Saints Row Wiki
SR disambig icon
This article is about the Diversion in Saints Row: The Third. For the similar activity in the first two games, see Hitman.

Assassination is a Diversion in Saints Row: The Third.[1]

Security Deletion is a Diversion in Saints Row IV.


Earn cash and respect by taking out targets via Saintsbook. For any Assassination target, there may be rival hitmen, or decoys. Rival hitmen may appear at any time after the target has been spotted, and try to kill the target.

  • Rival Hitmen have 45 Shepherd and 1500 Hitpoints.
  • Decoys have less health than actual targets.
  • Decoys typically behave like regular pedestrians, i.e. simply walking in a direction, while the actual targets usually perform more unique actions.
  • There are only 4 Targets available at any time.
  • Targets from Rasputin, Kinzie, Zimos, Angel and Mrs. Vandergriff are unlocked in order.
  • Targets from Angel, Kinzie and Zimos are only available after "Return to Steelport".
  • Targets for Mayor Reynolds are not available until after "Zombie Attack".
  • Killing a target unlocks a target at the next level. Killing a level 2 target unlocks a level 3 target, but never another level 2 target.

Saints Row IV[]

SRIV map start hitman

Map icon

The Diversion returns in Saints Row IV, but is renamed to "Security Deletion". It is similar to the Saints Row: The Third Assassination, although no targets require any specific actions to make them show up. Some targets are able to use Super Powers.


Saints Row: The Third[]

  • Cash and Respect for each.
  • Eliminate all 36 targets: "Everything is Permitted" Achievement/Trophy

Saints Row IV[]


Saints Row: The Third[]

There are 36 targets.

  • Level
  • Respect
  • $ Cash
  • Hitpoints or Health
Level Target Location R $ H Description
1 Lt. Gorshin
SR3 ui hitman 1a
New Colvin 100 700 2000 Pierce : Crooked Cop
The Syndicate's golden boy on the Steelport PD is Lieutenant Gorshin in New Colvin ... that's what Northeast Steelport is called. Anyway, make some noise there and he'll probably come to you. Then cap his ass and we'll be better off.
Trigger: Notoriety Police 2, 5secs
Decoy 5%
Rival 8%
Weapon AS3 Ultimax
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 1
1 DJ Enigmus
SR3 ui hitman 1b
Salander 100 500 2000 DJ Vangela : Stop This Dj From Spinning
I can't take it any more! That trance crap Enigmus plays is messin' with my groove! Go to Salander and blast some K12 from your radio , that'll get her out. Then end her!
Trigger: Radio Station K12
Decoy 100%
Rival 3%
Weapon None
Reaction on sight: Flee
Reaction after attack: Flee
1 Karl
SR3 ui hitman 3c
Airport 125 500 1500 SHAUNDI : Drug Ring Leader Won't Play Ball With Saints
Karl hauls bags at the airport. He also smuggles drugs in them, and ruthlessly steps on anyone in his territory. Steal a cart at the airport and I'm sure he'll come check you out.
Drives a Knoxville(Rough)
Trigger: Vehicle Knoxville
Decoy 5%
Rival 10%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Flee
Reaction after attack: Flee
1 Almonzo
SR3 ui hitman 2cSpecialist L
The Grove 75 500 5000 MR. ROLLER : Taking A Permanent Dive
I represent the Concerned Professional Gamblers of Steelport, and we're unhappy Almonzo didn't take a dive when he was supposed to. Make him take a permanent dive. Harass his Luchador buddies in The Grove to get him to show.
Trigger: Notoriety Luchadores 3, 5secs
Decoy 0%
Rival 10%
Weapon GL G20
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 4
1 Smoov
SR3 ui hitman zhv1
Henry Steel Mills 250 2700 2000 Zimos : Grab A Ho And He'll Show
Smoov's a hustler who don't recognize old school no more, dig? Now he hangs with the Syndicate. Grab one of his hos in Henry Steel Mills. His hos will be the fatter, uglier ones ... not those tight strippers you see prancin' around. Anyway, when he shows, ice that cat.
Trigger: Human Shield x1 Hos
Decoy 10%
Rival 20%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
1 Michael
SR3 ui hitman khv1
Ashwood 250 2500 1500 Kinzie : Got Pulled Over Again...
Michael is a former DA who now works for the Deckers. He's not only totally crooked, he pretty much wrote the book on identity protection. I have a copy, it's not bad actually... I know he drives to work, so I'm thinking you can grab a police car and pull him over somewhere in Ashwood.
Drives a Halberd
Trigger: Vehicle Peacemaker, Peacekeeper
Decoy 10%
Rival 10%
Weapon Stun Gun
Reaction on sight: Pull Over
Reaction after attack: Flee
1 Alejandro
SR3 ui hitman ahv1
Sunset Park 250 2000 2000 Angel : Make The Pickup
The Luchadores have built their success with imported steroids. Every week this guy brings them a new shipment. He'll be on the docks near Sunset Park, looking for a Luchadore vehicle to make the pickup. Make sure you're driving that vehicle, and put an end to the whole operation.
Trigger: Vehicle Compensator, Bulldog, Criminal
Decoy 20%
Rival 10%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Compliment
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 2
2 Luther
SR3 ui hitman 2a
Loren Square 125 600 1000 Pierce : Stalk The Stalker
Luther's a creepy-ass sex-fiend. Hey, world's full of 'em, right? Except he keeps comin' on to me every time he sees me in Loren Square. Do me a favor and remove him from circulation. His twisted ass'll approach anybody who seems friendly, so just compliment a bunch of people.
Trigger: Compliment x5
Decoy 0%
Rival 10%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Compliment
Reaction after attack: None
2 Mike
SR3 ui hitman 2b
Rosen Oaks 150 750 2000 Saint Rocco : Lite 'Em Up
This one's personal. Mike's a fireman who tried to burn down my poker den back in Stilwater. Now he's hiding from his debts in Steelport. Go to Rosen Oaks and activate 911 - Emergency in your contact list and he and his new coworkers'll show.
Drives a Blaze
Trigger: Phone Call Emergency Response, Call the local firefighters to your location, and be ready to finish off your target.
Decoy 10%
Rival 5%
Weapon Stun Gun
Reaction on sight: Get Out
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 3
2 Chandler
SR3 ui hitman 2d
Sunset Park 150 750 1500 Concerned Citizen : Concerned In Steelport
Good day. My name isn't important. What IS important is how Chandler's ambulance-chasing practice takes advantage of Steelport's victims. Taking him out would be a civic improvement, for which you'll be compensated. Stage an accident downtown ... get a car to run you over ... and you'll find him.
Trigger: Hit By Car x1
Decoy 15%
Rival 20%
Weapon KA-1 Kobra
Reaction on sight: Compliment
Reaction after attack: Flee
2 Officer Dealy
SR3 ui hitman 1d
Bridgeport 175 1000 1500 SAINT ROCCO : Drop This Hard-Ass
Dealy's honest, but a real hard-ass. He'll bust Saints just for taunting people in public. It's our right to be assholes, ain't it? Act up in Bridgeport ... taunt some people, and he'll show.
Trigger: Taunt x5
Decoy 30%
Rival 20%
Weapon KA-1 Kobra
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
2 Clovis
SR3 ui hitman zhv2
Camano Place 500 3600 2500 Zimos : Mess With My Ho, You Gotta Go
Some hot-shot mechanic named Clovis's been beatin' on my hos and I can't be havin' that. Bad for morale, know what I'm sayin'? How 'bout you make sure my girls can work in peace? Shame to lose a good mechanic, though. You oughta get some work done before you lay him out. He hangs at Rim Jobs in Camano Place.
Trigger: Purchase Vehicle Modifications
Decoy 0%
Rival 10%
Weapon Grave Digger
Reaction on sight: Compliment
Reaction after attack: Attack
2 Kirsten
SR3 ui hitman khv2
Salander 500 3500 2000 Kinzie : Pick Up Some Asprin On The Way Home
Kirsten's a Decker surveillance specialist, and she might be listening to you right now! She's monitoring known Saints' locations. If you go to Planet Saints in Salander and, well, blow some stuff up with a grenade... she'll get a splitting headache, and maybe even come out of hiding.
(Ignore Spawn Delay)
Trigger: Grenade
Decoy 20%
Rival 0%
Weapon None
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 2
2 Gerrard
SR3 ui hitman ahv2
New Baranec 500 4000 2500 Angel : Subtlety Optional
Gerrard was dirty as a wrestler, but he's even worse since he left the ring. Much of the Luchadores' shadiest business passes through him. Pull up to his gas station in a car he'll admire ... he likes muscle cars, then kill him. No need to keep this one subtle. Blow up the whole station if you want.
Trigger: Vehicle Hammerhead, Bootlegger, Phoenix, Hammer
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon Baseball Bat
Reaction on sight: Compliment
Reaction after attack: Flee
3 Tony
SR3 ui hitman 3a
Camano Place 175 750 1750 Concerned Citizen : RE: Concerned In Steelport
It seems Tony, the owner of Leather and Lace up in Camano Place, thinks customer service means beating down anyone causing trouble. Go there and show him the customer is always right, even when they want him dead. Go there and order some clothing. That should get him to the register.
(Ignore Spawn Delay)
Trigger: Purchase_Clothing
Decoy 0%
Rival 10%
Weapon Baseball Bat
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
3 Jake
SR3 ui hitman 3b
Camano Place 200 800 1500 Rasputin : I Am Looking For A Professional
Call me Rasputin. I'm highly placed in the Morningstar, but have my reasons for wanting to embarrass the current leadership. Jake's a cement truck driver who helps bury the bodies. You'll find him driving around Salander. Eliminate him, and I'll trust you with something bigger.
Drives a Mix Master(Mixer)
Decoy 0%
Rival 10%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Flee
Reaction after attack: Flee
3 Agnes
SR3 ui hitman 1c
Ashwood 225 1000 1500 SHAUNDI : To Hell With Urban Morality...
There's a group in town called the Crusade for Urban Morality. They're a modern-day Inquisition run by some chick named Agnes. A little streaking by her HQ near the church in Ashwood oughtta bring that repressive bitch out.
Trigger: Streaking 10 secs
Decoy 5%
Rival 10%
Weapon Stun Gun
Reaction on sight: Taunt
Reaction after attack: Cower
Bodyguards 2
3 Harry
SR3 ui hitman 3d
Loren Square 200 800 1000 Mrs. Vandergriff : Kill My Husband! Urgent!!!
I need help! My Harry is trying to kill himself, and that means I won't get the insurance money! You've got to kill him before he dies! He's planning to jump off of the bridge that runs from The Grove to Loren Square. Hurry!
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon None
Reaction on sight: Cower
Reaction after attack: Flee
Bodyguards 5
3 Andre
SR3 ui hitman zhv3
Espina 750 4500 3000 Zimos : The Big Time, Baby
Andre's a big-time Morningstar pimp. Half the hos in this city turn tricks for him. It's gonna take a lot to draw him out, though. Take down a whole bunch of his bitches in Espina—any ho you find there works for him -- AND get Morningstar as mad as you can get them up there, and you'll be good.
Trigger: Notoriety Morningstar 4, 2secs, and kill Hos
Decoy 0%
Rival 10%
Weapon TEK Z-10
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
3 Lucas
SR3 ui hitman khv3
Burns Hill 750 4500 2500 Kinzie : Please Water The Flowers For Me
We've got a plant! A Saint named Lucas has been reporting to the Deckers. Best way to get close to him is dress the part. I've put a nice Decker outfit you can wear into your wardrobe. Put it on and go up near the nuclear plant.. You may need to fight off a few of our own, but keep your eye out for him.
Trigger: Wear Decker Suit
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon Grave Digger
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 5
3 Whitney
SR3 ui hitman ahv3
Airport 750 5000 500 Angel : Book The Flight
Killbane's publicist, Whitney, needs to disappear, but we don't want this one tied to us. Her people would destroy us in the press if they figure it out. A plane crash won't leave much evidence. Pick her up at the airport gate, Fly her up, then jump out and leave her behind.
Trigger: Vehicle Helicopter, Airplane,
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon None
Reaction on sight: Get In
Reaction after attack: None
4 Brutus
SR3 ui hitman 4a
Sunset Park 275 1500 16000 Rasputin : Eliminate Rogue Brute
The Syndicate has produced a... sensitive brute. This defect must be removed. If you look friendly and approach with no weapons out, you can get close while he is sniffing flowers in the park downtown. I'll be in touch.
Trigger: Equip Weapon
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon None
Reaction on sight: None
Reaction after attack: Attack
4 Blaize
SR3 ui hitman 4b
Carver Island 225 1500 2500 Pierce : Get This Shit...
So there's this wanna-be superhero called Blaize who gets off beatin' up criminals, including us. The crew ain't happy about him running around. Piss him off by robbin' a store anywhere in Carver Island ... that's the Southwest District, then put his ass down.
Trigger: Holdup Store
Decoy 20%
Rival 30%
Weapon AS3 Ultimax
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
4 Pr0Tip
SR3 ui hitman 4c
Burns Hill 250 1250 2000 00ber1337 : D00D! Frag This N00B!
Saintsbook needs better security. Anyway, I have a job for you. Pr0Tip has pwnd my ass in PvP 2 many times. Go pwn his ass for real. He'll be bragging near Decker HQ..
Decoy 50%
Rival 15%
Weapon K-8 Krukov
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 4
4 Dr. Wang
SR3 ui hitman 4d
Loren Square 250 1000 750 Mrs. Vandergriff : I'm Hideous!
Darling! Dr. Wang botched my facelift and now I look hideous. I can't stop smiling at all! Go in for your own cosmetic surgery at his downtown office and make sure you're his last patient ever.
Trigger: Purchase Plastic Surgery
Decoy 10%
Rival 20%
Weapon None
Reaction on sight: None
Reaction after attack: Flee
5 Bernie
SR3 ui hitman 5a
Rosen Oaks 275 2000 1000 Mayor Reynolds : Tabloid Reporter
Have you seen what that tabloid slimeball Bernie Smith-Jones has been writing? Once he's done slandering me, I hear you'll be next. I say the best defense is a good offense. Why don't you give him a 'tip'? Just call him up on your phone's contact list then meet him somewhere. Just leave my name out of this, of course.
Trigger: Phone Call Newsroom City Desk, Bernie Smith-Jones is sure to meet you if you promise him a hot tip. And no, that's not as dirty as it sounds.
Available after Zombie Attack
Decoy 100%
Rival 0%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: None
Reaction after attack: Flee
5 Randall
SR3 ui hitman 5b
Point Pryor 300 2000 3000 Mr. Roller : Bad For Business
Randall works in security at the Three Count. He also helps himself to the take. Cause a little trouble up around that casino ... assault some patrons or something ... to draw him out, and you can make Steelport safe for honest gamblers.
(Ignore Spawn Delay)
Trigger: Attack Npc x3
Decoy 0%
Rival 15%
Weapon AS3 Ultimax
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: None
Bodyguards 2
5 Mr. Dickson
SR3 ui hitman 5c
Loren Square 325 2000 1500 Rasputin : Execute Arrogant Front-Man
I am pleased with your work, but there is more to do. Mr. Dickson is a prominent figure in the organization. He is an arrogant man who refused to ride in anything but a limo. You will wait for him in a limo near his office at Loren Square. See to it that Mr. Dickson retires early.
Trigger: Vehicle Status Quo
Decoy 0%
Rival 30%
Weapon Stun Gun
Reaction on sight: Get In
Reaction after attack: Flee
5 Jim
SR3 ui hitman 5d
Sunset Park 300 1750 2500 Pierce : Cancel Our Cable
Can you believe I got taken by a cable guy? This dick, called himself Jim, offered unlimited cable for life, but now he's got my money and all I can see is that public broadcasting shit. Lure this con in by goin' to the HQ and placing a dummy order on your phone and put an end to his bullshit.
Drives a Anchor(average)
Trigger: Phone Call Steelport Cable Dispatcher, Jim the cable guy works for these goons. Call them up to dispatch him to your location.
Available after Party Time
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Get Out
Reaction after attack: Attack
6 Mr. Hess
SR3 ui hitman 6a
Henry Steel Mills 350 3000 3000 Mayor Reynolds : Re-Election Campaign
District Attorney Hess is planning to run for mayor. This town already has the only one it needs. Catch up with him at the federal courthouse in Henry Mills, and I'm sure you can change his mind.
Available after Zombie Attack
Decoy 50%
Rival 30%
Weapon KA-1 Kobra
Reaction on sight: None
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 4
6 Grigor
SR3 ui hitman 6b
Camano Place 375 500 3000 Rasputin : A Reward For All You've Done
My faith in you was well placed. The time has come for you to claim your reward. The Morningstar are moving a large amount of cash. Find Grigor, their courier, near the Camano Place wharf. Take from him what is rightfully yours.
(Morningstar Notoriety Level 5)
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon AR-55
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
Bodyguards 5
6 Oliver
SR3 ui hitman 6c
Brickston 350 2500 2000 Jane Valderamma : Late-Breaking News!
Oliver, the Eye-in-the-Sky News Guy is trying to take my audience. I think a helicopter crash story would be a good way to win my fans back. Any idea how I can arrange that? He's usually doing traffic hovering over Brickston right about now if you want to snatch an aircraft and pay him a visit.
Drives a Thompson
Trigger: Vehicle Helicopter, Airplane, VTOL
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: None
Reaction after attack: None
6 Danny
SR3 ui hitman 6d
Yearwood 400 2000 1500 Concerned Citizen : Stop This Public Menace, Now!!!
I can't take it anymore!!! Our pizza delivery guy IS STUPID!!! Every order is WRONG!!! Try it, go to Yearwood then use your phone to order something!!! It's SO FRUSTRATING!!! I WANT MY PIZZA!!! Stop this MADNESS and KILL THIS IDIOT before I GO INSANE!!!
Drives a Zimos
Trigger: Phone Call Pizzeria, Call them up to deliver Danny, your assassination target (and a free pizza).
Decoy 30%
Rival 30%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Get Out
Reaction after attack: Flee
7 Barry (Rasputin)
SR3 ui hitman 7a
Loren Square 450 3000 2500 Concerned Citizen : RE: Concerned In Steelport
I hear you've been doing Rasputin's dirty work (his real name's Barry by the way), and that he tried to have you eliminated. I don't think I approve of that. Now he's on the run. He's on his roof downtown waiting for his helicopter. It'd be best if you were the one to pick him up...
Trigger: Vehicle Helicopter
Decoy 30%
Rival 0%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Get In
Reaction after attack: None
Bodyguards 2
7 Sgt. Steiner
SR3 ui hitman 7b
Abandoned Memorial 500 4000 12000 Pierce : Stag Sgt. Calling You Out
STAG's got this commando, Sgt. Steiner, who's pretty much a one-man killing machine. Our boys can't touch him. He's an arrogant sonofabitch, though, and wants a showdown with you. They said you could go to that big-ass statue then call this number. Grab your best gear and bring that asshole down.
Trigger: Phone Call Stag Ops Center, Beating this Steiner character one-on-one will be a challenge. Call him up and be ready for a fight.
Available after Gang Bang
Decoy 0%
Rival 10%
Weapon D4TH Blossom
Reaction on sight: Attack
Reaction after attack: Attack
7 Ulysses
SR3 ui hitman 7c
Salander[2] 325 2500 2000 Viola : Take Down The Fence
Ulysses is a high-end fence and a major source of funds for the Syndicate. He also loves all kinds of aircraft. If you fly around his building, he's bound to come out and watch. When he does, kill him.
Trigger: Vehicle Helicopter, Airplane, VTOL
Available after Gang Bang
Decoy 0%
Rival 0%
Weapon 45 Shepherd
Reaction on sight: Cower
Reaction after attack: None


Assassination Target 01 - 1A - Lieutenant Gorshin - John NPC

Assassination Target 01 - 1A - Lieutenant Gorshin - John NPC

Assassination Target 02 - 1B - DJ Enigmus - Myra NPC

Assassination Target 02 - 1B - DJ Enigmus - Myra NPC

Assassination Target 03 - 3C - Karl - Peteped NPC

Assassination Target 03 - 3C - Karl - Peteped NPC

Assassination Target 04 - 2C - Almonzo - El Jose NPC

Assassination Target 04 - 2C - Almonzo - El Jose NPC

Assassination Target 05 - ZHV1 - Smoov - Luigi NPC

Assassination Target 05 - ZHV1 - Smoov - Luigi NPC

Assassination Target 06 - KHV1 - Michael - John4 NPC

Assassination Target 06 - KHV1 - Michael - John4 NPC

Assassination Target 07 - AHV1 - Alejandro - Claude NPC

Assassination Target 07 - AHV1 - Alejandro - Claude NPC

Assassination Target 08 - 2A - Luther - Howard NPC

Assassination Target 08 - 2A - Luther - Howard NPC

Assassination Target 09 - 2B - Mike - Roger NPC

Assassination Target 09 - 2B - Mike - Roger NPC

Assassination Target 10 - 2D - Chandler - Floyd NPC

Assassination Target 10 - 2D - Chandler - Floyd NPC

Assassination Target 11 - 1D - Officer Dealy - Jones NPC

Assassination Target 11 - 1D - Officer Dealy - Jones NPC

Assassination Target 12 - ZHV2 - Clovis - Arthur NPC

Assassination Target 12 - ZHV2 - Clovis - Arthur NPC

Assassination Target 13 - KHV2 - Kirsten - Grace NPC

Assassination Target 13 - KHV2 - Kirsten - Grace NPC

Assassination Target 14 - AHV2 - Gerrard - Dusty NPC

Assassination Target 14 - AHV2 - Gerrard - Dusty NPC

Assassination Target 15 - 3A - Tony - Terrance NPC

Assassination Target 15 - 3A - Tony - Terrance NPC

Assassination Target 16 - 3B - Jake - Hank NPC

Assassination Target 16 - 3B - Jake - Hank NPC

Assassination Target 17 - 1C - Agnes - Lucille NPC

Assassination Target 17 - 1C - Agnes - Lucille NPC

Assassination Target 18 - 3D - Harry - Floyd2 NPC

Assassination Target 18 - 3D - Harry - Floyd2 NPC

Assassination Target 19 - ZHV3 - Andre - Simon NPC

Assassination Target 19 - ZHV3 - Andre - Simon NPC

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas - Roland NPC

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas - Roland NPC

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Helena

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Helena

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Hilda

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Hilda

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Johanna

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Johanna

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Roland

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Roland

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Taylor

Assassination Target 20 - KHV3 - Lucas bodyguard - Taylor

Assassination Target 21 - AHV3 - Whitney - Ella NPC

Assassination Target 21 - AHV3 - Whitney - Ella NPC

Assassination Target 22 - 4A - Brutus - Brute NPC

Assassination Target 22 - 4A - Brutus - Brute NPC

Assassination Target 23 - 4B - Blaize - Ivan NPC

Assassination Target 23 - 4B - Blaize - Ivan NPC

Assassination Target 24 - 4C - Pr0Tip - Archie NPC

Assassination Target 24 - 4C - Pr0Tip - Archie NPC

Assassination Target 25 - 4D - Dr

Assassination Target 25 - 4D - Dr. Wang - Earl NPC

Assassination Target 26 - 5A - Bernie - Tim NPC

Assassination Target 26 - 5A - Bernie - Tim NPC

Assassination Target 27 - 5B - Randall - Ned NPC

Assassination Target 27 - 5B - Randall - Ned NPC

Assassination Target 28 - 5C - Mr

Assassination Target 28 - 5C - Mr. Dickson - Gus NPC

Assassination Target 29 - 5D - Jim - Mike NPC

Assassination Target 29 - 5D - Jim - Mike NPC

Assassination Target 30 - 6A - Mr

Assassination Target 30 - 6A - Mr. Hess - Jim NPC

Assassination Target 31 - 6B - Grigor - Norman NPC

Assassination Target 31 - 6B - Grigor - Norman NPC

Assassination Target 32 - 6C - Oliver - John SS NPC

Assassination Target 32 - 6C - Oliver - John SS NPC

Assassination Target 33 - 6D - Danny - Antwon NPC

Assassination Target 33 - 6D - Danny - Antwon NPC

Assassination Target 34 - 7A - Rasputin - Morningstar Pete NPC

Assassination Target 34 - 7A - Rasputin - Morningstar Pete NPC

Assassination Target 35 - 7B - Sgt

Assassination Target 35 - 7B - Sgt. Steiner - Stag Commando NPC

Assassination Target 36 - 7C - Ulysses - Alfred NPC

Assassination Target 36 - 7C - Ulysses - Alfred NPC

Saints Row IV[]

Image Target name Location and notes
Questionmark character model in Saints Row IV Render CPU Stanfield, Burns Hill

Destroy the Render CPU to stop character visual security.
Weapon: Alien SMG
Alt name: questionmarky
Unused Contact: Donnie

Blowupdoll character model in Saints Row IV Test Visual Stanfield, Ashwood

Destroy the Test Visual to create rendering glitches.
Weapon: Alien SMG
Alt name: blow up doll
Unused Contact: Donnie

Toilet character model in Saints Row IV Flush Subroutine Stanfield, Brickston

Destroy the Invalid Mesh.
Weapon: Alien Rifle
Alt name: toilet
Unused Contact: Donnie

Maero character model in Saints Row IV Maero Carver Island, The Grove

Kill Maero to be able to spawn him as a Saints Homie.
Weapon: Automatic Rifle
Bodyguards: 3 Brotherhood
Unused Contact: Dane Vogel

Saints Row 2 player character model in Saints Row IV Old Player Carver Island, New Baranec

Destroy the Old Version of yourself to stop his maniacal plans.
Weapon: Heavy SMG
Alt name: sr2 pc
Unused Contact: Dane Vogel

Julius character model in Saints Row IV Julius Little Carver Island, Yearwood

Kill Julius to be able to spawn him as a Saints Homie.
Weapon: Automatic Rifle
Bodyguards: 2 Vice Kings
Unused Contact: Dane Vogel

Saliarar cyberhittarget character model in Saints Row IV Zinsasser Downtown, Henry Steel Mills

Destroy this Security Program to damage the system.
Weapon: Alien Rifle
Bodyguards: 2 Zin
Unused Contact: Dane Vogel

CIH blockguy character model in Saints Row IV Zinnimda Downtown, Loren Square

Destroy this Security Program to damage the system.
Weapon: Alien Rifle
Bodyguards: 2 Zin
Alt name: CIH blockguy
Unused Contact: Dane Vogel

Bundestrojaner character model in Saints Row IV Zintrojan Downtown, Sunset Park

Destroy this Security Program to damage the system.
Weapon: Alien Rifle
Bodyguards: 3 Zin
Alt Name: Bundestrojaner
Unused Contact: Dane Vogel


Questionmark character model in Saints Row IV

Questionmark character model in Saints Row IV

Blowupdoll character model in Saints Row IV

Blowupdoll character model in Saints Row IV

Toilet character model in Saints Row IV

Toilet character model in Saints Row IV

Maero character model in Saints Row IV

Maero character model in Saints Row IV

Saints Row 2 player character model in Saints Row IV

Saints Row 2 player character model in Saints Row IV

Julius character model in Saints Row IV

Julius character model in Saints Row IV

Saliarar cyberhittarget character model in Saints Row IV

Saliarar cyberhittarget character model in Saints Row IV

CIH blockguy character model in Saints Row IV

CIH blockguy character model in Saints Row IV

Bundestrojaner character model in Saints Row IV

Bundestrojaner character model in Saints Row IV


  • The Achievement/Trophy "Everything is permitted" is an allusion to a quote often attributed to Hassan-i Sabbah, the founder of historical order of Assassins: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted". The quote has been popularised recently by the Assassin's Creed series.
  • Sgt. Steiner is a reference to the protagonist of Sam Peckinpah's film Cross of Iron.
  • It is not possible to use the SA-3 Airstrike against Sgt. Steiner, as the missiles are redirected off the island instead of where they are actually targeted, missing Steiner completely.
  • A Morningstar gang member similar to Rasputin is shot and killed by Shaundi in the Power trailer.[3][4]
  • Zimos states that all hos in Espina work for Andre. However, Zimos' Pad in Espina contains Hos as well as Strippers.
  • Although the instructions for Smoov's target mention killing fat hos, in-game there is no distinction between fat hos and skinny hos.
  • The description for Whitney states that she must be killed by jumping out of the airplane mid-air. Although being in an airplane or helicopter is required to trigger her, she can be killed by any method after she spawns. (This is generally true of any target: once they appear on screen, they don't need to be killed exactly as per instructions.)
  • Hos tend to spawn more frequently at night. As such, targets that require locating them tend to be easier to finish at night, such as the Smoov assassination that requires a certain type of Ho.
  • The description for Ulysses incorrectly states Henry Steel Mills as his location. His real location is Salander.
  • Assassinations are not required for 100% Completion.
  • In Co-op, if the guest kills Lucas, the host may not be able to unlock the deckers outfit.[Reference needed]
  • If "My Name is Cyrus Temple" is completed before killing Harry for Mrs. Vandergriff, then he spawns in the river because the bridges have been raised.
  • Grigor will attack his bodyguards. This is because he is under a different faction than the Morningstar.

Saints Row IV[]

  • All graphic related targets are located in Stanfield, all targets from Playa's past are located in Carver Island, all Zin system targets are located in Downtown. No Security Deletion targets are located in New Colvin.
  • Zinnimda and Zinsasser are references to the real life Windows worms Nimda and Sasser.
  • "Old Player" is the Saints Row default player featured in A Game of Clones.


Assassination menu in Saints Row The Third

Assassination menu in Saints Row: The Third

Assassination tutorial in Saints Row The Third

Assassination diversion in Saints Row: The Third

Assassination tutorial text in Saints Row The Third

Assassination diversion in Saints Row: The Third

Assassination tutorial after target appears in Saints Row The Third

Assassination diversion in Saints Row: The Third

Assassination - Lt

Assassination diversion in Saints Row: The Third (Lt. Gorshin)

Saintsbook Contact - 00ber1337 Decker

Saintsbook Contact - 00ber1337

Saintsbook Contact - Angel

Saintsbook Contact - Angel

Saintsbook Contact - Concerned Citizen

Saintsbook Contact - Concerned Citizen

Saintsbook Contact - DJ

Saintsbook Contact - DJ. Vangela

Saintsbook Contact - Jane Valderamma

Saintsbook Contact - Jane Valderamma

Saintsbook Contact - Kinzie

Saintsbook Contact - Kinzie

Saintsbook Contact - Mayor Reynolds

Saintsbook Contact - Mayor Reynolds

Saintsbook Contact - Mr

Saintsbook Contact - Mr. Roller

Saintsbook Contact - Mrs

Saintsbook Contact - Mrs. Vandergriff

Saintsbook Contact - Rasputin

Saintsbook Contact - Rasputin

Saintsbook Contact - Pierce

Saintsbook Contact - Pierce

Saintsbook Contact - Saint Rocco

Saintsbook Contact - Saint Rocco

Saintsbook Contact - Shaundi

Saintsbook Contact - Shaundi

Saintsbook Contact - Zimos

Saintsbook Contact - Zimos

Saints Row IV - Security Deletion - Zinsasser description

Saints Row IV - Security Deletion - Zinsasser description


  1. Achievement description: Achievements and Trophies in Saints Row: The Third
  2. Note: Even though it says Henry Steel Mills in game, Ulysses is located in Salander.
  3. Image: Morningstar member in Power trailer
  4. YouTube: Saints Row: The Third - Power CG Trailer
