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Balls of Fire is a Vehicle Diversion in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell.


Upon entering any Comet, there is a prompt to start this Diversion.

Once started, the Comet bursts into flames and uncontrollably accelerates. Hitting anything solid such as walls or traffic causes the Comet to explode.

The diversion has 5 levels that each lasts for 5 seconds, totalling to 25 seconds; after that, the Comet explodes.


The diversion itself offers only XP bonuses.

  • Level 1 - 5 seconds: 30 XP
  • Level 2 - 10 seconds: 60 XP
  • Level 3 - 15 seconds: 90 XP
  • Level 4 - 20 seconds: 120 XP
  • Level 5 - 25 seconds: 250 XP

The challenge of the same name rewards 8,500 cash and 250 XP.


  • If the Comet is on fire before starting the Diversion, the fire extinguishes itself.


Balls of Fire tutorial in Gat out of Hell

Balls of Fire instructions

SRG Balls of Fire diversion start

Balls of Fire diversion start

Balls of Fire diversion in Gat out of Hell

Balls of Fire diversion gameplay
