108.0 WMD KBOOM FM is a Radio Station in Saints Row.
- The Mike and David Show. Where we're right, and they're wrong.
- — David in a Station ID
This is a Conservative talk-back radio station, with only one program, the "Mike and David Show", which is a parody of actual Conservative views.
Mike is voiced by Mike Schmidt, who is credited as a "Radio Station Writer".
Mike Schmidt can be found at his website, Mike Schmidt Comedy, and currently hosts the 40-year-old boy podcast.
David is voiced by David Lawrence, who produced all Radio Stations in Saints Row, and is also the voice of other DJs, as well as Stefan and newsreader Jack Armstrong.
Despite it being called the "Mike and David show", David is the main announcer who introduces the station and speaks first in each segment.
Video Games[]
Video games (15:12) Throughout this segment, Mike and David frequently repeat themselves about video games portraying old white men as "buffoons" who repeat themselves.
- K-Boom 108, where we're right and they are wrong.
- — David in a Station ID
- Hor-rors, not Whores, I don't mind Whores.
- — David, Video Games segment
- There was a 6 year old toddler in North Stilwater that took a gun and blew away his grandparents.
- — David, Video Games segment
- It should be illegal to be the bad guy in video games.
- — David, Video Games segment
- It has to start with people like our great Chief Monroe, why wouldn't our children want to be like Chief Monroe instead of these, these, what do they call these guys, these Los Carnales? Jack Armstrong is always talking about it on the news.
- — David, Video Games segment
- This ammo is lying on the ground, on 3rd Street. The ammo is lying on the ground all throughout the entire Saint's Row area!
- — David, Video Games segment
- You know, they actually closed the Freckle Bitch's in that part of town.
- — Mike, Video Games segment
- You are polluting your mind, there's no doubt, and I find I am polluting my mind when I watch these games, but you go to confession, you go to confession that night and become absolved.
- — Mike, Video Games segment
- I think that is a brilliant idea, I do not think there are nearly enough children conversing with priests over the internet.
- — Mike, Video Games segment
- I mean if you kill someone in a video game you have to realise that he has a video-wife and video-kids that no longer have a video-father and you have to realise that they need video-support. [...] Without a video-father how are these video-kids going to stay off video-drugs?
- — Mike, Video Games segment
- I have several weapons on me at this very instant. I have actually two separate knives, I have a blackjack, I have a sap, and I have an ankle holster with a Derringer, and then I have another gun that I, quite frankly it's none of your business where it is.
- — Mike, Video Games segment
Immigration (16:07)
Gun Pride[]
Gun Pride (9:09)
- I'm David, that's Mike, on the Mike and David show.
- — David, Gun Pride segment.
Flag Burning[]
Flag Burning (14:23)
Censorship (17:39)
- You are free to do whatever you wanted to do, as long as somebody in our government approves of it.
- — David, Censorship segment
- Can you imagine some of history's best action flicks with puppets in the roles of the actors?
- — David, Censorship segment
- They see a car chase, they want to go down to No Vin and steal a car and go for a joy-ride.
- — David, Censorship segment
- Finally, I can enjoy a Nick McGee film, I can watch Rear Naked Choke with my kids.
- — Mike, Censorship segment
- I truly believe that if we utilise technology to protect ourselves from ourselves we are doing ourselves a tremendous favour.
- — David, Censorship segment
- I think we have the listeners by the throat, I think they are hanging on every word we have to say. Yeah they may be doing other things while they're doing it, you know, driving, shooting, loving, talking, who knows what they're doing.
- — David, Censorship segment
- The word WMD is an abbreviation for Weapons of Mass Destruction.
- "Novin Used Cars" is defined as a store, and although it has a building in Ezpata and Radio ads, it is not usable in the game.
- The logo appears in the side of a building in Filmore in Saints Row 2.[Reference needed]
- The logo appears in the files for Hitman targets in Saints Row 2.[Reference needed]
- Mike and David mention real-world TV show Good Times during one segment.
- WMD KABOOM is the only talk show radio station ever to be featured in the entire Saints Row franchise.