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"All Hands on Deck" is a mission in Saints Row IV.

Everything's in place. It's time to end this once and for all.
— Quest description


All Hands on Deck is auto-started immediately after "When a Plan Comes Together".

Shaundi pulls Playa and Johnny Gat out of the Simulation and informs them that the Zin have boarded The Ship, and reveals that they've been set up. She points out that Benjamin and Pierce were knocked out when she got out the Simulation, and Matt and Asha are missing, along with Keith David. Playa instantly believes that Matt and Asha were responsible for Keith's kidnapping and Johnny adds on that the rest of the crew were left to be picked up by the Zin.

Playa goes to check on Kinzie, who's still trapped in the Simulation, but then Shaundi calls out that the Zin are about to attack. The Zin release the door locks and the room needs to be defended, before Johnny decides to go and take the fight to the Zin. After clearing the lower deck, The Ship starts moving and Playa has to check the bridge, which reveals that the Zin are trying to destroy The Ship, and CID tells Playa to check the hanger.

The Zin guard the hanger and Shaundi is being restrained by a soldier, but the Zin is killed and Shaundi recovers, and reveals after clearing the hanger that devices were placed by the Zin. Playa and Johnny find the devices to be bombs and Johnny gets an idea, so Playa collects the bombs and tells Shaundi to watch over the others while them and Gat deal with the docked Ship. Playa and Johnny make their way through the docked Ship, finding Lasergun Arm and eventually getting to the Reactor core and console, placing the bombs and starting critical damage to the Ship, and Playa must get off before it explodes. Playa get momentarily stopped by a lone Zin that must be defeated, in which Playa manages to get through the door before the docked Ship gets destroyed.

Playa gets pissed off afterwards when Pierce asks while recovering what happened, Shaundi tells him that MI6 (Asha and Matt) screwed them, which results in Pierce becoming angry and remarks that Asha's behavior hinted it. Playa expresses frustration on the fact that he even apologised for punching Matt and Shaundi goes on to say how he might have been working the plan for a while and might have also tipped off Zinyak about Johnny. Just then however, Johnny reveals Matt and Asha were also incapacitated, as he opens the door of a locker, out of which they fall before regaining consciousness. The majority of the crew start to argue while Playa looks over at Kinzie and then catches on that Keith David was the person that betrayed them and calls him "a dead man"




  • The Lasergun Arm used in this mission has different weapon icon. This is patched in later versions.[Reference needed]
  • The Lasergun Arm used in this mission still has a broken Murderbot arm attached, despite having been obtained from a crate.
  • Although Gat has an Alien Rifle during the beginning cutscene, he uses an Alien Pistol and later swaps it out for an Alien SMG when he finds the chest with the Lasergun Arms.
  • Despite Playa telling Shaundi to guard the ship, she can be recruited as a homie and brought onto the other ship.
  • It is impossible to exit this mission. Saving and loading during the mission revert to before "When a Plan Comes Together", but keeps any Cache, XP and kills earned.
  • After this mission, the Zin use Suppression Grenades in open world gameplay.


Re-arrange these into the in-game order, and update to description lines with details about when each occurs

Shaundi: "What's the plan?"
Playa - Female 1: "I'm gonna check on Kinzie, you're going to secure the doors."
Playa - Female 2: "You and Johnny secure the doors, I'm checking on Kinzie..."
Playa - Female 3: "I'll check on Kinzie, you two secure the room.."
Playa - Male 1: "You and Gat secure the doors while I check on Kinzie."
Playa - Male 2: "Secure the doors, I'm going to check on Kinzie."
Playa - Male 3: "Secure the room. I'm checking on Kinzie..."
Nolan North: "You and Gat secure the doors while I check on Kinzie."
— "Mission Start"
Johnny Gat: "Quit fucking around and get in here!"
— "Boss"
Playa - Female 1: "That wasn't a bad "fuck you" to Zinyak. Now let's get outta here and find Kinzie."
Playa - Female 2: "That wasn't a bad "fuck you" to Zinyak. Now let's get out of here and find Kinzie."
Playa - Female 3: "That wasn't a bad "fuck you" to Zinyak. Now let's get outta here and find Kinzie."
Playa - Male 1: "That wasn't a bad "fuck you" to Zinyak. Now let's get out of here and find Kinzie."
Playa - Male 2: "That wasn't a bad "fuck you" to Zinyak. Now let's get outta here and find Kinzie."
Playa - Male 3: "That wasn't a bad "fuck you" to Zinyak. Now let's get out of here and find Kinzie."
Nolan North: "That wasn't a bad "fuck you" to Zinyak. Now let's get outta here and find Kinzie."
— "Boss Freed"


Playa: "Shaundi what the fuck are you doing, they got Kinzie!"
Shaundi: "Boss, the Zin are here!"
Playa: "What?"
Shaundi: "We were set up!"
Shaundi: "I got out of the simulation, Pierce and King were out cold, the proximity alarm is screaming, and Asha, Miller, and the Vice President are gone."
Playa: "They kidnapped Keith David!?"
Gat: "And left us sleeping so we'd get picked up by Zinyak."
Playa: "Too bad for them we're awake."
— All Hands on Deck opening cutscene
Playa: "GODDAMN IT!"
Pierce: "What happened?"
Shaundi: "MI-6 fucked us."
Pierce: "I knew it! Asha had it out for me since jump. She talked shit in Pakistan...She sucker punched me here-"
Playa: "I can't believe Miller had me think I actually APOLOGIZED..."
Shaundi: "He's probably been working this angle for a while...hell, he might have even been the one who tipped off Zinyak about Johnny."
Gat: "Doubt it."
Narrator: "Dante said that the lowest circle of hell was reserved for betrayers, but it's important to remember that it's the storyteller who decides who the hero is, not morality. But while philosophers will spend years debating the ethics of "The Kinzie Gambit", the Saints had a less charitable view..."
Playa: "Keith David is a dead man."
— All Hands on Deck closing cutscene
Yo, we got some alien gun over here!
— Johnny Gat, "Ooh New"

Playa - Female 1: "Kinzie... we're not leaving you behind."
Playa - Female 2: "We're not going to let you down, Kinzie."
Playa - Female 3: "Be strong honey... we're coming for you."
Playa - Male 1: "We'll get you back, Kinzie, just hang on."
Playa - Male 2: "We're gonna get you back Kinzie... promise."
Playa - Male 3: "We'll save you Kinize. I promise."
Nolan North: "We'll get you back, Kinzie, just hang on."
— "Check Kinzie"
Playa: "Helluva welcome back, huh, Johnny?"
Johnny Gat: "Fuck, were you thinking I wanted to go to Hawaii or something? I live for this shit."
— "Gun Convo"
You ready? Cuz we got visitors.
— Shaundi, "Nemo Breach"

Playa - Female 1: "Protect Kinzie!"
Playa - Female 2: "They keep coming!"
Playa - Female 3: "Hold the line!"
Playa - Male 1: "Keep on 'em!"
Playa - Male 2: "Don't let 'em get to Kinzie!"
Playa - Male 3: "Come on' you fuckers!"
Nolan North: "Keep on 'em!"
Shaundi: "Don't let them get in this room!"
Johnny Gat: "Die, you sons-a-bitches!"
— "Nemo Fight"
Johnny Gat: "Let's clear out the lower decks!"
Shaundi: "We have to hold the room!"
Johnny Gat: "Fuck that. I'm not waiting for them to come to me."
— "Nemo Lower Decks"
Johnny Gat: "We're clear!"
Playa: "Shaundi, stay with Kinzie. Gat, you're with me."
Shaundi: "You got it."
— "Nemo Fight Over"
Playa: "Is Kinzie okay?"
Shaundi: "Everyone's fine. The Zin grabbed me and..."
Johnny Gat: "CID said something about heat signatures?"
— "Zin Killed"
One of them put a device on the wall. I'm not sure what it is.
— Shaundi, "Shaundi"

Johnny Gat: "We got bombs over here."
Playa: "Bombs?"
Johnny Gat: "Yeah. And they're set to blow. You thinking what I'm thinking?"
Playa - Female 1: "No hacking. No stealth. Just explosions."
Playa - Female 2: "This plan writes itself..."
Playa - Female 3: "Xenocide followed by a lemon shake up? Oh yeah."
Playa - Male 1: "Shaundi, go back to Kinzie and the rest. Gat, let's go blow up a spaceship."
Playa - Male 2: "Shaundi... watch over Kinzie, Gat and I have some shit to blow up."
Playa - Male 3: "Keep an eye on Kinzie, Shaundi... Johnny and I are about to do something really stupid."
Nolan North: "Shaundi... Shaundi, go back to Kinzie and the rest. Gat, let's go blow up a spaceship."
— "Cargo Check"
Johnny Gat: "You got a specific thing you wanna blow up or just shit in general?"
Playa: "Kinzie, what's the weakest point on the Zin ship?"
Johnny Gat: "Boss, Kinzie's..."
Playa - Female 1: "Fuck! I..."
Playa - Female 2: "Fuck! I..."
Playa - Female 3: "Fuck! I..."
Playa - Male 1: "Fuck! I..."
Playa - Male 2: "Fuck! I forgot."
Playa - Male 3: "Fuck! I..."
Nolan North: "Fuck! I..."
Johnny Gat: "Look, we'll just find the biggest, glowingest thing on the ship and stick the bombs to that."
— "Rid of Bombs"
Johnny Gat: "These Zin sure do make a good argument for murdering them."
Playa - Female 1: "When I'm through with Zinyak he's gonna be begging for me to kill him."
Playa - Female 2: "Absolutley... that's why I'm planning on taking my time when I get to Zinyak...."
Playa - Female 3: "Zinyak's gonna answer for what he's done... and I'm gonna enjoy every second..."
Playa - Male 1: "They're nothing compared to their leader. I'm gonna enjoy every second of tearing Zinyak apart."
Playa - Male 2: "Believe me... when I get my hands on Zinyak I'm gonna take my time..."
Playa - Male 3: "Zinyak can't hide forever, and when I find him he's gonna wish he fell on his own sword..."
Nolan North: "They're nothing compared to their leader. I'm gonna enjoy every second of tearing Zinyak apart."
Johnny Gat: "Take your time, huh? Sounds like a plan."
Playa: "I get the chance? I'm gonna rip Zinyak's goddamn head off."
— "Run to Umbilicus"
Johnny Gat: "Where do you think the Zin have Kinzie?"
Playa - Female 1: "I dunno. But when I find Matt and Asha, I'm gonna beat that information out of them."
Playa - Female 2: "I dunno. But when I find Matthew and Asha, I'm gonna beat that information out of them."
Playa - Female 3: "I dunno. But when I find Matt and Asha, I'm gonna beat that information out of them."
Playa - Male 1: "I dunno. But when I find Matt and Asha, I'm gonna beat that information out of them."
Playa - Male 2: "I dunno. But when I find Matt and Asha, I'm gonna beat that information out of them."
Playa - Male 3: "I dunno. But when I find Matt and Asha, I'm gonna beat that information out of them."
Nolan North: "I dunno. But when I find Matt and Asha, I'm gonna beat that information out of them."
— "Umbilicus Walk"
I need to find something that looks important...
— Playa, "Bomb Planted"

Here ya go.
— Playa, "Bomb Plant1"

Playa - Female 1: "Fuck was that?"
Playa - Female 2: "What the fuck was that?"
Playa - Female 3: "Fuck was that?"
Playa - Male 1: "Fuck was that?"
Playa - Male 2: "Fuck was that?"
Playa - Male 3: "Fuck was that?"
Nolan North: "Fuck was that?"
— "Bomb1 Goes"
These bombs are hotter than we thought. Let's get the fuck out of here.
— Johnny Gat, "Bomb1 Goes Off"

No going back that way.
— Johnny Gat, "Bomb New Route"

Large red cylinder, huh...
— Playa, "Red Cylinder"

Big and glowy. Looks perfect.
— Johnny Gat, "Red Cylinder Walk"

Playa - Female 1: "This looks important. Let's blow this up."
Playa - Female 2: "This looks important. Let's blow this up."
Playa - Female 3: "This looks important. Let's blow this up."
Playa - Male 1: "This looks important. Let's blow it up."
Playa - Male 2: "This looks important. Let's blow this up."
Playa - Male 3: "This looks important. Let's blow this up."
Nolan North: "This looks important. Let's blow this up."
— "Bomb Plant2"
Playa - Female 1: "Shaundi!"
Playa - Female 2: "Shaundi--!"
Playa - Female 3: "Shaundi!"
Playa - Male 1: "Shaundi!"
Playa - Male 2: "Shaundi!"
Playa - Male 3: "Shaundi!"
Nolan North: "Shaundi!"
— "Shaundi Hostage"
Get off me!
— Shaundi, "Shaundi Struggle"

Johnny Gat: "What the hell?"
Playa: "We're moving. Why are we moving? Let's get to the bridge."
— "Bridge Run"
Johnny Gat: "Shit! Are we driving into the sun?"
Playa - Female 1: "Okay, let's... check some computer thing..."
Playa - Female 2: "Shit, what would Kinzie do? Run a diagnostic?"
Playa - Female 3: "Gotta find that owners manual..."
Playa - Male 1: "We gotta check the monitors!"
Playa - Male 2: "Gat, check the monitors!"
Playa - Male 3: "We need to figure out what the hell is going on..."
Nolan North: "We gotta check the monitors!"
CID: "No need. I have already analyzed our situation."
Johnny Gat: "Shit. I forgot Mr. Deus Ex Machina was even on the ship."
CID: "A Zin transport has attached itself and is dragging us toward what I assume is certain doom."
Playa - Female 1: "So how do we stop the "certain doom" part..."
Playa - Female 2: "So what's next?"
Playa - Female 3: "We're not sitting here waiting to die."
Playa - Male 1: "So what can we do about it?"
Playa - Male 2: "So what do we do?"
Playa - Male 3: "Any bright ideas on how to keep us from dying?"
Nolan North: "So what can we do about it?"
CID: "If I were you, I would deal with the strange heat signature by the cargo bay first."
Playa: "Cargo bay? Fuck."
Johnny Gat: "Let's go!"
— "Bridge Arrive"


All Hands on Deck - Intruder Alert

All Hands on Deck - Intruder Alert

Zin about to attack the Spaceship

Zin cutting through the doors preparing to attack

All Hands on Deck - Clear out Lower Deck

Playa and Gat fighting off Zin Soldiers

Murderbots attacking the Spaceship

Murderbots attack the Spaceship along with the Zin

All Hands on Deck - view of the Sun from the bridge

Playa being blinded by the Sun

Zin trying to restrain Shaundi

The Zin with Shaundi being restrained by one of the Soldiers

Zin with Shaundi released from her capture

Zin Soldiers with Shaundi recovering after being restrained by one of the Zin

Gat finding a Lasergun Arm

Gat finds Lasergun Arms that Playa can use

First bomb goes here

First bomb goes by the Reactor core

All Hands on Deck - Plant Bombs (1 of 2) objective

Playa fighting to the second bomb location

Second bomb goes by console

Second bomb goes by the console

The Bombs destroying the docked Ship

The bombs causing critical damage to the docked Ship's Reactor core

All Hands on Deck - Get back to the Ship

Playa about to get back to the ship

All Hands on Deck - Playa and a Zin Soldier fighting

A lone Zin trying to stop Playa getting back to the Spaceship

All Hands on Deck - Kinzie's body in Simulation interface pod

All Hands on Deck - Kinzie's body in Simulation interface pod

All Hands on Deck fail screen

Mission failure screen for this mission
