurate to say you can jump up them repeatedly."
Playa - Female 1: "That's what I said."
Playa - Female 2: "No difference."
Playa - Female 3: "Ain't that the same thing?"
Playa - Male 1: "Same difference."
Playa - Male 2: "Same thing."
Playa - Male 3: "Pretty much the same thing."
Nolan North: "Same difference."
— "Wall Jump Training"
Playa - Female 1: "Whooo!"
Playa - Female 2: "C'est bon!"
Playa - Female 3: "Woo hoo!"
Playa - Male 1: "Whoa!"
Playa - Male 2: "Oooh shit, son!"
Playa - Male 3: "Crikey!"
Nolan North: "Whoa!"
— "First Big Jump"
Kinzie: "This time I've moved the buildings apart. Try making that jump."
Playa: "I'm liking this."
— "Small Jump With Fall"
Kinzie: "Okay, now for the big test. Use your super speed to get a running start and leap to that opposite building."
Playa - Female 1: "You've gotta be joking."
Playa - Female 2: "You've gotta be joking."
Playa - Female 3: "Oh no way. You've gotta be joking."
Playa - Male 1: "You've gotta be joking."
Playa - Male 2: "You've gotta be joking."
Playa - Male 3: "You've gotta be fucking joking."
Nolan North: "Come on, you've gotta be joking."
Kinzie: "Just try it."
— "Long Jump"
See, you did it!
— Kinzie, "Long Jump Made"

Playa - Female 1: "Nice, but I wanna go bigger with this."
Playa - Female 2: "Wonderful, but I desire a greater challenge."
Playa - Female 3: "Let's find something a little more... exhilarating."
Playa - Male 1: "Fun, but I want something more challenging."
Playa - Male 2: "Cool, but I want a real challenge now."
Playa - Male 3: "Fun, but we can do better."
Nolan North: "Yeah, that was fun, but I want something more challenging."
Kinzie: "Good, cause I found a race subroutine already in the city."
Playa - Female 1: "Let's do it."
Playa - Female 2: "Let's waste no time."
Playa - Female 3: "Hell yes."
Playa - Male 1: "Perfect."
Playa - Male 2: "Hell, yeah."
Playa - Male 3: "Spot on."
Nolan North: "Perfect."
— "Exit Training Room"


I think I figured out how this works. Run along the path collecting the power orbs, which should boost your new speed. Every time you hit a checkpoint you'll be able to stay in the program a bit longer so you can reach the end. Though you probably want to avoid the firewalls along the way. Good luck!
— Kinzie Kensington


Playa - Female 1: "Should I be worried about who set this race up?"
Playa - Female 2: "So where did this all come from?"
Playa - Female 3: "Why would Zinyak set this up?"
Playa - Male 1: "What's all this stuff here, anyway?"
Playa - Male 2: "So who set up this race?"
Playa - Male 3: "How's this race tied to the simulation?"
Nolan North: "Why's all this stuff here, anyway?"
Kinzie: "Dunno, but it seems that when you break through any checkpoints along the race, the district's reality matrix will overload a little."
Playa - Female 1: "One more time, Kinzie."
Playa - Female 2: "Forgive me Kinzie, I don't understand your nerd shit."
Playa - Female 3: "Yeah, I don't know what you just said."
Playa - Male 1: "And that means something to me?"
Playa - Male 2: "Let's try that again in English."
Playa - Male 3: "You lost me."
Nolan North: "And that means something to me?"
Kinzie: "It means the simulation doesn't like it, and we're able to control the area."
Playa - Female 1: "Hey, that actually makes sense."
Playa - Female 2: "Ah. Makes sense."
Playa - Female 3: "That sounds pretty straightforward..."
Playa - Male 1: "Sounds simple enough."
Playa - Male 2: "Wow. That almost sounded logical."
Playa - Male 3: "Hey, that time it made sense!"
Nolan North: "Sounds simple enough."
Kinzie: "It did the first time I said it too."
Playa - Female 1: "Keep saying shit that I understand and I'll buy you a pony."
Playa - Female 2: "See? We're totally sympatico..."
Playa - Female 3: "Look at that, Kinzie...we're bonding..."
Playa - Male 1: "You know I love you, Kinzie."
Playa - Male 2: "I kid 'cause I love."
Playa - Male 3: "Love you too, Kinzie."
Nolan North: "You know I love you, Kinzie."
Kinzie: "Lies."
— "Activity Start"
Playa - Female 1: "This is amazing!"
Playa - Female 2: "Incredible!"
Playa - Female 3: "WOOOOO!"
Playa - Male 1: "Holy crap I'm fast!"
Playa - Male 2: "Whoa!"
Playa - Male 3: "Yeah!"
Nolan North: "Holy crap I'm fast!"
Kinzie: "You're not kidding."
— "Begin Running"
Kinzie: "Checkpoint down."
Kinzie: "God, the speeds you're reaching are incredible!"
Kinzie: "Good, now keep going."
Kinzie: "Heh, the simulation didn't like that at all."
Kinzie: "That's right, keep up the pace."
— "Checkpoint"
If you find anymore runs like this, feel free to do them. Should piss off Zinyak, which isn't a bad thing.
— Kinzie, "Player Succeeds"


Bending the Rules - Find Data Cluster in north Salander

Playa finding a Cluster

Bending the Rules - Find Data Cluster in south Salander

Playa finding a Cluster

Bending the Rules - Find Data Cluster - fourth and final cluster at Shaundi's Loft ruins in Brickston

Playa finding a Cluster

Bending the Rules - Playa gaining Super Powers

Playa gaining Super Powers

Bending the Rules - Complete Training

Playa testing out their Super Powers

